
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 391 to 405 of 1063
Mark Hendrik - SOLD Friesian Mark Hendrik - Sold Going to Debbie in Rancho Santa Fe!

There are only 20 female CEO's of Fortune 500 company's in the world.... this wonderful friesian gelding is making his  new home with one of them....Powerful gorgeous horse, going to a powerful, beautiful woman:
"Janna, Mark Hendrik is doing great! So calm.  This is my dream horse that I bought for myself for my 61st birthday.  Thanks!!!!
-Debbie in Rancho Santa Fe"


WYBREN STER - SOLD Friesian WYBREN STER - Sold We are SOOO happy for Babs:)
I want to fill you in on what has been happening with Brodi (Wybren). 

He is a sensational horse and so versatile too.  Annabelle has done an extremely fantastic job with he and I.  She has shown me how to ride: hunter jumper, dressage, and long trail rides (she has an endurance background).  I have also learned about nutritional supplements, what makes a horse happy, massage for the horse, endurance tack, and a whole lot more.  She is a very talented and caring person.    I appreciate all that you have done in making my connection with both: Annabelle and Brodi (wybren)  9 yrs later: 

Update from buyer....Barbara Walker....."Enjoy wherever you are in this world. Thank you for making my Friesian Dream come true.  I bought him 9 years ago.

How time flies! -Barbara"



James STER & SPORT - SOLD Friesian James STER & SPORT - Sold Patti in Montana

Not the first friesian i have purchased from Janna....


Janna : boy, if I ever needed another horse (which I don't!), I'd buy one of yours!! Freerk (James) is so well behaved. I feel so safe on him.  My instructor loves him. I am so happy! Again, thank you so much for this lovely horse! He is such a wonderful and trusting horse. On our trail rides, the area is new to him but I give him long rein and he trusts me. I am so in love with my new horse! We are still figuring each other out but the process is wonderful. Love him! He is a pretty special horse! Update... such a good boy at the clinic w/ George Williams, the president of the US Dressage Federation.! He was the loveliest horse there!
Update: Hi, Janna! I started riding in 2002 at the age of 46. I fell in love with the Friesian with 'Lady Hawk'. I found your website and did, as my husband jokes, "add to cart". I got Winnie first and followed that up with Corrie. While they were both somewhat green as was I, they were kind and very patient. I put my 10 year old niece on Corrie and was lunging her. The girth wasn't on tight enough and the saddle started sliding to the side. My niece ended up in the sand when Corrie stopped, looked down like 'why are you there?". She is the best horse for a husband that only rides a few times a year. When I sent her to a trainer to see how she was as a trail horse, he said that if I ever wanted to breed a horse, to breed Corrie since she had the best mind. This year she gave us a beautiful Julius 486 colt that got Reserve Champion at the Montana Keuring. Dominik is so level headed and well-behaved! Winnie is a solid 2nd Level horse at the age of 18. She would be farther but she only had me as a trainer! We also got Harm from you('officer' in Dutch). He is the sweetest gelding that is an awesome babysitter for our young foal. Now that I am a better rider, I wanted a Friesian that would help me get to 3rd level and above. Flying changes can be difficult for Friesians, especially when the rider has never done them. I decided to look for a Friesian that had confirmed flying changes. I went to Janna's site since I loved the horses that I previously got from her. Janna had an 8 year old, (James STER and SPORT) Freerk, over in the Netherlands. Fortunately, I had a friend in Amsterdam who had trained with George Williams. I trusted her ability to pick a horse for me. Janna set it up so my friend could ride him. This horse is a First Premie with his Sports Predicate. My friend LOVED him. I bought him immediately! The horse was gelded, flown to NY, shipped to MT. When he arrived, he was so well-mannered and level-headed. He had been through so much in a week yet was willing to trust me. Since he was a stallion, I do have to keep him by himself for at least 6 months. My mares love him and flirt constantly with him. I took Freerk to my trainer who has brought multiple horses up to Grand Prix. She loved him and said that I got my money''s worth! He and I are learning to understand each other. He is so patient with me. He is a lot of horse but in a great way! Janna has provided me with the appropriate horse for where I am in my stages of riding! Thank you, Janna!! -Patti in Montana


Cool Hand Luke - SOLD Friesian Cool Hand Luke - Sold Congrats to Verna in Mass.!!!

