
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 856 to 870 of 1063
Lorenzo - SOLD Friesian Lorenzo - Sold Congrats to Wendy in Iowa!!
I wanted to let you know that Lorenzo is doing great.  He has a great disposition.  He is just what I wanted and I am going to have a great time with him. I have a "saddlebred" friend who may come to visit you in August now that she has heard about Lorenzo. Thanks so much for your help and info.

Lorenzo is great! I rode him again this morning and I just love him!

Janna, Lorenzo is doing great. I am really happy with him. He makes me smile every day.

Janna, Lorenzo's mane has gotten extremely long. Also, my friend "trainer" that I keep my horses with was looking some "old" info up in an Iowa Horse Show News Magazine... She found 2 pictures of interest, me on my first gaited horse and a picture of you with a gray equitation horse. I can not remember exact dates..around 1980!
Lorenzo is doing great. Great disposition and personality.

1 Year later..................................
He is doing great. I love his personality. When he is at a horse show he goes to the front of the stall to visit any and everyone who stops to look at him.
He was in the Lexington issue of the National Horseman.
It was the write up for the Springfield, MO Junior League Charity Horse Show. We are having lots of fun.  This is Lorenzo & I at the last show of the season. I wish we always looked this good!
Wendy in Iowa


Lydia - SOLD Friesian Lydia - Sold Congrats to Joy and Family in Arkansas:)

Hi Janna,

We are so proud of our horses, Lydia the mare, is an absolute jewel, Erin has really taken up with her , she has really bonded with her. We are so anxious for the baby. Vet check said all was good. We took her to a Parelli clinic last weekend, and the two of them did awesome. Cesear, one of the geldings, rides nice. Milan is just an awesome horse. Thanks again for being so helpful with our endevors and we are certainly enjoying our horses.

Thanks again

Joy in Arkansas


Caesar - SOLD Friesian Caesar - Sold Congrats to Joy in Arkansas on her 2nd Friesian from BSF!
Hi Janna,
We have just unloaded our 2 Freisians. Wow what beauty's. They arrived safe and sound after several long days on the road. They settled down real fast, and when we left the stables they were eating, drinking and playing in the paddocks. We are certainly anxious to go out tomorrow and play with them. Thank you so much for all your help. Everyone thought I was nut's for buying horses on the "net", sight unseen. But I had a real good feeling about it all, and you certainly didn't disappoint us. Anna in New York was a jewel in explaining everything and helping calm fears. Thanks again and we are anxiously awaiting Lydia, who will be here friday.
Thanks again
Joy in Arkansas


Lieske - SOLD Friesian Lieske - Sold Congrats to Chris and Mel in Ontario, Canada on their 2nd Friesian from BSF!!!


Jagoro - SOLD Friesian Jagoro - Sold Congrats to Catherine

Dear Janna,
Thank you for your patience and professionalism....we are thrilled to finally be purchasing one of your beautiful friesians.
Warm Regards,
Catherine and Victor

Hi Janna,
Just wanted you to know all is well. We re-named Jagoro 'Cadenza,' which was the big black stallion from my youthful daydreams so long ago. Just wanted to reaffirm that we are thrilled with him, and although we are now totally broke for the moment, we are still visiting your website daily of course, keeping our eye out for the next 1st premie colt. Hopefully he'll show up in a few months, when we've been able to save up again...and maybe even be the same age? ;)

1 year later.......................................
Hi Janna, All is great with both boys - Jagoro (now 2) and Taike (now 1). We bought both from you last year. They are now Cadenza and Nico. Nico is so much fun- he is an unbelievable clown. He's the only horse we've ever seen actually use those rubber balls, and he gallops around the pasture with his literally for hours every day and during the night too, obsessed. Victor wants to eventually train Nico (Nico is his horse) as the first-ever serious endurance Friesian...really! I've never seen so much energy, even in an arab.
Cadenza (Jagoro), the first one, is beautiful, and still moves super, and is stunning. He will excell in dressage. He has a super canter, even compared to the best warmbloods.
On a personal note, I've gotten back into dressage seriously after the 20-year absence (competed successfully at FEI back east long ago), and am training in a professionals group with our local Olympian Charlotte Bredahl Baker.
And thanks to you for having me up at your barn a few times last year, getting my feet wet again.... Looking forward to riding these beautiful boys in the future.
I still visit your sale page weekly, and look at every new horse. One of these days, we'll be buying from you again.


Edward Kyzom - SOLD Friesian Edward Kyzom - Sold Congrats to Patricia in Kansas City!!!

Hi Janna,
The pictures did not do him justice! He is gorgeous. Everyone here admires him and he is sweet as can be and easy to work with. I was out walking him yesterday and a passerby by commented that it doesn't get any prettier than this. Thanks for everything.

