
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 556 to 570 of 1063
Jalliena - SOLD Friesian Jalliena - Sold Congrats to Judy in Iraq and Rich in Afghanistan-- and soon to be back in Michigan:)!

Thanks Janna! I am excited about being able to come home to such joy! :) Your background is extensive in so many areas that your direction will definitely be appreciated. Cannot wait to meet, see, touch and bond with these two new members of our family!! I am SOOO excited... I can't wait to be with them. :-) We're working from 2 war zones to get all of the logistics in place which is going well. Things are very different with the technology we have today! Thank you for taking care of my beauties until I return. The total antithesis of Iraq! It will be sheer pleasure to be able to come home to these 2 beauties! I appreciate what you do.
Judy, currently in Iraq

Update...Glad we were able to meet you!! I will send some photos once I get home. You and Ate' are a beautiful duet! You are a very elegant, talented rider...loved watching the two of you. !
Judy, soon to be back in Michigan


Rinze F.K. - SOLD Friesian Rinze F.K. - Sold Grats to Joy in Colorado, what a great

Many thanks for everything.

I adore my boy. He's absolutely lovely.

I am grateful to Janna for giving me the opportunity to own such a lovely horse.

Thank you so much!

I hope you had great success at your show. Just wanted to send a quick note and let you know that I have been riding Rinze on the trail this past week. I am truly enjoying him. He just has a such a wonderful disposition. Thus far we have seen several elk, many cows and a bear on our rides not to mention my 4 dogs and he has handled himself beautifully. He is now turned out with one of my retired cutters and they have become fast friends. I'm headed to Kenya to ride for a few weeks but will send you some photos when I get back.

Joy in Colorado


TITO - SOLD Friesian TITO - Sold Grats to Christina in Louisiana

Hello. It has been a month or so since we received Tito and we love him :) He is quite the gentleman and his best friend and roomate is a 10 hand pony gelding that if anything tells HIM what to do....lol....he rides like a dream with an awesome floaty/spring trot...I now understand what this "great trot" is they speak of with friesians after getting Tito from you :) like stepping into a Viper sportscar....magnificent....anyway he couldnt be any sweeter and is like an overgrown puppy dog....he does like the ladies when they come by and gets all puffy to show them how sexy he is....lol....they usually ignore him.....he is breathtaking and all who see him are blown away by his beauty.....thank you for him and hope to do business again for another magnificent black sterling friesian :)

Dr. Christina Givens in Louisiana


Ytse - SOLD Friesian Ytse - Sold Grats to Tom in Conn on a Super Stallion!


I just wanted to let you know that Ytse arrived safely on Sunday. He is settling in nicely and looking good.

Thank you,

Tom in Conn


Chloe STER - SOLD Friesian Chloe STER - Sold 4th fabulous friesian going to our friend in Oregon, Margot:)


She is beautiful and oh so sweet. A real joy. I'm thrilled!

Can't wait until Anne comes to drive her!

Janna, Minke delivered a TRULY magnificent stud foal last night! Morgan and I saw the whole event and even got to video it!!!!! Thank you so much for making this event possible for us.

Margot and Morgan in Oregon


Ulbe H - SOLD Friesian Ulbe H - Sold Ellen in NY--Grats on a GREAT horse!


Yours is the kind of communication that decreases my trepidation on having done something (buying a horse sight unseen) so impulsive and contrary to the "rule" of horse buying!

I have truly followed your website for years and have found it to inspire confidence as you seem so available and committed to the horses you bring over. So, thank you for info; it is ALL very welcome.

Thanks a million for your lovely email and thank you for keeping Ulbe in work. Ulbe will be well loved and pampered. He will be in loving hands.

He arrived safe and sound and is settling in nicely. The day he arrived I gave him the total spa treatment and he was very patient. He looks wonderful and more like a sport horse. He seems quite content and very calm for having just arrived.  He gets lots of attention and the barn manager told me that, "Now everyone wants a Friesian!" How cool is that? I know where to send them. Ulbe seems happy as can be.  Many thanks for all. 
Ellen in NY


EROS - SOLD Friesian EROS - Sold Congrats to Mary in New Mexico!

Hi Janna.
Eros arrived last night safe and sound. He's settling in nicely. Such a large boy for his age! He touched noses with my black borzoi and I wish I had my camera there to get a picture. I love him. Thank you so much!

Update... Eros is doing great. He comes running from the field when he sees me, and turns around halfway and goes back if he mistakes my employee for me! He's a lovely boy. Thank you again! 

Update...THANK YOU!!!!  I'm so thrilled. Eros is doing great. I let him get fuzzy for the winter and he's a darling boy.
-Mary in New Mexico


Ursula - SOLD Friesian Ursula - Sold Congrats to Kimberly of Ambassador Friesians on a VERY special MODEL mare!

