
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 331 to 345 of 1063
Stennis - SOLD Friesian Stennis - Sold Grats to Natalie!!!

Janna, I do want to thank you so much for your patience with me throughout this process. I know you probably deal with all sorts of people and so do I in my field but it's been a pleasure!!!




Gabrielle STER - SOLD Friesian Gabrielle STER - Sold Congrats to Annette-ANOTHER one!

I am so excited!!  My daughter, granddaughter and I are squeelling like little girls with the news. 

Thank you for helping me get started with these amazing black beauties!  I love them so much!!

Thank you again!!

Easter Farms Friesians


Tjitze - SOLD Friesian Tjitze - Sold Congrats to Deborah in Santa Cruz!

We sure love TJ----he’s quite a personality. Loves to romp and play in his field. Getting along well with Lancelot. Thank you, I’m so in love!!! That western saddle is beautiful, thank you!
-Deborah in Santa Cruz


Thalita - SOLD Friesian Thalita - Sold Another Mare to Annette!!:)

The girls have settled in well and I'm really enjoying them and their wonderful personalities! -Annette


JACK BLACK STER - SOLD Friesian JACK BLACK STER - Sold Congrats to Kristin in KY!!

Janna--I am i love!!! He is so sweet and a very classy guy!! He is great! Jack Black is gorgeous and knows it, always posing!! Here he is with me...sooooo handsome!! -kristen in KY


NAMKE S. - SOLD Friesian NAMKE  S. - Sold Grats to Micha in CA!
Hello Janna, Just a quick note to thank you, once again, for our beautiful Friesian! Namke arrived beautiful and healthy and is absolutely stunning! She is sweeter than described, and the perfect match for the kids. Thank you Janna!! For those of you out there, perhaps a little unsure about purchasing a horse from Fairytale Friesian Finder Service sight unseen, allow me to ease your mind...Janna is an absolute professional and cares about the horses so much, she, too wants you to be happy. So, let her guide you and get ready to be surprised! Not only, will your horse arrive absolutely beautiful, but the entire process is a well oiled machine! If everyone handled their business like she does, we would not have to have reviews at all :) Can’t wait to the baby to be born!! -Micha  


Anastasia - SOLD Friesian Anastasia - Sold Grats to Bob, on a SUPER Mare!
"Howdy Janna,Just wanted to let you know that Anastasia had a colt yesterday! Thank you for this great mare and foal! I sure get a lot of pleasure caring for them! She’s a wonderful mom, didn’t mind me or my dogs around the foal at all. Thank you again for another great horse and foal! -Bob


TATE - SOLD Friesian TATE - Sold Headed to Ariz for Lynda!

Tate (now Raven) says hi! Sweet, sweet boy. Hoping to get up to cool Flagstaff within the next week or so. It's been horribly hot (110+) over here-but he's settled in easily. He's best buds with my Irish Draught gelding, so those two get turned out together; sort of funny to see the 20 year old teaching the youngster "the ropes" (like how to get gates to-maybe? Hopefully?- open, by pushing on them with one's nose... :-)  


He's doing great-sweet, sweet horse!

Love him to death!!!!!


-Lynda in Arizona


Xander SPORT - SOLD Friesian Xander SPORT - Sold Congrats to Shirley in Canada!


Xander is all you said he was!!!! I’m sending you a pic of him with my friends daughter, it about says it all!
-Shirley in Canada


ROMAN - SOLD Friesian ROMAN - Sold Congrats to Rajeana in Utah!!

I am soooo excited!!!!  Thank You so much!!! You are the sweetest lady. I am blessed to have met you.  I am enjoying Roman so much !!! Thank you again. With love, Rajeana in Utah. 

Update 1 year Later:

Hello Beautiful.  Roman got top horse in Utah. In his class.   Beat all the warm bloods!!!!


VERDI - SOLD Friesian VERDI - Sold Grats to Delinda in TX

I’m over the moon excited about him! He is everything I had dreamed of! Im thinking of renaming him Magic, because he is magical! I always wanted a trick trained horse, even before I knew about Friesians. Now, I have a trick trained Friesian!! It’s been a great, smooth process! He’s beautiful, gentle and sweet. Everyone is so impressed with how calm he is. The entire process from when I first contacted you about Verdi thru having him transferred to the U.S. from Europe went very smoothly. Thank you for finding this magnificent horse for me. I look forward to many fun, joy filled years ahead with Verdi. -Delinda in Texas


MAURITS - SOLD Friesian MAURITS - Sold Headed to Fla for Cyndy!

Hi Janna! This is a photo of our first ride together. He is settling in very nicely & he is everything i hoped for and MORE! What a sweet guy!! I couldn't be more pleased with him. We are in love with each other & everyone at the barn loves him too. Thank you so VERY much for finding this super kind & loving, talented horse for me! I am over the moon for him!! - Cyndy in FLA


TALBOT - SOLD Friesian TALBOT - Sold BIG Congrats to Kelly in NY!!!

Omg!!!!! Thank you soooo much Janna!!!! Talbot arrived safely yesterday! He stepped off the trailer and settled in like he had lived there forever 😄 He is more than I could have imagined, not only is he beautiful to look at but more importantly he is so unbelievably sweet and easygoing! I am so in love already and just have to keep pinching myself that this black unicorn is really mine!! 

-Kelly in Syracuse, NY


Zandocan - SOLD Friesian Zandocan - Sold

Janna, Zandocan is doing great....extremely friendly horse!  I ride him in the mountains regularly. The best rides are in the hills ....He’s an incredible horse! He's been on a big sur camping trip and several beach rides in Half Moon Bay. I ride him western most of the time.  He looks great! Big and strong:)
John in Half Moon Bay


Umberto - SOLD Friesian Umberto - Sold Grats to Lokesh in Georgia!

I LOVE him!!!!
-Lokesh in GA



Records 331 to 345 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.