
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 496 to 510 of 1063
Rutger - SOLD Friesian Rutger - Sold 4th friesian from BSF going to John in Vermont

So excited!

We LOVE Rutger!!

I have a wonderful new man in my life and he loves riding Rutger and Parsifal.

John in Vermont

Mark Addison and I on Harley and Parsifal ("Chopper")


Nikki - SOLD Friesian Nikki - Sold Congrats to Shirley in Quebec!!!

HI Janna,

Nikki is to adapting very well to Canada ----she is very kind!!

We have started her dressage training here and are thrilled at how quickly she learns!

Thank you!!!

Shirley in Quebec


Vezalay - SOLD Friesian Vezalay - Sold Sold to Ginny in Virginia!!!


He is the sweetest boy I have ever met!! We have spent the last 2 whole days together talking, brushing and taking walks. 

Will send pictures soon. Sooo very happy!!! Thank you for everything-You are a super person! My little boy is going to spread a lot of love during his lifetime.


Such a gorgeous boy-we will have so much fun working together towards our goals-watch out world-----!!!

Ginny in Virginia


Gabby - SOLD Friesian Gabby - Sold

He's doing great. He settled in like he had been here for months. He's so mellow. He is getting, and loving, LOADS of attention. He even had a photographer awaiting his arrival on Sat. and his photo was emailed to all the boarders. Cheryl still can't believe such a big horse is not hot. Even my husband came out to see him and led him around. (He's not horsey...yet!) And Orion (Gabby) is so gentle w/ my little girl! We had to fit the bridle to him and he stood in his stall while we put it on and off his head about 4 times, w/ no dancing or grumpy attitude whatsoever. It hasn't quite sunk in yet that he's actually mine. Thank you so much for helping me achieve a life long dream and for helping me through a difficult time. You and your staff are such caring professionals. It is so refreshing to be treated with understanding, fairness and respect. Have a wonderful time in Holland We plan on taking him to a local schooling show and I'll show him in halter while my daughter shows her miniature mare. It should be quite a sight!

Just wanted to write and give you an update on Orion. He is so wonderful! We took him to a schooling show -- just to get him out and about. He was the "belle of the ball". We had everyone coming up and taking pictures, staring, and little girls saying "Hi" and "Bye, Orion!" all day. We got 1st in halter, of course, and 3rd in Hunter Eq. and 3rd in Hunter Pleasure. He was the only Friesian there and our trainer said not to be surprised if he didn't get 1st in the show as his gait is so much bigger and faster than all the other horses. We also had the vet out ..The vet had to sedate the next horse and he was awed by Orion's temperament. I was a little nervous giving such a big horse a shot, but he didn't even flinch! He is so sweet. He would rather visit w/ people than run around the arena. He follows 3 inches behind me when I go out and walk around. His "itchy" place is just below the withers and he arches his neck, tilts his head sideways and sticks out that upper lip. Aaahhh....the simple pleasures of life.
I wanted to let you know He LOVES kids, and is still the star of the barn.
1 year later...
My trainer thinks Gabby (Orion) thinks he is the best Friesian he has ever worked with. His trot and canter are beautiful. He is such a willing horse. He loves to please and although he is incredibly strong, he is also incredibly gentle. I had my 5 year old w/ me and as I led him he started following her. She stepped in front of him and he immediately stopped so as not to bump into her. How he sees her from way up there I don't know. I've never known another horse that would leave its dinner anytime to visit with people. After a year, his beauty and kind heart still blow me away.Thank you a million times over for helping us find each other.

Update, 8 years later....
 I'm the lucky lady that bought Foeke/ "Gabby" back in July/Aug 2006 (we renamed him "Orion"). We are showing 3rd level! As a warm-up for the season, at a schooling show two weeks ago he got 66.711% - Level 3, Test 1 - 2nd highest score of the day!  He is just amazing and we still get compliments everywhere we go.At one show we had folks stop and take pics of him as he stood at the trailer and another professional photographer used him as the main pic on his webpage. Not only is he gorgeous, hard-working, and talented, but he is one of the sweetest horses I've ever met.

Update 14 years later...
Janna,my most sincere sympathies for your loss of Sterling. I just saw your website and saw the very tragic news. He brought such beauty to the world & joy to so many people. In fact, without him inspiring you I may not have ever found my beloved boy, Orion (barn name was Gabby in 2001 when I bought him from you). But on a happier note, I wanted to let you know Orion (registered name Foeke) earned his Sport Predicate in Dressage this year and qualified for the CDS/USDF Championship in 4th level!
Take care & I cant thank you enough for my treasured Friesian. -Robin


Sil STER - SOLD Friesian Sil STER - Sold Congrats to Elissa in NY!!!

