
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 616 to 630 of 1063
Japke - SOLD Friesian Japke - Sold 3rd Wonderful Friesian Going to Lynn in Ohio:)

Thanks again for everything you have helped me with. You have made this a pleasant experience. My husband and I are really excited to see Japke. I cant wait to cup her face and look in her eyes. I have been horseless for about 3 years and until I said "I do" to you last night I didn't realize how much I missed it. And to now have that "dream" horse is almost too good to be true. I really cant thank you enough for all your help and information. We both wish you the best of luck next week (at the horse show). It does sound as if it is a really fun family activity. Anyway, thanks again janna for everything.

My main reason for writing is to tell you how excited I am about callet's (Japke's) foal. While I was doing all this, I realized that I didn't really know anything about Maurus except that he was a young stallion. Imagine my surprise that the very first hit I find in Google about maurus is how he was champion of the stallion show in January! You have an exceptional eye for what you want for your horses.

You can tell there is something extra sweet about Callet (Japke). Conan is a very curious guy that loves to be petted. Jerry (husband) really really likes Callet       (Japke). When she started lipping him with the end of her nose, just like Neo does, he smiled so big. He looked at me and said he liked her!

Callet had her baby Wednesday morning just before 10am. I was in the feed room getting my supplements together so I could give them out when I grained. I heard a strange noise and stepped out into the aisle where I could see callet's stall. Much to my surprise the noise I heard was her water breaking and there was 2 little feet sticking out of her. I stood for a moment thinking "oh shit"! I couldn't even run back up to the house to tell Jerry what was happening. I did have my phone in my pocket and I called my trainer and he said he would be right there. That was at 943am. At 954am just before my trainer got there I was pulling the last of the sack off his hind feet. 11 minutes I couldn't believe it. It was just me and her and then the little one made 3. Fantastic experience. It is a little colt. I am thinking of his registered name of Dortheus (my moms name was dorthy).  Here are some pics of his first 2 days.The group (of on lookers) is Conan, Neo and Merlot.

Lynn in Ohio (Owner of Japke, Conan, Merlot and Nanne)


Jochem - SOLD Friesian Jochem - Sold A BIG Merry Xmas to Vallee in Las Vegas:)
Thank you so much, you have a very professional operation!!!! ||
Love doing business with you!!!!!

We are very pleased.  Smiles!!
just wanted you to know that jochum is doing great and i love him..
he is so awesome and beautiful thanks again for everything!!

Vallee and Doc in Las Vegas



FARAH - SOLD Friesian FARAH - Sold Congrats to Brad and Angie in Virginia on this Wonderful Mare!

We love her and think she is beautiful. thank you for such a beautiful girl, she is a dream for us.

Update... Just wanted to update you on an amazing year with Farah. Her trainer says she picked us and I truly believe that knowing how many websites and classified ads I had looked at and that I always returned to your website to her. Something in her photos had stolen my heart. She is so great, I dont have enough words to describe our love for her, we love her dearly. Thank you so much for helping us obtain this amazing creature, still sometimes when I look at her it is hard to believe she is MINE. We have had so many wonderful opportunities and met so many wonderful people this year that would not have been possible without Farah, she has added so much to our life. We joined our regional chapter of FHANA and were able to attend a great seminar. Farah was in her first horse show on Nov. 14, and won her first blue ribbon in the sport horse in hand halter class. The judges remarks were great saying........."love the temperment.......outstanding!!"

Again, thank you so much for helping all of this to happen, and helping us find such a wonderful mare.

brad and angie in virginia


WILMA - SOLD Friesian WILMA - Sold Merry Christmas to the Carriers in Florida!!!

