
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 601 to 615 of 1063
Rinse - SOLD Friesian Rinse - Sold Grats to Julie in Vancouver:)

He is a really nice horse ....he is a sweet boy!

He is a really nice guy.  He is so beautiful. A semi truck and dump truck passed us and he was fine. 

-Julie in Canada


Ozzy - SOLD Friesian Ozzy - Sold Barbara is Finally Realizing her DREAM with Ozzy:)

Thanks for making my biggest lifetime dream finally come true!

Oscar was worth waiting a lifetime for.  When we first met, he bowed, I bowed, we touched heads and hearts and then he tried to follow me everywhere.  I rode him without hesitation.  In a new environment, in an arena filled with obstacles, he carried me beautifully wherever I asked.  We communicated perfectly.  After 46 years of dreaming about him, he has finally arrived.  Thank you, Janna.

Update... His talent, character and genetic gifts are now so obvious that there is no chance of me wishing that I had a more flashy or poetic mover. Next month makes a year since I bought him from you, the best year of my life. And you were right, he is a real 'workout', but daily 'Oscarsize' is why I feel more like I am turning 25 instead of 52! Thanks again and again.


Marten BSF - SOLD Friesian Marten BSF - Sold Going to Claudia

Janna, I just wanted to thank you so much for Marten! He arrived this morning and I couldn't be more delighted. He is drop dead gorgeous and such a willing partner; he does whatever is asked of him. He is the perfect horse for me! Thank you again for all your help and guidance. I am looking forward to many happy years with Marten!  He really seems to enjoy the view from the top of the hill and loves to be the lead horse. He's just so much fun! Thank you again.
Claudia & Marten


Jorrit van Hollum - SOLD Friesian Jorrit van Hollum - Sold Headed to Alaska for the Carpenter Family!

Wow! Great job at the show! How nice to come away with the blues and be happy about it! Thank you so much, Janna, I appreciate all you have done to help us. We are sooooo excited! Thanks again! We will send pics of Jorrit and his girls!
Jorrit arrived yesterday in great style.....overall is wowing everyone.We love him! Awesome.  Thanks so much for all/everything.
Elora is showing him in the first 4H show and did a clinic today. He is gathering quite a fan club.We love him!
Update, 2 years later...Greetings Janna! Jorritt is doing well here, he seems to thrive in the cold. We continue to show, winning at halter and also in the dressage perf. Many thanks, we love “our Boy".
Update... 3 years later

HI Janna I hope this finds you well. Just wanted to let you know that Jorrit’s fan base continues to grow! Both of my horses are in Washington for the winter and Jorrit is working with a dressage trainer. He’s the most popular horse at the stable of course, such a gentleman! We love him and continue to be so thankful for your part in bringing him to our family!
Sincerely Gayle, Camber, Elora in Fairbanks, Alaska


Valiant - SOLD Friesian Valiant - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF Going to Michael

Just wanted to say thank you.  I looked online and have wanted a Friesian for over 10 years, I discovered your site and kept looking at it and the quality of horses that were made available.  When  visiting Your ranch I quickly got that comfortable feeling, all the horses were friendly relaxed had very calm eyes.  I must commend Janna on her ability to pick and acquire such beautiful creatures this is one Lady that knows her stuff. After getting Yarden i quickly fell in love she is such a lady, she will be showing off in the ring in no time and Valiant is the most precious love-able calm stallion I have ever met!   At 43 I guess I was having a mid life  crisis but with Yarden  & Valiant to grow older with I feel rejuvenated and look forward to many years of learning and sharing with these two magnificent horses. You and Ron have fulfilled my family, I feel fortunate to board at Black Sterling as well I feel i can learn so much and i am surrounded by the most beautiful horses the world has to offer,

Thank you for running a caring professional ranch you made the process quick easy and comfortable,Many Blessing to you and your family,  

  Michael , Yarden & Valiant


ZANE - SOLD Friesian ZANE - Sold Grats to Heather in Colorado:)

Zane is doing well, he is adapting to his new environment beautifully!! Though I am not sure he likes the snow too much! I have started him with some ground work and I think he is the nicest horse I have ever had. He even let's my mom pet his nose which she is excited about and he gets along with my yorky-poo, he's quite the lover boy!

Thanks again for the great horse!!

Zane is doing great here, coming along fabulously! The weather is starting to get nice so we are both enjoying that, and I am taken back by how smart and attentive he is.  He is such a great horse and has virtually NO stallion manners.

Just to let you know everything with Zane is fabulous.These are some pictures I took with him over the summer for part of my maternity shoot. Heather in Colorado


Shasta - SOLD Friesian Shasta - Sold Congrats to Mandy in Wisconsin!!!

Thanks Janna!!  You have been great. We LOVE him.  Brian (the hauler) was great, and I will use him again!!!  I would for sure have him do all your hauling!!!!  He is a good cowboy and honest!!  
The little guy looked great and I saw the other Friesian you sold too!!!!  He was Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!  OMG!!!!  I can only hope my guy will move like that!!! I hope to finally meet you someday in the ring!!!  We will take great care of him and will make him something special!!!  He is the envy of the Barn and we love him!!!   Thanks for making a DREAM COME TRUE!!

