
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 841 to 855 of 1063
Dawg - STER - SOLD Friesian Dawg - STER - Sold Congratulations Stephan, from your fiance', Theresa:)

Hi Janna,

Fritzi (aka Dawg) is doing great. We are happy to have him, he is just stunning and the talk of the stable! He's enjoying the San Diego climate now that it's cooling off a bit!
Thanks for everything,
Theresa :)

3 months later.............................
Hi Janna,

I hope you are doing well. Fritzi is doing beautifully. Thanks,



Gia - SOLD Friesian Gia - Sold Happy Customer in Germany!

Hi Janna,

Everything is going great with Tjibbie (aka Gia--sorry, we went back to  her real name). She is an incredible horse. She is the star of the stable  here in Mannheim Germany. She is with a well-known baroque trainer who has  been taking her to exhibitions where she is the standout in the crowd. The trainer told me she was seriously thinking about giving up on riding/training until Tjibbie brought back the joy of riding. She is just so sweet and tries so hard to please. She is one of the most 'forward' Friesians they have ever seen at the stable (home to 5 Friesians  currently).

She is equally happy doing high level dressage with the professional  rider or out riding the fields bareback with me and the dogs. For a while she  was also driving a couple times a week with one of the better marathon drivers in Germany--he loved her too but it got to be a fight with her dressage trainer so we put that on hold. I am extending here in Germany for another year but then I will be contacting you for help with shipping.

Thanks so much,

Teresa in Germany


Tsjibbe - SOLD Friesian Tsjibbe - Sold Going to Mary and daughter, Sarah, in North Dakota:)
Tsjibbe arrived yesterday in excellent fashion! He has absolutely stolen my heart already, I can see why Sarah was so smitten! He appears to be no worse for the wear (long time on the road to North Dakota!) We brought him into the outdoor arena to run and play for a few hours last night, and he seemed to enjoy the stretch. We introduced him to 2 other horses we have, and they seemed to get along well. He is beautiful with lovely soft eyes, even a soft whinney! I am excited to take him for a spin tomorrow and see what he thinks of the North Dakota prairie. Wide open spaces, lots of wildlife, hot temperatures, etc! I appreciate your working with us on this purchase, it has been a new experience for me, as all the other horses we have are more indigenous to the area. Tsjibbe is very special, and will receive the best home and tons of attention from us and the other boarders! He is truly one of a kind here, and will cause many jaws to drop! I will keep in touch with how we do in dressage, and send you some pictures too.
Thank you for your help in finding the perfect Friesian gelding for me!
Mary in North Dakota

2 months later..............................................

Janna, He is very sweet! I wanted to send you a picture of him meeting two of our other horses, and you can see what a lovely home he has too! Take care-I still look at your website, and you still have lovely horses each time I look!

Janna, he is doing well.  All my dressage friends are exctied to have him come for training, he IS the only purebred Friesian in this area! A King among Quarter horses, apps, arabs, and a few warmbloods!
Mary in N.D.


Alba - SOLD Friesian Alba - Sold Going to Oregon for Laura!

Hi Janna:
Just wanted you to know that Alba is settling in great! He has been a dream come true! He is adjusting to the Pacific NW just fine. The large dressage arena with mirrors had him very interested. He did not miss a step even though I know that he had never seen them before. He is great with my daughter doting on him, as well as the adults. I am very pleased with his temperament and he is a very trusting and gentle soul. Thanks again for all your help.
It did take me awhile to find just what I was looking for and he is definitely it!

 He is such a sweet horse. I want you to know that he is a wonderful creature with a sweet and smart mind.I am planning on showing this horse USDF hopefully this year, the A circuit. He is a lovely horse. I have found him to be a very loving horse and he tries very hard. I hope that the rest of your Friesians are doing well. Hopefully one day I can add another one!

Hope you are having a successful shopping trip. Alba went to his first USDF rated Dressage show this weekend and did beautifully. It is a big indoor ring that can be very spooky and they have to enter alone. He was a star and looked at everything and went to work. We placed 2nd today with a score of 66.5%!! He is a sweet, hardworker and a joy to have around. He received "8's" on gaits and 8's in some of his canter and walk work. He is coming along very well. I also saw 2 other friesians there --both came from you. Karen Parkey's boy and Chenoa's. They were entered in 1st level and did great too. Just thought you should know how the "Friesians" are doing up here in the northwest.