This is Tati-- WOW -- I'm still speechless!! What a Horse!! My husband is just THE BEST!!! The vet came Wednesday and was so impressed with Wilma, she was going on and on about how nice she was... I love her very much and my husband is also so impressed with her , he said he already loves her and she is beautiful... She has a very sweet disposition... And she is already a part of our family... Well, again I can't thank you enough for our awesome new girl !!!
Update... Wilma (Now barn name Leah) is doing great !! I absolutely adore her!! Her tail is about 1 inch from the ground now and we measured her and she is about 15.2 h and not even 2 yrs old yet !!-- I like big :) She is gorgeous and has a wonderful temperament. We are making plans to move to a bigger property where we can have horses, so I'll be looking for another one when we do move... I'll keep checking your site...
1 month later... She is wonderful and just the best !!! Best temperament... and quick to learn... I'll keep checking and as soon as we can I'll email for our next one...Everybody loves Leah and I have given your website to some people that were looking to buy one... Actually I have given it to several people :) With the highest recommendations... Again Many Thanks for everything...
Update... We had the trainer at our barn today and it was GREAT!! She is more and more impressed with Leah (Wilma). And she is a VERY knowledgeable trainer and not easily impressed. Another lady that boards there was watching and she started to cry, I thought there was something wrong with her, so I said --"are you Ok...what happened?"--And she said ( to my surprise) .. "Tati.. I don't think you realize how wonderful your horse is, seeing her in training brings tears to my eyes..."That was sweet... though I do realize she is amazing!! Again with many Thanks!!! Here is what the trainer emailed me: " She is amazingi ... one of the easiest and most gentle horses I have ever had the pleasure to work with. It is an honor to help train such an amazing young horse. She will always do you proud and she will always take care of you. You struck gold with this one .. for a young, athletic sporthorse such as her, she could have been way more crazy and spirited .. but she is an old soul and a very gentle, kind, sweet, willing and super-smart one." 1 year later... We tell everyone that you all were awesome to sell us such an amazing horse!!! Thanks again!
Tati in Florida


Mindert STER - SOLD Friesian Mindert STER - Sold Congrats to Kim in Houston, Tx, on this unique ster gelding!

mindert (aka...OZ) arrived this morning.  he was everything you said he would be and more...he was sweet and friendly from the time he stepped off the transport.  he's been in his new stall...with all the horses in their turnouts...and never made a peep as he rolled twice so that he could look like he'd stepped out of a bowl of cornflakes.  he ate his breakfast and is now running and showing off for the neighboring girls to his paddock...still without a peep but oh, so much personality.  he is darling.
..... we are getting to know each other...he allowed the hugs and kisses...tonight i start him
on treats!

thank you, janna, for being honest in your dealing with me...you may the first honest horse person i've
known.  he's beautiful and funny...he's the best Christmas present i've ever gotten!

Dear janna,
i've been reading and scrolling thorugh all the photos on your site of your available boys.  i had not thought to spend as much on my new horse as is mindert's price, but it is impossible not to be enchanted by him.
my main goal remains to find a horse that will bond with me and not try to kill me, daily.  i owned a beautiful, german friesian for about five years...he was an approved breeding stallion that i gelded...and, yes, he hated me.  even on the day i sold him as we were waiting for the transport to arrive...i handed him a peppermint...his favorite treat...and he reached out and bit me...

i didn't really think i would ever even think about owning a friesian again but you and i talked years ago and
our conversation rolls around in my mind often and your assurance that the friesians you sale are different,
and wonderful.  and, as you know, it is impossible not to love these most beautiful, gorgeous creatures.
i recently attended the championship show in houston and watched several dutch friesians and they were
delightful and talented and sweet, when you met them.  it gave me the bug to be owned by one....finally.

ozzy (Mindert)  is so wonderful, so awesome, so beautifull..brilliant!  anything you teach him, he remembers.  he is doing so well, filling out and growing and well, just lovely in every way. 
  thank you so much for this wonderful boy that i am so blessed to partner with.

kim rathmann and mindert in Texas


Douwe van de Broekstraat - SOLD Friesian Douwe van de Broekstraat - Sold What a GREAT Wedding Present for Patti in Michigan:)

Thank you! He is doing great. I rode him today. I was so nervous, but he was very good to me and very patient! There is a girl here who rides and trains friesians for this lady here in michigan. She loves him. She likes his sport horse body and that he is not huge and drafty.
He was in the arena with another horse.  Naturally, the other horse started acting up and Douwe just looked at him like he was an idiot, LOL!  Very impressive.  If anytime he was going to be a goofball that was the time.
He is beautiful!
Thank you again!!!!

....cosmo (douwie) is doing wonderful. We gave him an Italian name, lol! He is very funny, probably a comedian in his past life!

Patti in Michigan

PS I love him!!!


Conan - SOLD Friesian Conan - Sold 4th Friesian from BSF Going to Lynn in Ohio. You got our BEST!!