Hi Janna,
Cool Hand Luke is here safe and sound! As beautiful as his pictures were, there was nothing that could compare to seeing him in the flesh! He is gorgeous! He is breathtaking! But he is also a "gentle giant", just as you said. His second day here I could go in the pen and brush him without him being on cross ties. I walk in different directions and he follows me and when I stop, he comes right up to my back and stops also! I am so-o-o impressed with him!
Since he is my very first horse and will be my only horse, I could never have imagined that I could own such a beauty! Sometimes I feel like I am living somebody elses life! I cannot thank you enough for all the times you were there to talk to me when I called. You had such patience with me! I was scared to death to do this and I kept hesitating thinking this was too good to be true, but it wasn't! He is everything you said he would be plus more!
Your agent in NY, Ann Tate, was also a pleasure to work with. She explained the whole process to me and kept me informed all along the way. She sent me pictures of Luke on the plane and even called me from the airport to let me know he had arrived and I could hear his feet through the telephone lines! I will never forget this experience! Thank you ever so much for everything!
Verna in Mass


YARIK - SOLD Friesian YARIK - Sold Headed to NC for Carl!!

He is here. He is in good condition. Love him. He is doing extremely well. He's loving all the attention of everyone, and everyone is amazed how friendly he is. Thanks Janna!!
Yarik is absolutely beautiful. Thanks so much for your assistance with my new great looking horse. This cowboy is happy I have a new horse and can't wait to get back into the saddle. My thanks to you. Everyone loves this big boy. - Carl in N.C.


Guy - SOLD Friesian Guy - Sold Grats to Sarah in CO!

Hi Janna, Thank you for your time, patience with my questions, and assistance with making arrangements. He is really handsome. We will definitely keep you posted on adventures with Guy. I look forward to old age with Guy! And thank you so much for all the tips. You have been wonderful throughout this process.  We are truly excited and I know how blessed – and spoiled – I am to have this wonderful experience and opportunity. Guy is every bit as beautiful as we hoped for. Also, the haulers you and Wayne lined up were wonderful. Real horsemen, not just drivers. Thanks!!
Update... Hi Janna, Hope you are doing well. Guy is adjusting well to Colorado. We love him! My (trainer) husband says if he had worked with Friesians 10 years earlier, we would have a barn full of them. Thanks so much!
-Sarah in Denver


Chiavari STER - SOLD Friesian Chiavari STER - Sold 3rd Friesian from BSF sold to Amy--- Congrats!!!!


Just wanted to send you a quick photo--- He is a huge love everything I wanted and hoped for ....

Update....My rock star at just 6 years old .... Taking the shows by storm. I love this boy ... He's amazing AND a sweetheart ... Thank You for all you do !! Love this boy .... Woo Hoo!

Thought you might like to hear this .... Chiavari is NEDA USEF Champion with an average of over 71% in his first year showing! He is the favorite in the barn. Not only is he talented but he has a super personality.  Clinician, Christoph Hess,  told me today that he is one of the best Friesian's he had seen in the United States.  I am glowing!!!!

-Amy in Mass


STERLING STER SPORT - SOLD Friesian STERLING STER SPORT  - Sold Grats to John in VT on his 5th Friesian:)

I'm over the moon! I can't believe how calm, outward-going, and sweet he is. He laid his head on my shoulder. I am just nuts about him. He is the dearest creature! He remains calm (on the surrounding trails) and is already trusting me. I've never seen a horse like him! Thanks! He's very special. No doubt about that!

I hated leaving Sterling. As we were driving down the road, past the pasture, on the way to the airport, he came running down to the fence. So, I had to get out and talk to him. I told him I’d be back in four weeks, and that we were going to have a fun summer. Then, I said, “You’re going to have a wonderful life here.” With that, he turned around and went over to his hay pile—just like he understood. 

He’s the perfect horse for me. I put a brand-new, custom Australian saddle on him, which I had made for the crazy Andalusian I got rid of. It fits him perfectly, and he didn’t seem in the least bit concerned with it. (I’m sure he’s only had English saddles before now!) Nuts about him!!
-John in Vermont and Palm Beach


Cointreau SPORT - SOLD Friesian Cointreau SPORT - Sold Grats to Pam in Hawaii!!

