
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 571 to 585 of 1063
Orpheus - SOLD Friesian Orpheus - Sold Grats to Shaul

We tremendously appreciate you and all that you have done for us. 

We made it home safe and sound.  Orpheus is such a magnificent animal!  He was so well behaved both in the trailer and off loading.

--Janet, Matthew and Melissa

Orpheus is doing beautifully. Melissa is finally able to get to the stable to ride him often. They trailer frequently with a trainer, whose daughter is close to Melissa, to various parks camping and going out on trail. He has begun training in Dressage and is advancing nicely.

He is such a magnificent animal with an incredibly loving nature. For Melissa's sake, every sacrifice has been made to allow her to continue to grow, love and bond with Orpheus. He seems to be her purpose in life at this particular time."
Update... Thanks again! -new owner, Shaoul, and trainer


Phoenix - SOLD Friesian Phoenix - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF Going to Sue in NY:)

I can't wait to meet him!


It's been GREAT working with you again.

Thanks again.

Susan in NY


SELENA - SOLD Friesian SELENA - Sold Lori in Las Vegas--You are Going to LOVE this filly!!!

Thank you for helping me purchase the horse of my dreams. 

JANNA!!! I LOVE HER! You were right! She so beautiful and elegant. Thank you for all your help and for being so pleasant and professional. I look forward to raising this beautiful filly and making her reach her full potential! Thank you so much! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Update... Hi Janna! Its Selenas mom! She is so beautiful! Really starting to mature already! Such a beautiful head this girl has! I look forward to getting another friesian from you again in the future. She really is what you said she would be. I love an honest business person! :) Thanx for all your advice and help  and thanks again for this amazing horse. 

-Lori in Las Vegas


Frederiek - SOLD Friesian Frederiek - Sold

He is here, he is fine, and very sweet!!

Thanks for all your trouble (getting him here).

Karen in Utah


Bauke T - SOLD Friesian Bauke T - Sold Sold to Patsy in NC!

Hello Janna,

I just wanted to email you and let you know that Bauke T, which I purchased from you, is such a wonderful and sweet stallion. He is showing now in dressage and of course drives. We will be showing him the latter of this month. 

Everyone loves him!!!! Hope all is well with you and your horses.

Best Regards,

Patsy in Wilson, NC.


Berber - STER - SOLD Friesian Berber - STER - Sold Congrats to Elizabeth on her 3rd Friesian from BSF. What a great addition Berber will be:)

Dear Janna
  Piet (my trainer) loves Raisa as you said. She also said that you really took good care of me with your counseling. Raisa is as spectacular as you thought and will be shown this weekend. Take care!

1 year later...
Raisa is truly doing well. Placed right behind Leslie Webb (Olympic rider) at DG Bar at second level with my trainer.Zhemel is six months old next week. Everyone is impressed by her. She seems bright, willing. Her athleticism is unbelievable. I believe I told you she did figure of eight in the 12 x 24 stall with balanced flying lead changes at one day of life. BK [Berber] is the most unbelievable horse. She naturally collects the canter and does what you think with minimal aids - a natural dressage queen (not princess or duchess).Warno remains by first love as my only son. He gave me back my life. I recall my first trip to your stable and my inability to lift my left leg six inches after the injury which many thought (including myself) would end all athletic endeavors. I can never thank you enough for everything.

The BSF clan here is Fresno is doing well. Zhemel (Berber K's filly) has a mane to the bottom of her neck and forelock over halfway down her face.  I have begun to crop her tail at l l/2 year old.  She is as sweet as she is beautiful.  

3 Years Later... 
I continue to watch your site and wanted to congratulate you on the Del Mar show.  Barend was at Black Sterling when I saw the video of Raisa and decided to purchase her. You recommended that I not be put off by her small size after arrival - good things come in small packages. This year my trainer, Gwen Blake, rode her in championships and she was 4th place for 4th level open. I also obtained my last score riding Raisa for my bronze medal. She is an incredible mare. Although she is already qualified as a sport predicate, I am waiting to get the scores myself to send in the paper work. I remember when I drove up to Black Sterling for the first time and met Ron and he helped me with Warno. Warno is my love and is so kind. He rehabed me and I now do not have a limp.

Without your kindness, help and encouragement, I would never have been able to recover to the extent that I have. With the warmest thoughts,

Elizabeth  (Warno, Raiza, and Berber's mommy--all from BSF!]


Della - SOLD Friesian Della - Sold Diane in Montana's 2nd BSF Friesian!

Hi Janna,
Alexis and Della won the WT rider National Championship, Reserve in the National Pleasure Championship at age 11 for Alexis that will be hard to top.

Do you remember how hard we worked for those titles?

Della won the Baroque Mare In hand World Championship and the Liberty purebred mare World Championship. We got Reserve in the yearling World Championship with Della's Colt by Maiko. He is going to be a really neat colt and he needed this trip off the ranch to the real world! He is a favorite in my book.

