
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 676 to 690 of 1063
Imke - SOLD Friesian Imke - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF Going to Texas to be a Fantastic Pleasure/Trail Companion for the Byatt Family

Hi Janna,

Just wanted you to know that Imke and Wopke are doing great and love their new home. 

I have enjoyed riding Imke….just getting “back in the saddle” after years of not riding.  And Wopke looks to be a lot of fun!  Mostly, I just enjoy grooming and turning the boys out together in the pasture to play. 

They really love each other…and they really make me happy!!  Just wanted you to have an update that they are loved!

Ann in Texas


Succhi - SOLD Friesian Succhi - Sold Sold to TX

Since the day Succhi arrived on December 18, 2006, we have had so much fun with this special horse. I rode him in a clinic with Jane Savoie in February 2007 and she loved him! I showed him First Level dressage at two shows in Albuquerque this past Spring to get a feel for him in a show environment - a photo is attached. I have also ridden him in two local clinics here in Lubbock, Texas and took him out of town for a horsemanship clinic. Each person who works with him comments on his good mind and loving personality. My trainer currently has her USDF Silver Medal and is working toward her Gold Medal. She believes that Succhi has upper level potential in dressage so we look forward to seeing him develop further in dressage in the years ahead. Also, in another exciting development, his breeder contacted me from Holland and has requested that we present this gelding for his Ster at the upcoming keuring here in Texas on October 2. We have enjoyed focusing on the groundwork with Succhi in order to prepare for the inspection and he looks magnificent.

Paula in TX


Jip - SOLD Friesian Jip - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF going to Grand Prix Rider, Sue, in Colorado. We expect GREAT things from this team!!

Everyone at the stable where he was  LOVED him and he of course was eating it up.  I went over to his turn out and called his name and he came cantering over to me.  Everyone wished their horse would do that to them! 
I rode Jip yesterday and he was FANTASTIC.  He is the most talented horse I have ever ridden. 
Thanks again!

Jip is amazing.  He is doing all the 3rd level work now.  Nothing is hard for him, he is just a natural at dressage.  I have started the piaffe and passage too!!!!!! 
The trainer that worked with Jip here in CO also trained the approved stallion, Goffert.  He said he thinks Jip is very talented, and said he has a better walk and canter than Goffert!

....Jip has been so great.  I am starting to move him up the levels now that he has settled a bit more in the show arena. I am thinking of putting a few more of my horses up for sale and looking for another horse like Jip!

Update... Mr. Jip was RMDS champion on Sat and USDF reserve champ on Sun. Both at the 2nd level freestyle. That is all I showed him. He was fantastic and now we are moving up to 3rd, 4th and he LOVES it. He is such a blast!

Update... Jip and I did a freestyle at stockshow a few days ago. ....The Denver Brass was playing live. At the end I got my 2 tempi's and his passage improved as the freestyle went on.....I LOVE him so much.


-Sue, in Colorado


Zorro-ster - SOLD Friesian Zorro-ster - Sold

Zorro is doing great in our local quadrille; he’s the youngest but best behaved of the group. Practically bomb proof.

I love him so much!

 I am riding the only Friesian on the Quadrille team. The rest are warmbloods and TBs, and Zorro is always the best behaved! He looks so cute with the white leg wraps and his feathers sticking out below like a fringe.

YOU have the best selection of Friesians :-) He is a joy and a treasure. I'm so thankful for him!

What a good boy. I am so excited about this horse - he is the most beautiful, talented and nicest horse I've ever owned. I've just fallen head over heels in love with him. And you're right - I think I'm going to have to show him :-) Should be fun, as I think he would blow everyone away. Thanks!



Watze-STER - SOLD Friesian Watze-STER - Sold Congrats to Sherry

3 Years Later....Hi Janna!
Just want you to know that I have Rose and Watze in training, and love them both.  I can't believe how well Rose is going for a 5 year old mare who has had two babies.  And after one month of training Watze dressage (he was going Western the entire previous year), I entered him in a dressage show and got a good score and a second place. Cheers for the Friesians!  Hope all is going well with you guys!!!

Caroline (Dressage Trainer)

PS.  That's Watze (and I) in the picture, and my 3 year old son, Isaac.


