
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 526 to 540 of 1063

Hi Janna,


I am so happy Lamborghini's mine and I still have a hard time believing he is. He is truly a special horse and I love bonding with him! 


Thank you again and see you soon!


Best, Johanna


Cielia - SOLD Friesian Cielia - Sold Grats to Colette in Quebec, Canada!!!

Hi Janna,

Cielia is wonderful and my daughter and I love her very much. She is doing fine. She also arrived well as scheduled and she seemed not to have suffered from the trip. She is spending most of her time inside the stable since the weather here has turned quite cold. She gets outside with a winter blanket a few hours a day for exercice. I am very pleased that everything turned out well and I won't be shy to recommend you to anyone who wants to acquire a nice friesian horse. Happy Hollidays and a very successful new year.


Hi Janna,

Cielia gave birth to a nice colt on July 26th!

Colette in Canada

P.S. I have enclosed a picture of Cielia and her foal, Mykérinos.


Tangei STER - SOLD Friesian Tangei STER - Sold Sold to NM

This new dream boy is a partner and friend that fills my heart with happiness.


Thanks for all of your help Janna.

-Helen in NM


Nobby SPORT - SOLD Friesian Nobby SPORT - Sold Grats to Debbie in Mass On this ONE OF A KIND HORSE!!!!

Nobby has made it safely to his new home, he is stunning and I love him, I even hopped on for a few minutes, thanks for everything!

debbie in Mass

1 year later....

Nobby is doing GREAT! 70 Prix St George!!!! 67 Intermediare!!!!!

Jane, Trainer


Hilbrant - SOLD Friesian Hilbrant - Sold Grats to Susan and Chrissy in Texas on their 2nd BSF friesian!

Thank you! 


We love him already. Can not wait to get to see him play in the pasture :)

And thank you again. Don't worry about Hilbrant. We'll take good care of him.

Chrissy in Texas


ZENA - SOLD Friesian ZENA - Sold Congrats to Katie on Your New Friesian!!

I am absolutely thrilled about Zena. I am trying to figure out when I can escape to come visit again!

We played with her for about an hour. We both just love her! -



STEFANO - SOLD Friesian STEFANO - Sold Grats to Laurie and Jim in oregon on their marvelous new gelding!

Hi Janna,
It was so nice to finally get to meet you. We are all very thrilled and soooo looking forward to enjoying Stefano. Janna, your horses are lovely and Stefano will have a fantastic home. He is a dream. I will send pics of Jolanda and Stefano and where they live after he gets here and is settled. Thank you so much for everything. We have truly enjoyed our relationship with you. Thinking of you.
Update...Hi Janna, Well Stefano finally made it  and is having a grand time. He is so cute and has a wonderful personality. Jim and he are bonding well and Jim is looking forward to a lot of trail rides with him. Stefano seems very happy and already has begun to adjust to his new environment. Thank you for everything.
Update... Your boy is doing GREAT! We love him, he is sooo sweet and willing. Jim has been spending a lot of time just hanging out with him, grazing him and last Wed. he rode him. Jim really thinks he is wonderful and is looking forward to many years of companionship with Stefano.
WE LOVE OUR GORGEOUS FRIESIANS.....THANK YOU JANNA!!!!!  Laurie, Jim Stefano, Jolanda, Lilly too, in Oregon
Update two years later....Stefano and Jolanda are still amazing me....they are the loves of our lives. Jim and Stefano have a special and incredible bond, it is so wonderful to see the love between them. It truly makes me smile just thinking about it.


MARCIANO - SOLD Friesian MARCIANO - Sold Grats to Kari in Montana on her 3rd BSF Friesian!

Hello Janna!
Wow, is he beautiful! We have been getting him used to Max today.... the cutest ears! They curl in more than any I've seen before. He does have more high stepping action than Max. They are going to make quite a team with their movement and action. He was incredibly relaxed when he got off the trailer. We were all surprised by how calm he was. He is just taking his time checking everything out. And we had quite the party. Friends showed up and after we got him settled in his paddock, we all had to sit on the front porch and drink wine while watching he and Max. We will be taking them both to the indoor arena tonight and spending a little time riding.  Please let Tim know that I think he is most special too and I will be taking very good care of him! Thanks again for another gorgeous, stunning Friesian! 
Just wanted to let you know how Marciano is doing. Very nice horse! I took him on his first mountain ride yesterday and he loved it! He was great on trails, over rocky areas and logs, up steep hills and down and totally outwalked the other two horses on the trail! I mean I left them behind! He REALLY moves out and I love it!!  He is so sweet and a joy to be around. He is a very kind horse and has a great work ethic. He really has a lot of "try". I am working with a trainer with him and we are doing great. Thanks again for another wonderful Friesian. Please tell Tim that I just love him and he is getting the best of care.
Update... Just wanted to send you an update on Ulco (Marciano). Recently rode into the Bitterroot Selway Wilderness area to North Star Ranch that our friend owns. It is one of only 3 remaining private ranches in the backcountry. Ulco did fantastic! His work ethic is incredible and he just loves to move out. Very forward moving! Two of us rode in (three hour drive to trailhead and 3 hour ride in) and the rest flew in. You can only get to it by riding or flying (or hiking). All supplies are brought in by plane or helicopter. He has really become my buddy and Max’s, too. I think he might be my favorite one that I have purchased from you! Here are a few photos of us arriving at the cabins. Everyone that flew in got there by 10 am and Sharon and I arrived via horseback at 1:30 in the afternoon. So much fun with a great Friesian partner! (photo enclosed)...us having a good time with the boys. Summer evening picnic; brats, beer, and Friesians!...that's Monte on Max (Hugo) and me on Ulco (Marciano). Love my boys! THANK YOU JANNA!!!! Kari in Montana


