
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 706 to 720 of 1063
Ulrik - SOLD Friesian Ulrik - Sold 3rd BSF Friesian Going to Jan and Carl

Janna,Thanks you so much for finding Ulrik - we could not be happier. Terri (our trainer) is thrilled... it is a true testament to your integrity.  So thank you - I   so appreciate that you are willing to accommodate us.  I have to tell you that Aramus [2nd BSF Friesian] had his first full body clip three days ago and he was sooo good that Terri has officially named him the best horse in the barn !  To give you a perspective on this statement, their are over 60 horses here.  Wayne Browning ( our Vet) thinks he is wonderful, and Terri ( our trainer)  is very happy with his conformation and temperament. Carl decided he was great the first day he rode him.

Thank you again for all your help! I am so pleased Aramus has a new BFF (Best Friesian Friend)!
Thanks for everything,



Brent - SOLD Friesian Brent - Sold Congrats to Sharon in IN.!!

Hi Janna,
I just wanted to send off a quick note to let you know we saw Wessel and Brent for the first time Friday afternoon. Wow, they are gorgeous!!!!!!!! Wessel is, as he was in California, just as sweet as can be and beautiful! Brent is big, has lots of hair, and wow when he moves! His behavior was exceptional, considering his long journeys in such a short amount of time. I’m looking forward to spending time with Brent and getting to know him. Thank you for all of your assistance and understanding in making this a wonderful experience.

Best regards,
Sharon in Indiana


Hoera Boszorg - SOLD Friesian Hoera Boszorg - Sold Saddlebred Trainer, Cheryl Baird, in SC:)

["Maggie" , a 1st premie STER mare, has won all over the country, after being sold by BSF, with Cheryl Baird and her daughter, including numerous World and National Championship titles in 2007!].

Dear Janna, I wish I had nominated Maggie  with USEF(she was highpoint saddleseat horse of the year).  I really did not think we would have such a good year! I am really enjoying Maggie. 

 She is the nicest horse I have ever worked with.

Cheryl in S.C.

congrats to hoera boszorg on her NUMEROUS world and national championship victories at the 2007 and 2008 IFSHA  grand nationals in st louis!



Jorn - SOLD Friesian Jorn - Sold Jenny Has a GORGEOUS New Dressage Partner!!!!

During a visit to a local horse barn our daughter saw her first Friesian.   Since that day Jenny has had “Friesian Fever” and we’ve been on a hunt for her dream dressage partner.   Eight months of Friesian searching later, that hunt ended this weekend when we picked up “Jorn fan de Marwei” from Black Sterling Friesians. When he arrived yesterday, the other boarders came out to see him and commented on his striking jet-black color, long mane, bushy tail and curly feathers.  Today Jenny spent eight hours brushing, braiding and riding her new friend.   He’s  so well trained that he does whatever’s asked of him calmly and with a gentle demeanor.  Jenny really loves Jorn.  She rides him every day! 

We feel very lucky to have found such a wonderful new member of our family and Black Sterling Friesians made it happen.  Janna and her staff always welcome prospective buyers warmly and it’s easy to see that they share a love for these horses, too.   Apparently there’s no cure for Friesian Fever.
Update 1 year later....
Jorn fan de Marwei and Jenny are getting a long fine.   Everyone at our barn thinks he's gorgeous.   Jenny braids his hair and puts sparkle polish on his shoes every day!  Jenny made a YouTube channel for Jorn: 


Ken (Jenny's dad)


Gilliad - SOLD Friesian Gilliad - Sold

 Here is one of the more recent photos of Gilliad (Maji) and me . He is truly wonderful, very calm and kind, and loves anyone that will stop by to say hello. He is truly a social butterfly and is already the barn favorite.
PS. We are taking dressage lessons and he is really learning to move out. He is now more supple and doing lateral movements, including leg yielding and turn of the forehand. Everyone comments that he has a good head on his shoulders, is a fast learner and are amazed that he is only 3 ½ years old.

