
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 421 to 435 of 1063

I recently showed my Friesian, acquired from BSF, at a hunter-jumper show in N Calif, and am having the time of my LIFE with a horse this woman chose specifically for me; hence I just had to share my personal experience with Janna Weir, who I have immense respect for, as an accomplished equestrian, and a woman that really CARES about her customers, and their horses. There isn’t an individual selling Friesian horses in N America that has the track record.. I was impressed to discover this woman won in Madison Sq Gardens, was chosen to represent the U.S on a World Cup team, and recipient of FHANA Presidents trophy...i chose to work with janna because she isn’t a “horse trader”, she is an amazing equestrian herself, that just happens to have a passion for the breed I fell in love with, and a knack for matching riders with horses. I searched the internet and did my due diligence, and I couldn’t find anyone with her record of accomplishments, not to mention in looking at her testimonials, I discovered many of her “competitors” actually purchased their first Friesians from her Black Sterling Friesians. After spending time in Janna’s world, it is clear that while she is PASSIONATE about her horses, selling horses is not what this woman has to do, to make money. I told Janna exactly what I was looking for, and trusted her to match me with a horse that would be able to meet my needs…and not only did she find me an AMAZING well trained, perfectly healthy horse—she found me a horse that has FAR SURPASSED my expectations, and has truly brought me more happiness to my life than I could have ever thought possible. Even long after my check was cashed, janna is always available to answer my questions, talk on the phone, has had the patience of Job for dealing with my 101 questions, and she made a point of coming to watch us compete in the jump off last weekend, at the Sonoma Horse Park. There isn’t anyone else I would consider trusting with a friesian purchase sight unseen. She is the real deal, and I couldn’t be happier doing business with janna. I will certainly be using HER for my next friesian purchase!! - Shannon in santa cruz



Cornelis - SOLD Friesian Cornelis - Sold Happy Anniversary Shirley in NC!!!!

 I want to let you know Karst and Cornelis made my life and took me to places I never dreamed of achieving. Thank you Janna you will never know what you did for me and my dreams. God Bless you. You made me the happiness person in the world. Something I thought would never happen after losing my sister. A Friesian was our dream. You allowed me and her from heaven have two......Thanks again Janna!


Update 2 years later...
Cornelis is doing great. First year of showing and has done wonderful. I  love him!

Update 5 years later...
Cornelis now look at that hair! I wanted long hair and you definitely delivered. And you were right on him making star and being a champion. Thanks!!!! Karst doing great too, love him so much!!!!
Shirley, Dark Knight Stables in SC.


NICO - SOLD Friesian NICO - Sold 2nd friesian from Janna going to Grand Prix rider, Sue, in Colorado! Cant wait to see you bring this pony up the ranks in dressage, Sue!!!:)

LOVE my new pony !!!!!! He has what it takes!!!!

FANTASTIC canter and trot.  Nico is sooooo smart and willing and what fantastic gaits. I am having a blast with him !!!!! I have never ridden such a forward thinking friesian before. Thanks lots.

Sue, Grand Prix trainer in Colorado


MEL - SOLD Friesian MEL - Sold Trish in Fla is Going to be One HAPPY LADY!!

He is PHENOMENAL!!!! I really truly cannot thank u enough.  I took him on a hand walk along our canals etc yesterday (following a group of riders). Got tired of walking, tied the lead rope up to the halter & hopped on! He was SUPER omg! Lead the whole group. I am completely in love!

THANK YOU Janna Weir!!!!!

Quick Update... He is absolutely positively amazing!!!!!! We rode down a trail bordering the Everglades, and meandered through our 160 acre farm...out on the race track, past all kinds of scary stuff. He never once put a foot wrong. Only four years old, and he led our trail riding group the whole time! I simply cannot thank you enough.  And I love the bridle too! 

Update... Just wanted to share our Halloween fun with you! LOVE my boy Mel - can't thank you enough -Trish in Fla


Remy STER - SOLD Friesian Remy STER - Sold Grats to Elizabeth, DVM, in North Carolina on a GREAT dressage horse!