We just cleaned him up today and bought a show halter for him!  1st show is end of May!!!  He is a good boy and learns so quick.  He is growing like a weed!!!  So hopefully he will be BIG!!!!!  I made friends with a gal that heads up the Friesian group in the area and she just loves him!!!  We are very excited about him!!  I will never sell him!!! He's my baby and I love him too much!!Thanks Janna for my little man!!! He is getting big!!

Justice (SHASTA) went to a small open show this weekend and did great!! ... what a ham!!!  All 4 feet off the ground and everyone was watching him!!!!  He loved showing off!!!  Boy that little guy can TROT!!!!!

Just got back from the 1st friesian show this year....  Justice (shasta)  took his first blue with my 11yr old student.. SHOWMANSHIP!!!!  The world champ.  was not to happy that she was beat by a colt!!!...everyone loved his look, face and eyes!He has a big heart and thinks he's just mighty!!!

 We will be at the World show!!  Hopefully by then he grows a little and he will show them that the little guy has the biggest TROT!!  Which he did and many of the top trainers in the area told us this!! He is doing so well and we are learning so much together..  He is my best bud!! Thanks Janna and once I convince Jason we will be buying a filly next!!!!  and soon.
Mandy and Jason in Wisc


Velvet - SOLD Friesian Velvet  - Sold Congrats to Robert

Well, I told Bob about his surprise last night and he is absolutely beside himself with excitement. He was looking on the website again and saw that she had been purchased by someone. He was disappointed and looked over at me and said did you get me this surprise; actually joking with me because he really thought someone else had purchased her. He was shocked, surprised and very happy.... if you could see the excitement in his eyes and voice.... Thanks for everything and I wish you could see how excited we are about Velvet and our future lives together. She is going to make a great addition to our family.

It was a pleasure meeting you and Ron today. Thank you again for being so accommodating and answering all of our questions. We are both very excited to have Velvet in our lives and as I knew would happen, Bob fell in love with her just as quickly as I did. I will tell you that I will be interested in looking at purchasing another horse after we get Velvet settled in her new home and after the baby arrives. I think you both have a beautiful place with beautiful horses and it’s very nice to see two people who take such pride in fostering such a wonderful breed. Again thank you for allowing us to come see her on such short notice. We will be there again next week to continue bonding with her. Thank you,



Jesse van de Deedyk - SOLD Friesian Jesse van de Deedyk - Sold

Jesse, whose name is now Dark Hero, is doing very well indeed!  We really like this horse and feel his potential is unlimited.
Update... The Fiesta was a huge wild madhouse of a show with tons of horses... (Jesse) and Seelchen managed to win the suitability class against four professionals. He was great....we were thrilled and so was the large crowd. All in all he was nearly flawless for a young horse and many people thought his gaits and performance were extraordinary.
Update... .He won all his classes with VERY GOOD scores at first level. He is a very super talented horse with a BIG motor and excellent work ethic! In a year or two, or perhaps sooner I will be sure to make a return visit to your show barn should you have another SPECIAL prospect like Jesse. Thank you again for importing such an outstanding Friesian for me.
Update...He will be showing at Burbank at 2nd level. He will be at 3rd level soon thereafter........We have been schooling flying changes and he continues to amaze us.
Hero (Jesse) is one score away from his sport predicate. ..we are sure he will be at Prix St. Georges next year.. Update... Hero (Jesse) wins 3rd level tests 2 and 3 at the Star Spangled Dressage......beating all the warmbloods..... next show at 4th level and will be at PSG next year while still 8yrs old....BSF ROCKS!
Update... FYI Hero (Jesse) and Seelchen are now officially at Intermediaire 1,only 2 below Grand Prix. The first ride for both at this level resulted in a score of 63.185……
David and Seelchen


Braveheart - SOLD Friesian Braveheart - Sold Grats to Tony

Hello Janna...

Hope all is well with you.. Just sending you a pic of my Stallion. 


Thanks for everything!!



Tori - SOLD Friesian Tori - Sold Congrats to Carol in Alabama!

I don’t think it has really sank in yet that I am finally getting back into ride and with the horse of my dreams to top that. I think it’s going to take seeing her come off the truck to make a believer out of me. My husband jokingly ask me today was I going to spend the night in the barn with her when she got here. I told him no but I probably wouldn’t sleep well the first couple of nights.

Update...Tori is here and beautiful!! Tori has settled in just fine ... she isn’t afraid of anything.  Everything I think she mite be afraid or unsure of she takes in stride and checks it out.   She is GREAT.

Tori is looking great.  She is still as sweet as ever. We ride every week and I have found a good trainer to work with me more than Tori but ,I am about to catch up with her.

Thank you,
Carol in Alabama

Update... YES, I was blown away when Tori stepped off the truck, she is a beautiful mare.

