
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 286 to 300 of 1061
Cees - SOLD Friesian Cees - Sold Friesian #2 for Leisa in Louisiana!


Cees can’t thank you enough for the wardrobe you sent him. The cooler and stable blanket fit perfectly. I love the way these brands fit a a Friesian. He asked me to tell you that he loves you and thanks you for his new home in Shreveport, Louisiana. 

Janna is my hero in so many ways: Cancer Survivor and Dear Friend!

Result of, she’s:
Hard Working 
Fantastic Business Sense, EtcShe was very generous and kind with this last boy, Cees Tompkins, and handled all the arrangements with Horseflight, Equine Express, quarantine for 3 days at JFK and the list goes on and on.

I now have TWO Black Sterling Friesians:)

-Leisa in Louisiana


MEINDERT BSF - SOLD Friesian MEINDERT BSF - Sold Congratulations to Ginger in NC!
We just purchased our first Friesian horse from Janna Weir in California and wanted to comment on this adventure. We lost our last horse about a month ago after having him at our home in Matthews, NC for 20 years. My wife wanted another horse since she has been riding since she was 5 years old. I know how much horses mean to her so told her to start looking. Somehow she ran across the Friesian horse breed and since she wanted a broke horse just for pleasure riding on our property, she started calling local barns in our area. Then she saw one of Janna’s adds online and called her up. She was impressed with Janna after the first call and when I got home from travelling, told me to call her.   I am a salesman for machinery in the Carolinas for 50 years, so I can size up people pretty fast. Janna was very impressive from day one. Once I started looking her up and reading about her Friesian business and experience, I told my wife this is where we buy a Friesian horse. Janna will help you find what you are looking for and work getting it done. She went overboard with us to make sure the buying of this horse was according to plan, and helped us all the way through getting him delivered from Florida to NC. I told her we were nuts buying a horse like this one sight unseen, but we trusted her since she has been selling these horses for about 30 years. She told me 85% of her customers buy from watching a video of the horse, which is what we did. When the horse arrived last Monday night at 12 pm, we couldn’t have been more surprised at how mild mannered he was, and he adapted to his new home right away. He is every bit what Janna said he would be and more. 9 hours later we had a saddle on him and walked him around. He even followed me around with out a lead rope. We are tickled pink and will enjoy this beauty for many years.   I cannot recommend Janna enough. She is very sweet and answers your questions. IF she doesn’t know the answer, she says so. That’s what I like about her, she is honest. If we buy another horse, it will be from her. Lester and Ginger  in Matthews, NC


Franka KROON & SPORT - SOLD Friesian Franka KROON & SPORT - Sold Headed to S.C. for Lisa!!!

Lisa in S.C. took Franka on a trail ride today by herself, and the mare stepped on a water bottle left on the trail, which promptly exploded under Franka! On any other horse, Lisa said, she would have been calling from the hospital, but this was her 2nd time on Franka’s back, and Franka barely flinched when the water bottle exploded. Lisa couldn’t wait to tell me—- she rode on, with a wry smile, put her gorgeous pregnant momma away, and hopped in her car and called to tell me what happened—- bragging about what an INCREDIBLE nature Franka has, exactly as described, and just what the doctor ordered (Lisa also broke her back previously from a fall off a friesian sold by another importer in her state, and Lisa now permanently has a plate and screws in her back). Kudos to Lisa, for not giving up, and even after enduring a broken back, literally getting “back in the saddle” and purchasing a trustworthy reliable friesian to ride by herself on the trails, AND that will give her a foal in the spring!:):)


Sjirk SPORT - SOLD Friesian Sjirk SPORT - Sold



Beth really loves her boy.  He is very happy.  She is in love.

He is really just BEAUTIFUL! 



-Maxie in Athens, GA



Hotse - SOLD Friesian Hotse - Sold

I cannot recommend Janna and her company Fairytale Friesians highly enough. Hotse is not just my first Friesian, he is my first HORSE. He was everything Janna told us he would be and more. He has a forever home with me, and is perfect in every way. I truly cannot believe how stunning, sweet, kind and playful he is. 

I had originally planned to go to Holland myself to find my first Black Pearl (with my trainer). Janna helped my trainer find another Friesian for a student of his a number of years ago, and he had a wonderful experience with her, so contacted her to see if she had any horses that would be right for me. I knew immediately that Hotse was my horse, but if you would have told me three months ago that I would be buying my FIRST horse sight unseen, I would have said you were nuts. However, after doing my due diligence, including uncovering Janna's excellent reputation in the horse industry, I felt it was the right thing to do - and I honestly feel that it's been the best decision of my life thus far. As that little girl so many of us were that begged for a pony from the time she was two, this horse has been a VERY long time coming. So I was putting a lot of eggs in this basket. All my fears were for naught! Janna has all of the connections in the Friesian world that are only gained through decades of trust and relationship building. 

Janna will happily guide you through the whole process - vet checks, flight/importation, quarantine, etc. - she helps with all the details. Except to help with paperwork and personal preference for final delivery, there is very little that you will have to do except get the carrots and apples ready. She obviously has a VERY high standard for the quality of Friesians she imports - as evidenced by the exquisite creature that was delivered to me just one month ago!

 Hotse and I are a match made in heaven.

Thank you for my Hotse, Janna! My horse for life. 

-Mary Patricia, Noblesville, IN


Olbert STER - SOLD Friesian Olbert STER - Sold HUGE Congrats to Gene in Alabama!

I want to thank Janna for allowing me to purchase Olie. I could tell that Olie had a special place in her heart and I know it was hard for her to let him go. Olie has been such a blessing to me. I lost a Friesian last year who was my best friend. I have never had a relationship with a horse like I did with Eise. His death left a big void in my heart.

