
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 511 to 525 of 1063
wolter bsf - SOLD Friesian wolter bsf - Sold Congrats to Ken in Idaho!!

Just arrived, love at first sight!

What a sweetheart of a horse!

Right now he is the lone ranger on the property, so we hang out with him as much as possible. I swear he would crawl in our laps if he he could!

I'll be bringing my girl home mid June, then he'll have some company. Will keep you updated so you can post more testimonial from satisfied customers on your website! Take care!

Kari and Ken in Idaho


Breathe - SOLD Friesian Breathe - Sold

Breath is doing wonderfully. I decided to call her Bella. I'm sure you already know that it means Beautiful, and it is a bit easier for me to say. She is such a lover. She thrives on attention, which she gets a ton of out at the stables. She is the only Friesian there, and a bit of a star. I have had people ask to take their picture next to her when I have had her out grooming her. That took me a bit by surprise. I also had to special order a western saddle to fit her. She is a bit of a wide bodied girl....Tee-hee.
She definitely loves chow time, and has gotten a bit of a belly since arriving here. When it gets closer to the Keuring, I will have to put her on a diet. I'm sure she will not care much for that. I have taken her out on trail several times alone. She has done wonderfully. We have passed several trail ride groups going back in while we were on our way out, and she could care less. Thank you so much for my wonderful partner.

Update...8 Years Later... I bought a Friesian from you called Breath back in 2005. I love her!!! Bella (formerly Breath) is awesome. We just do trail, but she loves it. Never barn sour. Always loves to go out. Shellie


AUKE STER - SOLD Friesian AUKE STER - Sold Amy in Oklahoma is Gettin a VERY Special Stallion:)

Me my son, granddaughter and Auke who we now refer to Gabriel. I love this boy to death and can't thank you enough !!

--Amy in Oklahoma


COLATA STER - SOLD Friesian COLATA STER - Sold Grats to Chelsea in So Cal

Good Evening Janna,

Thank you again for two BEAUTIFUL DREAM GIFTS!! 

My brain was going a hundred miles an hour with excitement and joy!
Hope you had a wonderful Birthday!

Chelsea in Yucaipa


ATHENA - SOLD Friesian ATHENA - Sold Grats to Stuart in Los Angeles!!!

She got here in great shape, pranced off the transport, rolled right into her stall and started eating like she hadn't eaten in days lol. She's beautiful. She seems to like her new digs. Thanks for the beautiful horse!

Update... Athena is doing well and is currently living a life of leisure at Saddlerock in Malibu :)



Cristof - SOLD Friesian Cristof - Sold

"Cristof has been such a pleasure. Every time I ride him, I love him even more. I don't think I could imagine a more perfect horse for me. He's amazingly gentle and so intelligent. He's always up for anything, he loves to be ridden whether it be in the arena or on the trail. He even loves going in the water! He's a treasure and I feel so lucky to have found him. Thank you so much Janna for making it possible to have this amazing horse in my life. I couldn't be happier!"
Thanks Janna! -Reichel
Update 4 years later...Hi Janna,I have been following your website for years and always hoped to own one of your horses. Less than a year ago, with luck and timing, I was able to purchase one of your horses that you once had for sale. I remembered him from your website, so when his owner reluctantly put him up for sale, I jumped at the chance. I am now the proud owner of Cristof and a first time Friesian owner. He is everything I ever dreamed of! He is so smart, kind, silly and fun. I never imagined to find a horse so well suited for me. He is always up for anything whether it's the arena, trail, or beach. He never hesitates to jump in my trailer for our next adventure. I just wanted to let you know he is in great hands and very loved! I attached some pictures from our adventures.
Best, Vanessa in California


Kalypso STER - SOLD Friesian Kalypso STER - Sold This Show Horse Has Cleaned Up in EVERY division!!

Callay won the IFSHA GRAND NATIONAL high point award!!!!!

He earned championships in dressage tests, including Western dressage, trail, western pleasure, dressage suit, hunter under saddle,two costume Classes, and country English pleasure !!

We r extremely proud of our boy!! Hope to see you soon, I miss you!