Laurant - SOLD Friesian Laurant - Sold Headed to Mexico for Jorge!!!!!


It was a pleasure. I don’t think I could have found anybody as trustworthy as you. Laurant  will be my favorite for many years. I’m sure my wife and children will like him so much that probably you’ll hear from me someday (to purchase another friesian


Laurant arrived home yesterday afternoon. The whole family was here to greet him and fell in love immediately, specially my youngest daughter Mirand He’s beautiful and has a lovely character.
It was a pleasure doing business with you. It’s not very easy to find a deal of any kind and receive more of what you expected. To tell you the truth I trusted you the moment I read through your internet page. I’m glad I bought Laurant from you. You were always reassuring and trustworthy, and it is very clear you definitely know your business and love what you do. Laurant is already giving us great moments and will continue to give us a lot of joy for many years.  Thank you very much.

With affection

Jorge in Mexico




Broer - SOLD Friesian Broer - Sold Congrats to Brittney in Ohio!!
Hi Janna,
We absolutely love our Friesian, Broer! He has the best temperament and personality of any horse we have seen and is so loving. Everyone at the barn adores him and loves his sweet, calm nature. A year later, he is so cooperative with the grooming sessions, long trail rides, and tough dressage work. He is so easygoing and always wants to go for a ride, and did I mention that he never spooks and is always looking to please us!?! This past summer and fall was his first show season, and we must tell you, he did fantastic and is a natural at the shows!
We won many of our dressage classes and we are looking forward to moving up the levels. Every show we go to people take pictures of him and actually tell us how wonderful it was to have watched our ride. On trails, he is such a blast to ride and for once we can enjoy nice, leisure trail rides and not have to be worried. He is very spoiled too, and he gets many carrots, apples, horse cookies, and other goodies :) . Thank you so much for finding this dream boy for our family! He is very loved here and will be a part of our family for years to come.
Thank you for still being here to answer all of our questions and for helping us pick the right horse. We would recommend Black Sterling Friesians in a second to anyone who is looking for that perfect, dream Friesian.
-Kathy and Brittany in Ohio


Brenda fan de Marwei - SOLD Friesian Brenda fan de Marwei - Sold Congrats to Barbara, from Greg:) This magnificent mare is going to Holland, MI!

Everyone loves her. The owner of the barn where Brenda is staying, is riding Brenda and plans to ride her at the next clinic she attends.
You have all been so great.
By the way, the people from Horsein' Around told Sue that Brenda was the nicest friesian they had ever transported from Black Sterling Friesians. That's impressive, as I am sure they have moved some wonderful horses for you. Thank you!!! And please pass along my regards to Barend.

4 months later....
I have been back taking lessons, and
grooming, lunging and riding that terrific girl. You were right! She
will be able to "teach me" dressage. Although I was a bit leary about
the size of a Friesian's trot, I already actually love that gait of
hers, and it has been fun to feel her responsiveness to everything I do. She is
absolutely a dream. Everyone loves her.


Barbara in Michigan




Johan - SOLD Friesian Johan - Sold This Wonderful Gentle Boy is Going to Virg. for Janice!!

Just a quick note to let you know that Johan arrived safe and sound and has settled in very nicely! He is the friendliest horse I have ever met – he follows me around like a puppy dog! I must admit that I was a little intimidated by his size at first, but it only took one grooming session to get over that! I honestly believe this guy would follow me in the house if I would let him! He is absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait for my new saddle package to arrive so I can ride him! I already have a trainer lined up and everyone wants to come over and meet this handsome guy!

You must be a very busy lady! I check your website everyday and I can’t believe the number of horses you have sold since I got Johan!!!!!!!! I really don’t know how you keep it all straight!
We have ridden Johan a couple of times so far! He did very well especially considering that I am new to a dressage saddle! One of my good friends is the local trainer in town. He absolutely loves Johan. He said he is a good boy and he is very smart. He can’t wait to take Johan to his barn and show him off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope all is well with you!!!!!!!!!!!!

