
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 796 to 810 of 1063
Gandolf - SOLD Friesian Gandolf - Sold Cheers to Sue in Illinois on her new Friesian gelding!!!
Hi Janna!
Gandolf (renamed Voltaire) has arrived! He was very calm coming off the trailer and into the barn to his new home. Our other friesian Frans greeted him, and I believe they will become good friends! Pics and more will be forthcoming. The hauler was awesome. I would recommend him to anyone, and he has a whole farm full of friesians! I will send pics soon!
Sue in Ill

Hi Janna!
He continues to settle in here. He is a graceful and elegent boy, and our hope is to show him this summer in some dressage schooling shows as well as some of the IFSHA shows. Thank you again, Voltaire{Gandolf} will have a happy and loving home with us!
Most Sincerely,
Sue and Kimberly


Thiadmar - SOLD Friesian Thiadmar - Sold Headed to Idaho for Brandi!!!
Hi Janna!
I just wanted to let you know how "Kool" is doing. He's just too cool! He even talks to me now when I arrive at the barn and loves his food. He has to be by himself as my Hannoverian doesn't seem to like him. We go jogging and spend lots of time getting used to everything. I'm entering him in our Horse Expo in April in Boise.
Thank you so much for Kool. He's quite a horse. And personality!! Take care and I hope to hear from you soon.

6 months later....

Hi Jana!!
Thiadmar is doing great! He is a big and most definitely growing, young Friesian stallion. The vet has informed me that he will be a big boy. He has the most wonderful disposition and loves to hang out with me. I think he is about 15'1 now at just over a year old. He looks really cool next to my Gypsy Drum stallion, Galway Knight. They are quite a team.
Thank you for a wonderful boy.
Brandi in ID


Watze fan it Jaachpaad S - SOLD Friesian Watze fan it Jaachpaad S - Sold Karen in Texas will SOON be enjoying her 2nd friesian from BSF:)

 1 year later....
Hi Janna,
Watze and I will be attending the IFSHA show in St. Louis next week. 

Everyone who sees Watze go says he is one of the nicest Friesians they have encountered.

I rode in a clinic with Jane Savoie and she just loved him. We are doing really well and becoming quite a partnership.

We will be showing in the regional dressage championships in November.


Karen in Texas


Firenze - SOLD Friesian Firenze - Sold This Stallion Candidate is Going to Bill

Hi Janna –
Yes, we are very excited!!! I would also love to visit!! How sweet you are!! Anyway, thanks again – even though I don’t know you – you seem absolutely wonderful!!!

I know you spoke with Bill this afternoon, but I just wanted to reiterate that Firenze is amazing!! We are really happy!! He is even more beautiful than I imagined even after seeing so many pictures of him!! (don’t tell him I said “beautiful” – you know how boys are!!) did I say spirited?????? Ha ha – this boy has some energy!! He traveled very well – drank water right away and seemed to adjust great to his new home. I do want to mention as well that Keith [the hauler] was very very nice and seemed to genuinely care about the horse and us as well – pretty nice combination!!
So…….. thanks again for everything!!
Now, did you have to put Illano on your website just to torture me??? LOL you know, reaching the big 50 later this year I have been considering finding a sweet, mellow, trail horse for myself……. Are you some kind of mind-reader??? Ha ha
So, I suppose it will be another sleepless night thinking about your beautiful horses……..


James - SOLD Friesian James - Sold On His Way To Illinois for Pam!!
Dear Janna,
 I can't thank you enough for all you've done to help me pick out what must be the most perfect horse. I always would look at him on your web site and think to myself what a beautiful horse he is. Every time I visit your web site there are so many new beauties too. I must look at your site at least once a day, just can't keep my eyes off of it.
You are a very kind and loving person of horses. Thanks for all you've done.

I am so impressed with James. I call him "Handsome" James. He is so much more handsome in person. He is the talk of my stable and everyone loves him and comes down to his stall to see him. When he's turned out in our indoor arena he just likes to stand by the fence and visit with all the people. He follows me around like a puppy dog. He's so impressive and well trained. James is also so easy to groom as he stands very quietly. He has settled in very nicely and is pretty used to everything and not spooky at all. My father calls him a gentleman's gentleman. Everything's going very well and I couldn't be happier. All my friends tell me this was meant to be.
...I've been dying to tell you how well he's doing. I guess that James really was the horse for me, I could hardly take my eyes off of him on your site every time I visited. He is so well mannered and sweet. He's teaching me where his itchy spots are. What a gorgeous animal, I'm in love.
Thanks so much for everything that you've done Janna, I think James was one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Jelmer [Friesian #2 from BSF] arrived yesterday and is he ever so gorgeous. So shiny. Our manager put him right next to James and they were getting acquainted last night. It would be great if they could be turnout buddies.
Thanks so much.

