
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 436 to 450 of 1063
Marije - SOLD Friesian Marije - Sold Big Congrats to Kendall in Tenn on this marvelous pregnant mare!


Thanks for everything!

-Sara (trainer) in Tenn

Update... Marie had a little filly born Sunday! Thanks!!



Thank you SOOO MUCH!!! I could hardly sleep last night thinking about having these two mares together again at our place and how this will bring so much joy to our place!! Thank you again!!!
(Annette bought a surprise Xmas present for her aunt....) -I walked her over with my granddaughter on her bare back to the porch where Pam was sitting. I gave Pam the tag that was on the halter Valentina. She looked up at her and started to cry. Valentina is not afraid of Pam's chair so that is great. I just love her! Both of the girls (Valentina and Lieke) are so sweet and follow us everywhere.
-Annette in Knightsen, CA


MOSCHINO BSF - SOLD Friesian MOSCHINO BSF - Sold 4th Friesian from BSF Headed to Terri in Las Vegas!

Everybody loves them ( the new friesians purchased from BSF)........

they are so precious : )

 Thanks for making me so happy with our new boys!!!

Janna, Moschino's first big trail ride with other horses in Las Vegas !! He was absolutely awesome and LOVED being with the other horses, he had a spring in his step !! Really enjoying him, Diesel will be out on trail next, then Hermes, then Martini.
Thank you again for these beautiful horses : ) -Terri in Las Vegas



He is beautiful and his movement is fluid .... stunning and a great mover.

Thanks for your patience and professionalism.

All the Best, Terri in La Vegas


HERMES BSF - SOLD Friesian HERMES BSF - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF Going to Nevada for Terri!

I have to say I do believe I have 4 incredible new children...... I am very happy with every one of them and may not be able to sell one...... oh dear, what a dilemma !! The plan was to pick the 2 I like best and possibly sell the other 2, I don't know if I can do that...... I'll have to have my friends buy from you direct instead if that happens : ) Thank you lady! 

-Terri in Vegas


Bulgari - SOLD Friesian Bulgari - Sold Cindy in Wisc is a VERY lucky lady to have Bulgari as her new trail partner

Just wanted to let you know that Bulgari arrived last night and Cindy is in heaven today. They bonded and are out playing in the field together.
She is in love with this extremely special horse!
Thank you for all of your help and guidance on the selection of this magnificent horse.
Cindy is very excited and very grateful to you to allow her to change to him. She is out in the stable right now getting everything ready. The actual trail ride with Bulgari really helped her with her decision and your trainer was excellent. Thanks again for all of your help! She had her first ride this morning. He was perfect. In the middle of her ride, her saddlebred actually hit the outside of the indoor arena making a loud sound and Bulgari did not flinch. He holds his head down when she bridles him and is very calm when she mounts him. The ride was fun and enjoyable for her.
I can not ask for more-thank you. -Steve in Wisc
I just LOVE him. We usually go for a lovely 5 am ride...birds are chirping and the sun is rising. I will definitely get my next horse from you!
PS: The saddle is great. I 'm glad you offered the tack package as well.
Boo continues to amaze me. I love him.
I spend hours with him everyday and he loves being with me. Steve came home yesterday and we immediately went to the barn to play with Boo. He loves him and we took these pictures for you. Hope you got my book.
Thank you again for my Boo! You really DO make dreams come true! Even though you wrote close to an entire page about Bulgari (Boo), I have to honestly say that you did not write enough about the this unbelievable horse. I could write page after page on how wonderful he is. At 17 hands he is this beautiful gentle giant that loves me as much as I love him. He comes right over to me whenever I enter the pasture and even when I give him his food, he stops eating to come over to let me find his scratchy spots. He is the horse I have been dreaming about my whole life and now, thanks to you, I have him. Dr. Cindy Conway in Wisc, Author of Essential Lies www.essentiallies.com
Boo is an amazing horse and we are very happy that we were able to get him. He really loves Cindy and Cindy totally loves him. I just want to let you know that we have had Boo for around 3 months and EVERY day since he has arrived my life has started with a 15 minute (usually longer) conversation with my wife on how she loves her Boo and what a difference he has made in her life. I am not sure how I initially found your website, but I can not adequately express my appreciation enough for matching Boo to my wife. He is perfect for her and I know she is perfect for him. I have watched his head shoot up and he gallops right to her whenever she enters his pasture. If she has to have me hold him while she gets something he just stares where she went like a lost puppy until he can see her again and then you can actually see and feel the love he has for her as she takes the reins from my hands. Thank you again for this special horse. It is like the MasterCard commercials....$X for the saddle, $X for the horse, $X for the trailer...the smile on my wife's face when she hugs her special Boo....priceless.
3 years later...
I want to thank you again for the joy of owning Boo(Bulgari). This Sunday is our 3 yr anniversary-I'm getting him a watermelon which is his favorite treat.  He is such a wonderful horse & he's my best friend as well.  Boo is very happy and very loved.
Update 8 yrs later...Hello Janna: My wife Cindy totally loves her Boo (Bulgari). For over 8 years every single day she let's me know how much she loves her Boo. The two of them are inseparable.