How was the show????????? I am sure you and your team did very well !!!!!!!!!!!!! First, I must tell you that when the hauler (Donna Spano) brought Johan to me she made a comment that didn’t really sink in until now. She asked me if this was my first Friesian and when I told her “Yes” she giggled and said “Oh, you’ll be getting another one”!!!!!!!!! At the time I thought she was crazy, but now I understand. My trainer friend and I took Johan to the largest English barn at the beach (90 stalls). Just wanted to see how he would do with new surroundings. He loaded on the trailer with no resistance at all and was totally relaxed! We took Johan everywhere and nothing scared him. Even had him in crossties in the wash rack with little girls riding by on their bicycles. He wasn’t bothered by anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This guy is amazing especially for being a four year old! Obviously, someone has put a lot of time and energy into Johan and luckily I am the one who gets to enjoy his wonderful disposition.

Thank you so very much for finding such a wonderful horse! I am so lucky to have him!!!!!!!!!!

Had my first dressage lesson with Johan on Saturday! The trainer said I picked a good one and that I am going to have so much fun with him! Yippee!!!!!!!!!!!!

Johan won 1st place at his 1st recognized show! He was such a good boy!!!

Janice in Virginia


Bieke-STER - SOLD Friesian Bieke-STER - Sold Congrats to Gale in New York on this ZZ Light STER Mare, Now In Foal!

Here's our newest update:I'm still so delighted with my Beike.  She's now given me a gorgeous Goffert filly.  She's beautiful. 
I'm not breeding Beike again this year, and I am SO looking forward to being able to ride her and improve my dressage skills.  She is SUCH a good teacher.  Our newest adventure was performing a Pas De Deux, which I choreographed.   We performed in at an event called "Dancing With Horses" and won the Gold Medal for the Best Performance of the day.  We repeated the performance at the request of the organizers of the New York State FHANA keuring in September.  Beike was everything and MORE than you promised to me.  I am so thankful that you and I connected for my purchase of this wonderful mare.  I now own three great Friesians and have Dutch "Best Friends" (Bieke's previos owners).  It all happened because of YOU!  My sincerest thanks go to you!  THANK YOU.

I'm grinning from ear to ear. :) :) 
we picked up Beike, my new Friesian mare, from the USDA importation facility in Newburgh, New York. She arrived in Newburgh after an uneventful flight on KLM airlines. I even watched her flight's progress on the internet...great fun! Anyways.... they allowed me to groom her and ride her on the grounds. She was wonderful. She stood so still in her stall for grooming and tacking up. AND...when I approached her with the bridle...she even reached down and picked the bit up with her mouth HERSELF!. I had a nice ride and just took it easy with her.  I just wanted to make sure that she wasn't a spook (she wasn't AT ALL) and that she responded to very basic cues. After the short ride, I gave her a nice water rinse, and she stood right there, even for her face to be rinsed off. She made a BIG HIT with the Cornell folks, so I know she's going to get special treatment during her 14 day stay there. :) Can't wait to get her home, and let her teach me all that she knows.

Our dressage riding is a BLAST. I just LOVE doing those piaffes and passages....and the flying lead changes...OH MY GOSH. She's a WONDERFUL teaching assistant and she really seems to enjoy her job as being the "instructor's horse". Jumping is going well too. Today was one of the best days. She went very nicely and bravely over a couple of new jumps. She's gaining her confidence in me that I'll keep her safe.... I've been on three short trail rides and she did just great. I look forward to doing a little western riding with her ANDDDDDDD.... I want to learn saddle seat. She would be AWESOME at it. I would LOVE to get one of those beautiful "day coats". Teal.... yup...that would look really cool.

What a gal my Beike is! Today was the first time that I tried the picket jump with her, and she just sailed over it, again and again. She also did her lead changes so nicely after the jump. She is so easy to rate for the jumps, it's an absolute BLAST. It's all that great dressage training. She can go from long stride to short stride and back to long, INSTANTLY on request. Today, also, was the first time that I let the "gang at the barn" ride her. WHAT A SCHOOLMASTER. The gals (six of them), all took turns "taking a test ride" on my girl, and she was wonderfully behaved. "SO THAT'S WHAT A SHOULDER-IN IS SUPPOSED TO FEEL LIKE!", said one of the gals, "WHEN CAN I SIGN UP FOR LESSONS ON HER?"