 He is now 5 1/2, almost 16.2, 1500 pounds and doing pretty good. We are starting to really work together as a team. We have been in consistent dressage lessons with Susie Braun and taken clinics with Jennifer Roth. He really can move forward and has suprised the trainers at how well he can move. Many people have commented that he is one of the best moving Friesians they have seen. We participated in the Friesian Breed Demo at the Western States Cal Expo in Sacramento 2 months ago, which was his first BIG outing. He was overall a star. 
Magi (Gilliad) and I participated in a clinic given by Shaana Pritchard Risley of Frieze Frame Friesians last weekend in Chico. It was between 95-98 degrees with lots of mosquitos during our ride but Maji still had a good work attitude. We got many compliments from the other attendees and Shaana. Shaana said he is an FEI horse with a walk of a score of 9. She loved his big movements and suspension and said it is not a matter of "if" but when we are ready to do passage and piaffe. (He actually gave a little passage in the beginning just to show off). She really liked his shoulder and hip/croup angles and said his pastern and shoeing is correct. She said he is a horse she also would have bought. He is doing well and we plan on showing next season.Thanks again!!!!



Wellington - SOLD Friesian Wellington - Sold Going to Laura in ID, Congrats on a Special Stallion:)

Janna,I forgot to mention how beautiful he is! He is so sweet and I can't wait to see him grow!

There was a mature Friesian on the front of the truck and he was absolutely the most majestic and incredible looking horse I have ever seen - I can't wait until Wellington matures! I will be sure to send pictures in the future as he grows.

Thank you for all your help with the shipping and ensuring he made the boat!

Wellington is doing wonderfully and is such a love.  He is quite the extrovert, and feels comfortable walking up to anybody in the pasture.  He has grown a lot in the past 4 months and is as tall as my shoulders.  He is extremely intelligent and has figured out how to escape from his paddock by opening the latch. He learns very quickly and accepts a blanket with ease and also allows sprays to be applied.  He is gentle and allows me to groom his entire body and his feet.  I can lean on him, pull his tail, and smooth my hands over his entire body.  He has never tried to kick or bite in an aggressive manner. I will let "the boys" mature in pasture so they can run and play and develop as babies should.  

 Best regards,Laura in Idaho


Bach - SOLD Friesian Bach - Sold Bach is Off to be a WONDERFUL Western Trail Companion For Steve!

hi janna,
bach (which will soon be his former name) arrived yesterday!! i spent alot of time throughout the day and night just sitting with him in his pen. he is a real cuddler. he's very intrigued by all the animal noises we have here. the howling of the wolf joined by the coyote's made him quite curious. our parrots talking also seemed to interest him. we are doing fine, Bach is learning at a rapid pace with the help of my trainer. we are having loads of fun! he is one cool horse...

I am writing you this because i am so excited about bach.

It turns out you were as smart as you are beautiful!!

He has become the quiet, kind, well mannered horse you percieved him to be. today he went out on his longest trail ride, ever, a few miles. he was very relaxed not at all spooky and just kind of meandered along. he is my best friend and i couldn't dream of owning a more noble well behaved animal.

2 years later...........................................................
hello janna,
ZEUS(Bach) and i are doing well!!! he has settled into being such a nice horse. we have become such close friends and he is like a dog in the sense he follows me whereever i go. often times i dont even need a lead rope :) he is not perfect but no horse is, but i am VERY HAPPY i have him. here are a couple pics of him and i and his little friend (mini) charger. he and charger stand together all day and its pretty awesome to see. one of these days id like to come up and visit again and see you and the horses. life has many ups and downs thats for sure but for me one thing is constant and that is my boy zeus. when i get lonly he is there :)

i wish you the best in st louis (IFSHA Grand Nationals) im sure you will do well!!!!