1 year later............................
Here is a picture of Alba and me. Well . . . mostly Alba competing in Training 4. He is doing great! The sweetest and best horse. I am competing in our final USDF competition this weekend and hope to qualify for Championships this weekend. We should be able to do it no problem. Just want you to know that he is doing very well. . . showing T4 this year and hopefully 1st level next year. A very loving and willing partner.

I purchased Alba from you about a 18 months ago and he is doing great.  We just returned from our first USDF show of the season and he was super.  Scoring an impressive 70.8% at Training Level 4 with me, his amateur rider.  We are working on all the first level movements and I will be moving him up at the next show.  He even went through the jump shoot at the barn like a superstar and showed everyone how it should be done!  He is an amazing horse and never ceases to surprise me!  I love him to death. . .  Thank you again.
Just checking in to let you know that Alba and I recently finished the USDF Region 6 Dressage Championships in Nampa, ID.  Alba(Rixt L) was super and we finished 8th in the Region at Training level for the year(USDF Great American Championship class).  He is schooling 2nd level and I will be (and have) started showing him First Level, test 4. 

He is a wonderful horse and I love him to death!    He has never disappointed me and is a joy to have.  Thanks again. 

Laura in oregon


Arend BSF - SOLD Friesian Arend BSF - Sold Lynda in Colorado is soon to be enjoying Arend as her new mountain horse:)
The new family member Arend arrived in Colorado at 3:30am on the 4th of July. He moved right in, without a care in the world.  After spending the last few weeks working on the ground with him, two things have happened, first I have changed his name to Dutch and second I have fallen in love. He is by far the sweets guy, and one that is very willing and level headed. As the months pass and i embark on mountain riding I will keep you up dated.

Hope all is going well, I love this guy to death. Thanks for making it all come together.
Lynda in Co

1 year later.....
He is doing great, learning to be a good solid trail horse with a lot of style. I have a great trainer and she is getting him exposed to everything from plastic tarp's to cattle. Here are two photo's of Dutch on the trail.
Lynda in CO


Pieter R - SOLD Friesian Pieter R - Sold Congrats to Helen in Colorado on this Lovely Mature Boy!
1 year later...

Hi Janna
Pieter is nice to ride. He is a love and a very sensitive boy and I will continue to work with him. His previous owner has been in touch and has offered some helpful tips.
I will send you a picture of him in our pasture.
Helen in CO:)


Jelmer STER - SOLD Friesian Jelmer STER - Sold Sold to ILL

Just wanted to let you know that Jelmer (Oliver) and I are having a wonderful time getting to know each other. He is absolutely gorgeous! He is the sweetest boy with lots of personality. He has a real willingness to please -
Thanks for your advice,
Linda in Chicago


Taco BSF - SOLD Friesian Taco BSF - Sold This Fairytale Gelding is Going to Duane and Family in Penn:)
Hi Janna;
Taco is doing fine. He’s a great horse and is exactly what I was looking for in this breed. I am very happy with him and In September I begin fitting him out for armor. I think it’ll be one of your more “unusual ones”. ;-) We have shown Taco in some small local shows and he has done very well against horses with more experience and training. In his last show we put him in a saddle seat class and he faired very well against some very expensive American Saddlebreds and he brought home a second place ribbon and trophy. (He would have had first place but he picked up the wrong gait for a moment or two and the judge was looking his way.) The funny thing was that we worked him in the bridle and saddle for about a week and a half before the show and we were only taking him to the show to see how he “liked” this type of class. We weren’t expecting much for a first time showing but he did a great job for me and the trainer.
Thanks again,
Duane in PA

Hi Janna,
Taco is doing great. He is everything I hoped he’d be in a jousting/trail riding horse. (Not to mention that he’s very good a dressage and saddle seat as well.) He has the perfect temperament for what I need and has proven himself time-and-time again over the past year. I’ve even had absolute beginners on his back without them or him having a bad experience. (It’s hard to tell my friends no when they as if they can get on the “pretty Friesian”.) In January I start fitting him for his new show suit. (An armoured Taco – imagine that.)
Duane in PA
PS- His mane is now 44” long. It’s my weapon of last resort against the Judges. They seem to be hypnotized by it when it is combined with his gait ( There are not a lot of Friesians around here.)

