
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 361 to 375 of 1063
Janne SPORT - SOLD Friesian Janne SPORT - Sold Headed to Canada for Allison:)

Everyone in the barn loves her!! My trainer has ridden her a few times and I rode her for the first time today. She was lovely! Allison in Canada


Swier Z - SOLD Friesian Swier Z - Sold Laura in Oklahoma is Swier's New Owner:)

This may seem like a bit of an odd message, but I wanted to let you know that last year I purchased a horse that you sold about 10 years ago. His name is Swier---I wanted to let you know that he is just the most wonderful, sweet boy. At nearly 21 he’s still sound and happy. Our vet is amazed that he’s in such good shape for his age. He even carts around my children. He still loves trail rides and has learned several new tricks since living with us. He’s an absolute ambassador for the breed. I’ve included a recent picture of him. I thought you might like to see where one of your horses landed, a decade later.

Cheers - Abigail


Mauro fan 't Wegje - SOLD Friesian Mauro fan 't Wegje - Sold Grats to Susan in Fla on her 3rd Friesian

I wanted to do arena work, dressage, trail ride and just stay legged up and enjoy a horse. Naturally, my mind turned to the Friesian and I visited your site.......Mauro is just the ticket for me!  I'm overjoyed to have another Friesian buddy! Sensible one at that. Very excited to have a partner to groom, bond with, play with and stay legged up upon!!! Thank you, Janna, for bringing three amazing Friesians into my life.:) Mauro is positively gorgeous! My new best Friesian friend, Mauro, has arrived on American soil... and is right here in Naples, Florida now! Mauro is doing great! He's very popular at the barn(s) at Benchmark Equestrian....he's all the rage with his dramatic looks... not to mention personality. Such a sweetie! I love him! Thanks -Susan


Gable - SOLD Friesian Gable - Sold Grats to Cecilia in Rome, Italy!!!

Thank you very much Janna and I am very happy! Oh I am so happy! Thank thank thank you!! I will send you pictures with me and Gable on our road, the Appian way which is the most ancient road in the world, full of ancient Roman ruins.  My husband and I are really happy , he actually recognizes us as mom and dad now.  Thank you again! Warm regards, -Cecilia in Rome, Italy


Dolce BSF - SOLD Friesian Dolce BSF - Sold Congrats to our friend, Alice in Mill Valley, and dressage trainer, Kristen Aggers in Sonoma County, on their 2nd Friesian From Us---we are SO excited for you!!!

Janna- As you know, it’s hard to get over the sudden loss of a loved one. For me to replace my beloved Friesian “Tieske”, was rough, but you managed to bring me the most amazing forever Friesian “Dolce”. Needless to say we have bonded and I LOVE him so much! Thank you, for all you do, to find quality Friesians in the Netherlands for all of us! Dolce is special. We imported him at 6 and now is 7. Just finished competing in his first year in Dressage. You would be so proud, under the teaching of Kristen Aggers, he had a fantastic year. We started at Training Level, last January and by March he was competing at First Level. I’ve been to lots of horse shows, with Kristen competing, but this was the first year owning a horse, traveling, long days of caring and grooming. It was such fun and so worth it…the best therapy that money can buy!!!! You should be proud of this Friesian. He is the barn favorite of trainer Kristen Aggers, for his talent and willingness to learn. Everyone is amazed that the Friesian, in the barn, is taking on the Dressage world, with ALL the Warmbloods. I was pretty surprised too. He is a baby, and while I can’t ride him like Kristen can, he allows me to make mistakes and learn. Always a happy attitude. He nickers when I arrive at the barn, to walk him from his paddock and ride.You might have seen the posts on Facebook after the USDF Region 7 CDS 50th Championship Show in Rancho Murieta. Kristen Aggers competed on her own horse “Bella” and finished FIRST in both CDS Second Level 2 Open and USDF Open Second Level. But it gets better, because Kristen was equally proud of how Dolce performed in his finals. Besides winning the 2017 CDS Championships High Score from FHANA, Dolce finished top 10 (and it was a big group) CDS First Level Open and 7th USDF Open First Level. We could not be happier and are looking forward to what comes next. Thank you for bringing me my BELOVED “Dolce”. I just love my horse . Dreams do come true. -Alice Behray


Jitze SPORT - SOLD Friesian Jitze SPORT - Sold Headed to NC for Jodi:)

Hi Janna- Jitze is stunning! He is settling in well and we are working with him everyday.He is very affectionate. Thank you so much!! -Jodi in NC


