
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 451 to 465 of 1061
Klaske Lianne - SOLD Friesian Klaske Lianne - Sold This Gorgeous Gal is Headed to Fla!

Hi Janna, the mares arrived tonight about midnight, they are absolutely beautiful!!!!


Thank You so much for all you help and patience.

They'll have a good home here---

Thanks again!


Zaozerny - SOLD Friesian Zaozerny - Sold Grats to Dr Charlyn in Kenwood, and her ranch manager, Angel!!

Janna, It was a pleasure to meet you. We are all THRILLED with Zaozerny! We could not be more pleased. Angel will start lessons on him with the trainer, immediately. I will get him out on the trail with my other horses. It will all be great! Again, we are delighted to have ZZ with us. Much appreciation, Charlyn in San Francisco

Update... Dear Janna. Here are a couple of more images of Zao and my daughter.... he is wonderful.  THANK YOU FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!


Ilse Sandra - SOLD Friesian Ilse Sandra - Sold 2nd Friesian Going to Lucky New Owner in Fla!

Hi Janna,

the mares arrived tonight, they are absolutely beautiful, Thank You so much for all you help and patience.......absolutely love these girls!


----Thanks again!!!!


Tiberius - SOLD Friesian Tiberius - Sold This LONG Haired Wander Boy is Going to Mass for Larraine!!

1 year later..................................................

Hi Janna,
Tiberius is doing very well.
He's such a sweetie and a bit of a goofball with way too much personality! He and Versace are attached at the hip. They are nicknamed the twins. They get turned out together and love to play!
He's a lot of fun to ride and is progressing very well.
Larraine in Mass

Update... Hi Janna, I own three Friesians that came from Black Sterling and it has changed my life! My gelding, Wander, I purchased from you about 9 years ago. He is amazing and I am enjoying riding him daily. Tiberius is a gelding that I purchased from a friend of mine, Larraine.  I purchased Alwyn, my stallion, from Chelsea Balcaen in Canada several years ago. Chelsea did an incredible job with training and showed Alwyn through INTERMEDIARE 1!!.... I have fallen  more in love with him.... His character is astounding.

Linda in Mass



AMALIA B. - SOLD Friesian AMALIA B. - Sold BIG Congrats to Eileen in Montana on this Jasper Mare!!!

Thank you so much for all of your help, honesty, integrity, and professionalism!!!

-hugs, Eileen in Montana


TEDI - SOLD Friesian TEDI - Sold Congrats to Agustin in Washington State

I talked to other  friesian sellers before finding Janna at BlackSterlingFriesians.com, and i am SOOOO GLAD i didnt buy elsewhere!  The quality of Janna's friesians are unparalleled ANYWHERE.  Janna listed to exactly what i wanted, and FOUND it for me. THANK YOU---there are very few horse sellers in the world like Janna, and i thank her from the bottom of my heart.

-Agustin in WA



Thanks! Love on Dantino for us…tell him there’s a staff in Virginia just waiting to love on him too! It’s been a pleasure working with you on this. Congratulations to you, and congratulations to us!
-G.G. in Virginia Beach

He is doing well!!
-Corrie in Virginia Beach


Wisse BSF - SOLD Friesian Wisse BSF - Sold Grats to Dolores In Seattle!!

Hi Janna,

Thanks so much for caring for him "like your own"!!!!
We are really so excited about him! He is the most perfect, fun to ride guy, feel so lucky to have found him. Really appreciate your kindness, understanding, and patience. Also so thankful for my wonderful husband who felt we must buy this special horse.  I know Wisse will do his best for me!!

Best, -Dolores in Oregon

Update... Janna, he is being so good! Of course!


CARRERA - SOLD Friesian CARRERA - Sold Going to Montana for Janice and David!!!

We ADORE him, he is so sweet. Really different breed than what I am used to, but really cool. Montana is difficult because we don't do much in the winter. The weather has been good enough though that my trainer has been putting rides on him and he is doing well. He gets along fabulously with my other two, his movement is so fun to watch. 

I am going to go on to your sight to purchase a Western Saddle and a bridle. David would like Dutch to have his own stuff (of course).

I want to tell you that the Calgary import facility was fantastic, they are  super caring and efficient. I would not EVER hesitate to bring horses to the Northwest coming through their facility. Crossing the border was relatively easy, and all went smoothly. Dutch is a trooper, handled the ride home great. We talked at all the gas stops and he was super calm.

Thanks again!!!! Janice & David (Montana)

Update... Enjoying an afternoon with a glorious Montana Rainbow.Dutch is doing fantastic, he really likes to go places and seems to love being ridden. That sounds funny to say, but I have horses that seem to just do because they have to.


