
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 751 to 765 of 1063
Gerke STER - SOLD Friesian Gerke STER - Sold Best Wishes to Traci

Hi Janna,
Just a quick note -Gerke is doing great! I have a trainer coming in the a.m. to help me with him. I call him herkie like Hercules, he is doing great. I love the guy he's great maybe wed. Thanks again!

Thought I would give you a heads up on my boy Gerke! We rode him in the Trancas Riders and Ropers show in Malibu he took 1st and 2nd in beginners dressage level. I'm working with a great trainer and I'm really happy with him!! Everyday he just gets better and better. I really lucked out when I found you guys.
Thank You again.

1 year later....................................
Dear Janna,
Hercules (Gerke) won the Championship Amateur Novice walk trot class at the Ventura fair! I was ecstatic we love him soooo much!! 

 I’m writing this letter because I want people to know what you’re offering to them. I bought Gerke  a year ago in October. He came to me in the most beautiful braids, silky black coat and was trailered and handled with the best care. He wasn’t nervous at all. It was love at first sight. Next came the trainer, which depends on your level of riding, but it was the best decision for me. After ten months and lots of fun riding, Herky and I won Championship for Novice walk trot at the Ventura County Fairgrounds all Friesian show. I really was not looking for a horse to show but my trainer said it would be good experience for Herky, it was a blast!!

I love this guy he is the best horse I’ve ever owned. I will send you a picture from the show. Thank you again Janna .



Izzy - SOLD Friesian Izzy - Sold Congrats to Bill and Julie in Idaho on two BSF Friesians: Teake and Izzy!

Izzy  is the sweetest horse we have, and he and Thunder get along wonderfully.  Teake:  His topline has come up, and he has grown more mane!  Julie loves him, and as I said in my testimonial, he takes good care of her.  We think he is a good, steady, sensible horse, and he is becoming beautiful.
Bill in Idaho

Update by new owner, Melysa.....

He is doing really well.  I love him very much!  I call him my little Kitty Cat because for some reason that's what he reminds me of. We ride every day, and he just gets better and better.  And does he ever have the sweetest personality.  It's funny how everything seems to happen for a reason.  I was so devastated to loose my Tsjerk son that I had bought, but now I have Ids (Izzy) and life is good.... he is the prince of my barn and dearly loved.  


So, here I am 9 months later sending you pics of Ids (izzy)- Remember us?- Out in Colorado.  Im sure it must be hard to remember us all! We have been training with the imminent Dressage Judge Janet Brown Foy and "Bristol" and I have really enjoyed the knowledge we have gained with her. We went to our first Dressage show together this last weekend.  (It was a first for both of us) We took 2 training level tests and scored 65.9% and 67.5% and taking the blue ribbons in each test. I am SO proud of this boy who has come MILES since I got him 8 months ago.

 Thanks for Bringing him here to the U.S. for me to find :0) People should know time and time again- you have an eye for above-par horses.
You have some lovely ponies for sale as usual! 
Melysa in Colorado



Max - SOLD Friesian Max - Sold Congrats to Tori Kyburz in Texas!!!!!

Update Nov 9, 2005
Max Is doing great! Now I have to get my own land and barn so people will stay away from my prize! Then I can get another BSF from you!

2 Years Later...
It's been 2 years now since I've had Max and he is just wonderful. He's 3 now and I have been using the Parelli method and am starting to saddle break him.

People thought we were crazy to buy a horse over the internet but your words were TRUE ! He was everything you said he'd be !
You are the Friesian Queen for sure! You are always prompt in answering any questions either by phone or email.
Thank you very much!

Tori and Max in Texas


Simone - SOLD Friesian Simone - Sold Sold to Ariz

We purchased Simone from you in August of 2006.  She has turned out to be the most wonderful horse. 

We bought her for our 12 year old daughter and they are inseparable.  Everyone who sees Simone marvels at her beauty, but it's her gentle, trusting nature and uncanny agility that astound me.  She is kind and sweet and has a warmth in her eyes that draws people to her.  Everyone loves her and she has been nicknamed "Princess" by the staff at the ranch.We have had a trainer working with her for the past year and she constantly surprises us with her ability to maneuver and follow commands.  She is fully ground trained and at one and a half years she is controlled and mature and undergoing pre-riding preparation. 