Debie in Nicasio


Macho STER - SOLD Friesian Macho STER - Sold Congrats to Elisabeth and her daughter, Sahara, who have just returned from Ethiopia

Hi Janna,

Sahara named him Hades: she is a history and French double major and has always loved mythology- especially Greek mythology. In explaining the name she said, Hades is god of the underworld, which includes both the Elysian Fields and Tarterus. She is reminded about balance, and finding balance. Hades (the Friesian) is so masculine, (not cute- but compelling and bold looking) but not in a macho way- in a commanding, loyal and loving way. Like a lord or nobleman- or Greek god! Hades.  She loves him so much-I've got a lot going on right now, but no matter. I am committed! And really love him too.  We are very excited about Hades and learning all about him, his care and riding!  At some point, I'd love to learn ground work and study with a trainer. (later on of course- slow and easy does it)! Thanks again,

Update... Hi Janna. Aren't they cute! Love the tongue!  We stopped by the barn today to visit Hades and bring apples. He was a love!

Update... Hi Janna, Dr. Leslie was wonderful and I got a chance to see how a vet check is performed. He was SO incredibly good about everything- being poked and prodded. Such a gentleman! He was a marvel to behold! She was extremely impressed with him. It was great!Of course we knew he would pass with flying colors! He is such an amazing horse. We LOVE Macho/Hades more with every visit (though Sahara is in Egypt now, I am sure she agrees). I have a lesson with Alyssa on Friday .
Update... I love riding him and see him everyday. He's in great health- Hades has turned into an absolute love bug. Last week when I was lunging him in the round pen, I went out for a moment to remove his poop and when I returned, he had picked up the lunge whip, brought it to me and went back to the rail. When he sees me he calls out and sets off the whole ranch. Then lines up to the side for his halter. Waits to be invited to walk with me and is a perfect gentleman. He's kiss trained. We play all kinds of silly games we've made up and his inner horse is really shinning.
See you soon, Elisabeth


Nico BSF - SOLD Friesian Nico BSF - Sold Grats to Aldo in Arkansas on This Special colt!!

Nico made it home fine! Thanks again.

Aldo in AK


JENTE - SOLD Friesian JENTE - Sold Grats to Teri in Utah on this Fantastic stallion!!!!

Born: 02-06-2011



Wendy N. - SOLD Friesian Wendy N. - Sold Congrats to Kate in Texas!!!!!!!!!!!

I cannot even tell you how much I am enjoying my filly! It's crazy to me, growing up on Saddlebreds, how calm this breed is! She's not afraid of hardly anything and when she is, she walks really slow and snorts, but she will always keep going if I ask her to. She's so trusting and such a sweetheart. She's a joy to handle, loves having her mane brushed, and even loves baths! I've never owned a horse who didn't flip out at the sight of water and Wendy was just delighted with it! She really is so brave and so intelligent for her age. I'm already teaching her how to nod on command and she'll come when called, walk when asked, and whoa at the word. Next I'm working on trotting and cantering on command then it's off to bowing and shaking.
She took so quickly to me, too! My roommate who also has a horse at Wendy's stables has let her out to play on several occasions and Wendy never reacts when Sally walks away but when I walk away she tries to jump the fence to join me! It's so adorable. Everyone who has seen us together has commented how Wendy really seems to know I'm her mom already!
She is such a people-horse and follows me around like a puppy. I could not be more smitten with her!

Wendy Wins Halloween Costume Class!!! ....show how magnificent she looked. her mane had snowy branches braided in it and a silver bird perched near her withers. Her tail also had silver glittery branches and leaves braided in it and she wore a garland around her neck. No one could believe that she's just a year and a half and patiently stood around for four hours while I groomed and decorated her!
Yesterday my children's book was finally released so I am officially a published author!....go to www.littlegabbybooks.com  for more info and please tell anyone you know with children that you know the author in Dallas! All purchases go towards me keeping Wendy! As of today it's only available through the authorhouse.com bookstore but in 2-3 weeks it'll be available at amazon.com, target.com, bookstop.com and barnesandnoble.com.

I continue to thank BSF for finding this incredible horse!

Update... The filly I purchased from you in May of 2008, Wendy, is three years old now and has been at the trainer for two months. I rode her today for the first time and thought I would share some of the pictures with you! She was absolutely phenomenal. I cannot believe what a calm disposition she has. I swear, she acts more mature than most of the horses I've ever ridden! I hear that's a Friesian thing. :) I could not love this mare anymore!!!

