
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 721 to 735 of 1063
Dirk BSF - SOLD Friesian Dirk BSF - Sold Congrats to Sally in Nevada on Dirk:)

Hi Janna,
Dirk is wonderful... he is everything you promised. 

He's very sweet and curious. I'm sure we'll have a long wonderful time together. I can't wait until I can have him at home in my own barn. The house is in it's final stages so I've been very busy with that. I'm really looking foward to just taking him out whenever I feel like it.

 He's beautiful. Thanks for everything Janna.

Sally in Nevada


Wikkert - SOLD Friesian Wikkert - Sold Headed to S.C. for his happy New Owner, Jenny!!

Hi Janna , 

I got my baby!   I love him ! He is so sweet ! I am just so suprised how sweet he is.

We have renamed him " PITCH" for pitch black. I like Wikkert ,but everyone says it sounds like weaker. Thank You , so much!

Pitch (Wikkert) is doing great! I am very surprised how sweet he is. No matter where I go, if I turn around we are eye to eye. Very loving!

I LOVE HIM!!!   

Update 3 years later... I bought this friesian, as a 6 month old foal, from you about 3 years ago. He is wonderful & we're deeply in love,lol. Here's a recent picture & a big thank you !

Jenny in S.C.


Watse fan it Ychtenfaen - SOLD Friesian Watse fan it Ychtenfaen - Sold Congrats to Jody in Oregon--Enjoy & Love this Beautiful Boy!

The “boys” arrived  and we were there to greet them.  The van was beautiful and Watse and Imke were standing proudly inside, right inside the open door.  They were in excellent condition.  The gentlemen on the van were wonderful.  
The horses are gorgeous and we all fell in love with Imke as well as Watse.  They acted as though they had been there forever, loved us all, we love them, and we are all totally happy.  
Becky is ecstatic with Imke.  Good job Janna!!! He is beautiful. Watse was very calm and playful and wanted to keep looking at himself in the 4 mirrors that were in the arena.We are so surprised at their alertness, yet gentleness and calmness.  So well mannered.  We are just in awe… as was everyone at the stables.  

They arrived beautiful, shiny, looking gorgeous, blankets perfect … like out of a dream.  Tons of love and happiness … and to Barend too!

Jody and Becky in Oregon


LUXOR - SOLD Friesian LUXOR - Sold This GORGEOUS Stallion is Headed to Canada for Rachel!

Thanks so much for allowing us to buy one of your beautiful friesians!

We will highly recommend you to all of our friends and those at our barn.
I have a couple of friends that are currently looking for friesian horses,. We have been looking directly to the Netherlands as we were thinking it would be more cost effective to do this.  However, we are very happy with the way the sale of Luxor went and have suggested they also look (at BSF) as well.

Luxor is safe and sound in Ontario...he travelled perfectly!!!...he is such a sweet young man!!!...we are so happy to have him....Rachel is ecstatic :)
Thanks for your help.

Rachel & James in Canada


Sonny - SOLD Friesian Sonny - Sold Sold to FLA

Hi Janna,

Sonny, now called and registered as Sirius Black, is doing great. He has grown tremendously and loves attention. He is a very vocal fellow; always gives a whiny when we drive up after being gone somewhere. I even heard him do it yesterday, when the school bus pulled up to drop off my 14 year-old son. I have attached a picture of him at his keuring in Ocala. He was awarded a 2nd premie and Reserve Champion Colt.

Deborah in Fla


Harold - SOLD Friesian Harold - Sold

CONGRATS to Harold, who was crowned STER, and GRAND CHAMPION at the Santa Rosa keuring, AND chosen  for Central Proving, on his way to becoming an.....


We try to import the BEST, and Harold [fondly called Apollo by his new owners] is PROOF  in the pudding.
At the 2007 Santa Rosa keuring, the Champion gelding, Germ, was sold by BSF, AND the CHAMPION  stallion, Harold, was sold by BSF and selected for the central proving (70 day test).

Our horses are quite simply, the BEST!!!


Antsje Veza - SOLD Friesian Antsje Veza - Sold Congrats to Karolyn in Conn on her New Dressage Partner!

Antsje is doing great!!!

i am currently just showing her first level. her canter, as you know, is to die!  at first we had the damdest time trying to cross the diagonals with out her throwing in a flying lead change:) we have good extension in the neck--- out and curved she has scored consistently  first place at all of our shows.

she is a very quick leaner.

 I am very happy with her and will move her up to second level if we can master the canter serpentine with out a lead change,  which she will definitely give you if asked. 

we took her to Topsfield and she beat out all the big name farms and riders in the level one tests!!!