Hope all is well with you and your beautiful horses. I've been dying to write but trying to get a halfway decent photo isn't easy. James and I are coming along splendidly. He's very sweet and affectionate. He whinnies or nickers at me all the time. I would have to say that James is one happy horse.  I'm so glad that I chose him. He is darling to work with and very well tempered and relaxed. I've really gained his trust.  He is the cutest most lovable fellow and so happy, and vocal too. He does like everyone, people or animal, except when I give away any of my attentions.

6 months later......

James is doing very well and is very content and happy.  I'm really enjoying him. He is a very good boy and an extremely quick learner.He sure is a gorgeous guy.
Pam in Ill


Zegna - SOLD Friesian Zegna - Sold Congrats to Mary Sue and Ken in Indiana! It was a Pleasure Meeting You Both!!

She is more gorgeous than when I saw her in CA. There was ice and snow on the drive from the road to the barn and she handled it like a trooper. Her barn mates are all guys and she let them know she had arrived!!!. My 14 yr. old son who has never been too fond of horses went with me to see her and stayed in the barn talking to her after I left!! She definitely makes an impression.
Thanks so much for all your help. We plan on taking her to Ohio in October for the Friesian World Championships!! My husband is going out to see her this weekend and I think he just might decide he needs one too.  She is just a dream and the envy of the barn. Ken (a confirmed warmblood enthusiast) is just in love with her. She is so kind and forgiving when you give her mixed messages and she just loves everyone. She has become a peppermint addict and knows exactly where the box is in the barn as well as which pocket you have them in. Thanks so much for a wonderful horse.

Ymke (Zegna) did fantastic at her first show in the states. She took overall high point champion and ended the weekend with an average of 67%. This was great considering the judging was extremely tough and the scores were very low. This weekend we head off to the Ky Horse Park for a 3 day show and we hope to continue with our success. By the way, the BSF saddle we received from Holland fits Ymke like a glove.
Ken, (trainer in Indiana)

Just wanted to let you know that the weekend was a success at KDA(Kentucky Dressage Association). We had a great show with good scores in Training Level and First Level. One of the judges from California was really impressed with Ymke(Zegna) and there were several friesians there. I can't tell you how thrilled I am with her. She is so kind and level headed but such a hard worker. Thanks again for such a great horse.
Just an update to let you know that Ymke is now qualified for regionals (training level) and has one qualifiying score at First Level and will hope to get the second one in August. She has caused quite a buzz!!! Just to let you know she got a 79% score at the Kentucky show!!! She is averaging over 63% in first level and over 68% training level. What a great horse!!!
Mary Sue in Indiana

She has become the talk of every show that she has attended. We are qualified for Training level and with one attempt at first level we scored 70%. Her last show she took overall high point and High Point at both Training and First levels. Her first show she scored a 79% and won overall high point. I took her to a Jeff Moore clinic and after riding her Jeff commented “WOW, this Friesian has REAL Dressage gaits”. Of course we all knew that ahead of time.
Marysue, Ymke’s owner is madly in love with her and everyone in the barn has a bad case of Friesian envy. When we look to add another Friesian to our stable, you will be the first place we look.
Ken, trainer at Legacy Farm Dressage in IN


Anton - SOLD Friesian Anton - Sold Congrats to Patsy in NC on her 2nd Friesian from BSF!


You are so patient with your clients, I know it is your business, but you stay on top of things, your clients feel good and come back to you.

That is the making for a good business woman.

Patsy in Wilson, N.C.


Tonger - SOLD Friesian Tonger - Sold This Handsome Boy is Headed to Texas for Jim!!

Went to your web site and couldn't find my boy. Then I saw the sold category and when I saw him and your message that hour was heading to Texas, I think it finally hit me that it was all happening. Wow. How exciting is that? Thank you so much for all your help. Hope you don't mind if I call you from time to time with questions. I really want to do what is right by Tonger and it truly feels like a new baby is on the way. Again, thank you for all your help in making this happen.
I guess sometimes dreams do come true if you're patient and work hard.

1 month later...
 I wanted to pass along my thanks for everything. Be assured he is already bonding with me and he will have a wonderful life here with me.

