
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 646 to 660 of 1063
Jimte fan Galinga State - SOLD Friesian Jimte fan Galinga State - Sold Congrats Holly Pope

Hi Jann,

Jimte and Jesse are doing great!

We recently moved them into two newer, bigger stalls and they love it.

They seem to be adapting to the weather and the horses around them.

I ride Jimte for dressage training two times a week (sometimes three) and my dad rides Jesse once a week.

In spring, I will be doing a show with my trainer in Carmel. My mom has even fallen in love with the horses too and is considering riding! :)

-Holly i

Ps ….. hope all is well with you and the horses!


Cesar - SOLD Friesian Cesar - Sold This Up and Coming STAR is Sheila and Terry's 4th BSF Friesian Headed to Canada:)

Congrats to ALL of you for your WONDERFUL successes at the show!  Well done  -  AS ALWAYS!!!!  
I HAD to send a quick message because now both our dressage riders have ridden Cesar.  Both trainers LOVE him.  The lady who will be training him says he is such FUN to ride.   We even saw some of his INCREDIBLE extensions today.   Of course, I love the fact that he is such a sweet boy to handle, and SO loving!  You guaranteed the trainers would LOVE him and you are right!

3 months later... 
Cesar news – He is doing SO well and is SUCH a nice horse. The Olympic trainer is taking him under her wing  - up to now, he has been with us, and in training 5 days a week with our local trainer.   – we LOVE him SO much. Cesar doesn’t even mind the covey of pheasants that live at the end of our arena (whereas Odey thinks they are trolls!!!!!)  Both trainers LOVE riding him. Delancy has now had four lessons with the German trainer riding, and Ellen Bontje as instructor.  Every time she comes over to Canada to coach the team for the Olympics, she teaches Delancy.  He (also) is doing SO well, and in a word, looks STUNNING.  He is enjoying top drawer training, and consistently does his best to please.  He is proving to be quite talented. 

Cesar  was in his first dressage show this weekend – a big one – and against all the big warmbloods.He did three tests the first two days and two today.He won the tests   -by a number of points (NOT fractions of a percent, but SEVERAL whole points)   -  scores in the 70s.  Consistent efforts each time. One score was a 10! He was Champion. He attracted an audience and had people taking pictures and videos of his movement. Out of the arena he was a gem, even at the wash rack, but you already know how sweet he is. 
Our best to you and Ron and the family.

At the Pacific Region Championship Show (with extra judges and averaging of scores between them) Cesar was Grand Champion First Level Dressage.  His scores were in the 70s, and this is with judges viewing each angle, so you can't put a foot wrong.  This is a wind up show for the season, for our whole region, attended by lots of very nice warmbloods. People love to watch him float across the arena. This boy seems to make people sit up and listen, with his lofty, floating movement.  His longer neck helps too.  He was up against some pretty nice warmbloods, from various areas, but was still the talk of the show.

Sheila and Terry in Canada


Tjenny - SOLD Friesian Tjenny - Sold Sold to AZ

Hi Janna,Was so impressed that u took the time to inquire about Tjenny and her beautiful baby boy, Zeus. He of course is growing like mad, and is very sweet and beautiful, with a great personality.He seems awfully nice to me. Tjenny and her beautiful son get lots of carrots, hugs, etc., and I shall be certain to let her know that the next one comes from you.
We feel truly blessed to have them as part of our family and will be grateful always for the work you did to make it possible for them to be here.

Fond regards,
Lara, Tjenny, and Zeus (Dr. Zeuss) in Arizona


Bear - SOLD Friesian Bear - Sold Congrats to Wendy in Maryland!

Hi Janna,

I went to check on Bear last night before bed. It was late so nobody was out at the barn and everything was quiet. I thought that it would make be a nice opportunity for some bonding time so I grabbed a stool and sat inside his stall just being still letting him come to me when he felt like it. Well, I fell asleep. When I woke up Bear was standing next to me fast asleep with his muzzle in my hair & drooling down the side of my head. I woke him up and for the first time since his arrival he showed more than just a curious interest in me. We spent probably 15 minutes cuddling and he stuck around for it. Also, for the first time he lowered his head to me so that I could give him a scratch around his ears. Prior to this, when I would reach up to rub on him he would raise his head out of my reach. I also spent a good deal of time grooming him and his mane and tail are so thick.....Thanks a bunch!

Update 10 years later...
I purchased a Friesian gelding from you probably 10 years ago. He is doing great and is the best horse ever. He is so sweet and such a good boy. Everyone at the barn loves him.
Wendy in Maryland


Palo - SOLD Friesian Palo - Sold Congrats to Jennifer in Oregon on this FABULOUS Gelding:) You are one LUCKY Woman!

You are a ROCKSTAR!!

Janna, I can’t thank you enough!! You have been great to work with and I look forward to buying my next pony from you!!

You're the best!!!! & Thank You!!

