
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 316 to 330 of 1063
SVEN SPORT - SOLD Friesian SVEN SPORT - Sold Grats to Christine in Virginia!!!



Thank you so much  for your help, kindness and your patience with us. We are super happy to have a new friesian in our family. Sven went straight from the Netherlands, to us. He’s very very special. Anyone can see that! In fairytales, i always dreamed of getting the horse, NOT the prince, Sven goes beyond anything i had dreamed of!!! I love him so much already! He is a sweetheart! I bonded with him right away--it’s very hard for me to leave him.. I spend 4 hours with him daily! He is REALLY magnificent and so sweet to groom. Everybody that meets him is falling for him. And he’s a very fast learner! I am amazed how much he likes to see me! He stays with me in the paddock. He is super sweet.THANK YOU!!


Update.... Sven is doing fantastic. I am his number one fan. I can’t imagine my life without him. I wanted to thank you, again for putting him on my path!!!!



Christine in Fairfax, Virginia


TARIQ - SOLD Friesian TARIQ - Sold Headed to Beartooth Ranch in Montana!

Thank You! I'm so excited! I'm going to board him at the Beartooth Ranch. It used to be owned by Mel Gibson. 

THANK YOU!!!! I love him! I've had a very challenging last couple years full of heartbreak and I think Tariq is going to help heal my ♥️! 

Update:  Oh my gosh! I love him! I took him on a 13 mile poker ride Sunday. It was so cold like 35 degrees with crazy high winds and he did amazing!! He is a real attention getter! I love the dressage saddle!  I'm just so pleased! 


When I decided that I was ready to purchase my dream horse, I knew he would be a Friesian. I spent several months looking at horses online and even traveled to see a couple in person. When I found Tariq on the Fairytale Friesian website, I just knew he was the one for me. Janna was so easy to work with, making the whole process run smoothly. She even offered me other Friesians to consider before letting me make my decision final. Tariq has been nothing short of amazing for me. When it comes time for me to purchase another Friesian, I will be looking for Janna Weir! THANK YOU!


-Tanya in Billings, Montana


YENTE - SOLD Friesian YENTE - Sold Headed to Texas for Michelle!

I am head over heels in love!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!

.....He is beautiful!

Love this horse!

Thank you so much again Janna:)!


-Michelle in Texas


Kai SPORT - SOLD Friesian Kai SPORT - Sold CONGRATS to Steve in MI!!

We love making Friesian dreams come true!  “Janna. I can’t tell you how much i appreciate this boy Kai. I just love him to death. As you may know I call him Brink as there is a kya at our barn.  He is the sweetest boy. Very responsive to the leg and wanting to please.  I truly love this boy. Very  affectionate and interactive. Thanks again for all of your help!”


-Steve in Holland, Michigan


MAX BSF - SOLD Friesian MAX BSF - Sold Grats to Melody in Calgary:)

Hi Janna, 

Max has arrived on the second coldest day of the year!  But he was a trooper, once we got the blanket on he went to check out the new digs. 

Love him, he is wonderful!

Thanks for everything Janna!!

Update.... Hi Janna, Max and I out on our very first trail ride together. He was a rock star, going through heavy bush and really swampy areas, all maintaining his cool, and thinking through things. Love this boy!!! -Max and Melody in Alberta Canada


CHANEL SPORT - SOLD Friesian CHANEL SPORT - Sold Congrats Madison in Manhattan Beach

Thank you so much Janna!!! I am over the top excited to bring this special boy home!!! He is already so loved. The feed recommendation and connecting me with the insurance agent is also very helpful.  Thank you for making this process so seamless! You have to come visit!!! You're the best, Janna!


Update From Madison, Chanel’s new mommy... IM OVER THE MOON!!!! Thank you so much Janna!!! He is truly a DREAM come true in every sense of the phrase. He is the biggest snuggle bug and has such a sweet, intelligent, present and gentle disposition. I’m loving each day with him and so excited for all of the memories to come with this special boy. My cheeks are already soar from smiling. He is above and beyond my wildest dreams and more extraordinary than any picture can capture. Thank you thank you thank you so much Janna, and team for all of your amazing work making this happen and getting this boy here safe and sound! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to share it with this dream boy! He’s such a cuddler! He was only just gelded three weeks ago and is unbelievably sweet, present and gentle minded. 