Karolyn in Conn


Chevy - SOLD Friesian Chevy - Sold Congrats to Susan in Ohio on this AWESOME 1st premie colt!!!

Chevy (we call him Wes) is growing like a weed and I am very pleased with him.  Those long legs are still growing, and he will easily be over 16 hands when he matures.  He is still a greater mover, and not the least bit lazy.  He has a wonderful disposition, and he has been very easy to work with and train - the blacksmith loves him.  My vet has also commented on how well he likes Wes' conformation and behavior.  My youngest daughter is his buddy, and they give each other kisses whenever she is coming or going in the barn.  He is already addicted to peppermint candy which makes his breath "minty fresh and nice." :)   

Thanks for everything, Janna.  He's a doll.
God bless,
Susan in Ohio


Teake BSF - SOLD Friesian Teake BSF - Sold Congrats to Julie and Bill in Idaho on their 2nd Friesian from BSF:)

We have bought two Friesians from BSF: a five-year-old drop-dead-gorgeous gelding we call Izzy, and a nine-year-old trail horse named Teake.  Izzy is extremely sweet and friendly with both people and horses.  We put him with a professional trainer for a while.  She says he is "brilliant" and has great talent for dressage.  She did very well with him in Training Level tests at a local schooling show.  We have him at home now, and we are very impressed with how quickly he learns.  He is going to be a star.  We bought Teake for Julie to take lessons on while Izzy progressed far enough with his education to be safe for a beginning rider.  Teake is turning out to be a good, solid school horse for her.  He takes good care of her, and she really enjoys riding him.We have to be careful not to look at the BSF site too often, because we could get carried away!  They bring so many fine horses here from The Netherlands that we find ourselves wanting another one every time we look.

We don't think anybody else has the selection BSF offers.  They are very easy to work with, and they deal with their customers honorably.  We have enjoyed our purchasing experiences with BSF, and we recommend them.

Bill and Julie in Idaho


Voltare - SOLD Friesian Voltare - Sold BIG Congrats to Kamela in Michigan!!!!! This is one SPECIAL stallion!!!

Thanks Janna!
I just can't get him out of my mind or my dreams for that matter. And believe me I have tried!!! Bernadette and I would LOVE to take him to the Nationals.

You are very rare in this business. As you probably know there are not many people in the friesian industry that truly are not in it just for the money but true passion for the sport and matching the right people with the right animals.
What an inspiration!

Update to Kamela
I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for the wonderful package of tons of goodies. Yuuuum!!! I am taking the cereal bars to the barn tomorrow, and Blu is vowing to lower his cholesterol without drugs, with the use of Kelogg cereal, and a new exercise regimen. What a nice thing for you to do for us. THANK YOU!!! And thanks to Kellogg, we will never be short on cereal, crackers, or breakfast bars ever again at the Goldman residence!!!
You are so very thoughtful.
Janna and Ron

Hi Janna!
He is the most beautiful horse I have ever seen and trust me I am not the only one who thinks that. The hauling company was soooo cute. They asked if I have seen this horse before because he was the most gorgeous & charismatic animal they have ever shipped and they ship all day long everyday across the nation!!! He is such a DOLL! Janna you have been the BEST to work with and I appreciate more than you can imagine your time and please THANK Ron for me too! If it were not for both of you I would not have this SPECIAL guy in our stables right now!

Janna I know I have told you before but I am overwhelmed by the commitment you have to your business and your passion for the breed! Our beautiful boy was photographed for a magazine cover a month ago! They have requested that I keep it confidential but I will tell you as soon as they give the OK for sure! Another photographer is doing a shoot at the end of this month.

 I wanted to send you the cover of the 2007 Breeders List Magazine and see if you recognize the cover model [it is VOLTARE]!!??? We have been quite busy with photo shoots and have more to come. Wessel was outstanding at the keuring and of course made Star stallion. People were yelling that he was Black Beauty and should be in the movies!  We LOVE him and are going to continue training and having a blast with him. He is doing changes, passage and a little piaffe now. I am working on trying to create a costume-any ideas for us let us know.
Kamela in Michigan


congrats to "wessel" on his big win in the stallion liberty class at the 2008 IFSHA grand nationals in st loui!!!!!!


Jannes - SOLD Friesian Jannes - Sold Congrats Darla, in Southern Cal:)

Hi Janna,

Well, Jannes is absolutely perfect! 

My best to you and Barend. 

Thanks for everything!

Darla in So Cal


Jolene - SOLD Friesian Jolene - Sold Beth in Ohio is Jolene's Lucky New Mommy:)


Yes, she’s everything you said, gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous. 