1 year later....
Hi Jenna;
Taco and I are doing fine. He scored first place in saddleseat in two county fairs this summer (where he has developed a following of “Friesian-horse groupies” ) The last fair was on the 11th and the crowd treated him like a rock star. (Friesians of any kind are rare around here, let alone one with a 48” mane.) He ( and my daughter) are now studying dressage with Charlotte Bailey in Ohio. I am currently desensitizing him to the sound of armour and he’s coming along fine. He has been a champ with the medieval games and I am now getting ready to try him out in full armour and produce his “outfit” as well. ;-)
Duane in PA


Faemkje - SOLD Friesian Faemkje - Sold Sold to oregon

Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know how well Faemkje is doing. She has settled in and has turned out to be just as wonderful as you said she would be under saddle. I was quite pleasantly suprised at how forward she is. Her gaits are just wonderful. She gets along well with the other horses and has gotten quite attached to my yearling filly. She actually follows the filly around! I was suprised about that one. I have also never been around a horse that likes her head touched so much. Whenever she has the chance she rests her head lightly on me. Fae is such a joy I just wanted to let you know how pleased we are with her. I will send a picture or two when i get the chance. Thanks again!!!

The barn she is at primarily has extremely nice imported dressage warmbloods and even compared to them, she is forward in her gaits and nicely engaged from behind. It is so nice that forward impulsion comes so naturally to her when many horses struggle with it. I love it! She will be so much fun to move up the levels with. She has been a blast and a love to spend time with. She has really turned out to be the perfect horse. Thanks again!
Akasha in Oregon


Liudger - SOLD Friesian Liudger - Sold Congrats to Muriel and Family on their 1st Friesian!!!

Hi Janna,
A little update on Liu… He is doing great!!! I just adore him and we are progressing really well. We are in training with a dressage trainer and she’s teaching me so much about working with a young horse. We took him to the Jan Englesma clinic in Auburn in August and he did great, got lots of nice compliments and behaved very well. Today we walked all around to the farthest end of the property and he was quite a gentleman. I feel like a more qualified handler, and I love what he has taught me and the time I spend with him. Now all I need is for Steve to have a ride of his own and we can go on rides together…

1 year later.....
He has gotten so big, 16.3 and baroquish,but is quite agile and loves to canter. His training has been classical (French – Portugese) from the start, so he is very round and does lateral work (in-hand) quite nicely. His mane (to which I do nothing at all) is lush and long and thick, and he is jet black.



Wisse - SOLD Friesian Wisse - Sold Congrats to Michele in Colorado on her 2nd Friesian from BSF:)

I am very excited about Wisse! It is overwhelming! Without looking or acting to anxious, I was trying to show remorse to my girlfriend that is leaving the barn, because I will actually miss her, but on the other hand...I was silently leaping for joy because I knew that I would get Wisse sooner (with the availability of an empty stall)!!! Thank you for riding Wisse out of the arena. I have watched his little videos on your sight every day. I love to watch the one where he is free, in the paddock. It is just gorgeous.Thanks for all you do...you are very appreciated! Janna, you are the absolute best to work with! You do everything with such excellence and grace. It is such a pleasure knowing you.
Wisse is absolutely one of the most beautiful horses I've ever seen. His face is so cute and precious yet still masculine. I kept looking at his body, build and confirmation in awe. It is so perfect. Hard to describe with words. He just looked at me with these big puppy dog eyes like he just wanted to be held and comforted. So I just massaged his face and held his head and talked real sweet and quiet to him against his muzzle for awhile (kissed him alot) and that seemed to help. He was so precious because while I was talking to him, he was talking back, but real quiet, the same way I was talking to him. I just teared up. I can hardly wait to see him tomorrow. Thanks again!!
Wisse is so wonderful. Everybody stops in their tracks in awe at his majestic beauty, it is impossible to describe. He is so kind and sweet, like a big puppy dog! Wisse's talent is endless. One of the grooms stopped me the other day and asked me to watch something that he has never seen before. He put Wisse in the large turnout. Wisse was doing perfect 2 tempe' changes while running free in his turnout. It actually was pretty amazing to watch. I just smiled really big and said, "That's my boy!" Janna, Wisse is so much more than you ever described.Thank you!
Update ....
Wisse and I went to his new barn on Tuesday. He jumped into the trailer like he could hardly wait to go for a ride. It was so cute!! He is so shiny, that people think he's wet. His coat is beautiful. Everyone came to see him as soon as he arrived. I got to see Wisse go today with this new trainer, and he did really great. His new trainer, Grant, says he has the best walk he's ever seen on a Friesian. Wisse is mingling around the barn with the other horses and loves it. He just stands there and soaks up the attention. Back in Feb. or so, you sold a gelding to a "Kelly" in Colorado. Ramske. Ramske is at the same dressage barn as Wisse! Thanks for making dreams come true!
Michele in Colorado