Simone is a delight and we are so grateful to Black Sterling Friesians for introducing our daughter to her new best friend.

Mary Ann in Scottsdale, Az


Corbeau - SOLD Friesian Corbeau - Sold Congrats to Jackie in Green Bay, WI, on the purchase of Corbeau!


I just want you to know that I am very proud to say my horse is coming from BSF. I will always let you know how he is doing and I promise we will make you proud!
Okay, I am off to go ride. I will ride today and I am sure I will be sore for a week …hahahahahahaha

Have a great day,

Jackie in Wisc


Sparco - SOLD Friesian Sparco - Sold Congrats to World Class Surfer, Josh Mohr, and Shannon, on their 1st Friesian:)

Everything is going great with Sparco! He is amazing! Tale (aka sparko) will be doing his first event this weekend in del mar.
He is so sweet and wonderful and I am so lucky to learn dressage on him --he is very patient with me. Everyone loves him at the barn. Thank you so much for finding him for me.

...We did our first show in San Diego last weekend with Tale! Here are some pics. Thank you so much again. He has been awesome! He has only been in training for two months and he received the following places. 1st Place Training Level Test 4 - Scored a 69 1st Place Level One Test 4 - Scored a 63; Second Day: 1st Place Training Level Test 4 - Scored a 71 2nd Place Level One Test 4 - Scored a 64. We are very happy with the results so far.
Josh in Huntington Beach

He took home 3 first place ribbons and 1 second place out of 4 tests at his first show.   It was my first show I went to and I must say, I believe I have become hooked on dressage. I hope to be ready so I can ride him in the amateur division for the next show in November. We also got so many complements on Tale- even by the judges. One judge even called my trainer Amber over and said that she has never seen a great canter out of a Friesian before and that he's going to go a long way in dressage. Now that was a great complement!

Thank you so much again for finding me Tale (Sparco).



Bengt - SOLD Friesian Bengt - Sold Congrats to Haley!

Bengt is like a little kid and would crawl into your back pocket if you let him.

My daughter's trainer ranted and raved about him ; about his conformation and attitude (as a four year old). Haley loves him so much. He and Beau [2nd friesian purchased from BSF's] are buds now and reside together, by the way.



I just wanted to let you know that Bengt aka Jalisco showed this weekend and won all his 4 classes. His lowest score at 69.9% and the hightest at 73.8% given by CDI judges! He is doing so darn good. I got a lot of compliments from people and both judges talked to my trainer and I. They wanted to know more about him. They now know who BSF is...he has judged at the Friesian Extravaganza as well :)If he makes it to the finals I will have to buy a BSF cooler so I can show it off!

 Bengt once again won both classes in his show last weekend. This judge usually scores in the high 50's...she is a very respected international judge. Well...he managed to get a 66% and a 70%. Second & third highest scores of the day. Bengt is turning out to be a nice competitive horse for my trainer.  I will never sell him... I want to see him be competitive with an FEI rider.



Job K - SOLD Friesian Job K - Sold Congrats to Sandy in Washington on this Dreamy Boy!

Thank you for making my wild and crazy dreams come true....I still can't believe I'm doing this!

We have decided to nickname him "Joe", after my Dad, who recently passed away....he would have been happy about this purchase! I wanted to thank you for helping me realize a dream. Pinch me !!