Well...she's EVERYTHING that I could ever ask for in a horse for myself...for my personal fun and enjoyment, and for my lesson program. Dressage horse, trail riding, carriage driving, lesson horse, jumper... and best friend..... she does it all!
THANKS AGAIN JANNA... for helping to make my dreams come true!

I bought Beike through you in 2005. Beike was pregnant when she was imported in 2005, to Fabe, and we got a very nice colt, who is now a five year old Star Stallion. After "Tim" was born, we bred Beike back to Goffert, and got a nice filly, who we named Whisper. She is a beautiful mover, and will do well in dressage. My friend Pam Schneider bought Amos from you, and she recently purchased another gelding "Wiebren" that is at fourth level now, and came through your "stable" as well. Beike fan 't Zand, at age 19 is schooling at Prix St. George training this year. She took TWO fourth level championships in dressage and also a championship in carriage driving. She is so special to me..... I wanted to send you a note of encouragement and thanks for all that you have done for my "Friesian world". You helped to make my dream come true, and I have so many good friends now because of it.
Hugs from your friend in NY ~
Gale Wolfe


SIR GALAHAD - SOLD Friesian SIR GALAHAD - Sold Congrats to Wanda in NC!!!

Dear Janna,
I just wanted to update you on Sir Galahad. He arrived safe and sound. I was not prepared for how incredibly beautiful he is. Not only is he beautiful, he is so sweet.

He is so much fun to ride and very forgiving of my novice abilities. My trainer is also riding him and having as much fun as I am.

I can't tell you how many people told me I was CRAZY to buy a horse sight unseen from someone I didn't know. Well, I'm glad I did!

Thank you for matching me up to such a wonderful horse. My next Friesian will also be a Black Sterling.

Best Regards,
Wanda in N.C.


Sorrento - SOLD Friesian Sorrento - Sold This Magnificent Horse is on his way to NY for Sue!!

hi there!

i just wanted to touch base with you... although we never met i feel like we have a very special connection....Sorrento [Wessel H] has turned out to be the most incredibly wonderful, loving, sensitive, amazing horse I have yet to own. What a joy it has been to experience the friesian temperment, work ethic and loyalty. Wes has really come a long way in his training and is happily working long and low and willing to please every second of his training. BUT.......the irony of this all...... my fourteen year old has been forced to sell her 15.2 quarter horse because of her serious growth spurt this year. By mistake, I let her take a "hack" on Wes and the two of them have totally made an incredible connection. He loves her and vice versa. She has a gift for riding and has really learned how to get him to go properly and on the aids.I have made the decision to let her keep him as her new mount and hopefully go through the junior ranks this year and really excel. Janna, I can't tell you what an amazing horse he is with a super temperment and so loving and affectionate.The two of them will have a great show season. 

I tell everone I know about you and what a wonderful and honest operation you run.

Wes has been a Godsend and everyone at the barn waits for him to ride so they can all come watch and wish they were lucky enough to experience life with a friesian.
Thank you so much for bringing him into our lives!!!!!!!

2 years later.................
My daughter trained him full time for about a year . She showed him almost every weekend and qualified him to compete in the Lendon Gray Youth Dressage festival which is held annually. The fact that she was able to qualify him was an amazing fete in itself for several reasons. First of all the majority of dressage judges on the east coast don't really understand the friesian breed and therefore see their walk as stiff, their trot as slow and their cantor as "stomping" because of their high front end action. If they gave scores for temperament he would have all "10's".
Sue in NY


Brecht Ana - SOLD Friesian Brecht Ana - Sold Merry Christmas Michele in Colorado!!

Dear Janna,
I cannot even begin to express my excitement to you. This really is a dream come true for me, and with the stress of the last year concerning the theft of my 3 year old, this is a needed breath of fresh air!
Thank you!