ESCADA - SOLD Friesian ESCADA - Sold 2nd BSF Friesian sold to Ben in Texas!

Hey Janna,
Thank you so very much for this opportunity and joy to own Escada. I really am excited and even though I have never laid eyes on him in person and have only been able to see him in pictures and on video, I really love him. He is so beautiful and he will have the best home and owner ever, besides you of course. Again, thank you so much for Escada.
Debbie in Texas


Andre P.B. - SOLD Friesian Andre P.B. - Sold Grats to Karin in Alabama!!!!

Andre made it here safe and sound last night! I will give him a couple a days to get used to everything and then sent you a full report! Smile... But he is gorgeous... that's for sure!


Update.. Now a couple a Days have past by and Andre has settled in pretty good! I have to tell you.... this is the most laid back, safe Stallion I have ever seen and he is just 3 years old....WOW! Gaits, Personality, Manners .....1A+++ I am very proud to own this magnificent Stallion!

Thank you so much, whatever you have said about him is absolute what he is!!! Karin in Alabama


Marcello - SOLD Friesian Marcello - Sold Grats to Lauren in Texas!!!!

Marcello has settled in like he's lived here all his life.

Easy going, eating well, friendly to everyone. 

I absolutely love him and so does everyone else!

BTW if u dound Marcello's twin, my husbnad might want one.:)

-Lauren in Texas


Hedzer SPORT - SOLD Friesian Hedzer SPORT - Sold Shirl--Grats on your 2nd BSF friesian!

 Hedzer is doing so well. I love this horse. Hedzer is the perfect combination of "hot" and not... he goes forward at the tap of my leg--- he's great for me. I ride frequently with a friend of mine and she's getting tired of me saying how much I love this horse...........I hope to show him 3rd level by then end of the summer.


Janna, remember me? I bought Hedzer and Karel from you. Hedzer is still fantastic, and the best horse I've ever owned. He's showing 4th level and doing great!


Hermione MODEL - SOLD Friesian Hermione MODEL - Sold Congrats to Gabrielle in Mexico on her 2nd BSF Friesian!

Hi Janna, the mares and the trailer arrived perfectly well on sat.they are beautiful and healthy,the trailer also is in good condition!thank you so much for your honesty ....the haulers alicia and emilio did a great job! hope to see you soon down here in Puerto Vallarta,to take you riding to the beach..you have to come to see your girls and babies...I will send you pictures and news as soon the foals are born....again thank you! I am in love with these horses!  big hug!

Update....Its my mothers day today!!!

-Gab in Mexico


Pucci STER - SOLD Friesian Pucci STER - Sold Grats to Chloe in Portland--- You are gonna LOVE this big boy:)

I wanted to thank you and Barend for being so professional.I have been truly impressed. You are truly a FIRST CLASS honest operation!
He is so friendly and curious:) I can't tell you how excited I was. It is a great thing you do, finding these wonderful horses!  Pucci is definitely my dreamhorse. I rode him for the first time this weekend and he was absolutely perfect. I will take my first lesson on him tomorrow, but my trainer came out to see him this weekend. She kept saying she wants one:)
I just wanted to give you an update on Ollie (Pucci) because he is such an amazing horse. I just love this horse....first USDF dressage show....I was a little nervous taking a horse I just got a couple months ago to a show but he was a perfect gentleman especially considering we had horrible weather. He won Training level!  He also already got his qualifying scores for the end of the year Oregon dressage championship show which I plan to take him to. He is such a character. He is like a big puppy.  I do hope you continue with the Friesians because you certainly have a gift in terms of picking good ones and I may be looking for a second one in a few years. Thank you again,
Chloe' in Oregon


BUGATTI - SOLD Friesian BUGATTI - Sold Congrats to Archer in Kansas!!!!!!!

Hi Janna, Bugati arrived last night all safe and sound.  I got to see him this morning with my family and he is even better looking in person! I can’t tell you how wonderful I feel when I look at him – my first horse ever. He’s everything that I waited for and more. Just wanted to let you know that he arrived and is prancing around in the snow and lifting that great head and neck like he’s king of the world! He seems so happy with his new surroundings!
You and Barend are great sources of information and support! Please know that I really appreciate your willingness to work with me. Thanks so much for such a beautiful horse.  I am just thrilled that i hooked up with an honest, genuine person, Janna, you made my friesian dreams come true!
Archer in Kansas


Records 526 to 540 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.