- Madison in Manhattan Beach 


APOLLO SPORT - SOLD Friesian APOLLO SPORT - Sold Congrats to Megan in Ariz!!

Thanks Janna,


He is totally sweet, we bond more every day.


He's a lover!


Thank you for being my resource!!!  



-Megan in Sedona


WHARTON - SOLD Friesian WHARTON - Sold Congrats to Lindsey in Virginia!



He's a love goober!


He's settling in nicely and so personable.


 Thank you again!


-Lindsey in Virginia 


Okido - SOLD Friesian Okido - Sold Grats to Carol on her special new partner for dressage:)!

Wow! He's so gorgeous! I'm so happy. Thank you so much!  What a holiday gift!

Many thanks to Janna Weir at Black Sterling Friesians for her hard work in our search. I had my vet come out and check Okido today, and she is in love with him. I am too. I think that we will do great things together.

Thank you so much, Janna!

-Carol in So Cal

P.S. Thanks so much for finding such a magnificent creature for me to love! He has much inner strength and a calm nature. Pretty amazing.



Jana Weir of Fairytale Friesian Finders is a gem. She made the purchase of my beloved boy, Okido I.T. so very easy.. First off, her Friesians go like hot cakes. I tried to see several but before I could get to her facility, they had already been sold. Jana knew what I wanted, so as soon as she secured Okido, she let my trainer know and sent videos and images. It was love at first sight. He was everything she promised and more. She made the purchase and insurance process so easy for me and made sure that he arrived safely from The Netherlands. In fact, she even gave me a list of excellent haulers from LAX and followed up all the way. At just six years old last year, he was a superstar at regionals and qualified for the Nationals in Dressage doing a first-level freestyle with my trainer. In our first show this  season, Okido and I took amateur high point. He truly is a Fairy Tale for me. Thank you, Jana. You're the best!

- Carol McKibben


Wille - SOLD Friesian Wille - Sold Grats to Kathryn in Colorado!


Not only is Wille my "dream come true, but also for my "granddaughter". Her name is Ella, she is 14 yrs. old daughter of my oldest son. She has been in/out of numerous treatment centers for the past 3 yrs. We lost our youngest son, Logan 13 yrs ago. 

Anyway, Wille not only my "dream/therapy" horse come true, but I have offered my granddaughter to own 1/2 of the foal if she can work thru healing herself. 

So, its more than just my DREAM come true, but for my granddaughter too, will be priceless. 

Thank YOU for all your patience with me!!! Its amazing how fate happens & Wille is priceless to me & the family. THANK YOU again Janna for all your cooperation, patience w/ me for the purchase of Wille!!!!! I have had this on my bucket list &  now my dream came true!!!!!   And she is just the LOVE of my life.

YOU have been the BEST! 

-Kathryn in CO


VINNY - SOLD Friesian VINNY - Sold Dream Come True for Leanna in Tenn!
OH MY GOSH, THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. You have no idea how tremendous this is for me.   

I can not express my total gratitude for your help!!! I'm totally smitten with Vinny. I spent the whole afternoon with him, even just sitting in the corner of his stall. I love him so much!! He's just so calm. I went in his stall and sat beside him while he was laying down after his arrival, QUITE an awesome experience. You have such an AMAZING job. I just look at Vinny with awe and wonder...then it hits me, HE IS REALLY MINE.

I love him so much and am incredibly thankful to you for helping me find him. THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!

Update 3 mos later....
I couldn’t be happier. Vinny is EXACTLY what you said he was. So SWEET!!! Easy going, nothing, so far, seems to bother him. 

He just goes with the flow.  You should be told when you do your job well and you should be told you are appreciated. 

You have helped me more than I can say. I THANK YOU VERY MUCH 


You do a fabulous job. You’re the BEST 😉

-Leanne in Tenn.



Fabian - SOLD Friesian Fabian - Sold Grats to Jules in Malibu!

We are so excited to have Fabian with us, he is a very special horse!! Fabian is wonderful--we are SOOOOO  happy with him! The fires have caused so much devastation. My barn and home are gone. Fabians farm is fine, thank goodness.

-Alison, trainer for Jules in Malibu


Tavas - SOLD Friesian Tavas - Sold Congrats to Jessica in GA!