Update Feb 9th, 2006
She is so nice to everyone and everything, Janna. The grooms love her, the workers love her, the cats even love her! She snuggles them too! She is already sorta famous here. I had no idea Friesians draw so much attention. When I called our Equine animal clinic, and told my Dr. that I had a new mare for him to check out, and that she was a Friesian, 2 gals at the clinic heard and came with him just so they could see her. The vet really thought she was something else too! She is very happy and has won over everyone's heart. I feel just like a kid. I'm having way too much fun with her. I can hardly wait to show her to my dressage girlfriends. They're just gonna have a fit. I have had some great horses, my Trehkener is really amazing...but none of their gaits or personalities compare to hers. When you see her in the grooming stall, she doesn't "appear" to be a big mare. It is really sorta funny to watch peoples' reactions to her. They see this cute, cuddly little girl, who pulls treats out of your pocket and snuggle you. But as soon as I take her into the arena...her humble personality changes, she's very focused and in serious competition mode. She sends out this vibe like she wants everyone to only be watching her....and Janna, THEY DO!! Her movements are enormous. You sit there like you're on a couch. And when she engages her back end...it's like a Hemi engine on a 1968 Shelby Cobra just kicked in. Even though she is only about 15.1 or so...my son tells me that I look better on her than my larger horses.
2 years later.....................................

Our little Miss Ana is doing great! What a doll she is. And a very, happy girl.
We have a huge event at the end of this month that we're working towards. Dressage in the Rockies. It is just enormous. Little Brecht Ana has caused such a buzz around here too. She's beating $300,000+ horses right now.
...today was the FINAL CHAMPIONSHIPS of the season with the best of the best. Well, Brecht Ana won first place with the High Point Award. She's such a star.

Brecht Ana won First Place again yesterday. Without exageration, people were lined up at her stall when I returned after her class...wanting to buy her. I stay out of that stuff, but Nicole told them she's pretty expensive !! Good luck convincing her "Mom" to sell her! (in her cute/direct German accent). Honestly, if somebody offered me ridiculous money for Brecht, I still couldn't sell her. She's my baby. But it is flattering! :)
Michele in colorado


Hedzer - SOLD Friesian Hedzer - Sold Way To Go, Marilee in Florida!!

I can't thank you enough for your patience during the buying process, you handled everything with such class. I just wanted to let you know Hedzer is doing wonderfully! He remains one of the most affectionate horses I have ever met. He has even captured the hearts of my "non-horse loving" family and friends. Especially my kids and husband (which says alot)! He has had so many visitors and yet he never complains how many times I pull him out and show him off. You were wonderful to work with and if I ever decide to get another horse I will be calling you! Thank you for everything!

Congrats on the show! I love reading about how well you and your family do at the shows...it motivates me to get out there! Great job. Hedzer and I are finally going to our first show on Sat. Hedzer is really the perfect boy for me. He has evolved so much in the short amount of time he has been here. He goes over tarps, sits under tents with me and just gets better everyday. Thank you again!

I just had to write to say how wonderful Hedzer was at the show. His first time out and I couldn't have asked for a more well behaved horse. It was scorching hot and not a lick of shade, so I had to hold him up by the arena under the building where everyone sat. Everyone kept coming up to us to tell me what a gentleman I had (he did however eat a bit of everything my kids ate, even a reeses peanut butter cup)! Even though we are in quarter horse country, he placed 3 out of 15 in grooming and conditioning, 2nd in junior gelding/stallions and a whopping 1st in non-stock horse! Then because of the heat and that it was his first time out, I put him in 3 walk/trot classes and well...1st place in all three! He didn't make a mistake and his head was beautiful.... Anyways...he behaved like an old aged gelding on the ground with everyone crowding around him, then turned on the "pizzaz" for the under saddle classes. I am so proud of my boy!!! You knew I would like him...and sure enough he has turned out to be just what I needed.

6 months later.....
 You have a wonderful facility and tons of knowledge of the breed. Hedzer is everything you said he was and I am very happy, so are many other of your clients. You run a wonderful business. I am proud to tell people where I bought Hedzer and that I am a very happy client who will hopefully do business with you again in the future. I have been to almost every friesian breeder/seller website and still constantly look and I have not found anyone who offers the quality of horses you do. I recieved many dvd's of different horses and they never matched up to what I was told about the horse. I believe on your site that what you see is what you get. If you don't ride 3rd level...you probably can't make him move 3rd level!!! Keep up the fantastic work! He is my dream horse! I still look at him and can't believe he's mine. 
...I love reading your testimonials, but it isn't why I chose you and BSF. It was the way you still answered all my questions, even though it seemed I may never be able to afford one of your horses. I mean how could you have known my ability to annoy my father was strong enough to make him give in just so I would shut up?!?! :)  You and your knowledge sell and better said, match people with their dream horse. ...tell customers to call me on my cell if they want to know what a happy customer is!