We were pretty pleased but then again our horses came from your barn so not too unexpected! We all agree that you have good taste, or taste that we like a lot. I just thought that the picture of Della with your banner in the background was neat!

See you soon, totally jealous that you are going to the Netherlands....
Diane in Montana


Annette - SOLD Friesian Annette - Sold Grats to Susan in Texas on this Lovely Pregnant Mare!!!

Annie arrived this morning. She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! She is also very sweet. Thank you and she has been well worth the wait.

Annie is wonderful. She is soooo sweet. :) Thank you for your help.

Update... Annie is doing well and getting very big :) as she nears her delivery date. She is very sweet and I have enjoyed her immensely.

Update... Annie had her baby last night at 9:55p.m. She had a boy!!!! He is beautiful and she is such a good mother. Both are doing well.

Susan in Texas


Zarina - SOLD Friesian Zarina - Sold Grats to Maryann and Family in NY!

Thanks, we are very much looking forward to Zarina!! 

I received the saddle; it's beautiful, and my daughter has it temporarily on her large stuffed horse.

We are getting the barn ready for her.

My children are counting the days to her arrival...as I am.

Thanks for everything,

Maryann in NY


Lancelot BSF - SOLD Friesian Lancelot BSF - Sold Sold to Ill

Lancelot/Haindruk is doing great. LOVES his new trainer. Trainer's wife rode him in an dressage Intro class last year for exposure to the sights and sounds of the show scene. He did great for first time out. He's working out beautifully. I couldn't be happier. Here's a family photo from last January.

-Brenda and Lancelot/Haindruk in Ill.


ONNE STER - SOLD Friesian ONNE STER - Sold Susan in KY is enjoying her 2nd BSF Friesian:)

Carlito arrived today. He is drop-dead-take-your-breath-away-gorgeous! And, what a sweetheart. Instant bonding taking place here!
Update...Onne (carlito) is doing so, so well!... and he looks gorgeous! I’m just very pleased, and Onne is happy.This trainer  just loves Onne!! He says he'd have a barn full like him. In addition to being drop dead gorgeous and a beautiful mover, he is just so kind, intelligent, always thinking, wanting to please. Clarke (trainer), by the way, is TOTALLY smitten with this horse!
Update... " How did Carlito do at his first show?"..... Fantastic. He was Champion Gelding plus Eng Pl champ. He loved showing and was a perfect horse!
Update... I took Onne to the Bluegrass Spring Blast today in Shelbyville. Mind you, this is just the second time I’ve been on him since he went into training and “show horse mode.” He carried me to first place and champion walk/trot English Pleasure. This evening, he and Clarke took English Pleasure Champion (WTC). Even the JUDGE had his eyes glued to Onne during his victory pass. When the show was over, he thanked us for bringing such a nice horse. There were ooohhhs and ahhhhs all around. He was a hit amidst some very beautiful Arabians and Saddlebreds! He truly is a wonderful horse in every way. I knew he'd be awesome, but he's really the "complete package" for me. Janna, thank you for bringing this breathtakingly beautiful, intelligent horse into my life!

2009 IFSHA Grand Nationals Update...
National Junior Eng. Pleasure Champ
World Junior Eng. Pleasure Champ
Third National Amateur English Pleasure Champ
Reserve World Open English Pleasure ( Onne was first on one card!)
World English Pleasure Amateur Champ
--- I’ve never had this much fun with a horse in my life. He went five times while we were there and he was brilliant. Twice in one night! He was junior world champ, then two classes later, he was open English reserve. Why doesn’t everyone have a Friesian? Thanks, again, Janna- for finding this amazing boy! I’m so lucky.
Susan in KY


Alwyn - SOLD Friesian Alwyn - Sold Congrats to Chelsea in Canada, on this VERY special boy!

I just cannot believe that this magnificent stallion is mine! Even the fellows who unloaded him off the truck were asking me if I minded them taking pictures of him because they had never seen such a beautiful animal. He is such a pleasure to ride and I cannot wait to begin training and lessons soon. Thank you so much again for everything; you were terrific to deal with and I would do it again in a heart beat if I didn't already now own the most perfect horse in the world!!! He doesn't seem to mind the cows at all or all the machinery and vehicles so that is great. I am sure I will have him out on a cattle drive before he knows what's hit him.
Hard to believe it has been about six months now since he arrive here in Canada! Time sure flies but it's been such a blast owning this guy let me tell you! He is the most gentlemanly stallion I know, everyone who meets him (once they pick their jaws up off the floor from his stunning good looks) comments on his manners and how lovely he seems. He has his own little fan club with all the little girls at the facility...one day a young gal asked me if she could touch him....of course I let her and she went off squealing with her friends saying "oh I'm never going to wash my hand again!!!" So cute; and he just sops it up! We are planning to show a bit this year and have also been working on a Freestyle so that should be exciting as well if we can get that together in time for this show season. I should tell you Janna that this horse has met and exceeded not only my expectations but my dreams as well. He is not only gorgeous but he is so trainable and athletic as well...what can I say....he's perfect! Thank you again for everything!
I just wanted to email to acknowledge again all of your efforts in helping me with the purchase of Alwyn. You have made this whole process feel effortless. I had never purchased a horse almost sight unseen before and especially not a Friesian stallion of his caliber. I truly felt like you wanted to match me with the right horse. You have been extremely easy to communicate with and your relaxed nature has kept me calm through it all so I thank you for that! I still feel your interest in how he and I are doing and I really appreciate that.I will never hesitate to have you find me another Friesian again should the need arise, your descriptions of the horses are bang on and it's obvious you do this because you love it! I have already recommended BSF to a few people and I look forward to hopefully hanging out with you guys in person again one day! I have attached a photo of me on Alwyn on the day we met down there.

