
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 826 to 840 of 1063
Vince - SOLD Friesian Vince - Sold Going to Mexico for Roberto!!!
......................1 year after purchase

Hi Janna,
Vince, is doing great. He is taking the summer heat better than I thought (in Mexico), well I have him with a misted fan, cause it get really really hot in here—like Pheonix Az but more humid. He is getting really really big, I think he´s almost the size of my 2 year old and he is a big guy also. The way he is going he will probably reach 17 hands.
Roberto in Mexico

Hello, Janna
Vince (Vengador—as I call him cause he is avenging the too soon death of my last friesian stallion ) is growing into a huge and beautiful colt.


Ickerus - SOLD Friesian Ickerus - Sold Ickerus is on his way to Colorado for Dana:)
Hello Janna,
hope your trip (to Holland) was successful. I JUST LOVE ICKERUS. so does the trainer .
Thanks again,
Dana in Colorado

1 year later........................
Hello. He is doing great, becoming stronger in hind end and the front is thickening up. Altitude does not get to him anymore. He loves to play, with everyone. He is fantastic-- he really is a charmer. Thanks for the great pick.
There are THREE BSF at our barn now. And I saw two more at Destiny Ranch barn, all beautiful. Thanks so much all your BSF are wonderful.
Thanks so much.
Dana and Ickerus.


Pharoah - SOLD Friesian Pharoah - Sold Congrats to Diane in Florida!!!

Hi Janna,
The hauler is wonderful. He calls every day with an update. I can't wait, it's really been kind of surreal waiting this week.  He's the talk of the stables and he's not even here yet. Gary says Pharaoh follows him around and has a great personality and really a people horse. He says he loves attention. It sounds like I have exactly what I have dreamed of. Now I just need my horse lol. Tomorrow...
Diane in Fla

My boy is finally here and he's absolutely beautiful!!! The hauler was outstanding and took such good care of Pharaoh. I can tell he likes me already!! I brushed him and he kept checking me out. He followed me when I walked away. The trainer thought he was a sweetie. I couldn't be happier!!!! This is going to be one spoiled horse. The Hauler gave me the other halter, thank you!
Thanks for everything! I don't want anyone to pinch me because I think I'm in a dream, a Friesian dream!
Diane in Fla

Hi Janna,

He is my pride  and joy and thank you so much for your efforts in getting him to us.  
I watched your web site for almost a year before my husband said I 
could finally get a Friesian.  There was never any doubt that Black 
Sterling Friesian's was where I was going to find my dream.  Pharaoh 
is 19 months now and growing so fast I can almost see it.    I'm 
hoping before too long I can talk my husband into a mate for 
Pharaoh.  Until then, I watch daily and thank you from the bottom of 
my heart.

Pharaoh is learning so much, he's quite the charmer. I just wanted you to know that he is a happy boy, I should say yearling. He will kiss for a carrot and meets me at the gate every afternoon. I'm not sure what path we'll take yet, but he's learning so fast we have a lot of options. Right now he's just being a horse that is much loved.
Percy and Diane in Fla

1 year later.........................
Hi Jana,
I've spent the summer doing his scrapbook. He is getting big! He's spoiled rotten!! I visit him everyday and being a teacher, I've enjoyed the summer with him. He gets carrots, cookies and peppermints (in that order) every day. I'm the proudest person on this earth I think. He does learn fast and I watch him play in the pasture tossing his dish around until my belly aches from laughing. I got him a ball, but he likes his dish better. Most days I have a chair and I sit and talk to him while he munches on hay. It's so hot here in FL now he has to come in during the afternoon.
I watch your site all day to see who's coming and going. One of these days he'll need a mate.
Thanks for checking on him, that means a lot!!
Pharaoh and Diane


Lineke - SOLD Friesian Lineke - Sold 9th Friesian from BSF going to Micaela in Mass. Micaela--you are buying all our BEST horses!!
Hi Janna
My name is Lisa, I am the barn manager for Micaela at Pine Feather Farm in Acton MA. All of the horses here are wonderful. Lineke has settled in nicely, she is turned out every day with Dorette, Frangelica, and Famke. Lineke and Famke are the best of friends and spend the days grooming each other out in the pasture. Everyone else is just great. Micaela really loves Kosmo. She has been riding him the most. We trail ride alot with Frangelica and Dorette at least once a week. Thank you and I hope I get to work with you in the future!
Lisa in Mass


Chase - SOLD Friesian Chase - Sold Congrats to Debbi and Ken in Ariz. on their 2nd Friesian from BSF!