Carol had a lot of friends and family yesterday to see her, (She’s on cloud 9). Pictures to follow later…

Thanks Steven in Alabama


KJELD STER - SOLD Friesian KJELD STER - Sold Headed to Laura!!!!

START getting excited????  I can't stand it.  I think we were meant to be, I haven't felt like this before with a horse.

YOU have made me SOOOO happy!!!  And, you were/are right in that he is a really nice horse.  Kjeld, my husband likes Beckum so that's who he is now, is such a wonderful birthday present from my sweet husband.  I can't begin to tell you how thrilled we are to have him be a part of our family. 

From the moment I first saw him on your site, I knew he would someday come home with me.  One night after dinner, my Mother-in-law, who comes to stay in California during the cold New Jersey winters, wanted to see the Friesian horses.  I immediately showed her Beckum and said that, "He is my next horse."  I knew it was meant to be! He has been a true gentleman from the first day I saw him.  The vet who did my pre-purchase exam even noted on his report that this horse is a real gentlemen, as did the hauler when he came home.  My trainer told me last night, "Laura you got a really nice horse, I love this horse, he is so respectful."We have high hopes of Beckum doing very well in the dressage arena in the future.  He moves like a warmblood so we are hoping to show them some "Friesian stuff" after our "enter halt salute!" So there you have it....I am so happy that I finally met you and that my husband took time away from work to spend a wonderful 4-day weekend in Sonoma seeing your beautiful horses.  You and Ronald are the nicest people and I am so very fortunate to have bought Beckum from Black Sterling Friesians.  Not everyone in the horse selling market is as professional and honest as you are.  Thank you so much for everything.


Update...  Hope all is going great for you and your gorgeous horses!!!  Just a quick note then off to the barn to see my sweet, beautiful baby boy!  He is so attached to me already that when he sees my car coming he immediately turns around, then I open my door and jump out to give him a pat and a kiss. He adjusted quickly and won the hearts of all the girls at the stable. He is so proud of himself with ears always pointing forward, never pinned back, and eyes that are bright and soft. Last Saturday Janet Curtis, "S" Judge, who is a very correct classical rider, gave a clinic at the stable which I signed up for.  She LOVED Beckum!!!  She said he is one of the nicest moving Friesian she's ever seen.  She just kept going on and on what a nice horse he is.  She gave 8's and 9's on his transitions!!!  Remarkable since she doesn't hand out high scores easily.She loves his impulsion and jump behind.  She said to me, "Laura you have finally found a really nice horse and he's such a gentleman--he's perfect for you."   Beckum is SOOO shiny and black....(not ) brown like all of the other Friesians at the stable.   He looks SOOO good!

Update... We took Beckum (Kjeld fan Great Beckum) to his first show here in America. He minded his P's and Q's and never once was anything other than a gentleman.  He got a 69.00% in Level One, beating out a top German Dressage rider.  Everyone was very proud of him and said how amazing he looks.  Amber and I were told by a National rider last week that with his movement and looks he is sure to be FEI.  We now know that this can happen because even at the young age of 6, he has learned to stay focused. Love from, Laura, Stu, and Beckum


Sake BSF - SOLD Friesian Sake BSF - Sold Grats to Micaela & Pine Feather Farm LLC in Lugano, Switzerland, bringing Saddle Seat & driving Friesians to the Old Continent!


I am in love with Sake!!!!! Kosmo is a bit jeaulous , he'll get over it.

Micaela in Mass


Yarden - SOLD Friesian Yarden - Sold Congrats to Michael on this Pretty Girl!


Thank You so much for bringing Yarden into my life. 

She's already filling the void... I look forward to many years of enjoyment and shared good times.

She's great! Already falling in love.

Thank you for two beautiful babies! ( also purchased Valiant)




McDreamy - SOLD Friesian McDreamy - Sold A BIG Congrats to Diane in Oregon!!

Thank you for your work on getting this to happen.  This is literally a dream come true for me.  I've always dreamed of having a friesian. 

Judy at Bob Hubbard Transport had some very nice things to say about the horses from Black Sterling. 

Not only how beautiful they are, but how nice their temperments are, etc. 

Thank you so much for staying in the loop and emailing me.  I didn't expect any less of you!  I've been watching your website for a few years now and have always been impressed with your stock.

Got my bouncing baby boy very early this morning!  : )-    He arrived at about 2:00 a.m.  I got him settled in his new stall with some comfort food, which he promptly started eating. Janna, He's at least 16.1!  I'm so pleased!!!!  I kept looking at him and even if he had shoes off, he'd be about 16 hands. I love tall horses, so he's even more of a dream come true.   We're going for a walk after his breakfast, so he can get to know his new home.  Thanks again.

Just saying Hi and letting you know I had a great weekend with Piter ( McDreamy). He's had a little bath and I've brushed him out and he looks gorgeous!  He's quite the sight to be seen at the stables.  Everyone has been pretty impressed with him.  Even some people who are only into Morgans. I can't wait to get my saddle. 

Diane in Oregon


Records 601 to 615 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.