Janna, You have really made this process of my getting back into horses a very pleasant and enjoyable one. There have been ups and downs on my end with all the changes going on in my life and the unknown time tables of construction. But throughout it all you have made things happen for me and never ever too busy to help me with whatever I need. You are a joy to deal with and I really am thinking of coming to Reno ( FHANA show) just so I can meet you.I sometimes go out in my barn in the evening or late at night before I go to bed and just pet faces and hug noses whiles scratching their ears. I cant tell you how much joy there has been added to my life by having these horses.

Update... I had my first experience showing my friesians recently. We took Conan and Neo to the Ohio State fair in Columbus. It was a lot of fun! I did better than I expected thanks to conan and his patience with me. He is always on the right lead and takes very good care of me. I had so much fun I am going to try to get some more experience by taking conan to some open shows locally riding him saddle seat. (The photographer) took one of Terry with Conan while people from the fair surrounded him to ask questions and get a chance to pet the big beautiful black horse! It was really fun and it brought back memories of my cousin and I at the equine affaires in the past and hanging out around the friesians hoping for a chance to pet them and ask questions about them. This time I was the one holding my dream while others crowded around to touch them!
Lynn in Ohio


Hessel BSF - SOLD Friesian Hessel BSF - Sold Congrats to Jim in Fla on a Wonderful Pair of Friesians!

 I am sitting here in tears. 

I am so excited to see our boys...  I go to your website daily, sometimes I look at the horses, sometimes I read the testimonials. all times I am amazed that Jim is truly making my dreams come true... they are magnificently beautiful...  It is getting close now....  we will send pictures.

Louise in Florida


Gerke BSF - SOLD Friesian Gerke BSF - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF Going to Jim in Fla!!


The boys arrived safe and sound.

Louise is thrilled with them, thanks again for making my brides dream come true.
They are both beautiful animals we love them more each day.

Update... Louise has been riding both of them. Gerke has been in training here at our place prepping for a dressage show, which was yesterday in Venice, Florida. Gerke entered in USDF Intro Level A&B tests both Saturday and Sunday. In the A test scored 70.5% ,in the B test later in the day he scored 71%, that 71 was the high score of the day out of 82 horses in any class! I think that is great because he trains three days a week and has four days off, we started only about six weeks ago prepping  for the test.   Jim in Florida                                                                                                  


Pagni - SOLD Friesian Pagni - Sold Congrats to Gwen in Tenn

Hi Janna,

I've never met such a calm and friendly 6 mo. old. We absolutely love him!!!!

His movement is breathtaking. He even did a piaffe all on his own and everyone's jaw dropped. What a precious little man.
Thank you!!!!

It has been a while; 2 1/2 years to be exact! Pagni and I are having the time of our lives together. He is the most willing horse I have ever worked with! When this beautiful creature came into my life i wasn't sure if I could train him by myself. I was pretty sure that at some point he would have to go off to some trainer somewhere. Problem was I couldn't let him go to just anyone! We had done so much ground work together and it finally occurred to me that I had to be the first to drive/ ride him. Well, we are about to hook him to the cart and I have sat on him several times (he is still young!) but he is doing wonderfully!

We have taken this journey together and have you to thank! You told me that friesians are willing participants and very trainable- Thank you!!!! A well known driving trainer came to see him last week and commented that 1 in 10 horses are truly drivable and Pagni is one of those!

I am so proud of both of us and so glad I made the leap two and half years ago to call you. He is my dream come true!
Gwen in Knoxville, Tn 



Cache' - SOLD Friesian Cache' - Sold Congrats to Julie what a great equine partner!

Hi Janna,  

I hope your shopping adventure went well.  Milo (Cache)  has been a hit at my barn!!   Best regards, 

Julie in San Diego


Hi Janna, This is Allison Harding, I am Julie Rosen's Trainer (Cache's new mommy.) Cache is doing GREAT.  His new name is "Milo" and he is very popular here.  I just love him.  Thanks again, Allison



Bennie vande Hazenhut ST - SOLD Friesian Bennie vande Hazenhut ST - Sold Congrats to Marielle on her 2nd (and 3rd) Friesian from BSF, What a Great Choice!

Thank you Janna, for bringing me great horses,&  for your support! You know I will love all 3 with ALL my heart! And so will my kids!