Update...5 years later... Wendy is doing famously! She broke 16 hands. She's five years old now. I literally had half a dozen people run up to me at the stables yesterday, raving about how exquisite she looks under saddle. It's really a shame I don't enjoy showing, because she would win everything down here! People literally beg me to sell her to them but I plan to treasure her for all of her days.

Katie-Rose in Texas






XANDER - SOLD Friesian XANDER - Sold Congrats to Steve and Kelly Colosky, Z�cker Stad Farm in Michigan!

Hi Janna,

Xander has arrived. He is just awesome! He is more beautiful in person.  He is very regal looking. We already love him. Thanks a bunch!

-Kelly in Detroit


BENTLEY BSF - SOLD Friesian BENTLEY BSF - Sold Congrats to fellow saddleseat rider, Dr Cindy Conway, in Wisc on her 2nd BSF Friesian!!!

Hello Janna: It was wonderful to meet you!  We can not be happier. We love Bentley.
THANK YOU!!!!  Appreciate all of the attention given to him while he is in California. We will be purchasing a blanket from you. We were looking at the ones on your website .....  Cindy is very excited. I personally want to thank you for making her trip last weekend a very positive experience for her. Everyone at the barn was so kind. Please let them know Bentley will have a very special forever home at our horse farm. Cindy is already trying to figure out how and when to get her 3rd BSF :). You are a very special person to bring such happiness to so many people and their Friesians.You do a wonderful job! Thank you again for our new family addition!

  Update...Another happy partnership formed at Black Sterling LLC.....Janna: Bentley arrive at 9:30 pm Sunday night. He came out of the trailer after the long ride like a trooper. It was dark and cold and you could see he was scared, but he followed me right to his warm stall and allowed me to put on his blanket. He is so sweet and trusting. A very special horse. Cindy couldn't wait just like Christmas Eve so was out in the barn at 3 am. She just sat with him as he took naps and got used to his new stall. They have totally bonded and Bentley is feeling right at home. Cindy could not be happier. We both can not thank you enough. He will have a wonderful home with us.
update...  Hello Jana: Just a quick note to let you know that Bentley is totally awesome!!!!!!! He is such a sweet boy and Cindy is spending hours and hours every day just being with him. The blankets are working perfect as we had a major snowstorm with over a foot of snow last week. He enjoyed his Easter treat of apples, carrots and mints. We are so grateful to you as we now have two wonderful BSF friesians at our farm! Steve in wisc

Hello Janna: I really don't know how I can say thank you enough to you. It was 9 years ago that I flew out to California to meet my wonderful Boo. Every single day since has been a joy with Boo. He truly has been the perfect horse and companion for me. Each morning I look forward to my morning nicker as I walk to the arena. I also want to thank you for Bentley. He has been the perfect second horse for our farm. Bentley is my impossibly sweet little boy and has quickly become a friend to Boo and part of our family. He is amazing for me to ride and Steve is looking forward to starting our trail rides together. You truly have the most amazing Friesians and I am so grateful for both of my wonderful boys. We are already planning to bring home another one of your amazing horses in the future. Update 1 yr later......
Hard to believe that it was one year ago that we were flying out to meet with you and find our second dream horse. Bentley is amazing.He is polite and respectful with Boo so we have had zero issues introducing him into the family. I love being around him and he is wonderful to ride. He has enjoyed the hay we produce on our farm and has put on a new layer of muscles and looks fantastic! I just wanted to once again say Thank You! Both Boo and Bentley have brought great joy to my life!
-Dr. Cindy Conway in Wisc


MONTRACHET Sport - SOLD Friesian MONTRACHET Sport - Sold Congrats to Nicole in Orange County on this AMAZING Boy!!!!

He is a doll, what a great boy. Thanks again for everything.

-Nicole in So Cal

Hi Janna,
he arrived and is gorgeous and already quite calmed down. What a beautiful boy- Nicole is totally in love with him!



Willow JLW - SOLD Friesian Willow JLW - Sold BIG Grats to Suzanne, currently in Afghanistan!

She is a sweet and wonderful horse, she's about 5 months pregnant now, I can't wait until her baby comes!



Records 511 to 525 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.