
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 151 to 165 of 1063
EMILIO - SOLD Friesian EMILIO - Sold Grats to Joanie in Calif on SUCH A SWEET BOY!!!

I am absolutely in love with this sweet and beautiful boy!!!


He’s an Amazing horse, Janna! I’m so incredibly happy with this decision and for choosing you to work with - the absolute best!


My heart is full 🥰



He loads like a champ and is so sweet!!! I’m over the moon!


Thank you for helping me to achieve this dream!


-Joanie in Calif


Chanel W - SOLD Friesian Chanel W - Sold Grats Melissa in Wisc AND N.C.!!

Hi Janna!

Chanel made it a few hours ago, and he’s doing great!!! He’s such a sweetheart and WOW he’s absolutely stunning! His blanket I purchased from you fits him perfectly. We did buy the supplement you recommended and we’ll give him some later tonight. Also his cooler came with him, thank you again! Chanel is the biggest sweetheart and loves getting kisses on his nose, it’s adorable! My husband, Aaron, is in love with him too. Last night at 10pm doing barn check Aaron didn’t want to leave because Chanel was wanting to snuggle with him. It’s was so cute❤️! We’re taking things very slow and letting Chanel adapt to all the new changes, especially due to the cold weather and snow. My vet was out yesterday...She said he looks great! Thank you so much Janna!!! Happy New Year!!!

Thanks for everything!

You have been absolutely amazing to work with.



-Melissa in Wisc


Dedmer STER - SOLD Friesian Dedmer STER - Sold Ron & Andrea in Menlo Park, CA!

Hey Janna-

We love our FRESIAN!! Doing well and adjusting nicely.

Thanks for everything!!

My two beauties captured below😀


-Dr Ron W. in Menlo Park, CA


BRIONI - SOLD Friesian BRIONI - Sold Congrats to Miguel & Rita in S.C. on this VERY Special BOY!!!

Brioni is amazing! As my first Friesian he is everything I would have expected - beautiful conformation and personality++

My horses are family and Brioni is my best friend.

After he settled in from a long journey he bonded with me like no other.

Kudos to Janna; this was all done via phone and email and can't say enough how well everything turned out.He is awesome!

Personality is amazing with "looks" to match! 

-Miguel in South Carolina


ROMEO XX 28 - SOLD Friesian ROMEO XX 28 - Sold Congrats to Danielle in Las Vegas on this Baroque Pinto!

Hi Janna,

I just wanted to let you know Romeo arrived last night safe and sound. He is such a gentleman, and we couldn’t be happier with him already! You were not kidding, his pictures do not do him justice. He is so stunning!!

 Thank you for making this process so easy and streamlined from start to finish. 

We can’t wait for our next boy to get here!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Yours thankfully,

-Danielle in Las Vegas


LAURENT - SOLD Friesian LAURENT - Sold Congrats to Laura in San Diego!

Hi Janna!
 You've been so helpful and we really appreciate it.

 I'm really excited to have Laurent- seriously a dream come true.

Thanks so much!


Hi Janna! Happy new year! Laurent is such a stunner! Everyone stops and stares. He is loving all the attention. It's been very rainy so a little challenging to ride, but my trainer rides when I'm not able... excited he's part of our fam! Everyone loves him and he's very sweet!


Thank you again for this opportunity to have my dream horse!

Laura in Lompoc:)


JORT O. STER & SPORT - SOLD Friesian JORT O. STER & SPORT - Sold 85% of our horses are sold to REPEAT Clientele, like THIS one!

This is the last horse I brought to California (registered as Jort STER SPORT and affectionately renamed Rizzo), now going on 5 months. He is a complete doll, and so easy to be with and ride. I feel so privileged to be in such great company!!!!!

-Nicki in Calif


JULIANNA - SOLD Friesian JULIANNA - Sold Grats to Lisa in CANADA on a marvelous PREGNANT Mare!

Welcome home Julianna. 2022 is going to be great!!


-Lisa in Canada


BECKHAM BSF - SOLD Friesian BECKHAM BSF - Sold BIG Congrats to Carla in New Mexico!

Beckham arrived.

He's BEAUTIFUL, Janna!!

 He loved the old Dutch mare and ignored the alpacas. 

Have to tell you that this is the most wonderful horse---

Can understand why they call him a ‘hugger’

Loves everything!!!!


-Carla in  New Mexico


Bowie - SOLD Friesian Bowie - Sold EXCITED for Diane in Idaho!
Hello! He couldn’t have done any better! He is settling in beautifully and everyone is beyond impressed with his temperament. The trainer came out today and was impressed too and she is Very hard to impress   I couldn’t be any happier! Thank you so much. Everywhere Bowie goes, he just settles right in, continuing to amaze everyone. Thank you!!!   Best decision of my life, second only to marrying my husband

-Diane in Idaho


ALEXEI STER - SOLD Friesian ALEXEI STER - Sold This STER Gelding w/ a Heart of Gold is Going to be Doris in Chicago's New Man:):)

Ohhhh Janna, thank you so much!!!!!

Love at First Sight!


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!


-Doris in Chicago


JAXON STER - SOLD Friesian JAXON STER - Sold Grats to Kaylea & Family in St Louis:)
My “Eagle” has landed!!! I cried like a baby when Tosca arrived, again when he trotted, and completely lost me ever-lovin’ marbles when he galloped (word selected intentionally) across his paddock…. Those are good signs, right?!?! Loves carrots, apples, mini horses, and kids!!!! My heart is so full!!! This is why God gifted us an eternal, unexplainable passion for our ponies!!! Let the LOOOOOOOOVE story begin!!!! - Kaylea in St Louis


DANE - SOLD Friesian DANE - Sold This SUPER Sweet 7 Yr Old Is Headed to Oklahoma for Wendy!!


Love the pictures!!

Thank you for sending them!

My heart is pounding with excitement!  Received a few more of your tack items yesterday for him:)  LOVE the leather halter with his name on the brass nameplate.

 You all have been amazing on this journey! 


-Wendy in Oklahoma


Records 151 to 165 of 1063

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  • Fhana Logo
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  • California Dressage Logo
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  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.