Hi Janna, I just wanted to thank you again for Remy.  He has won over everyone's heart at his new barn!  Thanks! He is sooooo sweet.  I cannot thank you enough for him! Wanted to let you know that I participated in a dressage clinic this weekend with a local renowned dressage instructor and she loved him. Said he could easily do Prix St George and have no trouble with passage or piaffe, and she was very impressed with his moves especially his canter.
Update... Took him to another dressage clinic with the same FEI level instructor as before. This time She rode him and told me that she felt he could be Grand Prix level and said she would like to buy him. She didn't appreciate how good he was until she rode him. She said one of the most willing and capable Friesians she has ridden. Can't believe how fortunate I am.
Update...This year he is showing first, second and he has an amazing musical freestyle. He is schooling changes, half passes, canter pirouettes, piaffe and passage.
Update: Claudia Novick and Marco Von Laar finish the 2012 show season with honors!! Claudia and Marco, aka "Remy", started this show season with record scores and continued their winning streak throughout the year!!! At their first show in NC, they received not one, but two 80% from judge Kay Meredith; the high scores of the show. For the remainder of the season, they won multiple blue ribbons and in most cases were the high score of the day for the judge they showed under. As the season came to a close, Remy and Claudia swept their first championship in Raleigh, NC where Remy became the 2012 NCDCTA Open Training level Champion! And at the final show of 2012, Remy and Claudia placed 5th at the Region 1 USDF Dressage Championships in one of the most competitive classes, Open Training Level. And this is only the beginning for this winning combination. Already scoring in the 70's at 1st level and claiming all blues.
Update...He won the IFSHA first level and freestyle at the National Show this week. Won All Breeds Freestyle and sixth in country overall. People were going crazy over his conformation.

Update...Last night Remy won the region 1 USDF first level freestyle with a 74%. He will now compete in the USDF nationals In Kentucky. Here is Remy with his reserve championship freestyle win at US dressage nationals. He was one of the horses featured on USDF home page for the show.

Update, 7 years later.... Remy is awesome. Showing 4th with his amateur rider but he could show Intermediate 1 with the trainer! He is just an amazing horse!


Maserati - SOLD Friesian Maserati - Sold AMAZING Dressage Horse Headed to RI for Annette!!

I can’t tell you how very excited I am about this!  I feel very blessed!!

You will probably be sick of me giving you updates on Maserati (I did that with my last horse but I’m not so sure the prior owner was that excited about it). But I know YOU are different!

Hi Janna, hope your trip to the Netherlands was successful. Maserati is doing splendid. He is already looking for me when I go to the barn and he comes when I call AND he is still with my pony. who he adores.  He’s been a very good boy and my trainer rode him for the first time yesterday with a smile from ear to ear.

Update... My trainer has been riding and she LOVES him. I just wanted to let you know he is happy and he loves the work.

7 Months Later...
Dave (Maserati) is doing wonderfully and everyone loves him! I had a trainer out last week who writes for Dressage Today  and she said Dave was by the far the nicest Friesian she had seen or sat on. I purchased your saddle package:) All the Best, Annette in R.I.


Nick BSF - SOLD Friesian Nick BSF - Sold Amazing Marathon Horse for Cathy in Colorado:)


You have made this process extremely easy for me which I very much appreciate. Hope to meet you in person some day!!!

Hi Janna, Nick arrived this morning. He looks like he traveled well and and is settling into the barn nicely, He is very sweet! Thanks again for all the help!
Cathy in Colorado


GUCCI Bsf - SOLD Friesian GUCCI Bsf - Sold Melanie in So Cal is One LUCKY lady!!

Janna, I'm so excited to be part of the Fairytale Friesian family. I've read your testimonials and there's actually 3 friesians of yours at my old barn, so i feel VERY confident purchasing from YOU sight unseen. Its so great you do all the work for your clients. THANK YOU AGAIN!
-melanie in so cal

Hi Janna! Gucci is settling in nicely. My husband went down today to feed him carrots....He says he's super sweet and gorgeous. He couldn't believe how long his braids are! I was dreaming about him last night... He's so cute and I love his lashes💗. I can't wait to kiss him like crazy. Heck, I may even sleep in Gucci's stall.
Thank you Jana!  
Update...Hi Jana! You are so lucky to be doing what you love. Oh my goodness I am in love with my boy. It's only been 3 days since we met and I'm so happy with our progress. The trust between the 2 of us is happening right before my eyes. I admit I was pretty nervous at first. New horse,he's pretty intimidating with his size and presence.... he's my big baby adjusting to Cali life at a busy barn with lots of new sounds and sights. I just love him and I've found myself calling him Mi Amor.  I'm not nervous anymore,because even though he gets nervous he doesn't do anything stupid. I am enjoying him so much. I can't wait to see him tmmrw morning to kiss and give him a big long hug.
Thank you again for doing what you love and finding the best Friesians out there.
Update... Gucci  is so much fun, but most importantly very trustworthy. He only gives what I ask for and this boy is not lazy. I'm not used to a powerhouse like him,but enjoying every moment. I can't believe how responsive he is!
Update: I love him so so much. I am having so much fun with him!!! --Melanie, in So Cal
Check out this youtube vid of Gucci and Mel: (copy and paste into your browser):