Yasmin - SOLD Friesian Yasmin - Sold Headed to Idaho for Paula and Paul:)

she is a very sweet filly and very excepting. 

 tonight i just worked on haltering her, rubbing all over her body and picking up her feet. 

i am so happy. by the way Lieke is such a sweet and nice gal-- who you have working for you.  i can't say enough good things about her.  thanks a bundle and i will keep in touch.  we were all so impressed with the horses you had in your barn.  they were all so gorgeous.

we love our girl.


paula in idaho


Jens fan de Vries - SOLD Friesian Jens fan de Vries - Sold Congrats to Bill and Julie in Co. and ID. on their 3rd BSF Friesian

Hi, Janna -He arrived safe and sound.He is extremely pretty!  He is extremely sweet! He is extremely graceful!  I am very glad we are his new "parents."Thanks for all your help in getting us together!
......In the message I sent after Jens arrived, I said he was extremely pretty.  At that time, I had only seen him in the dark.  After seeing him in the daylight, and groomed, I have to revise that: he is stunning!  I don't think we have ever seen a more beautiful horse, and that includes quite a few approved stallions.  "They" say that no horse has perfect conformation, but I don't think "they" have seen Jens. And he does have a really sweet disposition. I must say that his gaits are awesome!!  I have been to three Friesian Extravaganzas, so I have seen a lot of Friesians, and I haven't seen any that I like better. I decided that I would ride him.  His transitions were easy and calm in both directions.  You said that his canter was rated very highly, and I must agree.  It is just wonderful.  The canter is by far my favorite gait when it is nice, and Jens's canter is bliss! He is a very calm and sensible horse.  In short, he is everything I hoped he would be. 

 We love him deliriously already! Thanks for bringing Jens into the U.S.A. so we could buy him!! 
Jens has been an almost exemplary horse since we received him almost three weeks ago.  He is obedient, easy to ride, and mostly calm and unspooky. 
I got back to Idaho last night and met our new boy Jens.  He's sensational!!!  Not only is he gorgeous, but he's lovable too; he comes up to us constantly for attention. 
I LOVE Jens!! He is very sweet and friendly, and he is really fun to ride. We really appreciate you as a business associate and as a friend. Jens is a fabulous horse, and we are developing a special bond.  We are working on First Level stuff, and I plan to take him to his first show soon.

I am attaching some pictures that Julie took at Jens's first show with me today.  I arrived at the show grounds two hours ahead of my ride, and Jens and I went for a walk around the place to check it out.  We strolled around, ate grass (actually, only Jens did that), and got into a somewhat relaxed frame of mind. 

Our ride was good enough for a blue ribbon (first in the Adult Amateur Division). Of course, everyone thought Jens was absolutely stunning, which he is.  I think he might get good scores just by showing up!! Warmly,
Bill in Colorado



Orchid STER - SOLD Friesian Orchid STER - Sold Sharon's 2nd BSF Friesian Going to Oregon:)

Thanks Janna,

Again, it has been a pleasure working with you. Orchid seems to be doing good. She is a sweet girl and is making herself right at home. I'm excited to hop on, she looks like she's going to be a great riding horse with a good head on her shoulders. Orchid is doing great. We had the vet out this afternoon and he was very impressed at what a nice horse she is. She's continuing to look great everyday as I work her. I rode her yesterday and she is so fun to ride! She has a lot of go!!


Brechtje (Orchid)  foaled!  Everything went like clock work and we have a BEAUTIFUL, strong filly we are going to name Anke.Here are a few pics of the little girl.   She definitely has attitude!

Sharon in Oregon


Hielke fan de Garelanden - SOLD Friesian Hielke fan de Garelanden - Sold Headed to Shari!!

thanks so much!
Hielke is settling in nicely and Nicole (who rode at BSF when attending Berkley) has been so sweet to help me get to know him!
3 months later...
Hielke is doing wonderfully and is so very happy. He is beautiful and going so well. Hielke got a 1st place ribbon in his training level 2 class(61.8 score) yesterday and scored 64.8 in his training level 4 class with his peers including 14 riders(5 trainers and famous dressage riders like Hilda Gurney). I was SO proud of him. Dressage Judge, Jennifer Roth, spoke very very highly of him.