Hi Janna! Thank you so very much for the visit. It was great meeting you, Terri and Alyssa. I am so looking forward to having Sil here.  Will keep in touch, Thank you again!

Elissa in NY


MOJO - SOLD Friesian MOJO - Sold 2nd friesian from BSF going to Barbara in Norco:)


This horse is AWESOME...

He rides like a dream. Two BSF horses making a big fat smile.

I am in love with him!!!!!!

I am thrilled.

Barbara in Norco


Isadoro - SOLD Friesian Isadoro - Sold Congrats to Ken on his 3rd Friesian from BSF

I am very happy with are purchase. Thank you!!!


Picasso - SOLD Friesian Picasso - Sold 2nd Friesian Going to Ken and Katie in Sacramento!!

Thanks Again for making this sale so smooth.

-Ken in Sacramento

Hi Janna!
I have to tell you how in love I am with Picasso. Cannot imagine life without him now!! We've really bonded - he's like a big puppy! Plus he and my draft/paint mare are totally in love!! He's been to beach in Bodega Bay and Ventura. He's so willing to try anything - we've worked cows, done crazy obstacle courses and horsemanship clinics. Seeing him cut and trot after a cow so pretty had everyone laughing hysterically. We are having so much fun! I absolutely adore him. He runs up to the pasture gate when he sees my car and leans on the gate impatiently to say hi. He follows me when I leave. He is obsessed with food and quite a polite, cute beggar. He surprises me in the tiny tack room sometimes too. Thank you so much!!! I hope we can ride together soon.



FINN - SOLD Friesian FINN - Sold Headed to Annette in NC!!!!

Hi Janna, Finn arrived before the stroke of twelve last night. He had a long walk up to the barn in darkness with loose horses in pasture on either side of him screaming at him, the stranger. He was worried but totally sane and well behaved. When I called him by name and put my hand on his shoulder he bent his beautiful head down to look at me, trusting immediately and trudged on. He seems to be in perfect health, no worse for the wear of the long journey. Several of my friends (who were brave enough) cautioned me about buying a horse on line. Even I found it a bit odd I bought a horse unseen from someone I never met. But the funny thing is after talking to you a few times I felt the outcome would result in my complete satisfaction and it has. I am so happy with him, tired from being up all night admiring him, but very happy. Thank you Janna! Annette in NC


Va Voom! - SOLD Friesian Va Voom! - Sold Going to Kathy in Washington!!

Hi Janna, Va Voom (Freark) and my old TWH gelding think they are related since they are both black... and don't like to be out of sight from each other yet.  My fiancee absolutely loves him and he is ready to ride. I'm going to have to fight him off to have access to my own horse! Anyway, wanted to let you know that all is well and that this lovely horse is doing very well indeed, and endearing himself to everyone.
 He is such a love... taking time from munching to say hello when he saw me on the patio deck! He is a delight - but he is sure that he is starving, or at least he would like me to believe that he is :)! Everyone LOVES him - I can see why these horses are like potato chips... can't have just one. Thank you again for your help,
4 months later.....

Va Voom (Freark) is doing very well - bucks like a rodeo horse out in pasture, but is an absolute teddy bear around me and even out on trail with my boyfriend. He does the bucking show when I use a cow bell to call the horses up to the stalls - he is highly motivated by food! He is very, VERY smart, learns so quickly and tries so very hard!  It is such a joy to ride such a "level-headed" animal!  We were out in the woods  on his second 'alone' trail ride, when we apparently split up a herd of about 25 elk!  This big female jumped out of the woods in front of us, and she and I were scared to death!  Freark just stopped, ears forward and waited... then we continued down  the trail, with elk crashing through the vegetation on either side of us... Freark would slow down occasionally as if to say...'are you sure we want to go this way?'... then with a little leg, on he went.  Finally near the bottom of the hill, a huge bull elk with a big rack of antlers pushed his last females out of the woods across our trail again - he was beautiful, but I was a bit worried that he might charge us - but he just had a brief stare-down with Freark and continued on his way.  I decided that I had had enough... turned back around and went up the hill through the trees.  Freark was a trooper the whole way!  He also has a real gentleness with little children - really remarkable - he must have been around them before as he is so careful when they are around.  As you can tell, he is getting lots of love and attention. I did take your advice and shave him like a poodle... really helped with the scratches!  Thank you Janna - I am always looking, but trust your judgment. The best to everyone at your place. Your horses really are the very best ot there and i feel so lucky to have contacted the right person!  Once people see Freark (Va Voom)...i'm sure folks will want to know where he came from:)We just love him... he is so wonderful to be around...even the guys who take care of the horses at the barn are crazy about  him!  Thanks again for bringing these great horses to me!The clinic went well this weekend with Freark charming his way into Nicola's heart. I think folks tend to look at friesians and think "draft"... THEN when they ride, they change their minds.... here's the best part -- Nicola has several Grand Prix horses including her 18 hand (yipes!) warmblood and she said she loves Freark and thinks he moves like a warmblood!! She believes his conformation is excellent for future work - of course... you and I already knew that! It's just nice to hear it from a "dressage" purist!