Holy crap Janna!!!!! Words cannot possibly describe how awesome Palo is!!! He is incredible!! You can’t stop looking at him!! He is total eye candy!!!!!  I am so glad that you & Frankie helped me decide in getting him….he’s gorgeous and such a sweet boy! He greets me every time I pull up to the pasture.
I took him for a short ride yesterday… with lots of snorts and looking at the new surroundings, we had a great first ride!!! A bunch of deer jumped out while I was on him and he just stopped and looked at them, not a worry at all.
I’ll keep you posted on our progress….going to try to ride him over the weekend while carrying a flag (at home) . I’m sure he’ll do great!
I’ll send you an updated pic after my first parade!!
Xoxox Jennifer in Oregon

 Ps-THANK YOU FOR MY FUN GIFT!!! I love the bling!! And Palo is going to look like a million bucks with it!!!!



Z Horse - SOLD Friesian Z Horse - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF Going to Amy in Mass!! Can't WAIT For You to meet the

He is wonderful, sweet, quiet. I love him already !!

Hope all is well with you !!!

Thanks Again. I think Versace (my other BSF Friesian) is jealous ;)

Just wanted to say thank you. I am so absolutely happy with this guy. We are a great match. I absolutely love him. I can't blieve how lucky I am to have two of the nicest horses ever. I didn't think anyone could compare to Versace, but this guy is just as sweet and more schooled. He has taught me so much already. He has such a fantastic personality, a huge heart, and so much patience. He is perfect for me. Janna, you know how much I spoil my other BSF so, this guy hit the jackpot ... And so have I. Thank You Thank You !! He was a great pick for me !! You are the best.

(Riding in)Scotland was great, Debbie MacDonald was amazing. The horses were school horses so I learned a lot, it was a wonderful and great group of people. My favirote person was Elaine Palance. This name may sound familiar to you. She bought Attache' from you about 3 years ago. So we got to talk friesian the whole trip which was great !  She has invited me to CA so when I go we will pop in and say hi !!   I am not sure if you know, but Elaine Palance is the wife of former star Jack Palance (the head of the ranch in the movie City Slickers :). He passed away almost 2 years ago. Thought you might enjoy to know I met another happy BSF customer :). Scotland was gorgeous. Thanks Again !!

The photos were taken at today's show where we placed 1st in training level 2. Since I have not been doing dressage long we were very proud of ourselves. I have never won 1st place in anything in my whole life :) my boy is such a star !!!! Thanks for the great horses I love them both very much !!

Amy in Mass


BENNO - SOLD Friesian BENNO - Sold Sold to Cynthia in NY

Thank you so much for helping me pick such a wonderful horse. This boy has the patience of a saint (yes I know he is a saint). He is quickly teaching me everything I need to know and has done it all with such love. Every "horse" person I know keeps telling me that he doesn't act like a horse. He allows me to crawl around under him grooming his feathers, he lays down in the pasture with me and rests his head on my lap, and has to play with absolutely everything. I quickly learned that he needed a companion soon after he came to my home from the stable I had him at for a few months. On day three he had the gates all figured out and let himself out for a walk to the back door. His gates are now padlocked. Everyone who has met him is so impressed with his personality and of course his looks. I think I've got the best one you ever had. I never dreamed that such an incredible animal could be so affectionate. He is an absolute joy.
Thank you again

1 year later........................................................
I wanted to send you a couple new pictures of Benno. Everything is still going great with him and I will never be able to thank you enough for such a wonderful baby. My 2 yr old stallion is constantly at Bennos’ side and they like to be touching each other. It amazes me to watch them run together because they are always in step and so well choreographed. Benno has such presence as well as a tremendous amount of patience and is really teaching the baby how to be an easy going, non-spooky, safe horse. I know that Benno will teach me much more in this life than I will ever teach him. He is truly magnificent in every way. Hope you enjoy the pictures they are “perfect angels” .

Cynthia in NY


Bauke - STER - SOLD Friesian Bauke - STER - Sold Congrats to Teresa in Texas!

Bauke made the California/Texas trip with no trouble--he came off the transport looking like he'd just been bathed, compared to the sweaty, tense Thoroughbreds he was shipped with. We've taken him on a four mile ride through the park, complete with rollerbladers, bikers, baby strollers, etc. NOTHING fazes this guy--when something catches his eye, he MARCHES over to take a closer look (could be food, you know). It's like he's watching TV, interested in but not INFLUENCED by the goings-on...

In comparison, he is feather-light to the aids--doesn't take a lot of leg to move out, and halts on a dime. I've never found this combination of boldness and obedience in any other breed.

I told you on the phone that we would be the pickiest people you'd ever deal with, and boy, did you deliver. If I'd sent you a recipe for a safe, competitive dressage horse, it certainly wouldn't have included all this "ICING"!

-Teresa in Texas


Harmke - SOLD Friesian Harmke - Sold 14 yr old Madison and her Grandma, Joyce, will soon be enjoying this full pedigree sweetheart!