Hielke was the Dressage Hack Champion at Rainbow Royal!!

3 years later...
The Fiesta was two weeks ago and Hielke was Reserve Champion of In Hand Gelding and the Show Hack Champion! He also got the IFSHA High Point trophy!!!



DAKOTA - SOLD Friesian DAKOTA - Sold Congrats to Alicia in Texas

We are absolutely in love with our sweet Dakota and she is doing really good. We are so excited to welcome the little one into our family.
Thanks for all your help!
Dakota is within a month of having the baby now and she is such a pretty pregnant mommy. She is an absolute dream! We love her so much.

Dakota had her baby at 9pm on Mother's Day! Baby Grace is a beautiful, healthy, long legged babe! I call her Baby Grace and was thinking of her registered name being something like Sterling Star of Grace. The Sterling part of the name in honor of you and the wonderful baby you are responsible for bringing to this world and to our lives.
They are both doing great. Dakota is the perfect mother. I had cameras installed and captured the entire birth on video even though she waited until everyone left to have her. I showed the video to the vet and he wants a copy of the DVD to use as a learning tool for the students at the vet school because Dakota did a "textbook" perfect job. The vet must have asked me five times "She is a maiden mare?" He just could not believe what a good job she did. Life is fascinating!
Thanks again Janna. I just can't seem to say it enough times to do justice to our gratitude and the honor we feel about owning Dakota and Grace.

Dakota is such a good mommy and they both did spectacular at their judging. Grace took a 2nd Premier and the judges really liked her movement. She was as big as the yearlings there and she is only 4 months old. She has these long legs!

Grace just had her 1 year birthday on Mother's Day this last Sunday. She is getting so big, aprox 14.3 hands already and is the queen of the pasture. She is an incredible mover and I think she has a good shot at getting her star in a few years. We are thinking about taking her to the Santa Barbara show for the filly in hand class on the 4th of July. Dakota was in Park Pleasure Open class at the Spotlight Show and she messed up in front of the judge the first day so she got 2nd but came back the next day to win the Grand Champion ribbon. She is amazing, everyone thinks she is a boy.

2 years after purchasing Dakota.............................................

She just gets more beautiful every day, and just keeps on amazing me. Grace will show in the yearling in hand class at the IFSHA Grand Nat'ls in St Louis. We are so excited about this [IFSHA Grand Nat'l] show. We did get to the Ventura Friesian day and she won her class. Here is a great show picture of Dakota from the Del Mar show. Dakota is looking right at the camera and loving every minute. It is like she knows she was born to be a show girl!
I just can't thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to care for such a fine animal. We love her so much! 

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your help with the Tietse straws. We should have three mares pregnant by the weekend with any luck. I will send you pictures next year when the babies are born. Thanks for your help!

Alicia in Texas 


Dior - SOLD Friesian Dior - Sold This Full Pedigree Gal Just Became STER and was Crowned GRAND CHAMPION Mare at the Oregon Keuring, Congrats Ann

Hi Janna -
It is so nice to hear from you! Dior and I are doing very well - we have really bonded and she is such a sweet baby.... Much more like a black lab dog than any horse I have ever seen.
I really can't say enough about her (as you can tell) ! ! !
A bunch of girlfriends and I are going to the beach for a week with the horses - leaving Friday morning and really looking forward to it .
Tell Ron "Hi" for us too !
XOXO and Thanks always -
Ann in Canada

Dior Made STER and became the GRAND CHAMPION MARE AT THE KEURING IN OREGON!!! There are Friesian Importors nearby that were bragging about how their Mare would take the championship, but NO...... it was a very reasonably priced, HIGH quality,BSF mare that walked away with STER and the GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP Title:)
Congrats Ann and Dior!!!!