He's absolutely everything I ever dreamed of.

1 year later...
He sure is growing like a weed. He's aready 15.3 hands and he just be 18 months old on October 8th. He loves being around the other horses when they're all out grazing and has developed a wonderful persona. He'll turn 3 in April, 2009 and that's when I plan on riding him for the first time. I can hardly wait. In the meantime, it's been training, training, training. But he takes to his lessons well and is a quick study. I attached a couple pictures so you can see how much he's grown.
Jim in Texas


Fedi STER - SOLD Friesian Fedi STER - Sold BIG Congrats to Nancy, and trainer Alicia, in Michigan!!!!!

Hi Janna!
We are having a champagne, chocolate, etc. party for Fedi upon his arrival. We are having it in our upstairs party room at the barn and then will have him on the lower level in the arena, running by himself loose so that people can go out on the balcony to admire him. I feel so lucky to have him. He is the horse of my dreams. Alicia is so excited that she will be showing him in the professional classes and I will be showing him in the amateur classes. We also wanted to thank you for your gracious hospitality. The Black Sterling Villa was more beautiful than we could ever have imagined! Thank you once again. Oh - also, we got to have dinner over at Ghiradelli Square downtown San Francisco. Saw Fisherman's Wharf - went over the Golden Gate Bridge and drove through Nob Hill. What a great time we had and also were lucky enough to find Fedi.
Best wishes to all of you at Black Sterling Friesians.

I just wanted to let you know that Fedi arrived this morning about 11 a.m., safe, sound and in beautiful condition. He was so majestic!  He is extremely fascinated with the mirrors in the arena and would walk from one mirror to another. He was very peaceful and looked as though he thought "wow, that horse is really beautiful". He would trot to me and let me pet him all over. He is more than I could ever dream of. My husband was in tears as he thought he was the most beautiful horse he had ever seen. We are very fortunate to have him. I can't thank you enough.

Just wanted to let you know that Fedi Ster (we unofficially renamed him Ferrari), is doing even better than could be expected. Alicia is taking a class on him this afternoon with Maryal Barnett.
...I just wanted to let you know that at Copper Creek Dressage, Ferrari (Fedi) took High Percentage Champion that weekend. He needs two more qualifying scores to qualify for the National Regionals and we are going to try for those in August. He is very intelligent, but also quite a character.He seems to win everyone's heart who knows him with his kind nature and ease to be around.
Again, if I am in the market for another Friesian, I will definitely be heading to you.

Update...You are always so on top of things that I don't know where you get all of the energy you have. If I get another horse it will definitely be from you! Bettina Drummond saw him at Michigan State in a clinic and was very impressed with his suspension, etc. If you ever need a reference as to the quality of Friesians that you have, just have them call me. I got a great one and am thrilled. Everyone says he is the most beautiful Friesian they have ever seen and there have been many at the shows, but everyone says they have not seen any as beautiful as Ferrari.  I can't tell you Janna, how convinced I am that this horse is Grand Prix material.
This horse has become my life and I think he really has bonded with me. I am very lucky that I have a husband who loves him like I do.


2 years later...You may not remember me, but I purchased a 5 year old Friesian gelding from you several years ago.  I am from Petoskey, Michigan and  I just wanted to let you know that Ferrari has been doing very well and qualified for the Regionals this past Fall.  He qualified at Training and First Level and did get 7th in the Championship - so he got his championship ribbon, ceremony, etc. and earned Alicia a special riding award for a Professional Rider.  He is currently training with Alicia and is being coached by Bettina Drummond, who was a student of Nuno Oliviera's for 17 years.   He is now training 3rd and 4th level.  Not only is Ferrari everything you could dream of in a dressage horse, such as flexibility, suspension, etc., but he is the world's best pet.  You can't help but love him as he has an extremely gentle nature.  His lineage is perfect for dressage and his sire is the great Gerryt 360.   I feel blessed that I have him and also that I found you, who seems to have a wonderful eye for that very "special" Friesian.  To see that large black horse do piaffe is amazing.  He always seems to know when he has an audience and carries a "look at me" attitude, but with a marshmallow temperament. Thanks again.

Nancy in Mich


Nino - SOLD Friesian Nino - Sold

"Last February my husband gave me the best Valentine ever - a Friesian horse named Nino.

I visited Black Sterling Freisians and Janna Goldman had such great horses for sale that just trying them out was fun.