Hi Janna,

Friesians truly are remarkable horses!! Tobias and Chase are everything we had hoped for and more!!! The first day in their new home we let them relax in the big round pen. Of course I played "beauty parlor" , braiding their manes, grooming etc. While doing this the big trash truck came through the ranch, clanking and banging--neither of the boys paid any attention. Then the train which comes right next to the ranch, came through, whistle blowing, clickety, clackety, cars whooshing by. I was braiding Tobias's mane with Chase standing loose next to me also, and had it been any other horses I think I would have moved away to see their reaction. Maybe they had both seen trains before--all they did was perk their heads a little and look--no big deal!! Other horses at the ranch were jumping around and they see these trains all the time!!!!
Yesterday we took the boys on their first little trail ride from the ranch. It was a drizzly, blustery day with the trees blowing, thunder and lightning in the distance--the kind of day even the best trained horses are looking for something to spook at. Not these two boys!!! They walked out down the trail like no big deal!!! Even the jumping jack rabbits leaping out of bushes did not phase them!!! Had to cut our ride short as the heavy rain and lightning was trying to catch us, but we were so impressed!!! They are an absolute delight to be around. I'm also thrilled Ken decided to get his horse now rather than waiting a year or so. It is so much fun to be able to share them together.
We will definitely take some pix and send to you. I start my lessons on Chase next week--am very excited!!

Thank you again for these very special boys!!!

Debbi in Ariz :)


Tobias - SOLD Friesian Tobias - Sold Debbie in Arizona is Tobias's lucky new owner:)

Hi Janna,
Tobias and Chase arrived at the ranch this morning at 6:30. Wow, what majestic beauties they are--it takes your breath away!! And such perfect gentlemen--after 24 hours on the road they stepped quietly out of the trailer and settled right into their new home. Thank you again for all your help while we were at your stable and for coordinating the hauling, health certificates etc. We really appreciate all you do bringing these gorgeous horses to America. It is an honor to share them in our lives--thank you for helping make our dreams come true!!!!!!
Ken and Debbi
Prescott Valley, Arizona

Janna, Ron and Barend,
Dreams Do Come True---a thousand thanks to you. Thank you again for all the time you spent with us showing us your beautiful horses. It is such a pleasure to do business with people who are honest, professional, and caring about their horses. Thank you so much for bringing these wonderful horses into our lives.

Ken and Debbi


Timm- STER - SOLD Friesian Timm- STER - Sold Our Fairytale Stallion has a new home in Mass.

Thanks - you are wonderful!! I enjoy working with you immensely!

1 Year Later...
Thank you so much Janna! Ate is awesome but so are all the other horses I got from you - you are AWESOME!! Thanks for all your help! Timm~ what a sweet, gorgeous studdy teddy bear!!!

3 years later... Timm had a GREAT year, he LOVES to drive and is taking home lots of blues and Championships!! Warmly,

Micaela in Mass


Zoran - SOLD Friesian Zoran - Sold Congrats to Glori

dear janna,
I wanted to let you know just how wonderful Zoran is. His personality is perfect- there isn't a viscous bone in his body. I can tell that you and your staff put some time and effort in to making a horse with good manners. I can touch him all over. He stands in the cross ties strait. He never paws or kicks. He does not chew on his stall or on any thing else. When you turn him out he always walks a nice good distance away before he lets out any crazies. He comes in from the turn outs when he is called, even if your not holding a carrot. He is just as good in the riding ring. he listens and tries to figure out what you are asking. he stays calm and doesn't get frustrated even when he is confused about what it is that i am asking him to do. i have no doubt that he will be doing 2nd level dressage in a few months.

thank you!!!!!