 Thanks Janna, Beth in Ohio 


Ramske - SOLD Friesian Ramske - Sold Congrats to Kelly in Colorado on this Schoolmaster

Ramske is here, and he's the sweetest big boy!  I can't believe how calm and easy going he is for being in new surroundings!  I'm in heaven!
Ramske is doing great, I'm totally in love with him! He is the talk of the barn, and already known for what a sweetheart and beauty he is. He's such a Mercedes, and I'm still kind of a Buick! He's being very patient and kind to his new mommy!

Just a quick update on my new best friend! Ramske is the most amazing horse, such a pleasure to ride, and pure joy to be around. He's got the best manners with horses AND people of any horse in the barn! He'll be showing in the "Dressage at the Peak" show in May, here at our event center. I just know he'll blow the other competition away!! I want to thank you again for making it such a pleasure to do business with you. Everyone tells me how lucky I was to get such a great horse on line, sight unseen, but honestly, I didn't have any doubt whatsoever. Not only are you knowledgeable and reliable, but the obvious passion and enthusiasm you have for Friesians made me confident in my choice of whom to buy from. I still plan to fly out one day and meet you and take a tour of your stables. Until then, Ramske and I will continue to train and enjoy our rides together! He's truly the BEST! Many thanks again, and Happy Trails!

Oh ya, Ramske, the BSF at my trainer's barn, last weekend, won two 1st place ribbons and a reserve. I heard today that he looked really awesome. He beat a lot of top warmbloods in the area. BSF's are tearing up Colorado! :)

One Year Later...
Ramske is doing fantastic! Such a willing, kind and loving partner with perfect manners and no vices whatsoever! Oh, he's so dignified!  I've got him at a barn in Castle Rock right now with a trainer, Sarah Dodge. That's where Michelle is, who bought Brecht Ana and Wisse from you( who are doing very well also!). It's been hot lately, but after his workout we go on a little trail ride to cool down and he's such a good boy! Sarah showed him in April at Dressage in the Rockies and scored a 68% in first level! I'm enjoying my sweet boy and riding as much as possible!

Ramske is doing so well and is still the kindest most gentle 
horse.  He's amazing to ride - eager and willing and always wanting to
please and get it right.  My trainer has had him doing half pass and 
passage lately and he's shown at some local shows scoring a 68 and 71.
His first show was two firsts and two seconds.  My big boy loves 
being outside on a long trail ride too, and is always a perfect 
gentleman. His health is consistently stellar...  I can't thank you enough for
such a wonderful horse, friend and partner.  He's the love of my life and 
we look forward to many more happy years together!  This is a picture
of us with his birthday "cake".   When I look for my next Friesians, 
I won't go anywhere but Black Sterling Friesians and Janna and family.

We are both doing very well and happy at our new home on forty acres!I just had to be with him every day and have been so happy taking care of him and riding himwhenever I want, even hacking around the property and getting him used to his newer surroundings.He is super healthy, and absolutely loves being out in the pastures grazing. Who would have thought my husband, who is NOT a horse person likes doing night check with me every night, filling the boy's water buckets and giving them treats and loving pats while saying goodnight!!??

I just can't say enough wonderful things about BSF, and doing business with you.  I have seen some nightmare situations, and I'm so thankful I chose to work with you.  I'm forever grateful!!  Please come see us in Colorado if you're ever traveling in the area!  I'm itching to add another Friesian to my barn,so I'll definitely be in touch with you in the near future!

Kelly in Colorado


Zorro H. - SOLD Friesian Zorro H. - Sold Headed to Colorado for Grand Prix Rider, Susan!
Hi Janna.

  I LOVE Zorro.  He thinks he is a stallion already!!!!  The day he arrived, my youngest son was hit head on by a drunk driver and I have lived in the hospital with my son until a few days ago.  So, I never really got to play with Zorro until now.  My son will be OK but it was very scarey for all of us.  Anyway, I am making friends with Zorro and what a mover!!!! 
I want to thank you very much. 

2 months later...
My new little pony is doing so well!!!!  I ponied him on a trail today at the trot and canter and he was fantastic.  I have him out with the herd now and they have him thinking like a gelding instead of a bratty stud colt that he thought he was!!!! 

Sue in Colorado


Aalf - SOLD Friesian Aalf - Sold

I want to thank you, Barend, Ron, and Julia for being so helpful and accommodating.

 Aalfie is the perfect horse for me and I would never have found him without you. 
Thank you also for keeping him for those two months while we got his paddock and pasture ready.  It was fantastic to have Barend for lessons during that time.  After 40 years, I needed a refresher! 
Julia was a great help with things like bathing, lounging, and explaining a lot of things.  

Aalfie and I will have many happy years together, and we owe it all to you!


Records 721 to 735 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.