Laurens ut 'e Mieden - SOLD Friesian Laurens ut 'e Mieden - Sold Yet Another Wonderful Friesian Sold to Micaela in Mass!

He is just fabulous all around - what a gift, says my trainer, she is in LOVE with Lauren's.

Micaela in Mass

Excerpt from the Jan 1, 2008 Equine Journal [all friesians sold by BSF!!!]:

"Micaela Garzoni's beautiful Ate van de Wittewijk came home with the Friesian World Championship in the Amateur Saddle Seat English Pleasure class with Deanna Shepherd. Ate also earned Reserve World Championship title in the Open Saddle Seat English Pleasure Championship. Lauren's ut 'e Mieden and Shae Mary Scanlon took top honors in the Junior Exhibitor Pleasure FHANA World Championship. Laura Spengler had a great showing with a Reserve Championship win in the Amateur Saddle Seat English Pleasure behind Ate. Micaela guided Karts (Kosmo), her third friesian from BSF, to Reserve Championship in the Hunter Seat Pleasure FHANA World Championship. "

*****All of Pine Feather Farms's winning Friesians have come from Black Sterling Friesians******


Schmoozer - SOLD Friesian Schmoozer - Sold

Kept trying to get around to getting in touch with you about how great Schmoozer is. I just couldn't be happier-what a solid citizen he is. We dressed him up for the holidays..at one point he had everything from ribbons, bells, a wreath, and blinking lights hanging on him-he doesn't care what you do as long as it includes paying attention to him! He also safely takes my fairly novice boyfriend out for some quiet 'clip clops' around the neighborhood.
Thanks Again, i love my horse.
Thanks for bringing 'Schmoozer' into our lives, he's as good of a pal one could hope to have! When I read a testimonial where someone said "he dropped his head & stuck his head in the halter" I thought "yeah , right". Well, Schmooze made a believer out of me.
Just the other day, there was a scene of pure mayhem. ..a dirt bike w/ no sound suppression, a big diesel truck, little girls trying in vein to catch ponies, 2 dogs running back and forth freaking out, all of this was going on at one time on a very narrow road and the Schmooze just looked around with his ears perked up, amazing. Don't these guys ever spook? Oh yeah, he's so handsome all the girls melt when they see him. Cars passing by stop to stare. He's a lotta fun!
Donovan (the novice boyfriend)

3 Years Later....
Hi Janna,
TJ/Schmoozer is doing great- I still ride Tj for my dressage lessons and do quite a bit of trail riding in Briones park. The park is very hilly. I think climbing those long steep hills has been very good for his hind end. Wanted to thank you again for being so kind with the friend that I brought up to look at your horses. I know she raves about your barn to any horse person that she meets and to everyone at the barn she boards at.

I bought Tjeerd aka TJ from you back in September 2004 when he was a 6 year old. I've never had a moments regret. From the moment I met TJ at your facility in Sonoma it truely was love at first site. You showed several other spectacular horses to me when I came to look but 'it had to be him' I'll never really know why but I had eyes for no one else. He is truely a delight. He tries very hard to please no matter what is being asked of him. He concentrates very hard and is very serious during my dressage lessons. He is very relaxed and happy when the younger boarders at the stable dress him up as a Christmas tree or as a pirate for Halloween. He is loved by all that meet him and is one of the barn favorites. Thanks for pairing me up with the BEST horse ever.

Thanks again for bringing such wonderful horses to the U.S. and thank you for being such a pleasure to deal with. I will continue to follow your activities ( I came to Las Vegas and watched you wipe out the competition in every single class/division) GO JANNA!!! TJ is such a great horse.  My trainer Mia rode him yesterday in a Sue Curry clinic and Sue thought he was just great and very smart.  



Records 706 to 720 of 1063

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  • California Dressage Logo
  • USEF Logo
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  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.