When Olie showed up he immediately filled that void. He was everything I expected him to be. Olie has turned out to be an incredible athlete. This guy is very confident and talented in the dressage arena. When he arrived he was well manicured and groomed. Attention to every detail was done in making him look like a million dollars. A lot of time and care went into getting him ready for his new home.


I was very impressed with Janna's support staff. I could tell that they truly loved this horse and wanted the best for him.

I would highly recommend Janna to anyone thinking about purchasing a Friesian.

I will definitely be doing business with her again.


-Gene in Alabama




BENKE SPORT - SOLD Friesian BENKE SPORT - Sold 5th Friesian Going to Shirley in Toronto!

Another happy customer! This is from Benke's new owner, Shirley, in Canada:

"Hi Janna, Finally back home and got to ride Benke Sport. He is everything you said he was!! Impeccable manners, in fact the shipper, vet and my farrier all commented same, and to ride---- he was incredible!!! Thank you for my 5th Friesian purchased from you, wonderful as always!!!!! I'll let you know when I put the tails on for the St.George:) -Shirley in Toronto


Amaretto - SOLD Friesian Amaretto - Sold Loving Life in Aspen with Sally Ranney and Ted Turner

Hi Janna - He is truly amazing. I love his alertness, curiosity and spirit. Everyone at the stables is in love with him, including all the mares......

1 year later...
Hi Janna - Amaretto is doing just great. I love him dearly. All the best,

Sally and Ted Turner in Aspen


Magnifiek STER - SOLD Friesian Magnifiek STER - Sold Grats to Cathy in SC on her 4th BSF Friesian!!!
Oh, my goodness! I thought he would be very nice but he is beyond exquisite! He arrived in great shape (thank you, Bob Hubbard) Saturday night. Allie rode him tonight for the first time. She is totally smitten! What an amazing trot! She has been riding since she turned 4 and is now almost 16. She has had some nice (and some not-so-nice) horses over the years but has never been head over heels about any horse until now! Thank you, Janna. You have thrilled both of us beyond words...  We could not have gotten a better horse for her. Your recommendation was so perfect... Cathy in S.C.


Val SPORT - SOLD Friesian Val SPORT - Sold 2nd Friesian going to Tanja in Montana!

I was so pleased with the purchase of Tariq last year that when I saw Val Sport, a few months ago, I knew that I had to add him to my herd.

Val has been so fun to ride in the arena and is such a wonderful driving horse. I have used both horses for dressage, trail and driving (single, double and four up). These horses have been so versatile that I have even used them for farming.

Most recently, I used them for my dad's funeral. It was the most beautiful tribute.
If your looking for a friesian, you will want to contact Janna!

-Tanja in Montana


SETSE - SOLD Friesian SETSE - Sold Headed to Texas for Chet & Diane!

Setse is BEAUTIFUL. He is absolutely WONDERFUL. THANK YOU! -Chet and Diane in Houston


Robyn SPORT - SOLD Friesian Robyn SPORT - Sold Congrats to Gail!

Hi Janna,


Robyn and I have been walking, trotting and cantering this week. He’s settling in perfectly and is an absolutely fabulous horse, in every way… thank you, thank you, thank you! We all absolutely love him!
What an amazing guy he is!

-Gail in Templeton, CA


Merje SPORT - SOLD Friesian Merje SPORT - Sold Grats to Diane in KY!!
Janna,   Thank you so much for helping me to find my beautiful mare, Merje Fan Dijkmaniastate, our “Minke”. She is such an regal horse, great personality, so very sweet and absolutely incredible to ride. The process has gone very smoothly from US quarantine to the CEM quarantine in Rigby and finally home. The girls at Rigby were very helpful and great to work with. She has fit in perfectly with our other horses and they are currently showing her the ropes and gradually introducing her to all the different pastures. In April, we will get our second gift from Fairytale Friesian Finder, our foal from the stallion, Julius. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous purchasing a horse sight unseen, but I had a confidence after talking to you that I had not had with other individuals. You take great pride in bringing back the best Friesians from the Netherlands and it shows in what you have produced. You have an expansive history with horses and certainly understand the breed.  If anyone has the same fears I have had, I would be more than happy to speak them personally, you are more than welcome to give them my contact info.  If I decide to purchase another Friesian in the future I wouldn’t hesitate contacting Fairytale Friesian Finders.     Thanks for everything Janna.     I hope my testimonial will give anyone else who is on the fence the courage to trust what they see.  I also hope to get to meet you someday in person, you have become an invaluable resource and friend. I owe so much thanks to you. 

Best, Diane in KY


Cilla - SOLD Friesian Cilla - Sold Congrats to Cheryl in Minn!!!
Hi Janna, the first time I saw Cilla on the morning of the 9th (in quarantine), I was so struck with her beauty! You are right, the photos and videos just don’t’ do her justice. My husband came with me as well and we instantly fell in love with her! I’ve been spending the majority of my days with her for the last several days and I just love her personality too! She’s so inquisitive, she needs to know everything that is going on around her and she’s so very friendly. She just loves the cats and dogs in the barn too; it’s so sweet to watch her sniff them and follow them around. She’s everything that I could have ever hoped for! She’s getting all settled in and we are slowly introducing her to new things. She’ll have her first official training lesson this week, so I’m excited to learn more about how she thinks. Everyone at the barn just loves her! Thank you so much for your help and finding her for me! I honestly wouldn’t change a thing about her! Thank you!! Cheryl in Minn


Eros BSF - SOLD Friesian Eros BSF - Sold Sold to Heather!

Janna-- You made everything SUPER smooth and the process SO easy!! Thought i would share a pic of our new boy from or Black Horse Farm Christmas card photo shoot! -Heather in WA


Records 286 to 300 of 1061

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.