 So good job lady! You found me the perfect horse!!!

Update 6 years later...Hope this email finds you in good health -- you look great in those photos from Holland! Both Jork and Freark will be awarded their Sport Predicates this year. Jork is showing at 4th level, schooling Prix St. George; while Freark is showing 3rd and 3rd Freestyle. ('Va Voom' was an appropriate name after all -lol.) They both have great piaffe/passage - Jork being Dr. Gerd Hauschmann's demonstration horse for piaffe last year while he gave a 3 day seminar in the Seattle area. Just a quick update to let you know how well your boys are doing. And of course, they are both my loves which goes without saying...Kathleen in Washington


Aaron BSF - SOLD Friesian Aaron BSF - Sold

Hi Janna, Unloading went great. He is home. He is settling in. We have decided to call his Brace. Thanks so much for making the transaction so quick and easy, you can rest assured that he will have a great home. Hi Janna!!! He's doing so awesome! Last night he was very relaxed and rolled a few times in the round pen. He was happy in his stall/coral, eating and drinking a lot. He really likes people! Sooo friendly. We are in love with him! It was also awesome to meet you. You are great! Thank you! I would love so much to ride with you very soon! :) Going to shows would also be so fun!! I just love Aaron so much - he is so gentle and kind. Thank you! Katie and Ken in Sacramento


Merlin BSF - SOLD Friesian Merlin BSF - Sold Grats to Jerry in Iowa:)

Jerry and Merlin WIN IT ALL!!!!.....Competing in iowa "He is very proud! GORGEOUS horse!!!

Thank you! Jerry in Iowa


Norman - SOLD Friesian Norman  - Sold David and Seelchen --- what a fabulous 2nd friesian from BSF!!

Dear Jana,
Just wanted to let you know we LOVE Norman,aka, Normandy!

It looks as though, yet again, you came through for us with another amazing BSF super jock! He is gorgeous, sweet , and SOO talented, like our last one, Jesse. You may have been right about Norman...He is absolutely trouble free at home and shows and the judges love him!
Seelchen and David

Update Oct 16, 2013

.... Norman finished 13th in the country at third level..... pretty good huh... Our Janna horses continue to rock the USDF.


Pieter Paul - SOLD Friesian Pieter Paul - Sold Carla in NJ --- Congrats on this sweet boy!
Hi Janna,He is everything I thought he would be and so much more. He is much more beautiful in person that in photos. I could not be more thrilled. And he has such a wonderful personality. Cannot wait to get to the barn this morning. Everyone was taken with him. But I guess I am not telling you anything that you didn't already know about him! I cannot thank you enough for him.He is so lovely and a joy to handle. Had his feet done and he was really good for the blacksmith. Am more impressed with him everyday.
Hi Janna, Pieter is doing great and such a lovely guy with a winning personality. Everyone in the barn finds him to be very charming! Even those who were Friesian skeptics. Shown him a few times and he has done very well.Taking him tomorrow on an outing to the Foundation in Southern Pines for some trail riding. Only his second trip there but he enjoyed the first one.
2 years later... Hi Janna, Just had to tell you that this weekend at the NCDCTA championships Pieter won Reserve Champion at Intro with me and Reserve Champion at Training with his Trainer. Thought you would appreciate how well he was doing. He is such a lovely fellow!
Update .... He had a good year showing this year. Moved up to 3rd level. Won HOY 3rd level at Jr/YG rider NCDCTA. Just such a good guy! Love him more each passing day! -Carla in NJ


NEMASUS - SOLD Friesian NEMASUS - Sold Congrats to melissa on her first BSF Friesian!!!

I'm getting so excited I can hardly sleep:). Thanks for all the help and info. I greatly appreciate all the wonderful things you are doing!



Records 496 to 510 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.