
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 661 to 675 of 1063
Belle - SOLD Friesian Belle - Sold Sold to Shannon in Texas

Hey Janna,
She's here and wonderful and VERY pregnant. She takes everything in stride and is settling in beautifully. She is absolutely gorgeous with personality to boot. Spent the entire day getting to know her and loving on her. I will write more later my family is feeling a little neglected.....let the guilt trips begin. :-) Not really they are very supportive and spent most of the day with me.
Thanks again Janna for one beautiful mare!!!!

Belle is unbelivable...she is a wonderful mother AND she still loves me..it's almost like she's glad to see me so she can munch grass and not worry about the baby and her mare fence mates...:-) her mom hormones kicked in and I actually got to see her pin her ears and stomp at some curious mares today....I loved it...so of course I stepped in like I was her big savior and ran them all off....she seemed to appreciate it, lets me handle the baby with no problems etc...I'm having the time of my life....and I am SO in love, with both, especially Belle.
Thanks once again Janna,

1 year later................................
The horses are doing great. We moved about a year ago where we can have them home with us. They seem happier and definitely healthier. Annie is almost as tall as her mother and she is as sweet and loving as they come.She is quite spoiled. I'm having stall plaques made for them...Belle's say's Belle "Queen of Everything" and Annie's has her name and "Princess of Quite Alot" at least that's what they think. It's hard to believe the princess will be two in March. Time flies.
Shannon in Texas


Amos - SOLD Friesian Amos - Sold Headed to NY for Pamela; Amos will be the 3rd BSF Friesian in the Barn:)

Hi Janna,
Amos arrived this morning safe and sound. He's a beauty! He's all groomed and happily eating hay. Everyone in the barn came by to admire him today.  Everyone is impressed with how calm and gentle he is!!  I spent lots of time with him tonight ....
I’ve had 3 really good rides on him this week which felt great. He’s going well – happy and willing to move forward.  So I’m pleased –  he’s coming into his own and that I’m starting to enjoy the “real Amos”.
5 months later...
I took Amos to a small informal “schooling” show today.  He was great.  We did well on our tests and he was such a pleasure.  He was calm and happy in new surroundings.
It’s been quite awhile since we’ve been in touch so I wanted to let you know that Amos is doing very well.  I’ve been riding him 3-5 times a week.  He’s doing VERY well.  He’s built up a lot of muscle – looks good – and feels good.  I’ve had 3 lessons with my European dressage trainer (ex FEI judge) on Amos since August and so far we’ve done very well.  He’s a little lazy – but once he knows I mean business he moves very well. He’s also a favorite in the barn.  He loves people and everyone loves him.
It’s been a while since I’ve been in touch so I thought I’d give you an update on Amos.  Amos is doing great!  We’ve been working hard and this weekend rode in a recognized dressage show in the area – we did First Level Tests 1 and 2 and scored just above 62 in both tests.  I was pleased since it was our first real show.  We’ve been working with an experienced Dutch instructor (ex FEI judge) and also went to a clinic with Vitor Silva (Portuguese classical dressage instructor) and both of them like Amos and feel we’re progressing nicely.  And, of course, Amos continues to be such a peach!  What a great disposition!  He stays “cool calm and collected” in strange places – it’s a joy to take him to shows and clinics. 
Pam in NY


Rinke - SOLD Friesian Rinke - Sold 2nd Friesian From BSF Going to Chris!

Rinke is great. He is everything I expected and more. Rock solid on trails. Total gentleman on the ground. I recently purchased a new trailer and on my test drive I loaded him all by myself no problem. He is such a sweetheart and his little brother loves him. Gosse follows right along side him. I never thought I could take Gosse out of the barn but guess what? He goes out with his brother all the time. It is truly amazing. Clare will be showing Gosse this season and Rinke will be going along for support. They have truly bonded. My trainer and all the assistants are amazed at the two great Friesians I own.  Thanks again.



Beake - SOLD Friesian Beake - Sold Sold to Kari in montana

He is in excellent condition and we can't believe how quickly he settled in! It was like he knew this was his new home! He is absolutely wonderful. I spent all day yesterday riding him around our ranch and I can't believe how great he was! I introduced him to so many new things and he took it all in stride. You should have seen him walk through snow for the first time! By the afternoon, we had him jumping the irrigation ditches! He was very calm and mannerly all day. And he is so gorgeous; just stunning. I'm amazed at how calm he is for a young horse. Thanks so much for all of you help, Janna!