Diesel - SOLD Friesian Diesel - Sold BIG congrats to Terri in Nevada on a FANTASTIC First Friesian!!!

Diesel is such a love !!! Everybody totally loves him, and he is so super sweet!!! He absolutely LOVES people. Thank you Janna for bringing him to us : )
Update...Thank you Janna! Diesel is doing great and everybody loves him ! When he's turned out in the arena and somebody arrives he comes running across the arena to see them, literally at the run...... everybody gets a kick out of that ! Here is a pic of him, before hitting the trails.
-Terri in Las Vegas


Jetse - SOLD Friesian Jetse - Sold Congrats to artist name 37,in Berkley on this phenomenal young horse!!!


It took 2 1/2 years for me to find the PERFECT friesian, and i found it with Janna at blacksterlingfriesians.com!  i  found Cello (which is his new name);

and working with Janna was fun!


CAVALLI - SOLD Friesian CAVALLI - Sold Congrats to Stacy in Denver on this GREAT Horse and Dressage and Western Tack!!!

YAY!!! Oh my goodness I cannot even tell you how excited I am and how this fills my heart with joy. I am overjoyed and cannot wait to love him (which I already do and don't even know him) LOL.

Thanks so much, Good lord, I cannot stop smiling....I am a HORSE OWNER AGAIN and not just any horse, but my dream horse. Thank you so much for all your help with this because it is a brand new experience for me: importing, shipping, etc. :) You rock and so appreciate you.
Thanks again for all your help with finding my dream horse!!:)
Hi Janna! He's amazing.We've been training in dressage, exploring the trails, and now will start ground driving to get him used to the carriages. He seriously is MY once in a lifetime horse. I think he's like my German shepherds where they are YOUR fur baby - you're part of their pack or I'm his case herd! I see him almost every single day, I can't stay away and he is such a dream come true.
Sincerely, Stacy in Denver


GRYTZEN STER - SOLD Friesian GRYTZEN STER - Sold BIG Congrats to Gia & her Mom Annette in NC--on their 2nd friesian from BSF!

Hi Janna,
I thought I would email you to say thank you for bringing another wonderful horse into our lives. My daughter and her husband are very excited about the new horse in the family. How often does that happen? In fact, her husband Roger, has expressed interest in learning to ride. I'm speechless about that and naturally very happy. I feel so lucky to be able to confidently give the" best gift ever" of one of your Friesians. I have thought about you since Finn arrived and have wondered how you were doing.
I am beyond happy with Finn.  After dinner, when I am alone, I like to take a walk around the farm to check on the inhabitants. Together with my dogs I stop at a couple of pastures to visit with my other horses. But as I get closer to the front pasture I can hear Finn running to me before I can see him. He is an enormous beast with a heart as big as a harvest moon. He runs to me, lifting his feathered feet high into the air, always making a spectacular entrance but then suddenly stopping with only inches between us.... I cannot begin to tell you how great that makes me feel. I am very grateful you chose to make a life of bringing Friesians to us mere mortals.
Annette in NC