Aloha, Janna,
I am very excited to even think of having such a wonderful, well-trained and beautiful horse coming into my life! .... there's just something about him...I fell in love at first sight of him in his photos and videos. He totally seems like my "dream horse." Thank you! I am so in love with him even though I have not yet met him! Since he is coming to Hawaii, he will need a Hawaiian name. I am thinking of Kanani, which means The Beautiful One. It seems very appropriate for him. Can't wait to get him here! I just feel in my heart he is "the one," the most perfect horse for me, the one I have dreamed of all of my life.
Just wanted you to know that Kanani (cointreau) arrived safely after a long, windy night crossing the ocean between here and Oahu on a barge. He is gorgeous and an absolute gentleman! Unloading him on the busy dock with front end loaders and trucks whizzing past, and then reloading him on a trailer was no problem at all. What a sweet, gentle soul he is--everyone is so impressed by his beauty and fine manners! Kanani is a much loved member of the family now. Have to keep my beautiful boy fit and happy! Thanks again, Pam in Maui


Bolero - SOLD Friesian Bolero - Sold

Oh my! He is AMAZING! My husband was floored and had a grin from ear to ear. Bolero is absolutely majestic in every way. His presence is amazing and you can sense his good natured character in light of all of his recent travels ,etc. Janna, this one is a dream come true. My husband was SO amazed to see Bolero standing before him. We are eternally grateful to you . Ciao for now and THANK YOU!
Shakespeare is only four this year and is a testament to the heart and rideability of the Friesian horse. His accomplishments his first year showing were beyond our expectations!
National Champion Hunter Hack Jr. Horse
National Champion Hunter Hack Open
National Champion Hunt Seat Pleasure Jr. Horse
Reserve National Champion Hunt Seat Pleasure Open
Reserve National Champion Walk/Trot
Reserve National Champion Costume
High Point Champion
Reprinted from IFSHA Times:
This horse had to be the trusty companion that would partner my husband, raise my children, and emulate everything our farm stood for. Elegant, compassionate, sensitive but strong, with an uncanny ability to read his partner. To find such a horse and honor him with the ideals of a long lived passion of horses would be an honor to him and to the farm. After all, we've owned and raised several horses over the years and as of yet had not met one to bestow this place within our family. It was only a notion, to find the ambassador of our farm and never did I imagine that it would soon be realized.I saw photographs of Bolero and was intensely intrigued by his presence. After over twenty years of breeding, importing, and training horses only a few special ones can impress my eye so easily. I was drawn to him yet he was abroad and I couldn't travel to meet him in person. I watched your videoclips of him relentlessly. Over and over, hour by hour I studied his movement, his way of going and could see a very strong yet kind personality shining through. This was him, my "Shakespeare". It had to be, I had seen many horses but this one had that "something". Every horse person knows that "something". I arranged for Bolero to arrive as a Christmas present for David, my husband. It was time the he find a true partner with which to grow and enjoy. In my heart I knew this was the horse. We rounded the corner into the barn and made our way past the big black horse. I saw David take a second look, stop, back up, look again and ask, "What? Who?." then the bewilderment turned to amazement. There he was in all his magnificence wrapped with a large red bow. Nickering, he greeted his new life long partner. It was a magical moment and immediately they belonged to one another. And at that instant, he became "Shakespeare". Our youngest son Alec was three at the time. He was convinced that Santa brought him a "Jousting Horse" of his very own and was certain to tell everyone that would listen! He sat up on the big black beast pretending to hold a lance as he stabbed at the air. Shakespeare smirked and knew his place. He made sure to look tough and proud for Alec then return to chew the grass unbothered by all the silliness. He has taken care of Alec ever since. Always watching over him in the barn and seeing to his safety. Alec made Shakespeare?s stall his play area. In the barn you'll find his tractors and dump trucks lining the stall door. Shakespeare faithfully watches over his companion and sees to his happiness.

Horses of this caliber come once in a lifetime, make no mistake. You could search the world over but it's truly fate to have one such as this touch our lives. Shakespeare is family, and emulates everything we stand for as true horsemen and women. He is a spark that we are graced with and the light fills our hearts with the love and kindness that only a Friesian can. You can rest assured that you will see him performing in the coming years, for he is truly a "performer". He enjoys the spotlight and recognizes the cheering and energy the crowd gives for his mere presence. He feels special, and he is. NOW GOING PRIX ST GEORGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-Kimberly of Shakespeare Farms i


SOPHIE - SOLD Friesian SOPHIE - Sold Congrats to Monica in Canada!!