Kari in Montana


Bart - SOLD Friesian Bart - Sold Merry Xmas to Janice in Seattle!

I just have to thank you so much! He is absolutely the kind of horse I was looking for. Janna, you have a great ability to match the horse to the rider. When I told you I needed a horse that was suitable for a beginner, you went right to work selecting suitable horses, you were right on by suggesting Aragon. He is just perfect for me. He is very affectionate, does what he is asked willingly and learns quickly, has a great trot, and is such a pleasure to be around. He is one of those horses with a big heart and great mind!!! I had a surprise on my first trip to my arena, word of mouth spread and I had an audience of 15 people to see Aragon. They couldn't believe he is only 3 with his willing temperament. Then of course they marveled at his great looks. After watching me ride, I received several requests for your phone number. Again, thanks for all your help and knowledge. Your assistance finding me the right horse was invaluable! Aragon and I will be partners for life.

With Gratitude,
Janice in Washington


Tuxedo - SOLD Friesian Tuxedo - Sold Headed to West Virg for Tammy!!!!!!






Gucci - SOLD Friesian Gucci - Sold Congrats to Rob in NJ!!!

Janna.... I can not say enough good things about Gucci!

He is EXACTLY what I was looking for... You Made the entire sale, import, transport etc... So simple, I just can't thank you enough for my guy!

You were so right on with "Gucci" (Edou), What an Awesome animal!!!! He drives like a true gentleman, I haven't mustered the courage to get on his back yet (the whole wheelchair thing makes it tough) But it wont be long i can tell. Gucci is so friendly and has such a sweet nature everyone who sees him has to do a double take and ask me "where did you get him from, that horse is drop dead gorgeous, what kind of horse is that", and well you know me, i have to brag about you and how u hand picked him for me.blah blah blah ..... Job Well DONE Janna!!!! I can't thank you enough!
I really am crazy over both my friesians from you...

i took grandchamp driving gucci in a local show here a couple months ago and I also used him in a carriage ride with santa for a physical rehab and retirement facility. He is such a good horse!!!!!!!
Isn't he Handsome, I did my friends prom last night with Gucci....

Gucci is doing great, I took grand champion in some amateur classes locally.. With out even an upward glance, folks knew they were beat before we even started..... Surprisingly he stopped and stood (not his favorite thing to do) on cue.
Thanks for a large part of my collection(Melia, Aranka annd Gucci), I wouldn't trade them for the world, they bring me peace ...

Update 2 years later...
Every single time i go out back to the barn i am so lost in these 3 animals and what they bring me, i think of you endlessly.

Whether you know it or not, they have completely changed my entire lifestyle and somehow make all i've lost, "ok"    ......    thanks man!

-Rob, DVM in NJ


Jack Daniels - SOLD Friesian Jack Daniels - Sold Amy is a VERY Lucky Lady!!!! Your entire family will enjoy this special boy.


Thank you for allowing your rider from Holland to come spend 3 weeks with us, teaching us everything there is to know about Jack Daniels.


The Toth's



Henri - SOLD Friesian Henri - Sold Tracey is Henri's Proud New Mommy!!! Congrats:)

Hi Janna,

I wanted to thank you for making my first Friesian purchase a STERLING success. Henri is absolutely fabulous. I’ve never seen a more beautiful horse, especially one who has a temperament to match. He’s so big, yet soooo gentle.

I can’t believe what a fabulous selection of Friesians you have and how well you run your stables. All your staff is terrific and I’ve learned so much already. Not to mention the stellar payment terms you gave me. I could have never afforded such a grand horse without your $$ flexibility. I can’t wait to get him back to Moss Beach. Everyone’s really excited and can’t wait to meet him. Also your offer to trailer him to my stables is certainly above and beyond what I ever expected. You really did just make this so easy. I’m most grateful. You’re the best and I’m going to make sure everyone knows what a wonderful experience this has been. Hopefully I’ll not be in the market for another Friesian any time soon, as I’m sure Henri will be with me for many years to come, but I will browse your website regularity, just to keep up on the stable that has set the standard in Friesians.

