
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 586 to 600 of 1063
NEO - SOLD Friesian NEO - Sold Kacy in Colorado is one lucky woman!!

Great to meet you, too! I am so excited about Neo and thrilled to get him to Colorado.

Kacy in Colorado


Amber - SOLD Friesian Amber - Sold 5th friesian from BSF going to Ohio for Lynn and Jerry!!

Lynn from Tapp farms just loves her and just goes on and on about her. She says it will most definitely surprise her if she does not make Ster. And says she is also one of the most personable mares she has ever been around.

Terry (my trainer) saw her this past weekend and he says I will just love her.That she has a softer eye and maybe prettier head than Merlot and I have always thought she has the most pretty face of all my horses.

She is stunning ... She has nice feathering and a drop dead gorgeous mane. She has the softest most expressive eye of any of my horses. I cant wait to see the tietse baby that she gives us. Terry cant wait to ride her.

Lynn in Ohio

Dream Gait Farm


Hugo - SOLD Friesian Hugo - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF going to Kari in Montana; Grats on this Gorgeous Guy!

Hi Janna,

Just a quick note to let you know that Hugo (Maximus) arrived safely on Monday afternoon.  

He is beautiful and I love his size! 

Thanks much!

Just thought I’d give an update a bit on Max. He is doing great! Had him with a trainer last fall who LOVED him. He didn’t want me to bring him home and said he was his favorite horse in the barn. He even started him on cows a little. Have to try that here in Montana! He is an incredibly friendly horse and has discovered where my office window is and will come and look through the window at me and wait for me to come out for a visit. Quite the personality. Attached are a few winter photos. 

Hello Janna, Hope this finds you well! Max (Hugo) is doing great. We’ve been team penning and sorting on him for something to do in our cold Montana weather.
Kari in Montana


Cobalt - SOLD Friesian Cobalt - Sold Grats to Rob

Hi Janna

I wanted to thank you and your staff for the help.   Cobalt, now Maurus is doing just fine and is such a fine young man. Thanks again… I will watch to see any other youngsters you may have coming in, as I would be interested.

Thanks Kindly



SAHARA - SOLD Friesian SAHARA - Sold Congratulations to Mari Anne

 I am so excited to get her!   She is going to be such a nice companion for me—I am really looking forward to the experience.   She is really precious.
As soon as I walked in she recognized me, the girls saw it—it was neat.   She was playing with me too—putting her face in my arm and holding it there all careful, she is such a neat horse. I love Sahara so much--she is absolutely wonderful. Thanks!

Update Two Years Later... Hi Janna, Sahara made 2nd Premie Ster at the Santa Rosa Keuring—I am SO proud of her. It was so much work, and was my gift to her for being such an awesome part of my life:) I hope you continue to match people, like me, with the friesians of their dreams---no one is as good at it as YOU!
Mari Anne


TAHARI Sport - SOLD Friesian TAHARI Sport - Sold Gay in Mass is the proud new owner of this incredible boy!
I am pleased to have found the perfect horse for me. Thank you!
All the women in the barn are in love. There is a big Freisian groups in MA. I am going to show with them nationally next season.
Tahari is the HIT of the barn. HE is so snuggley!
Gay in Middleboro, Ma


Blue Dragon - SOLD Friesian Blue Dragon - Sold Congrats to One of My BEST Saddlebred Friends, David, in R.I.
You have made Joy and I very happy.

We're so excited!! Thanks for everything!

Hi Janna,
David and Joy are sooooo excited about Blue Dragon!  Thanks so much for working with them.I can hardly wait to see him myself!  David says that I can drive him - yeah, just like he let me drive his hackney pony - never happened!!!
It appears that you are doing well with family and business.  I am so happy for you and wouldn't your parents be proud?  I was thinking about you and your Mom going to horse shows just the other day.  Good old days, Huh?
Clayton (David's mom)

Update... Dragon made it here today!  He is so handsome and very loving already.  The wife of the truck driver fell in love with him.  He looks like he is going to be a lot of fun. Joy and I want to thank you again for selling us Dragon.  Joy wants to put a bed at the barn so she can stay with him. David and Joy in RI  


Fiona - SOLD Friesian Fiona - Sold Congrats to Linda on a MARVELOUS filly!!!
Hi Janna,   It was great meeting your daughter, Juan and the horses. Thank you for taking care of Fiona.
  Update... Fiona is doing soooooo great.  I have introduced ten people to her today.  I have put a halter on her several times, wiped her down with a little fly spray and just keep loving her.   She is wonderful and just loves the barn. She is so sweet.  Just a doll.  I LOVE her.   Thanks, Linda


Tabe - SOLD Friesian Tabe - Sold Headed to His New Home in Canada for Kelly!!!!

Just a quick email to let you know how Tabe is doing. He settled in right away and I mean right away. From the minute he got off the trailer he was relaxed and made himself at home. He is definitely the most beautiful horse at the barn, and the friendliest. The tack we bought from you is beautiful and he looks stunning in it.  I still keep my eye on your website, I think we will be needing one more friesian  for trail riding. Also, my trainer loves Tabe, he keeps saying "why would anyone want to sell this horse?" You can be sure I won't be selling him! You have been a joy to work with, Janna!!!
Kelly in Vancounver



Gin - SOLD Friesian Gin - Sold Lynn in Ohio--yes, you need a punch card, this is your 8th Friesian from BSF!