It didn't take long for me to find my match - a seven-year-old gelding named Nino. His looks are incredible and his movement is elegant and animated, his mane falls to his shoulder and he is completely sweet and gentle to be around. I enjoy grooming him as much as riding him. Friesians are so much fun and they are unusual. You and you're new Friesian will really turn heads wherever you go.

If you are interested in this breed, you must visit Black Sterling Friesians.

4 years later...
I wanted you to know that Nino is showing this summer. Last month we took him to the Del Mar Dressage Show - he placed third thru fifth in a VERY competitive setting with all sorts of fancy warmbloods and fancy riders and 12 -15 horses in each class. It is not a place where Friesians are as appreciated - there were only two others there - one of Sabine's stallions and another young gelding who misbehaved so much they hardly showed him. We felt really good about Nino. It was great to see him there. He got amped up but behaved well. He was ridden by the assit. trainer. This week we are taking him to Pebble Beach Dressage and Tanya Vik will show him second level - now that she is riding him, his outline is beautiful and his movement is really fabulous. I know she will do well and I'm really excited to see her ride him as she is such a top notch rider. I rode at the last Riverside show and had one really good test at first level (first place out of five) and another one that was also pretty good. I'll probably do the last Riverside show on Sat. August 30th. My riding has improved tremendously since working with Tanya - confidence is much better and of course Nino now had a lot of training in him - he's always round, on the bit and has a beautiful canter. Needless to say - we get attention everywhere we go! People at Del Mar wanted to know his breeding, how did we get him so soft and bendable in the head, etc... He is working on his lead changes and I know he will get them confirmed so he'll show third level next year. His lateral work is really nice. I hope to have a legitimate show season on him myself next year (for my 50th birthday!).

FYI, his show name is "Knight Flight".  ...met a lady at Riverside who bought a mare from you that she loves (third level). Hope all is well with you, Ron and the kids. I see Julia is really showing/riding.

Susan Jane


Rossini - STER - SOLD Friesian Rossini - STER - Sold Happy Birthday to Mary in Minn, on her 3rd Friesian from BSF:)
Thanks so much!
Rossini had her foal May 24. She had a little filly and is a sweetheart. Very good looking foal. We love her! Thanks for your help!!!

All of the horses (you sold us) are doing great. Rossini and her filly are doing great. She is really friendly. I think she will do good at the inspection in September. I think she is going to have her mom's movement. Gina is still pregnant. Virtie's baby of last year is at my house. She is my baby. She is going to be gorgeous just like her mom. And she is already a monster. Hope things are going will with you and I will try to get some pics over to you!
Angie in Minn


Aike - SOLD Friesian Aike - Sold

Janna -  I've attached a picture that was taken shortly after his arrival. You can tell not only does he feel comfortable but he seems to be actually posing for the camera. A bit of a ham perhaps? He is the first Friesian in our barn and everyone here loves him. His personality and beauty have won everyone over the very short time he has been here. What a great example of the breed for all of us to get to know. I also just wanted to say thank you. I searched for a while for the "perfect horse" and I've found him in Aike. He is super sweet, gorgeous and talented. Working with you and your team at Black Sterling made this match possible. Everyone was completely professional and extremely patient with this new horse owner.

7 months later......
Hey Janna!
It doesn't surprise me at all that you are checking in on Aike. Actually, it is yet another reason I am so glad that I chose your organization to work with to find my dream horse.
Aike is wonderful. He is happy, healthy and building up good dressage muscle. He is the toast of the barn. He has gotten the barn nick name of Herman for Herman Munster. My trainer is just in love with him and the breed. She just can't say enough about how much she likes him. Then there is me. I think I'm in heaven. Not only do I have a completely willing and eager dressage partner, I get a wonderful friend and animal to love. In other words my dream horse. I couldn't be happier. Thank you so much for your patience with me through the process.

Aike was wonderful at his first sleep over dressage show. Our scores were good mid to high 60's. One of the judges comments included "this is an extraordinary horse." Everyone was blown away by him. Thanks again for making all of this possible.

Allyson in GA


Fieke - SOLD Friesian Fieke - Sold

Fieke and baby are doing great. The filly’s barn name is Zoey. She is 5 months old now and is tall, but not too large. Our daughter Morgan is riding Fieke as much as possible. We lead Zoey with halter and lead rope and she goes in the trailer and clips very well. Zoey is worth judging. She is growing very proportionate which is unusual. Her head is as beautiful today as the day we brought her home. Her hind end is very rounded and heart shaped. We are very impressed by her intelligence She only has to be shown something once, maybe twice and she learns it. It is hard to believe that we have to wait 3 more years to ride her. Thanks for the offer of assistance (at the keuring).
Thanks, Debbie


Volare - SOLD Friesian Volare - Sold HAPPY NEW YEAR to Betty !!!