The one that I believed to be extra-special would not be easy to find on one’s luckiest day. I wanted her to be a Model Mare with unique bloodlines and I wanted her to have both performance and endurance blood. She would have to have the full pedigree and an excellent dam line. My friend called me because she had found “The Holy Grail” of horses; she had found my ideal Model Mare! Ursl ‘Fan Aut’, the undefeated 2003 & 2004 Zilveren Zweep Champion. She was so elegant, regal and breathtaking!  I was crazy happy, beside myself really, to be given such a gift from God. I knew He had been testing my patience and the reward was great indeed. Ursula Ursula Ursula, as we call her, would soon arrive to her new home in the USA. She was extremely obedient but there was something a little distant in her manner. I know it is a lot for any horse...plane trip, quarantine, a strange new home and the unfamiliar language. She would wait in the back of the stall until someone came all the way in to get her. That worked fine at first as this was her normal routine with her previous owner. I was determined to strike a deeper connection so after several weeks I stopped at the door and explained to her that I would simply wait for her to come...to me. I told her that, “I’m going to make you love me’’ and then I would laugh out loud to myself as I continued to wait. The first few times she would turn around and come to me out of a sheer curiosity and we would be on our way. The next few times, I think she came to me because she was learning she would be lavished with lots of grooming and tasty licorice flavored candy. Eventually it came to pass that the moment she would see my car, she would wait by the stall door or pasture gate with an intense look that says ”Here I am. Over here. Come and get me. I want to be with you!” She is extraordinary. This mare, my Ursula. Ursula and I have become so close it brings tears to my eyes every time I think of her. She has an intense fire to her work ethic and a great desire to learn new dressage movements...but yet she has the kindest demeanor. She does not like conflict and runs from trouble.
One of the defining moments in my relationship with Ursula came a few years ago. I was in the back of her pasture and another horse, a warmblood, jumped the fence and appeared to be coming right at me at full speed. Out of nowhere, faster than lightning itself, Ursula ran over and placed herself between me and the invading horse, determined to make him stand down. She was resolved to fight for my safety before thinking of her own, despite her non-confrontational nature. The warmblood quickly jumped back over into his pasture. Ursula literally saved my life and I owe her more than I could ever convey. She loves me and would sacrifice herself to prove it. Ursula was able to achieve her sport predicate almost entirely through her own effort. With my amateur seat on her back, I ride three or more days a week and my trainer attempts to reverse any adverse effect I may have inadvertently impressed upon her with one and sometimes two rides a week. Most advanced dressage or driving horses have a full time trainer or are sent away for a few months in order to achieve their predicate. My special girls humor me and learn the vital skills for competition in far less than 45 minutes a week. Both of my mares,  together with Ursula's son, Roark, in such a relatively brief time have given more than I could have ever expected in a single lifetime. These horses are dear friends and give their all. Every day they amaze me with a new facet to their beings with their generosity, compassion and wisdom. I believe they are capable of doing anything they put their heart to!

-Kimberly in NJ

(Reprinted from ambassadorfriesians.com)


DURK - SOLD Friesian DURK - Sold Grats to John in VT on two SUPER geldings!!

Thank you! We're very excited and pleased!

-John in Vermont

Durk arrived safe and sound yesterday, he is lovely! and very sweet! Wilhelm arrives tuesday. thanks again,

Kirsten, trainer in Vermont


Wilhelm - SOLD Friesian Wilhelm - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF going to John in Vermont

Hi, Janna!

First, I am NUTS about Durk and, especially, Wilhelm! They are gorgeous, wonderful to ride. and total love bunnies!!

Second, Justin looks wonderful (as well). If he's everything you say he is, then I definitely want him right away.  Thanks for everything!

John in Vermont


Warwick - SOLD Friesian Warwick - Sold Laini --You are Getting a VERY Special Horse!

warwick is doing amazing!!!!! Thank you for all your honesty and integrity--making a smooth seamless transaction:)


Twan Fan Boalsert - SOLD Friesian Twan Fan Boalsert - Sold Headed to Buford, GA, for Jon Guven!!!


Twan is so beautiful and glad that he made it here in Atlanta just fine. I think we found a dressage trainer for him and a nice stable to board him in. We are so excited to have him and we want the best of everything for him. Thank you so much for your help!
Christine in GA


JOUKE STER & SPORT - SOLD Friesian JOUKE STER & SPORT - Sold Lynn in Ohio Gets Our BEST!!

I love him and think he is such a sweetheart!

Lynn in Ohio


Doeke Zuiderwaard - SOLD Friesian Doeke Zuiderwaard - Sold Dan & Kim --You got a GREAT 1st Premie colt!!

Hi Jana,

We just arrived back to Fallbrook this morning. Kim is very pleased with the horse!! He's even better in person.

The horse is everything you said he was and more. Thanks!!!

We just love our new baby! He is adjusting well, making new friends with the other horses, dogs, mini cow-Lilly Belle and Bart the Pygmy goat. Thank you, we will look to you for guidance as we move along into the Friesian world. Doeke is very special and is in a very loving home.  Thanks again we are very happy.

Kim and Dan


Stormy Seas - SOLD Friesian Stormy Seas - Sold Grats to Suz and her 3 daughters in NC on this magnificent horse!!

Hi! STORMY IS HERE!!!!! HE IS MAGNIFICENT!!! He looks great- very bright eyed and full of energy. John said he looked well hydrated so maybe the trip (from CA to NC) wasn't too hard on him. We let him run around and play in the indoor arena, he looked very happy to be off the truck. We fed him peppermints and apples and he was very sweet and friendly. OMG - I have to say I am a bit intimidated by his size. That will take a few days to get use to, he is huge!!!! I know you guys are used to their size but remember my last horse was a 5 gaited PONY.LOL. The kids don't have school tomorrow so we will be at the barn bright and early to spoil him some more. Many Thanks again for sure a beautiful horse!!!  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

6 months later... Hey Janna! I showed the Storm at Asheville for the first time.He is the BEST! LOVE HIM MORE THAN WORDS CAN SAY!! I will be forever grateful to you for him! He is such a sweet, wonderful horse.
Suz in S.C.


Records 556 to 570 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.