For me, the thought of importing a horse was a bit overwhelming. However, Janna has made the process so much easier than I could imagine. Tavas is my first Friesian and Janna's knowledge and passion for the breed has been an invaluable help to me. She arranges shipping, provides professional and friendly insurance and transport contacts, and provides information for the proper feeding of your new horse to make the process as smooth and painless as possible. Literally, the hardest part of my entire transaction has been choosing which one of her beautiful Friesians to buy. I am very thankful to have reached out to her and an incredibly excited about my new boy! -Jessica in Georgia

Update: Tavas (now named "Noche") arrived yesterday and he is beyond sweet and absolutely stunning! I cannot thank you enough for helping me find such an amazing horse. I have always wanted to own such a high caliber horse and I literally went to law school to help me achieve this goal. The years of hard work and "paying my dues" were paid off yesterday when my fairytale boy stepped off the trailer. I cannot express my thanks enough and am eager to my new journey with Noche. Thank you again.


Update: Hi Janna, I wanted to let you know how much I love Noche (fka "Tavas")! Two weeks after he arrived, and after being able to only ride him three times due to bad weather, I took him to his first archery competition. For his first competition, I could not have been more proud. Not only is he stunning to look at, he has an amazing brain! He was taken to a new farm, ridden alone in the woods while I shot at hidden targets off him, and completed multiple runs on an archery course set in front of a large crowd with dogs, chairs, children, cars, and various other distractions. During all of this he acted like he was a pro. I would never have imagined a 4 year old could be so calm and easy to handle. I am beyond excited about our future together! Thank you!!!

Kind Regards,
Jessica in GA


JEMKO - SOLD Friesian JEMKO - Sold Congrats to Sarah in MI!

Hi Janna,Thank you for the wonderful help with finding Jemko.He is absolutely fantastic. So gentle, so quiet, friendly, eager to learn... my daughter totally loves him!!!!!!



Almost a year ago, I purchased a Friesian gelding from Janna at Black Sterling Friesians. My trainer encouraged us to look at Frieisans because the breed is known for having a calm and willing temperament and would be a good match for my daughter. Janna was recommended from several friends in the riding community as having years of experience at providing quality horses, and as being excellent at matching horse and rider.

Now, I know the breed is fantastic to look at, but I wasn’t looking for a pretty horse (even though he is really beautiful); I was looking for a good horse. I’ll admit that I was nervous with the idea of purchasing a horse that we didn’t get a chance to ride, but the testimonials from trusted friends who had done the same through Janna eased my mind. Being relatively new to horses, and, as a mother, thinking about a big decision (not only financially; safety was my #1 concern, then would the horse be ridable by my 14-year-old, would their personalities be compatible, and so many other concerns), I must have asked Janna a million questions.  She patiently answered all of them. She listened well to the qualities that were most important to us and helped us select a horse that was at the right level with the right temperament. I remember asking her for more video footage, and despite the time zone changes, she got back to us really quickly with just what we were looking for to ease this nervous mother’s concerns.

Janna is professional, extraordinarily knowledgeable, and has a knack for the match!

We welcomed our sweet Jemko to the barn in September. He arrived at midnight on a very dark breezy night. He calmly walked off the trainer, led by my 14-year-old daughter, calmly walked right into the barn, and entered his stall without hesitation. Wow- Janna was not exaggerating when she said he was like the family Labrador! Jemko is the most gentle, calm, agreeable horse I have ever encountered. My daughter could not be happier! He is in a dressage training program, and he puts forth a willing attitude, wants to please, and is working so hard to “package” his big frame into collection at each gait- I’m so pleased with his progress! He really is just exactly what my daughter wanted, at the appropriate level of training, with the best matched temperament- A+ for Janna! Thank you so much for matching my daughter with Jemko- he brings such joy to our lives! Here's one of my favorite pictures of Elsa and Jemko (she's riding him bareback, and she has this big smile on her face, and he looks so relaxed- it kind of tells the story of their relationship.)  He really is the SWEETEST horse I have ever encountered!"
-Sarah in Michigan





TSJOLLE BSF - SOLD Friesian TSJOLLE BSF - Sold Congrats to Madison in Manhattan Beach!!!!!

Thank you so much Janna!

I couldn't be more excited!! He is an absolute dream! I would love for you to show him in the future. Del Mar is one of my favorite places to compete!

Thank you Janna!

Update.....I  purchased Tsjolle Fan De Gouden Hoep from you. He is everything and more I could have dreamed of!
-Madison in Manhattan Beach


Records 316 to 330 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.