Thank you for helping me &  finding them for me – Thanks for being so patient with me – I so appreciate it and love being at your stable with my horseS (wow double plural now).

 I am so happy with both of them.

Hope to see you soon,



JOPPE STER - SOLD Friesian JOPPE STER - Sold Charmaine in Canada is soon to be enjoying this handsome STER gelding!

Hey there, I have finally dried the tears from my eyes.....It is not enough to say He is SPECTACULAR!!!!  He is more than I ever expected, and then some!!! 

Joppe is absolutely everything I wanted, I was a bit sceptical  I would have to admit, because we never met, but Joppe is soooooo beautiful, kind, gentle, and patient!!!! I am soooo happy there are not enough words to describe!!!Thank you so very much for everything you did and provided, for me and Joppe!! It is really appreciated and I will recommend ya to others, forsure, you have a fabulous gift of matching horses and people, and maybe one day down the road I will need another freisian!!!  I think I have been bitten and have Friesian fever and I am sure it is contagious!!!


my daughter Mariah (she is 15yrs old!!!!) and Joppe at a show yesterday and yes that is a red ribbon, Joppe's 1st canadian ribbon, how great is that!!!!  Joppe was an absolute perfect gentlemen,and show boy!! it was an all Friesan show, and wasn't far from us so we couldn't resist taking him, and of course he was the most beautiful guy there!!!! You should have seen his victory lap, I think he knew he won!!!! and was showing off!!!!   We just love, love, love him!!! Thanx again for such a fabulous horse!! Hugs!!

Update...Not sure if you remember us but I purchased Joppe from you 5 yrs ago .....Just wanted to say hi and let you know Joppe is just awesome he is such an amazing guy I just love him to bits he is such a special and spectacular boy! He brings me joy daily!!!!

UPDATE, 16 yrs later:

Good morning Janna, Just thought I would send you an update on my Joppe - he is now 21 1/2 (i bought him from you 16 yrs ago!!!). Luv him to bits, the best riding pal - hoping to share many more riding years/ miles together. I have had horses my whole life - I am now 55. None as special as him, he is the gentlest kindest boy. He is luved by everyone that meets him.

-Joppe and Charmaine in Canada


Summer - SOLD Friesian Summer - Sold 2nd friesian from BSF going to montana for Jane:)


Tulip and Summer are growing though slower now in winter.  Tulip is still the bulkier one but those long legs of Summer's put her just above Tulip's butt - not by much. 

This is not a good photo, but shows the girls (Summer) in their winter garb.

Jane in Montana


NATE - SOLD Friesian NATE - Sold Going to Proud New Friesian Owner, Deede

thank you so much Janna, I loved dealing with you guys. It was so easy!!

he is very handsome....Thank you, this has been a great experience and I am positive you WILL do business with me again. :)  I'm sure people will be asking me about you and your establishment and I will send them the GREAT word.

It has been 7 months now and he has been in dressage training 5 months and is doing great!! He  is going to his first  dressage show next month. I am excited to show him off because he is so beautiful.

Just wanted to let you know that Nate won both of his classes at his first show AND won High Point for the entire show!!! I am soo happy with him.

Hi Janna, its been 2 years since I bought Nate from you and as you can see, were best buds. We just came back from a 3 day trail ride up in the Santa Ynez mountains and he was the best trail pony AND the most beautiful one!! We also just went last month to our 3rd dressage show and won firsts in our divisions with very high judges marks!! His new name around our barn is the Tow Truck because he escorted many crazy Arabians through the water. Luv him so much!!!!

Update... Nate is doing so well in and outside the show ring. We've been to several local rated dressage shows and he has literally cleaned up. I have shown with judges that are not friesian lovers and upon leaving the ring, they say, "Lovely friesian, beautifully ridden test." I love my boy, but he is different than any horse I have ever known. He is challenging, sweet...He helped me through a tough divorce, I can tell you that.I know that you are going through a tough time right now, but life goes on. You are sweet, tender and tough, and in this life, that's all you need. Nate and I got your back girl....you'll see me again wanting my next trusty steed to add to my crazy collection of horses. Luv ya,

Deede , Police Officer


Records 616 to 630 of 1063

We are members in good standing of the following organizations:
  • Fhana Logo
  • CCFC Logo
  • California Dressage Logo
  • USEF Logo
  • USDF Logo
  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.