Headed to Trainer Jared in Ohio, SUPER Horse!
THANK YOU so much.
You were a pleasure to work with.
Trainer at Penley Horsemanship in Ohio
3rd Friesian from BSF Sold to Bozeman, Montana
I am so excited for this new girl-she is spectacular! What great fun we will have!
Eileen in Montana
Grats to Elizabeth!!
He's here! It was many days of travel so I'll let him relax and settle in the first week. I turned him out to stretch his legs and the first thing he did is roll in the mud!
Just a quick light ride today. Overall a GOOD BOY!
-Liz in Wisconsin
Congrats to Cassandra in Calif on this DREAM BOY!!
We are so over the moon Happy.
I will never forget this moment. It is a Dream. Come True. I will be crying tears of Joy. !!! It brings tears to my eyes. Thank you very very much! You are amazing!!
-Macho Man Is a Great Beauty indeed!!! He is the sweetest amazing horse ever!!!
Thank you again for your professional attention to all the Details !! So proud. So Elegant. So outstanding!! I love him so much already! He is precious and I am so very grateful for him!! He will have a very very beautiful home indeed!! Thank you for the most wonderful experience! I am so excited!! He is a Prince!!
-Cassandra in CA
Once in a Lifetime Horse Soon to be Headed to Loren in New Mexico:)
Hi Janna! 3rd ride with Ivo today and he has even a star. I lunged him the first week and let him settle and adjust to altitude. We are a mile high here. He hasn't taken a misstep. I am over the moon happy with him, he's just what I was hoping for. Today we had a noisy, loud tractor moving huge bales, a guy on a roof across from the arena tearing up old roofing material on one side and a man installing metal fence on the other side. Some horses couldn't handle it all but Ivo never batted an eye. I am smitten. No problem with him going forward and being a good boy. I'm learning how to handle his mane and tail. Enough hair for everyone! Please let his last owner know he will be doted on and continue in dressage and trail riding. Thank you so much and for troubleshooting his journey.??You have a great business and you do a great job of marketing. I am so happy with Ivo, he is a gentleman in every way. Please let the former owner that Ivo is well and he already knows me....or it could be the treats in my pockets. ? please let me know if there's a way to give you a recommendation. You did everything right and found a great horse.
Update: My experience in finding a Friesian was great with Janna. She kept me informed throughout the whole process. I wanted a gelding so she made all the arrangements in the Netherlands to have this done, and with the farm where he was located to see him through recovery after the castration. We had some glitches with flying him here due to an outbreak of a virus and she helped with getting that sorted out. I am totally in awe of my new horse, Ivo ,and he has not taken a step wrong since arriving. I couldn't be happier with him.
-Loren in New Mexico
Grats to Carrie in Colorado on this WONDERFUL Friesian Gelding!!! She is Going to Have Soooo Much Fun With Him!!!
I can’t say enough about how sweet he is. He has definitely bonded with me in many senses and loves to be loved. He is definitely a very sensitive soul...
Honestly, I have never seen such a loving horse. I am so incredibly proud of him and of us as a team. Mason's good-natured personality has never faltered. Mason is never angry or annoyed. He is always sweet. I have continued to totally fall in love with him and his giant eyes that just stare straight into your soul.
Carrie in Colorado
Congrats to Jorge in Texas on this Fantastic Pregnant Friesian Mare!
-Jorge in Texas
Congrats to Mary in Texas! She is going to have so much fun with him!
Avery SPORT Made it safely to Austin -
Looking forward to years of fun!
-Mary in Austin, Texas
Congrats to Sherry in S.C. ---She is going to have SO MUCH FUN w/ this sweet PRE!!
Hi Janna,
It’s been a week since Sueno arrived safely. Wayne R. and the driver were very good about updates and Sueno was in good shape on arrival. Also, thank you for the really nice sheet! He is super sweet and a gentleman, and is now turned out with our oldest (a gelding in his late 20’s). He’s very handsome! Later I hope to keep you posted on our journey and will send pics.
He actually is a very suitable size also, as I am 5’2”.
Thanks again so very much!!!
-Sherry in S.C.
2nd Horse Sold to Joanna and Family in Kansas!!
Thank you so much!!!
Whatever you and your counterpart are doing, keep doing it… you find the absolute best horses. There’s just no comparison to the other offerings I’ve seen. These two girls are going to be a strong start to our breeding program.
I’ll make sure to send you all the Christmas pictures, and the foaling pictures, and the keuring pictures! This is going to be a really exciting year!!!
Marina arrived safe and sound last night around 11:30 PM! We were able to keep her delivery a surprise until the very last second.
My daughter was confused at first because we called her outside and she saw a Friesian with a red halter on standing next to a trailer, and she thought we were sending Margriet away!
You should have seen her eyes light up when I told her the horse standing in front of her was Marina.
THANK YOU! -Joanna in Kansas
BIG Congrats to Elizabeth in NY on this Fantastic Friesian!
Hi Janna,
She's so sweet.
... in LOVE with her!!
She's awesome!!!
She's the sweetest thing!!!
Happy New Year! ....In love with her! Sweetest girl!
-Elizabeth in N.Y.