I cannot tell you how much i appreciate everything.  Thank you so much Janna, i am super excited! Wow. I know i keep saying this, but i really appreciate everything. This has been such a great experience!
Update... Hi Janna I now have had Grytzen for 4 days. When I think about what we’ve done together, I fear if I don’t capture every moment I will forget everything we experience together because it’s already been so much!  I rode him on Saturday and every day since. Today we had our first lesson (!) and he already won the heart of the instructor with his kind eyes and warm personality. Thank you so much for everything. I am so excited to begin this journey with him.
You are truly a matchmaker! All the best, Gia


Barteld - SOLD Friesian Barteld - Sold Congrats Renee and little Ella on This Magnificent Horse!!

We are ALL beaming with excitement. Jana, thank you so much for helping us realize this dream.

I cannot tell you how excited we are for Barteld to join us in Colorado and we want to thank you for helping us make this happen, we are all so excited!

Barteld is the sweetest gentleman, we are so grateful to you for connecting us with this gentle stunning giant. We adore him and thank you so very much for everything!!!

Update... Janna, he is just the sweetest guy around. Everyone at the barn is so in love with him…of course not as much as we all are! Thank you so much for bringing him into our lives, he is so special!Hi Miss Janna I hope this finds you well. We are all enjoying Bartled so much. We have learned a great deal from each other and so happy he is part of our family. Such a playful and loving personality.
Update.... Hey Janna, Ella adores this fellow, he is just the sweetest guy around…of course has plenty of go in him. We just love him and we thank you so very much!!!!
Update.... He is the sweetest, most darling of gents. He has a wonderful personality that is playful and loving. He is so much a part of our family and we are so grateful that you brought him into our lives. A babe. Thank you!!!!
- Renee in Colorado xo


MARMI - SOLD Friesian MARMI - Sold Congrats to Anne and Will in Virginia!

Hi Janna,
Just wanted to let you know Marmi arrived safe. He's absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for braiding his mane. He is being a perfect gentleman. I had to lead him in from the road in the middle of the night, past my mares who were running around like maniacs, and Marmi behaved very well, listening and trusting.
Thanks for everything! We are enjoying the new member of our family!

Hi Janna! Marmi (we call him Jerry), is just the sweetest fellow. I am attaching a photo and wanted to share a story. Visualize a cold, windy day, with idiot neighbor shooting. Jerry was very steady and responsive. Had a lovely ride. While dismounting, I accidentally forgot to detach the airbag cable that connects my safety vest to the saddle. It sounds like a firecracker when it deploys! Jerry just stood there calmly like the gentleman he is. We've been on trail rides and have taken him to a nearby indoor arena for schooling. I have him in training with a wonderful trainer and we have plans to take him to a schooling show in 2 weeks. Thanks again! We're enjoying him very much! 

Update.... Hi Janna, Marmi (Jerry) went to his first dressage show today and earned a 64. He was super good, despite a cold windy day and a lot of commotion.. He is such a delight!
 Anne & Will in Virginia


Wabe - SOLD Friesian Wabe - Sold

Hi Janna,

Wabe is doing great, he is just what I was looking for. Just an all around easy guy. My dressage trainer is also very impressed with him.

Thank you for a great Friesian, he's the perfect horse for me :) 

-Lisa in New Hampshire


JACK BLACK - SOLD Friesian JACK BLACK - Sold Congrats to Rhonda on her 2nd BSF horse!

He is amazing and I think if any horse could attempt to fill Wiggle's shoes it will be this boy.

Thank YOU!



VENERE - SOLD Friesian VENERE - Sold Grats to Karen in Bakersfield on her 2nd BSF horse!!!

Hello Jana,

Thanks for another great BSF friesian horse!

-Karen in Bakersfield


Records 436 to 450 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.