Hessel fan't Haskerfjild - SOLD Friesian Hessel fan't Haskerfjild - Sold Congratulations to Karen in New Mexico on Hessel:)

Hi Janna,

Hessel made it here fine. They delivered him on Sunday at 7:00 AM. He is gorgeous! I am planning on riding him on Saturday.
Karen in NM


Hidde - SOLD Friesian Hidde - Sold Congrats to Beth in Colorado on this Nice Boy!!
Hi Janna,
Van (formerly Hidde) is getting used to life in Colorado. He is certainly the most affectionate and people oriented horse I have ever seen. When he hears Karen or me, he is right over to the pasture gate, looking for some attention.We gave him a couple of weeks to get used to the altitude and new environment, and Karen just got him going with some light training last week. He learns fast and is very willing. Thanks, Janna, for all your help, and special thanks to Kathrin who was tireless in showing us horses and answering all kinds of questions. I'm hoping there will be a second BSF horse in my future!
Beth in CO

Hi Janna,
I love watching the horses on your site, seeing where the ones I met are going, as well as looking at the new ones. Wow! At any rate, here's the news from Boulder. Van(aka. Hidde) is coming along beautifully. He is a gorgeous mover and Karen loves working with him. Many thanks for your help and hospitality, and good luck with the upcoming shows.


1 year later...........................................................................
Hi Janna,
Van/Hidde is just terrific. Karen told me that he is currently the #1 ranked Friesian at training level in the USDF rankings. Things can change, but he will certainly finish his first show season in good form.

Beth in CO


Camilla - SOLD Friesian Camilla - Sold Congrats to Patty in Montana on her 2nd Friesian from BSF:)


Camilla has arrived safe and sound. Thank you both for helping me acquire this beautiful mare and taking care of her before she arrived at our home. Between her and Pedro – at a distance, I can’t tell who is who! Janna – I think I will keep calling her Camilla, but Cammie for short. My daughter had a fit when I told her I wanted to change her barn name to Tessa. Claims that is what she wants to name her daughter – whenever she does have a daughter – and doesn’t want the baby named after a horse. If you are ever in North West Montana, we have plenty of room for guests. Enjoy your summer.

We are off to visit with Pat Parelli next week for a two week course. Too bad I didn’t have Cammie earlier. She and Pedro would have been quite impressive arriving together!

Patricia in Kalispell, MT

Congrats to Patty and Camilla's 1st Premie and GRAND CHAMPION colt!!!!


Elan - SOLD Friesian Elan - Sold Congrats to Amity and Stephan

Hello Janna!
Elan is a dream come true! I have only had him for one week, and I already feel like I have known him forever. He is so gentle, sweet, kind, willing and of course, incredibly beautiful. He is absolutely perfect! I am grateful to you Janna, and Ron, for your vision of bringing these magnificent animals to all of us who want to see our dreams come alive. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!
Amity, Stephan and family

Hi Janna,
Elan is doing great, such a fun, gentle puppy dog. He is SO easy going. :)

Hi Janna!
I am so sorry to have missed you at the Santa Barbara show. I did come by your barn, but you guys had "closed shop" for the afternoon. I DID hear a play by play of the western class that my friend was able to see. I could just picture the beautiful (and famous) Black Sterling doing his stuff and how incredible the two of you looked together! I finally was able to catch the video online and could see the connection between you and your baby Sterling. You guys are simply stunning together. I am so bummed that I missed that class!! Congratulations on a great show!! I am looking forward to next year!! Hopefully Elan and I will be there doing something---I am not sure at the moment the exact direction we are going. Right now we are doing simple and fun trail rides. He LOVES the beach! And my husband and I recently took him and another horse wine tasting (we drank the wine, the horses being the "designated drivers" had to carry us back!). It was a blast. He is such a cool horse.... Congratulations again!!

Elan and I are having so much fun---we do a little arena work to rate his gaits and then we head for the trails. He is turning out to be an awesome trail horse! I love him!!!!
Thank you!

1 year later
Hi Janna!!
We are having a great time! He is so forward moving and intelligent and picks up new cues very easily. We just came back from Santa Barbara this weekend, and found that the local newspaper had done an article on Elan as "Horse of the Month" with one of the photos of myself and my daughter sitting on him. Pretty cool!!


Records 841 to 855 of 1063

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  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.