He is as sweet as he is pretty. He makes my fancy Morgans look rather plain and I never thought I would say that! I'm already so attached to Job and I just love him dearly.
Job is so spectacular....I am smitten for sure! I've been lunging him in a round pen and he looks magical!!! He lightly touches the lunge line and causes car accidents in the area as he floats thru his trot (ha-ha). It's fun to watch the people slow down in their cars and stare!! All the riders across the street from our farm, have been hanging over the fence to catch a glimpse of him. My buttons are popping off my clothes!!! Whoopee!! I'm so happy!  Thanks again!!!
I am so excited to tell you both that the saddle arrived today and I rode my gorgeous horse tonight for the first time. It was a dream come true. The saddle is wonderful! So beautiful and oh so comfortable to ride in. It fits Job as though it was made for him and it fits me perfectly, too!!! Thanks to you both for helping me complete my dream!
Well, again thanks to you both!
Wow...a friesian is quite a different ride than a Morgan....I have a lot to learn and I must say that I'm moving slowly this morning! (ha-ha) It was a blast!! My two girls rode him also and all we were doing for 1/2 hour was laughing...it was so fun. Job is the most forgiving horse I have ever known. He is not only a love, he is also brave and kind. He and I are going to hit the trails at once. We have rolling hilly areas all around us.. I love him Janna....you did great!!
3 months later...
I wanted to write and tell you about my love affair with "Joe". He is one spectacular guy and it's so fun every morning, going out to the barn and seeing his beautiful face looking back at me, over the dutch doors in our barn. He has made fast friends with our other two Morgan geldings and he even figured out how to open a gate to the turnout next to his and let his new best friend BMF Nominator, into the pasture with him.  I'm having fun riding my horse in the arena and out on the trails. He is so brave and kind to me. He is truly an old soul living in a four year old body. We are having a great life together and I really don't know how I ever lived w/o him before now.
9 months later...
Job  is at a very reputable dressage barn and is quite the talk of the place. There is some very spendy horse flesh in that facility, but as usual, the Friesian of course, is everyone's favorite. That seems to be the common thread that is expressed in everyone's testimonials regarding the Friesian breed! Job K is no exception to that rule. Our trainer, who compliments in a very guarded fashion, says that Job is the smartest horse she has ever worked with. His canter is to die for, so forward and rolling...very big. She can't get over his charming and willing personality. We are all so proud of him. He is such a love too and oh so beautiful, inside and out.
 He is the best!!!!
It's been so wonderful knowing you and I must admit that I peek at the website often....it's a fun, happy place to enjoy! You are the best! Thank you so much. He is truly amazing.
2 years later...
I'm not sure that you will remember me, but I bought Job K 2 yrs ago, soon after my husband had a double lung transplant.  Katie (my daughter) and Joe hit it off and she went from riding to falling in love with every inch of him. He too has taken to her, as only Friesians seem to do and the pair of them are like one. I am so filled with joy over this combination...almost like watching your two kids blossom together. Katie is an avid 3-day eventer and so, as you can well imagine, she is betting on the fact that Joe will jump! To test the possibility, she has taken him to two beginning jump lessons and I wish you could see how cute he was, going over those jumps. He wasn't afraid and shows great potential to jump. So to make a long story longer, yesterday we took Joe to his first dressage show and I wanted you to see how fabulous he has become. He will be 6 this year and he is just starting to show his potential to challenge the competition and considering he won both his classes yesterday with good scores in the 70's, not too bad for a first time out. He turned every head and so Katie had to be spot on to win. I must admit, I am so taken with this breed and I still visit your website every month to see what's new.  I hope you enjoy Joes story and our family love for this wonderful horse. He has blessed my life in so many ways and I guess I just wanted you to know how much we adore and cherish him!
Sandy in Washington


Plato - SOLD Friesian Plato - Sold Check Out Plato at the Medieval Times!!

From the Owner of Medieval Times, Castles All Across the Country:

Buying horses is never an easy quest, but Janna Goldman has made the experience easy. She knows exactly what we are looking for. We understand each other on the phone. When we arrive to her farm, we see exactly what she described. I don't think we will be buying Freisians anywhere else.

Thanks Janna!!

Perico, Medieval Times


Haico STER - SOLD Friesian Haico STER - Sold Headed to Medieval Times in Chicago, their 11th friesian from BSF!

Everything is great with the 3 geldings we recently purchased! 

Horses are doing good. One is in california and the other two are in Dallas, they will soon be shipped out to other Medieval Times locations . I will keep u posted.