Thank you so much for all you help! I am one excited girl!!! Thanks for sending the bridle and all your assistance and work to make this happen. Anymore excited and i will go into cardiac arrest!!!  thank you!
Hi Janna, She is a real black beauty! Sophie gave birth to a beautiful colt. Sophie is a wonderful mother and Fons is a real sweetheart! Thank you so much for bringing us together! I cannot thank you enough for your help in making this happen! -Monica in Canada


Bartholamew - SOLD Friesian Bartholamew - Sold Congrats to Jackie in Colorado on her Amazing New Boy!!!:)

I bought me a horse!!! He is going to be the most loved, pampered and spoiled boy in the territory—lol. Thanks again for the flexibility, even though the timing was a bit off for me, so I could make my dream come true. So excited!!!  I cannot WAIT to meet him!
Thank you!

Just checking in and wanted to let you know we are absolutely loving Bartholomew (now call him Jedi). He is a very sweet boy. My daughter and I have been riding him with bitless bridles. Thanks so much! My Jedi is everything I could have hoped for. 

-Jackie in Colorado


Nanne - SOLD Friesian Nanne - Sold Congrats to Roberta, in New Mexico and CA, on this GORGEOUS young man:):)

Hey Janna. Thanks for everything yesterday. So excited about this new adventure. He seems like such a wonderfully calm and willing guy. And his movement is quite amazing. I may get a saddle from you as well, I definitely liked the feel of the saddles you sell, felt very centered and the quality was obviously high.

Hi Janna. Nanne is doing great. He's really settled into his new home and seems super happy.I've been working with him a lot and he's doing very well. Thanks for everything. He's a wonderful horse....I can tell he is going to be my horse of a lifetime -Roberta in CA and New Mexico


ROMEO BSF - SOLD Friesian ROMEO BSF - Sold Congrats to SUE in CO on Her 4th Friesian From Us-- we expect AMAZING things to come from this combination!!

Hi Janna,I want to thank you for finding me my three fantastic Friesians this past year.  I know I was very picky about what kind of horse I wanted and you managed to find all three for me without me having to go to Holland to see them!  They are all just what I wanted, young, naturally forward, willing to please, no shy, have extremely good canters, well balanced and beautiful.  Exactly what I was looking for.  You and your trainers worked very hard to find me my perfect horses and now I hope to keep them healthy and happy as I move them up the levels hopefully all the way to the Grand Prix.
Thank you, thank you, thank you !!!! 
Sincerely, Sue in Colorado



DAZZEL - SOLD Friesian DAZZEL - Sold Shana in Louisiana will SOON be Enjoying her time in the saddle on Dazzel

I bought my first horse from Janna Goldman at Black Sterling Friesians. I had visited her website for almost four years (or maybe longer, my memory gets a little fuzzy. I know I first found her website while we lived in Ketchikan, AK. I would stare at the pictures of all the pretty horses, drool over the videos she posted and sigh heart brokenly when one of my favorites on her website finally found his or her permanent home. So when my father passed away in late 2008 and I found myself suddenly capable of purchasing my very own Friesian through a not completely happy collision of circumstances, I raced back to her website and and drooled for several more months over her horses. And then I bought one. Paid in full. And I never saw anything more than his pictures, his videos, and scanned in copies of his registration papers and pre-purchase vet exam. Granted, Janna has over 700 testimonials on her website from places like Medieval Times. She’s been in business for, well, at the very least for the many years I’d been devotedly staring at her website like a rock band groupie. She’s a member of the Better Business Bureau. All things considered I was in very safe hands calling her up and saying “I haven’t ridden in 15 years, and I want to buy this horse from you”. She did confirm my choice, but I’m sure if I was picking out an unsuitable horse for myself she would have told me. Purchasing a horse sight unseen does work, with people who are upfront and honest like Janna, as long as you are willing to communicate your flaws and your desires and let them pick the horse for you. There are very few people like Janna Goldman at Black Sterling Friesians.  …I’m lucky to have landed in Janna’s hands

 Update...You and BSF are just amazing... Thank you again.  This is..really.. a stunning dream come true for me.  Dazzel and you have made my life's dream come true. It is amazing to be connected to such wonderful people through such a dazzling horse! Thank you again for everything.  You've made this whole process so easy! I can't imagine life without Dazzel. If you haven't guessed, we are in heaven with our horses.  I'm already planning our third... Update... You have truly made our dreams come true with Dazzle and Kitana. Thanks again. Shana in Louisiana


Records 391 to 405 of 1063

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  • Fhana Logo
  • CCFC Logo
  • California Dressage Logo
  • USEF Logo
  • USDF Logo
  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.