He has been terrific and I am still thrilled to call this amazing stallion mine. I still get a charge out of people when we walk by them as they rubber neck around to look at him. He is such a good boy and I am able to take him out trail riding and hacking which is such a treat. We have competed successfully at second level pulling scores in the low 70 percentile range so that is awesome. We even received a nine for a mark on our artistic mark in our second level freestyle.We will be moving up to third level next year so that is very exciting for us.We are thrilled and have received a lot of positive feedback from many of our fellow Friesian enthusiasts here. He is such a crowd pleaser and SO popular where ever we go. His gentle nature allows people to come right up and pet him and have photos with him, and trust me they do!
Alwyn is great! We've been training hard and just had a clinic with Leslie Reid, one of our Canadian Olympic Dressage riders. The clinic was awesome and Alwyn is doing really well. He is proving that Friesians can do all the movements and just as well as a warmblood or better! We are working on solidifying all the 3rd level stuff....if he keeps improving at the rate he's going he will be amazing next year at 3rd level. Update...Alwyn and I are both doing very well and I have been training hard since we last communicated.Alwyn and I competed extensively last year at third level open and had a tremendous season. Alwyn was awarded the Sport Predicate from fhana for his success in 2009. All of his scores were well over 60% with the majority of his scores over 65%. We had many championships, all of these competitions were Equine Canada Gold sanctioned shows under FEI judgesfrom all over the world. Alwyn and I will be competing at FEI advanced Prix St Georges in 2010.
Chelsea and Alwyn in Canada


Model Mare - SOLD Friesian Model Mare - Sold Grats to Lynn in Ohio, on her 7th friesian from BSF, a MODEL MARE!

Thanks so much, Again! Always a pleasure doing business with you, Janna---quite simply, you have, and import, the BEST.

Leez is very very pretty. Love her head and neck. Love her spunkiness too. Very very pretty. I like her a lot. Cant wait to get to know her.-Lynn of Dream Gait Friesians in Ohio


Dustin - SOLD Friesian Dustin - Sold Happy B-Day Erin

I meant to send this before now, but have had my hands full with the new love of my life, who arrived just in time for Christmas. What started as a casual trip to SF, then Sonoma to go riding at BSF quickly turned into the most incredible birthday EVER! I spent the entire day becoming acquainted with Daemus (Dustin), who I know was meant to be mine. A life-long dream come true... I'd been admiring the horses on your site for years, though I am certain this particular stallion appeared at precisely right time. Everything about him--from the shape of his head, expressive face and eyes, to his personality--suits me perfectly. Daemus is the only Friesian at our barn and everyone is taken with him. When we walk along the perimeter trail, literally anyone who rides by will stop to comment on my beautiful guy... Sharing space with such striking creatures is truly a wondrous thing. :} Being in the market for my first Friesian, it wasn't always easy getting answers... So thanks, Janna! You are a fantastic businesswoman and have been responsive and professional and every step of the way. Jack also adores this amazing beast and already wants one for himself. Uh oh. ;} Happy New Year! ~ Erin Layne


Zenobia STER - SOLD Friesian Zenobia STER - Sold Grats to Lynn in Ohio, and Dream Gait Farms, on her 6th BSF friesian!

Thanks so much Janna, for all your advice, for all your help and friendship in getting me involved with such nice horses.

Janna, We had the best time this weekend (in Reno)! I think the mare class was my favorite as well. You are a joy to watch on a horse. You look amazing up there, no matter what horse your on! We are so excited about getting Zenobia. I am not at all surprised that you kicked butt in the ride a buck.  I am so glad you like Terry (our trainer). We just love him and the way he is with horses is a joy to watch. He was also very impressed with you and your horses. You are a package that is hard to beat in the show ring, but you look so natural on the back of a horse that none can mind losing to you! Both Jerry and Terry are protective of me and both said that after meeting you, seeing your horses and how good you are with them, feel confident that your advice to me over the past year has been dead on correct for me and that you have helped me to pick out a very high quality string of horses.

Lynn in Ohio
Dream Gait Acres

Update 7 years later.... Janna these are photos of Zenobia and you in Reno. The first time Lynn Schmidt Gerald Schmidt and I met you in person. You've brought so many horses to Dream Gait and this one was spectacular.
-Terry, Trainer at Dream Gait Friesians


Records 571 to 585 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.