Kosmo - SOLD Friesian Kosmo - Sold Kos is Going to Mass for Micaela--as her 7th Friesian from BSF!!!

Hello Janna!
Thanks for everything!! We are awaiting Timm and Ate's arrival with great anticipation. Both Andrea and I have been riding Kosmo - he is fantastic!!! He has a great attitude and such a sweet temperament - we are all in love with him already!! He definitely loves to please and be around people! A great champion! Thank you for the blanket and cooler - what beauties!! You have been very generous with me - I appreciate all that you have done - and we love your horses immensely. In addition, we'll hit the East Coast Championships in NY state in October - and will let you know the results. And next week is the first Keur for the 2 fillies with Frangelica and Dorette - they both look like magnificent foals, at least to us, of course!!
1 month later.....................
I went to a clinic with Kosmo yesterday and he was absolutely PHENOMENAL - I love HIM and I LOVE TO RIDE HIM even more!! He is so giving and talented (in the words of the trainer) - I am going to work with her on a weekly basis, as I am progressing fast and well with a horse like Kosmo. He is a true gift!!! Timm is doing very well - He is really a big, beautiful 'teddy bear' disguised as a Friesian stallion. We all love him to death and fuss over him all the time. It took us an hour to bathe just his mane, let alone the rest. Ate' is coming along beautifully as well - Saddleseat is Andrea's area for now, as I am concentrating on Kosmo and dressage. Thank you again for all the wonderful horses you have sent our way. After 30 long years of waiting, I feel like my dream has finally come true!!
1 year later.......................................
Attached please find some winning pics at the Classic Show in Topsfield, Mass.! Thanks for all your support!
Micaela in Mass


Nynke fan Beerenbrouck - SOLD Friesian Nynke fan Beerenbrouck - Sold Melanie and John in Minn will soon be enjoying this Dressage mare:)

Janna -

Thanks again for all the hard work you do to bring us these black beauties.

Melanie in Minn


Evelien - SOLD Friesian Evelien - Sold Going to Thea in S.C. to live on her new ranch!!!

Thank you, Janna. She is magnificient, as you know. I couldn't be more thrilled!

I can't compliment you enough on your organization and professionalism. You are going to spoil me for any future horse deal!

Thank you for my beautiful mare!

4 months later...........................
Eve is doing well and she is a beautiful mare and fine companion.

Thea in SC


Thomas BSF - SOLD Friesian Thomas BSF - Sold Congrats to Robin in Tenn. on this GREAT Trail/Pleasure Friesian!

He is beautiful.....I did not expect him to be that fancy...his pictures on the website do not due him justice. I am so pleased thank you so much.
Thomas is great I can't say enough good things about him......I hope to soon purchase another one so that I can have 2, so friends can ride with me.
Thomas and I had our first trail ride yesterday and he was wonderful...He IS exactly what you said he was willing, safe and fun. It is so nice for things to turn out the way that you imagine them to. So many times life is full of disappointment.

I can not tell you how much I love Thomas......I have been looking for this kind of horse for over 35 years. I am so LUCKY I found him. Or I should say you found him for me.
Thank you again.

Update 3 yrs later...
Remember me I am Marilyn's customer that bought Thomas...Hope you are well. Thomas is great. He is without a doubt my horse of a lifetime.

Robin in Tenn


Tsjebbe - SOLD Friesian Tsjebbe - Sold Congrats to Apryl and Mike in MO:)