It takes years to accumulate and build a clientele like you have.  I watched your site for over a year and read everyone of the testimonials that you have posted for us all to read. You have helped to make many wonderful horse/owner matches, including helping me to find my "forever" horse, Hedzer. I e-mailed you several times during that first year, you were always patient and answered all my questions in a timely manner. It was all the time and patience you gave me, not to forget all your beautiful horses, that helped me make the decision that when the time came I would be purchasing a horse from you. I was not let down. Hedzer has been everything you said he would be. I would recommend anyone to who was looking for a quality friesian, whether it be their first horse or last, to purchase their horse from Black Sterling Friesians. Even though I already have my perfect boy, when I get ready for another friesian, it will come out of your barn! I am impressed with you not only as a business woman, but as a wonderful person with an unwavering love for this breed.

1 year later....
 I just love him.
...always know you have people who respect what you do. I'm always here for a reference! And if I can get another horse, your barn is the first place I'll look! I just wanted to send a couple of pictures of Hedzer from his first BIG show! His two biggest awards were "Reserve Champion Friesian Walk/Trot- Any Discipline" & "Grand Champion Friesian W/T/C Hunter/Dressage/Western Type". I am so proud of him and he really proved what a big heart he has. This horse is such a sweetheart! We came home with a Grand Championship, Res. Championship, a 1st, 2nd, and 4th place ribbons.

 You know about the loss of my mom and how I always felt she helped me pick out my boy. Well today on my way to the barn I finally had a mini-breakdown, being mother's day weekend, and just could not stop crying. Hedzer was already turned-out in the big arena to graze. I walked out and called his name. He not only came all the way across to greet me but trotted as fast as he could. I hugged him and stood there crying for almost 10 minutes. He never budged, never took a step aside and even ocassionally just laid his head on my back. Just like a loved one would to just be a shoulder to cry on.I think it took Hedzer a few months to truly trust me and bond with me, but I have no doubt about that now. He is a more confident, happy horse and THE most loving horse I have ever had. Although he is very friendly to everyone in the barn, he is a momma's boy! After this morning I have never been more sure that he is my equine equal as silly as that sounds. He just looks straight in my eyes and knows.
-Marilee in Fla


Zorro BSF - SOLD Friesian Zorro BSF - Sold Sold to NJ

Zorro has settled in and is the perfect gentleman. We have taken his shoes off and he seems to like this better, lengthening his stride. The blacksmith actually broke his knife on Zorro's hoof they are so hard. He says that Zorro has perfect feet. At present we have Zorro at a training stables, www.saddlebrookridge.com , where he has joined three other Friesians and he is a star, everyone loves him. Their trainer is top class and Margaret is taking lessons to make sure she and Zorro are perfect together. We have taken our time with him and she feels very safe.
The stables have open doors with two chains across. One of the other owner's has a 3 year old son who wandered up to Zorro unescorted to pet him. Zorro put his head almost to the ground so the little boy could hug his head and never moved an inch while he was there. What a sweet horse.
Howard in NJ

Zorro has exceeded all my expectations, I am delighted with him.  My trainer thinks he is great. Zorro is a lovely boy and I adore him, he gets on great with the other two and they are inseparable out in the paddock. Thank you.

2 years later...
 I still have Zorro, He is a darling and has taught me so much. A friend of mine asked if one of her students could compete him for the 4H dressage show. The final is next Friday 24th Aug. He has got the championship at the qualifying shows so we expect him to win it, which will make him the 4H dressage champion of New Jersey. What a star!! He is such a good boy. I am enclosing some picture taken last weekend of Zorro and me at a local show.
Margaret in NJ


Records 676 to 690 of 1063

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  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.