Novella - SOLD Friesian Novella - Sold Kimberly in Ill. is the happy new owner of this pretty mare:)

Janna,  "Novella" made it to Illinois safe and sound and I almost fell over when they unloaded her for me. She was even more beautiful then I could of imagined.  You have beautiful horses and I'm very impressed with the whole purchasing process and how easy and friendly you made it. I highly recommended "Black Sterling Friesians" to everyone!
Update from Joan in ILL: I did go the horse fair in Springfield, IL last weekend and Kim could not say enough nice things about you, and her whole experience with Black Sterling Friesians. A very nice compliment!
... I will be looking for another Friesian in the near future and of course will be purchasing from you. There is no other place that is so easy to work with and you have the best imports. Thanks again!!!
Update...Novella is just BEAUTIFUL and I love her so much. Thanks Janna for putting her into my life. Best thing that ever happened for me. She is, and has been, my dream horse.--- Kimberly in Illinois


Angelina STER - SOLD Friesian Angelina STER - Sold

She is amazing!!!!! I can't thank you enough.


And your dressage trainer was a dream!.... She really put me at ease.....  I really loved her...safe and I trusted her.... not a mean bone in her body. Thank you again so very much!... She is wonderful!!!



I can't thank Janna Weir and black sterling farms enough for the opportunity.


...can you tell, i am in LOVE!


Joy Boszorg - SOLD Friesian Joy Boszorg - Sold Congrats to Charmain in Carmel Valley, on her new dressage partner!




.....he is awesome and of course it was love at first sight ;)
Thank you!!!!

Charmain in Carmel Valley


Piper - SOLD Friesian Piper - Sold Congrats to Fellow Cancer Surviver, Michele, in Wisconsin!!!

I have 5 quarter horses, 4 Paints, Moriesian, Tennessee Walker and a Paso Fino but I have always dreamed of owning a quality friesian, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think it would be possible. I was diagnosed with cancer 2 years ago and wasn't suppose to live this long but I have beaten the odds thus far. About a month ago my husband said, I thought you wanted a Friesian? I said I do, He replied, then what are you waiting for. I was so excited to find Piper, I feel like a little kid, I have to keep pinching myself to make sure I am not dreaming. I can't wait to meet Piper.  I don't mean to be a pest, I am just so excited. Thank You So Much!!!!!

6 months later...................................
Piper is growing taller every day, his horse-a-nality is pure gold. He is a huge lap horse. Piper is starting to realize he is a stallion, but he remains to behave like a gentle man. He is getting more hair every day. I had to clip his face because he looked like a Amish Boy. He had a ZZ Top Beard going on.Thank You
Michele in WI


HOUSTON - SOLD Friesian HOUSTON - Sold Congrats to Megan in Michigan on this incredible boy!!!


Just a quick note to let you know that I am smitten with Houston!

-Megan in Michigan


VERSACE BSF - SOLD Friesian VERSACE BSF - Sold INCREDIBLE Horse Going to Luke in Nashville:)


We are both in love with him!! He is the sweetest boy.

We are obsessed with him....
-Luke & Marshall in Tennessee

Thank you again for this great boy. Couldn't be happier with him. He is doing amazing! Really excelling in his training and he is the sweetest boy...0 problems!!
Im so in love with him, he's perfect!
-Luke in Tennessee



Diemer SPORT - SOLD Friesian Diemer SPORT - Sold Congrats to Oscar and Academy Award Nominated Brian Oliver in Beverly Hills on this Fantastic Dressage Horse!

We are SO HAPPY, Diemer is truly a stunning and sweet boy - He is a big bold AMAZING long haired 3rd level dressage schoolmaster!!!!!

He is such a good boy and I'm so in love with him. Thank you so much for everything.

-Brian and Amira in Beverly Hills


Records 421 to 435 of 1063

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  • Fhana Logo
  • CCFC Logo
  • California Dressage Logo
  • USEF Logo
  • USDF Logo
  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.