
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 46 to 60 of 1063
JULIUS STER - SOLD Friesian JULIUS STER - Sold Congrats to James & Family in Nebraska on this Special STER Gelding from the Royal Dutch Stable!

Julius has been everything we could have hoped for.  


Thank you for arranging such as social (and sort of famous) horse for us!!!!


-James in Nebraska 


RIK - SOLD Friesian RIK - Sold

Thank you, Janna! 

It was so nice meeting you, and I cannot WAIT for Rik to come to San Diego! Thanks again for everything!



Hi Janna, I wanted to let you know that Rik arrived last night, and he is doing great in his new home in Del Mar! He has such sweet manners that he had no problem settling right in. We love him so much! Thanks again!

Rik is doing great:)




Rio Bella - SOLD Friesian Rio Bella - Sold Congrats Michael & David in IN!

I appreciate your clear answers to our questions.  We feel already that she is a part of our family!

We couldn't be happier!!

Rio Bella did a great job giving birth and has been an incredible mother from the very first moments!   Both Lucca and Rio are doing perfectly!

Our Hearts are Bursting!!

Thanks, as ever.

Michael and David


Insert from FHANA magazine, October 2023: "We found and imported the Gorgeous Rio Bella, aka Rio van de Hondshoeve, which translates to Rio from the dog farm!  She was just what we were looking for, very tall, modern, sporty with all the desired Friesian attributes, plus she was in foal to Tiede 501, the hottest stallion in Europe and Alwin 469's first approved son.  She was 8 months pregnant when she made the flight to JFK....our very first foal Lucca of Sylvan Farm was born perfectly healthy."


ECLIPSE BSF - SOLD Friesian ECLIPSE BSF - Sold Grats to Kelly in Washington on this VERY Sweet boy!!!

Eclipse made it safely to his new barn in Woodinville. ?? Thank you again.


I can’t say how thankful I am for you finding the perfect horse. Everyone who has met him has fallen in love with his sweet and gentle nature.




  I just wanted to send you a video of Eclipse— I bought him from you last July. He is absolutely amazing in every way. It was truly love at first sight. This is a video of him swimming and doing the underwater treadmill. 

He is truly an amazing horse. I’m so proud of him and his swimming skills— definitely shows how sweet and adaptable he is in any situation.


Thank you again Janna!


-Kelly in Washington 


Friso - SOLD Friesian Friso - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF Headed to Texas for Lisa!!

 I truly am so happy and excited on so many levels! Thank you again for helping me find my dreams!

And a P.S. I was thinking tonight about how there has not been a day since Norbit stepped off the trailer that he has brought me anything but joy. That precious, beautiful boy is truly one of the biggest loves of my life. I’m so excited and thankful that another beauty is preparing to step into my life…and at such a time when I need joy so desperately!

Thank you so very much.


He’s here!!!!!! Oh….my….gosh Janna…..I already am so totally in love!!!!!! This boy possesses a very special aura. Within minutes he was asking if I was his….. So thank you soooo much for the beautiful halter AND blanket!!!!!! Oh my gosh!!!!!! That blanket is the most gorgeous I’ve ever seen!!!!!!!!! I’m seriously considering bringing it inside and using it as a throw!!!! Truly, that is the most luxurious blanket I’ve ever seen!!! So……thank you,thank you, thank you……you truly have helped restart a dream I felt sure had died…. And the timing has worked out so incredibly! I turn 65 this coming Tuesday. When this idea was hatched, my thought was that for my 65th birthday I would “buy myself” the ultimate gift!…..and with your help I think I did!!!!!! How do you put a price tag on the passion God put in your heart???? Absolutely priceless!!!!! This has been a long, hard journey…but with your unbelievable help I think I’m finally back on the intended path for my life…. Now I’m hoping the “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear “ mantra comes true!!!  I've thought this was all gone...but now i have hope that just maybe Friso and i will be able to go forward and earn my GOLD (USDF Medal)...Thank you sweet friend. And last night my two black loves first meet.   Update:

Hi Janna! Just had my 2nd ride on Friso. Am over the top in love with this boy. So incredibly level headed and willing. He already is incredibly loved and has found his forever home!

Thanks so much!!  

-Lisa in Texas



Leafde STER - SOLD Friesian Leafde STER - Sold Grats to Kathryn in Fla


I am so excited!!

Thanks for such a speedy informative process.


Lea is doing well and riding well.

SUPER fancy and super sweet. LOVING HER!!!!!!!!! 


Lea had a filly, Chesney!! THANK YOU!! Lea is such a talented and sweet mare!!

-Kathryn in Florida


DAMON SPORT - SOLD Friesian DAMON SPORT - Sold Grats to Susan in New Jersey on her NEW SCHOOLMASTER!



Damon is doing great!!!


He has settled in very nicely. 


-Lance in N.J.


Records 46 to 60 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.