Hi Janna,
Both Harmke and the foal are definitely my dream horses.
Harmke is the biggest love. Of course, I could be prejudiced, but she has one of the most beautiful necks I have ever seen, especially for not being worked in an arena regularly. I remember in your writeup about Harmke saying that her Sire was known for his swan neck. Well, Harmke inherited it, but I don't know where she got her tremendous calm and loving personality from. I have spent forth years getting tossed off of my babies I have been training and she is exactly what I want at my present age.
The other day, a woman at our local tack shop said, would you believe some people are buying Friesians just to use on trail and I said, "Um, hmm, that's what I'm doing with mine."
When her baby was born about 3 hours before we discovered her, we found a 2 1/2 week Premature foal standing and sucking for all she was worth. I keep calling her a he because she is so incredibly strong and solid looking. My husband says that she (Harmke's Black Tulip) is the most beautiful foal we have ever had. When she runs, she stands and looks like she is winding up and then she dashes for all she is worth. She looks like the Wind. Harmke just stands and keeps eating calmly but she has been a wonderful mother. I find people stopping to see them all the time, even taking their pictures.

I adore Harmke.  She is the sweetest horse imaginable. She loves being outside and loves people, I think, more than  she loves other horses. 



Basso - SOLD Friesian Basso - Sold Congrats to Kathy!!!

Hi Janna and Barend,

Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that Basso is doing great. I just love him. I had my second lesson on him yesterday and he is just so awesome to work with. He seems to love it here and has made friends with all my other horses and ponies except for one who doesn't get along with anyone very much. I should have gotten a Friesian years ago instead of trying to work with such hot headed warm bloods.

Thanks for bringing over such beautiful "level-headed horses". He is just so wonderful to work with!
Thanks again,



Ravello - SOLD Friesian Ravello - Sold Our One of a Kind Ravello is Headed to KY for Saddlebred Enthusiast, Susan Swope. Look for Susan and Ravello in the winner's circle on the east coast!


Healthy and gorgeous!

I'm selling all of my alpacas. Replacing them with Friesians! ;)

Ravello loves alpacas! He's doing GREAT, by the way. What a sweetheart.


What a good boy he is. Janna, you were right- you can hitch him by yourself! Such a sweetheart!

He is doing great. Happy and adjusted to life in the Bluegrass!

 I love the way Ravello's ears point together. He is just so cute! You were right, by the way. He has relaxed quite a bit since he's gotten to know me. He was so laid back to begin with, that I didn't realize that he had his guard up for the first few days he was here.

I can't remember if I told you that Ravello is the first horse I have ever trusted enough to walk through a pasture full of alpacas. He is simply so gentle, and frankly so unafraid of them that I cannot imagine him ever kicking one. Such a nice boy. My Arabians, on the other hand, I would never dream of having that close to an alpaca, and have always gone to great lengths to assure they were never close enough to make contact. They are like loaded guns and you never know when they might go off and send a Paca flying through the air!

-Susan in KY


Basila and Hilda - SOLD Friesian Basila and Hilda - Sold Stu and Sue of S & S Friesian Farms in Arizona

We started with an intriguing and interesting web site that introduced us to Black Sterling Friesians. Then we had several discussions with Jana that further helped us.

With all that, we selected some beautiful Friesian mares.

Jana also suggested some great horse transporters.

And, we love our mares!

Stu & Sue

S&S Friesian Farms in Florence, AZ



Wieger - SOLD Friesian Wieger - Sold Congrats to George in Utah!!!

Just a note to let you guys know Wieger is doing great!  He is happy as a clam here... He whinnies every time he sees me and comes running... He follows me around ( unless I have a halter...lol) I have been working with him in the round pen and he changes lead, responds to 3 gaits (most of the time!) and tries real hard to please... He has become my best bud... (He has only bitten me once!) I put an end that right pronto... Now he always tries to show me he knows I am the boss and comes to nuzzle...  

-George in Utah


Spumanti - SOLD Friesian Spumanti - Sold This Dressage Schoolmaster is On His Way to Tenn. for Sharon:)

Spumanti is doing really great.  He had his shoes removed and the farrier remarked how hard and healthy his feet are.  People are actually coming in from neighboring towns just  to visit with the big guy.  Really.  He is such a flirt. Loves them  up and they just can't believe him.  I should really start charging.   One woman said he has perfect conformation.  Also Dr. Grant Miller (vet doing his pre-purchase)  sent a  card after I faxed him regarding Spumanti . It is a beautiful card.   That was the nicest thing ever.  We will send pic as soon as I have a little more sleep and my hair is freshly dyed!!  It is that ego thing.  Oh this is so great, my friend brought out her mountain horse Charley and Spumanti and Charley hit it off right at the start.

I pray for everyone's health and happiness, people and equines.  Have a good  one.  

Sharon in Tenn


Baron STER - SOLD Friesian Baron STER - Sold Wendi in Scottsdale, Ariz, is soon to be enjoying her new beautiful boy. We enjoyed having you and Phil at our barn:)

Hi Janna,

i just wanted to let you know how happy I am with Lucca ( Baron) ! I changed his name because it is a family name and it rhymes with Jouke, so he won't be too confused.

He is absolutely wonderful! I can't believe I almost let Jannice (previous trainer) talk me out of getting him.

I am riding with a trainer named Paula Paglia, she is great. I know I am going to have so much fun with my handsome boy. I'll send pictures soon.

Thank You!

I love him more each day. 

I am doing amazing W/him in dressage!!

Wendi in Ariz


Records 646 to 660 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.