Thanks Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



BOGART - SOLD Friesian BOGART - Sold Happy Valentine's Day to Cindy in Florida:)

Hi Jenna.
I am finally writing to let you know that Bogart is all you said he would be.
I was very nervous about buying a horse unseen, but you were reassuring and once he arrived I was thrilled. He is beautiful, gallant, majestic and has a can do disposition. He and I have developed an awesome bond and an incredible partnership.He is indeed a gentle giant, so much so, that I felt comfortable putting my granddaughter on him. He was such a gentleman.I have included a picture of Bogart and me. I also included a picture with him and my granddaughter.Thank you again for such an incredible horse!!
I wanted to give you an update on Bogart. I have had him for three years now and after trail riding him for the first two he now has a new job. He is in dressage training, and he is coming along beautifully. My trainer loves him. He tries to do everything that I ask him. He is getting stronger everyday and able to perform more difficult exercises. He is extremely clever and loves to play with everything within his reach. I am still in awe when I look out my window and see him there. He is my best friend and confident. We have an awesome partnership and take care of each other when we ride.

I wanted to thank you again for bringing this amazing creature into my life. He is exactly what you described. He is loved and admired, a little spoiled and has a forever home with me.
Cindy in Fla


Nova - SOLD Friesian Nova - Sold Congrats to Katie in Oklahoma on this Special Friesian Filly!


I just wanted to let you know Nova arrived Thursday night at around midnight. What a valentines present!!!!! She is absolutely gorgeous!!!! She really is a people horse. I think she would stand still all day if she knew you would just keep petting her.

Sincerely, Katie in Oklahoma


My wife bought a Friesian two maybe three years ago from you guys. (Nova is her name). Let me say this, from a non horse husband, what a wonderful wonderful horse she is!!!!

Brad in Oklahoma


Hindrik - SOLD Friesian Hindrik - Sold Congrats to Linda on her 2nd friesian from BSF!!

Update 2 Years Later...
Hindrik is coming along nicely. He did a schooling show at the barn in Sept. and got a 69.9 & 70.0 @ Training Level- Tests 1 & 2. He really did make a beautiful entrance into his classes with his big, lofty trot. Funny, but I had arrived just prior to his first class that day and Pam said when he saw me & heard my voice he actually let out a big sigh and his whole body relaxed... he really is so very sweet and loving. Btw... congrats on all your IFSHA wins, and your daughter's too! ....

Hindrik has been doing very well @ Training Level. He started showing at the end of April and had only done one show last November prior to starting this show season in late spring.  He has qualified for the DASC Championships, the CDS Regional Championships (requiring 5 scores from 4 judges of 67% or higher in the open division <--- which he in his first 5 shows)  and.. he also qualified for the USDF Regional Championships! The competition will be VERY tough at USDF and CDS, NO DOUBT, but I'm very proud of him.... he's really been doing great!  I hope to ride him myself next year @ the rated shows. He & I did a schooling show recently though... at Training Level -Test 1 we took 1st place w/ a 69.1% and then in Test 2 (which I had never even done before & had to have a reader) we took 3rd w/ a 67.8%.

Just wanted to share some recent news w/ you. Hindrik was Training Level Open Champion at the Dressage Association of Southern California (DASC) Annual Championship Show in September. I also recently found out that in the DASC Year End Breed Awards he took Reserve Champion Friesian, and not only that, he is also the DASC Training Level Open Reserve Champion too! All things considered, he's had a pretty good first year out I think!
I've had horses most of my life and even though I am new to dressage, I know a nice moving horse when I see one. I thought Hindrik looked to be a lovely mover and then your advice and input proved to be invaluable in my purchase decision.
All things considered, he's had a pretty good first year out I think!



Wobke - SOLD Friesian Wobke - Sold Congrats to Susan

WOW! What a horse!I am so excited

-I can barely sleep at night. Thank you so very much for all your patience and the time you gave me in selecting the right horse for me.

Wopke and I will become close friends and I hope with a lot of help-some day we will be accomplished riding partners.

Janna, this process has been a PLEASURE, thank you!