SIMMER - SOLD Friesian SIMMER - Sold Headed to Fla for Manny & Linda--What a Great 2 for 1 Second Level mare!!!

Janna, Just wanted to let you know that Simmer arrived at our ranch in South Florida last night around 7:00 p.m. and she is doing fine...such a beautiful sweet mare! 
 Simmer is doing great, such a sweetheart, and we couldn't be happier with her! Thanks again, Janna, she's beautiful.

Linda in Fla


BAHIA - SOLD Friesian BAHIA - Sold Gorgeous Gentle Giant Going to Tess in Colorado

Janna, Just wanted to let you know that the big guy arrived yesterday morning around 4 AM. Everything was perfect with him... Thanks for everything!
Update.... Janna, I purchased a fabulous Friesian named Bahia from you....We are getting along very nicely and absolutely adore each other! I truly love my big boy (and he is a big one!),...with a wonderful personality. … I just ordered your western tack package and I will get you a fantastic pic once we get the new saddle and rigging! -Tess in Colorado


UBBEN - SOLD Friesian UBBEN - Sold Grats to Bernardino in San Diego on his marvelous Stallion!

Thank you very much for my good friend Ubben!!!!

-Ben in Thermal


ZIPPORA - SOLD Friesian ZIPPORA - Sold Congrats to Jenni in GA!!!

Hi Janna,

She is stunning! I love her so much already! She's already talking to me and following me around like a big puppy;) Thank you so much!... you've been a great help;) Thank u! Did I mention I love love love her! I walked my 5 yr old around on her and she did great! He loves her too;)

Hi Janna, we just wanted to say "hi";) Zippora is doing great. Love her so much!


Update: Janna-Zippy is my soul horse— I love her so much! She is truly my heart horse and she helped me so much after losing my Mom. I can’t thank you enough for her.




Foppe - SOLD Friesian Foppe - Sold Happy Engagement Present to Lou Ann from Mike!!!!

Mike and I are so thrilled with Foppe, we can hardly stand ourselves.
Our life will be never be the same.
Thank you so much!!

Oh My God!!
He arrived at midnight last Tues night. Mike and I met the trailer coming up the driveway. What a thrill to see this magnificent creature for the first time. Even more spectacular then his pictures!!! He snorted and sniffed as he walked politely to his stall. His stall was next to a gelding and a mare. You guessed it, he went directly to the mare and made friends. We petted and stared and cried and laughed and instantly bonded with him until 3 in the morning. We Could hardly bare to leave his side. After arriving home I couldn't go back to sleep and I knew my life would be forever changed.
I had dreamed of having a Friesian for 12 years and my love, Mike has made my dreams come true.
He gave Foppe to me for an engagement present, not only Foppe but on Sat Mike surprised me with a "Fairy Tale" Engagement Party at the Emery Estates in Sonoma for family and a few close friends. I thought I was going to a wine tasting party when here it was a party for me. Moments after I walked in, "I Believe" by Brooks and Dunn came blaring out over the sound system filling the valley with anticipation, what was going to happen next? Then I see "My Little Petite Megan" coming through the vineyards leading Foppe. This was a site to behold.
This big bold beautiful animal was decked out wearing a black and gold braided blanket with Mikes' family crest and "Will You Marry Me" embroidered on the side. Mike carefully removed the blanket and attached to Foppes' long thick wavy mane was a bouquet of black and gold ribbons. Mike, ever so carefully plucked a 4 Karot Diamond Ring from his mane and on bended knee placed it on my finger asking me to marry him. I joyfully and tearfully said "YES". There were tears and cheers and pictures galore. Mike was leading Foppe in the center ring with me on his velvety black back. This was the first time I sat on his back and it was pretty exciting. Later we danced, ate and sipped wine and finished the evening with a lemon cake with black frosting in the shape of a Friesians' head.
What a day to remember!! Look for pictures in Deborahs' column "Fine Occasions" featured in the upcoming sunday's Sonoma newspaper.
Lou Ann


PERRIER - SOLD Friesian PERRIER - Sold Grats to Val!!!

Hi Janna,

We’re safely in WY and Hannes (Perrier) traveled like a true champion – a huge testament to Perrier's trainer in the Netherlands and her foundational work on him. As such a young horse I was really impressed with his manners EVERYWHERE. He loaded that trailer (step up) being led by a complete stranger with only the slightest emotional hesitation (no real refusal). And when we left from CA to WY he again showed us how high he could step up – really awesome! Our vet checked him today and he is doing great, no dehydration, good appetite and all vitals and temperature are good.
Many thanks for your time Janna! Hannes (Perrier) is becoming used to the snow and snowmobiles, I’ve attached a photo from the farm of us (his eyes are open, mine are closed!) Thank you again! Warm regards, Val


Records 451 to 465 of 1061

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.