We got Tsjebbe last night - he was in GREAT condition - I have to tell you - you were absolutely right - we love him and he is sooo beautiful. and what a mover wow!!!
Even after his long journey yesterday - our sweet little guy was hanging out with us - as Mike put the finishing touches on the "stallion barn" Tsjebbes new home - he was very courious and brave - walking right in - even though there were saws running and hammers going near by. He is wonderful and very trusting and brave - thanks for finding such a nice boy for us.
...we are really surprised by his temperment - and how willing and brave he is - he really wants to please-- and hates it when I leave to go in the house - I think if he could, he would want to come in the house watch TV and eat potato chips on the couch - but Mike says he would take up too much room....:-)
1 month later....
We took him to his first training session and he did absolutely wonderfully. He is soooo smart and everyone loved him so much - at the end of his training he was doing some very very great things...he was standing on a platform-- making direction changes on the circle - going sideways - and backing up over 20 feet with just a slight hand signal, being sent to squeeze between 2 barrels - on a long line. I know this sounds unbelievable for 2 days training by a novice like me ---and like a lot for a 6 month old little guy - but it is all true--- he is so very smart - and was willing to do all of these things - he offered to do so much after he understood what was expected. He was not forced in ANY way - not spanked - nothing - we could not be prouder... he is real beauty - and his intelligence and willingness has made him a great little partner already!! Thanks!!!
Our boy is doing great and just growing all of the time .-- thanks for the wonderful guy - he's quite the character these days-- and thinks he is the king of all -- which of course he is... we call him tango pants - when he struts around...showing off for the ladies...:)  Janna - I can hardly believe we have had Tango almost a whole year!! He is really spectacular. We have a trainer coming to work with him regularly now and he is really something - but you know that!!! I shot this bit of video of his first paying gig... he is going to be on the equispirit website to promote their Horse play balls ---- and we get free play balls --- :-) it is also working out to be great promotion for us - everyone says how athletic he is.... sooooo true...:-)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I76rz9z3lm8 2 years later...
We missed you at the St. Louis Show… I am sure you would have blown them all away…I wanted to show you Tangos handiwork – this is the first of his offspring out of our registered black percheron.  Our vet told us that we would not have any foals when we had everyones final check in September 07 – and that my 3 mares had stopped cycling for the year.  HAH! Midnight legend was born 11/14 – he is EXACTLY what we were looking for. Tango (Tsjebbe)  lives with these three older mares on 20 acres and we are lucky enough to have a stallion with the BEST temperament.   When we allowed the mare and foal back into the acreage…he has proven to be kind and laughable—this little pumpkin Legend – has even played with his Daddy – it was the cutest thing ever. 
Thanks AGAIN!!
--he has a busy spring and summer coming.  First we are attending a local “horse fest” and plan to introduce him.    Then off to the trainer to prepare for his Keuring in Sept – I think – then off to the Kansas City Women and horses expo for the stallion parade…We are in the process of making some changes and adding a covered arena – to support his Friesian crosses ( showing them off) – and it all started with you all.  we have been discussing a new Stallion – if Tango’s book gets full – and I am sure it will… you will be hearing from us again this year to find the right little guy….:-)
Apryl in MO


Jelle - SOLD Friesian Jelle - Sold Lorna in Santa Fe is Jelle's Proud New Owner!

Cannot express how wonderful...and a bit intimidating...it was to meet Jelle. He is such a magnificent animal and just so much horse, if you understand what I mean. I cannot wait to have him here with me and thank your staff for their outstanding efforts in showing me everything about him and answering my questions about him. Tamka was a delight as well - what a spunky (and fast) young girl. Your staff turned her out in the arena with Moulin - who is also quite spectacular - and the two of them raced from one side of the arena to the other. Tamka has a lot of confidence and pride in her movement and actions.
Lorna in New Mexico

He's here!!! ....and he's terrific. The guys in the truck said that the horses they have picked up from your facility are always top notch. Nico, my Arab mare just stared...I think her jaw was actually unhinged. She nickered; he nickered and then she went nutso - wheeling, bucking, rearing, spinning.....all within about a 4 foot radius. Jelle just majestically continued his walk down the driveway. I had builders here putting finishing touches on a storage facility and they all stopped what they were doing and, just like Nico, stared with their jaws unhinged. He is a very awesome horse. Just want to say once again how much I appreciate your part in the representation of this magnificent breed. Thanks many times over and my best regards to you and your staff.

Lorna in NM


Gypsy - SOLD Friesian Gypsy - Sold Gypsy is on his way to Robin in West Virginia

Hope you had a wonderful time in Holland!! Gypsy is doing well. I love his personality, he is a big cuddly horse. He is very patient and kind! Has wonderful ground manners, loves to be brushed, actually he loves all attention. I could have not asked for a better temperment!! Thanks again Janna for all your help and for a wonderful horse!!

Robin in West Virg


Records 826 to 840 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.