It has been such a long time since I have seen you.  I am determined to get Wopke to the Extravaganza (FHANA Show) this year; he is doing so well.  We are working on Piaffe and Passage.  He just loves the upper level work.  His half pass is lovely.  Anyway, in order for me to get to the Extravaganza (FHANA Show in Reno) I need to get him exposed to the Show World.  Look forward to stabling with your horses at Monterey Springfest!



Tibe - SOLD Friesian Tibe - Sold Sold to CO

We couldn’t be happier with the disposition and beauty of our Friesians.

We do not mind talking to people about our experience with Friesians and with Black Sterling.

I have a very popular radio and TV show – in many cities.  I would be happy to serve as a reference.
I also plan on putting our Friesians on my website – (www.troubleshooter.com),where we will mention Black Sterling!

Tom and Holly Martino in Colorado


Gauke - SOLD Friesian Gauke - Sold Gauke is on his way to Texas, he will be the 3rd Friesian from BSF in Jennifer's barn!
Hi Janna,
Things are going great with our two new friesians Gauke and Kille.........Kille has an incredibly naturally uphill topline and his temperment is perfect for Nancy. I want to profusely thank you for your expertise in selecting such wonderful horses!!!!!!!!!!! We had our first show of the season this weekend (The Texas Dressage Classic). I took Gauke and convinced Jane to take Hyka (however you spell it) along with others from our barn. Anyway, it was a four day show and since it was Gauke's first time, I showed him the first two days and my daughter the last day. Needless to say....we had lots of inquiry's about him and he drew a lot of attention! I was second on our first day in First Level Test Two Open. But.....the next day at First Level One Open I was first with a 65% and then at First Level Two Open I was First with a 63%!!!!!! :o) I was very pleased.....but the last day was his best.....I warmed him up for my daughter who showed him Training Test Three Junior. Her second test of Training Test Four Qualifying/Jr. she was first place with a 67%!!!!!! It was truly a beautiful test! He was very forward, uphill and balanced on the half halt. So for our first show having owned him for only a short time WOW!!!! It can only get better!!!!!!!!! So she now has one qualifying score at Training Level. We show again next weekend to try to get her another! He is a forward moving worker Bee!!! Giggling! Maybe before the fall we can get him ready to qualify to First Level Four Junior! As for Jane Hayes and Heidi they showed the Training Level Test three for Amaturs - they were second place. Then they showed the Training Four Qualifying Test with a 65%!!!!! So they too now have a qualifying score. That mare is incredible and a perfect fit for Jane I sure would like to get my hands on her myself and show her! :o) Next weekend (another show) I am taking again Gauke, Jane's mare Hyka, and Sally's gelding Warner [all friesians from BSF] to another show. I'll keep you posted on how that goes! In May my daughter will attend our local dressage club spring show and ride in the junior/young rider team championships on Gauke. That will be fun and she will certainly be the one to hold the team up!
Again, Janna, thank you so much for your wisdom and expertise in the selection of such nice horses!
From all of us at Half Pass Training Center,

Gauke is doing fantastic! He is fully qualified at training level for the region 9 championships in the Jr. division. We hope to qualify him at first level jr. division this fall. I have started him in the double bridle and are working on lots of counter canter and canter walk...canter......of course changes will be next! :o) So he is doing fantastic and we will be keeping him now that my daughter is attatched!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She will be doing a clinic with him in Sept with Volker Braumen and Dr. Thomas Ritter. This is her second clinic on Gauke with Volker.
Nancy's horse Kille is doing fantastic as well.......He is learning what staying in front of the leg and aids means! He is not as forward thinking as Gauke but certainly much hotter that Warner. He is perfect for Nancy and so far is living up to all of her expectations! Nancy plans to compete him next year.
In the meantime Sally's friesian Warner is doing fine and I use him often for seat lessons. He is great on the lunge and the riders can trust him completely! We are having another clinic at Legacy with Dr. Thomas Ritter and Warner will be used for seat lessons.
All the news for now! Thanks for checking in. I do have one more client that will be purchasing a friesian but not until next year. I'll certainly be contacting you then.

Jennifer, trainer of 4 BSF friesians, in TX


Records 661 to 675 of 1063

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  • Fhana Logo
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  • California Dressage Logo
  • USEF Logo
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  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.