WINDSOR STER - SOLD Friesian WINDSOR STER - Sold 2nd Friesian to SD for August

MANY THANKS. I’M SO EXCITED. IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT FOR ME WITH BOTH ORION (HIS FLASHY MOVEMENT!) and WINDSOR (I LOVE TALL MARES!). OH MY GOSH! YOU ARE AMAZING. Thank you again for all - great horses, and great information! You have amazing taste in horses! I expect Orion will probably be our new BlackAsKnight model…but who knows - it might be Windsor, the baby or all THREE! YOU have the most brilliant taste in horses ever.Windsor is the sweetest thing we have ever met - drop dead gorgeous, and lovely mover. THANK YOU so much for this forever horse. Super sweet and so gorgeous I can’t believe she wasn’t a show horse. Once again, your taste in horses is proving to be phenomenal. I’m the happiest person alive. My daughter and I are both madly in love and she is just relishing all the attention. -August in South Dakota


Nicolai STER - SOLD Friesian Nicolai STER - Sold Headed to TX for Teresa!

I'm still not believing after all these years I am a friesian owner. OMG 😲 I am getting so excited… thank you or going the extra steps with him.  Thank you again for all your help and thank you for doing what you do so that people like me can have a chance to own one of these special magnificent horses. Thank you soooo much!


Ive been waiting many years for this to happen :):)

Update 1 year later...

Just wanted to let you know Nik is doing great. He’s spoiled as can be of course. Here is a picture of our ride from Mother’s Day. He’s been such a good boy. I love him so much 😍.  I’ve learned a lot being a Friesian owner 😂. Hope all is well with you!

Thank you so much and have a fabulous day, Teresa in Texas


Orion BSF - SOLD Friesian Orion BSF - Sold August in SD is a LUCKY LADY!

The amazing and wonderful Janna---- Thank you all for helping me to get the most beautiful horse in the world. He is gorgeous, healthy, calm and kind! I’m the happiest woman on earth. You are so fabulously helpful you are making “importing” doable when I thought I would never import again. There is no freaking way you have a competitor. You are so good at responding and taking care of details, I feel like you are a lifelong friend as well as supplier of the most beautiful horses on earth. Thanks again for the beautiful horses and all your great help. You are simply the BEST! You rock! Thank you, again, for all. -August in SD


RIO - SOLD Friesian RIO - Sold Grats to Jose!

Thank you SO MUCH for walking me through the process of purchasing my stallion sight unseen from Europe, and taking my hundreds of phone calls,  holding my hand through the quarantine process, sending me pictures of you riding my beautiful stallion on the beach in Holland after i purchased him, and continuing to stay in touch with me and helping me with every little detail, including sending me the bridle you rode him in!  I cannot thank you enough for this special stallion, and i promise, Rio and i will keep in touch with you!!

I recommend to anyone looking for a REAL fairytale friesian, contact Janna at Blacksterlingfriesians.com....  she has the BEST, and has been in business the longest!
-Jose in Brentwood


Douwe G.T. - SOLD Friesian Douwe G.T. - Sold Grats to Karen!!:)

Douwe arrived at LAX this week, and went straight to his new forever home, near Malibu, to another happy customer: "Douwe is doing great!! He is a really sweet boy.  And my new tack came today too!!!! Best day ever. Douwe is extremely sweet and affectionate and loves to be social. He is very gentle and sweet to all the animals that come up to visit him (I think my two donkeys are in love. They visit with him every day).Thank you for being so patient and for always keeping me in mind when finding Friesians you think I'd like. I am very excited to finally have my Friesian. Thank you!! Karen in Thousand Oaks



TABOR - SOLD Friesian TABOR - Sold Grats to Nora & Ryan in Conn!!

Hi Janna, I'm in love with Tabor :-) You can just see how much potential he has.... Love the energy, his movement...everything. Thank you so much!!!!! I'm in shock!!! (A good one!)  ... exactly what I hoped for! I can't believe he is only 4! He is clearly talented... Very happy... :-) Love at first sight! He also enjoys being cuddled...:-) Thank you so much! XOXO, Nora in Conn


Rein BSF - SOLD Friesian Rein BSF - Sold Aaron in Tenn on his 4th Friesian from Janna

We rode Rein. He is doing well.!He is a very sweet boy.  Love him! Rein is so sweet.  Thanks so much for your help with this process........learning how to take care of these horses so I have lots of questions.

Stand out. For Good

-Aaron in Tenn


PIER BSF - SOLD Friesian PIER BSF - Sold Grats to Becky in Mass!

I am OVER the MOON!!! Thank you!!! I am so excited!  Thank you for walking me through this process!  You are so patient, it is a trait which I really admire since I have none.Pier is settled in and looking terrific. Thank you so much for your help! He is just lovely! Trial starts Monday (i am a med malpractice trial attorney) and my boy is such a wonderful stress reliever!-Rebecca in Mass.


Nicole - SOLD Friesian Nicole - Sold 2nd horse to Aaron in Tenn!

Thank you for being so thoughtful in choosing the right horses for our family. It means so much! -Callie in Tenn


Records 361 to 375 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.