Hello, Janna & Staff:
Just a few lines to say hi and THANK YOUUUUU!!! For the sale of "Welmer" (Volare) by the way, we are keeping his original dutch name and he knows it very well. His new name "Volare" was cute, too, I think he prefers "Velmer". It's been only 3 weeks and he's a total SWEETHEART!! He is so well trained as a second level dressage horse and trail rides (we love trails.) The minute he arrived at our stable he was so curious and got along with our other horses so well. Velmer acted as the PERFECT GENTLEMEN and even offered to scratch their necks/mane. What a wonderful personality! He does look impressive, too. As you know, we visited your gorgeous Friesian Stable and fell in love with him ASAP. We never bought a horse soooooo fast! Especially us, that we are used to Peruvian Paso Horses for so long. But, when I rode him at your stable and noticed something so special about him----THAT WAS IT!!! My husband, usually likes to take his time and "think about it"--- as you know......we went to lunch and came back to your ranch as fast as we could and wrote the check!

We could not be happier with him. He loves his new home. He adapted instantly. Yesterday, we took him with our other horse Meridian for a walk around the great trails of Woodside, CA and this gorgeous Friesian was a "traffic stopper"------ he behaved so well the entire time. We have ridden him in the ring many times; however, tomorrow, we are going for a trail ride thru traffic and downtown Woodside, too, time to SHOW HIM! Thank you and your wonderful staff for the courtesy and patience you offered us. Since Friesians were a total new experience for us; we had TONS of questions.

We will send you this time pictures of Welmer (Volare) at the Parade. He is a very happy horse; needless to say, SPOILED!!!! and he loves it :-) Parade will be May 5th in Woodside. If it works, we will bring our two horses to the Los Altos Parade, May 15 or around that date. We're practicing to all kinds of noise, balloons, (that experience was funny) traffic, etc. etc.

Here is Betty at the Kiwanis Parade. Last May, 2007. Betty is riding 'Welmer' (Volare). We are like a couple of "kids" with our "boys" ....(kids at heart :-)
The Schotts 


Hylke van 'e Sanharst - SOLD Friesian Hylke van 'e Sanharst - Sold This GORGEOUS Boy is Going to Indiana for a lucky Michele!!

He is so much more than I could have ever dreamed!! You have been amazing throughout the entire process. So happy I can hardly stand it,  Janna,  Hylke is doing great! He calls out to me when I come to the barn and it totally melts my heart! He's been enjoying the snow here. Esther Liano sent a note tucked into his passport and we've been in contact. She obviously loved him and was concerned about his sensitivity. He has been a sensitive guy , but extremely loving and coming along.Thanks, I love my new boy!

8 months later...............................
We're in training with a Grand Prix trainer. He is an extremely sensitive horse and I'm happy to have a sensitive trainer as well. I am absolutely thrilled with my dream horse. I wouldn't trade him for the world.
He's teaching me dressage. My trainer is amazed with his sensitivity.
He's really bonded with me and it just melts my heart! Hylke is doing great! I LOVE my boy!!!
1 year later....
Wanted to give you an update on Hylke. We had a ball at the FHANA World Show! Hylke took 1st place in the 5 year and older gelding in-hand class and then took the overall championship for geldings in hand. He turned into 'Mr. Show Boy' when he entered the arena. He liked it!  Will make a trip out to VA this weekend for Hylke's 1st parade. 

Update...Would  like to give you an update on my boy. I couldn't be happier with him. He is truly special and I know I'll NEVER run out of horse with him. You sold me an amazingly high quality horse! He's been in training with Bruce Griffin in VA.  I travel to VA monthly and our progress individually and together has been significant each trip.I feel he's the perfect horse for me. I couldn't love him more.

You made a great recommendation! He's a spectacular gelding. Hylke went to keuring in Leesburg, VA, and made 1e premie ster and grand champion gelding. Jan Hendricks really liked him and actually went and got his own camera to take pictures of him! He  did great!!!

Michele in IN

congrats to hylke on his NUMEROUS world and national championship victories at the 2008 IFSHA  grand nationals in st louis! 


Records 796 to 810 of 1063

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  • California Dressage Logo
  • USEF Logo
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  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.