Perico with Medieval Times


Gurbe fan Marksate - SOLD Friesian Gurbe fan Marksate - Sold Congrats to Alexandra

Hey Janna,

Gurbe is doing really well. I’m very proud of him. When we got to his new home he was so wonderful and everyone loved him. All their jaws dropped, it was great! He is  sweet and gentle.  It feels good to have the most beautiful horse in the whole barn.

Thank you Janna for all your help and for allowing me to keep him at black sterling for a while. I had fun times with you and Barend.



Taco B. - SOLD Friesian Taco B. - Sold Headed to Taryn:)

Thank you, Taco is doing well.

He is really fun to watch, because he has a great trot and really good lead changes in the canter.

Hope everything is well with you folks,



Jillis - SOLD Friesian Jillis - Sold Sold to Colorado

 I just wanted to let you know that I hauled Jilles over to Grant Schneidemans place last week to get input from him and to get Jilles used to going places in preparation for next years show season. Jilles was really wonderful, he learned how to go into the 2 horse trailer by himself, he handled being at a new place way better than most 4 yr. olds. I had an audience during my lesson because everyone wanted to see the "new Friesian" and he didn't disappoint, everyone liked him and thought he was a very elegant example of the breed. I was just bursting with pride because he was such a good boy!I can't tell you how much I am enjoying him, he's great out on the trails and has a good work ethic in the ring....I think we're going to do really well together. Just wanted to say thanks.

Update,7 years later....
Hi Janna, Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know we are qualified for RMDS and USDF Region 5 Championships in Prix St. George! Thanks so much for your endorsement.

You have good taste in Friesians and I just love mine!

All the Best, Colleen  in Colorado


Mia - SOLD Friesian Mia - Sold 2nd Friesian from BSF going to Mary Sue in IN

You have been a joy to deal with and my “girls”, (Zegna(aka Emma) and Mia) are just wonderful.  As you know I bought Emma while she was in quarantine and she has made a wonderful start on the dressage show circuit.  My trainer, Ken Levy has shown her this season and she is currently 2nd in the Vintage Award as well as All Breeds division (under FHANA).  She is qualified for regionals.  She is quite kind and is a quick learner and responds easily.

Mia is just as kind.  She was used by a family and does not have a show background, but has wonderful gaits and learns well too.  I bought her sight unseen for my husband, who just thinks she is so special.  I plan to train and show her in dressage as well as ride her out and about.  She is just great too.  My niece was visiting this past weekend and is just crazy about horses. She loved riding the girls and while cantering around on Mia her saddle slipped and she fell off.  Mia stepped over her and stopped.  My niece thought that was just great that Mia did not run off.  
We do tend to cause comments in the barn as we are the only friesians as well as the only dressage horses in a hunter jumper barn.  

Thanks again for all your help and guidance in my quest for “my dream horse(s)”.  My next one will be a gelding(I keep saying that).  

5 months later...
I took Mia and Ymke to the Friesian World Extravaganza last week in Ohio. We had a great time. We got a 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th. I was so proud of myself--I took the girls with no trainer, just a friend of mine to the show!!  Joe (hubby) loves Mia.
MarySue in Indiana


Gerben R.S. - SOLD Friesian Gerben R.S. - Sold HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to Sherri in Wisc!!!!!!
Hi Janna,
This is Nancy, Sherrie and Pat's friend who accepted Gerben from the shipper yesterday on their behalf. I just wanted to let you know that Gerben arrived at the time the shipper quoted and in great condition. He is a delightful horse and surprisingly, had lots of energy after the long trip. He is settling in well. I can't wait to see Sherrie and Pat's faces when they see this beautiful animal for the first time. They will be thrilled.
Best regards,
Nancy in Wisc

Hi Janna,
Pat and I are thrilled with Gerben. He is settling in very well to his new home.
Sherrie in Wisc
Hi Janna,
Here are a couple of photos of me on Gerben with Pat. He is doing great. Orrie and I just love riding him. He is so sweet and loves to be groomed.


Records 751 to 765 of 1063

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  • CCFC Logo
  • California Dressage Logo
  • USEF Logo
  • USDF Logo
  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.