Gin arrived!

I really like his head and his calm eye. He is very gentle. and very respectful of your space.

Really a Gentleman. Terry rode him the day before we yesterday. He looked great. Wonderful natural head set with lots of front end action. Really seems to enjoy it! We have a lady we are working with to maybe get her to do a side saddle demo at the friesian show at the state fair in august. We think Gin might be perfect for that. Nice smooth trot and canter. We really like him. I really like the way he feels and the peppy walk  and trot he has.
-Lynn in Ohio


Danielle - SOLD Friesian Danielle - Sold Kacie, what a wonderful early xmas present: in Utah)
Janna, Thank you for everything regarding Dani. Kacie LOVES her!!!
I've attached a couple of pictures of the two of them at your place.You made this  amazing gift to my bride to be the most SPECIAL thing in our lives and i cannot thank you enough for helping make this happen!
Best regards, Grant in Utah


Dutton - SOLD Friesian Dutton - Sold Cathy in CO will soon be enjoying this Leffert Gelding:)

I cannot believe that my dream is finally coming true...thank you both so much for this wonderful opportunity! I want to assure you that Dutton will have a fabulous life as I am very diligent about taking the best care of my animals.I still cannot believe that Dutton is mine! I'm so excited!!! Thanks so much for talking me through it, I know you don't have to do that with all the folks you have lined up waiting to buy your horses.
Update... He is so magnificently beautiful, I could stay at the barn all day and just watch him! I did get the tack, thanks again for sending everything.Thanks so much for the opportunity to own this magnificent horse...this is one of the happiest days of my life!
6 months later...I wanted to give you an update on Dutton (now Cairo). He is such a super-special horse, so good and kind and sweet! I go to the barn every morning before work and do ground work with him and groom him. On weekends I spend hours with him . I'm taking weekly lessons with my trainer. He knows his name, comes when I call him, and follows me everywhere. He is the hit of the barn and the light of my life!
(My trainer) was so, so happy when she saw the tack you sent...the bit is the exact one she uses and she loved the saddle. She says it is clear he has led a good life and thinks he will make a great dressage horse.

Cairo (Dutton) is doing really well, he's such a good boy and teaching me to ride!
Cathy in Colorado


Jello - SOLD Friesian Jello - Sold Grats to Jackie in NY on this gorgeous boy!

Thanks for all of your help and for the pictures. He is absolutely beautiful!!!! They (Jello and Phillips) are both such nice horses.
Update... The boys are doing very well and learning their English. The horses are both so beautiful and very well behaved. We put them together in the arena and they are now fast friends. They were very quickly itching each others' backs and nuzzling one another. We are looking forward to many new adventures with them. Our saddles and bridles are beautiful.Update.. Janna,Our Friesians are doing well,and Jackie an I have been taking dressage riding lessons.The boys are the favorites at the new barn. They are getting plenty of hugs and attention. The people there just can not get over their personalities and the interaction with them. These two just love the attention and always want more. The people at the barn were amazed we bought them after only seeing the video. I guess it was a risk, but Jackie and I both feel you did a great job picking the right horses for us. So many thanks for doing what you do, in the most honest, upfront way possible!!!
-Jackie and Gary in NY


tabu - SOLD Friesian tabu - Sold Grats to Chad Kruger of Nickelback!

Congrats to Chad Kruger , lead singer of Nickelback!!


Kitana - SOLD Friesian Kitana - Sold 2nd Horse From BSF going to Louisiana for Shana and her Family!

......Wow......just wow.....  Your ranch is simply amazing. It has been wonderful working with you in making our dream come true of owning such amazing and wonderful horses. I know when we are ready to add another horse to our family; we will definitely be looking to you and the magnificent horses you find. Thank you again for all your effort and help. Kitana and Dazzel are definitely the best looking horses at the barn and really make head turns when people see them.Also wanted to let you know the saddle arrived earlier in the week. It looks truly amazing. Kitana has been a complete joy, amazing to work with and enjoying the mud of Louisiana. Thank again for all you've done for us. Update...Kitana is an amazing horse. She is always so calm and centered. One of the other boarders at our barn calls her "Mother Earth" because she just makes everyone happy. She and Michael are learning how to trail ride together, and they take regular trips into the woods behind our fenced pastures to explore. She is perfect for him.  She never spooks out of control or fights with him, even when she doesn't want to do what he's asking. Everyone that stops at the barn just falls in love with them (Dazzel and Kitana).
1 year later...Kitana is doing awesome. She is such a dream and I love being able to spend time with her. I am coming along in my riding skills and she appreciates it. She is so gentle and understanding that I am learning still.
Update 1 1/2 years later...
Just had an awesome time with Kitana. She is doing so well and we even got to do some trail work in the rain no less. We are riding in the evenings now when it is cooler and she has not been up all night and ready to rest. I enjoy spending time with her and working with her. She has been such a joy and blessing to have. You are truly a blessing to the horse community, Janna, and i wanted to say  thank you for matching the RIGHT friesians with us. Home run. - Michael in Louisiana


Records 586 to 600 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.