Hi Janna,
Just wanted to let you know I adore Edward. Not a day goes by that someone doesn't tell me how handsome he is and how lucky I am. Thanks for everything,
Dr Patricia Jones MD in MO.

1 year later............................
Hi Janna,
Edward is just wonderful. He is the rock star of the barn. Every one raves about how handsome he is. One of the barns at Saddle and Sirloin was being remodeled and one of the construction workers saw us walking by and asked if Edward had ever been in the movies since he was so impressive. The grandchildren and children of the other boarders are disappointed if their parents don't bring enough treats to feed Edward.
Thanks again for my sweet boy.
Patricia in MO


Sara - SOLD Friesian Sara - Sold Sold to Ill

Congrats to Wendy in Ill on her 2nd Friesian from BSF!!

Hi Janna, I had a great time looking at your horses and they were in great order. They were the quality that I was looking for!! We will definitely be doing future business together.
Wendy in Ill


Sara has just been awarded the Star status and Mare champion at her Keuring competition in September. We expect her son to be just as stunning!! We are so excited to have this fine mare as a producer at our stable. She is a Beautiful Jurjen daughter showing the destinct heritage of her sire in an impeccably quiet and cooperative disposition.

From AJ Bruwer Stables [American Saddlebred trainers]


Wiebren - SOLD Friesian Wiebren - Sold Wiebren Is On His Way to Massachusetts for Randa!

Dear Janna,

Wiebren arrived last Thursday while Mike and I were in the Grand Cayman on a business trip. I got to see him on Sunday and he seems to be adjusting well to his new home! I am very lucky to have found an extremely experienced dressage trainer to work with me and Wiebren. I really enjoyed visiting your facility and am looking forward to many wonderful years with Wiebren.
Randa in Mass

3 months later................................................
Dear Janna,
Wiebren is doing great!! He is a great fit for me. He is calm out on the trails but when he gets in the show ring he is all business. He has been a great teaching horse. My trainer really enjoys working with Wiebren. He is a wonderful addition to our family. I hope that you are well and business is great.

Randa in Mass


Dubari - SOLD Friesian Dubari - Sold Sheila and Terry's 2nd Friesian From BSF, to be their Friesian Ambassador in Canada!

Hi Janna:

What are you going to do for an encore!!! Dubari stepped off the trailer, his silky, black coat glistening in the sunshine - I gasped!! He is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! What kind, thoughtful person braided his VERY long, thick, luxurious mane? What a handsome face, unbelievable tail and SUCH an ELEGANT walk!!! Could he possibly be a pussy cat too? We will see! When he walked into his stall, he looked around, checking out everything, and then fell to the floor and rolled and groaned in pleasure – then he stood up, COVERED from head to foot in shavings, BUT that obviously felt SO good!!!

Kind regards and MANY THANKS, JANNA.

Sheila in Canada


Vivaldi - SOLD Friesian Vivaldi - Sold Congrats to Nancy in Danville on this SPECIAL Boy!
Hi Janna,

I've renamed Vivaldi, Zeus. We are doing great together. He has been in training with Nellie Martin-Giles and is really turning into a very nice, talented dressage horse. She is currently schooling him in flying changes. He is very smart and likes to learn new things. He has a very sweet personality and is a favorite at the barn. He loves being around other horses so a big busy barn is a great place for him.

He has been very healthy and happy, no problems.

Nancy in Danville


Wilco BSF - SOLD Friesian Wilco BSF - Sold This BIG Pretty Boy Is Going to PAM in Maryland

Wilco arrived safely. Sorry I didn’t let you know sooner – I was busy adoring him! He is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I didn’t want to leave the barn. I asked the barn owner if I could take the stall next to him! He is absolutely beautiful!  The drivers stated he was the most loving and affectionate boy they’ve had in awhile! They said “You did good” so far as my pick! Thanks for EVERYTHING!
I rode my Big beautiful boy the first time last night with my instructor present. BOY IS HE WONDERFUL! He is such a SWEET, SWEET BOY! We had two wonderful hours in the ring. One hour with me and one hour with my instructor! He was a gentleman the ENTIRE time! HE IS ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING YOU SAID HE IS! THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! My instructor told me that he is an excellent match for me and that he is worth his weight in gold! Thanks, again! I am in love with my new boy! My husband is a little jealous but he will get over it! LOL!
Here my big beautiful boy, Wilco! And of course me! I love him more everyday! He is wonderfully giving and kind and will do anything to please me. He watches out for me and if it doesn’t feel right, he doesn’t do it! He is just wonderful and I thank you so much for finding the right guy for me! We were made for each other! What a beautiful mover he is! His canter is a rocking horse dream! I am sending anyone and everyone to you when I hear they are looking for a horse! Thanks again – I love him very much and thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Update...It's been a long time!  I purchased Wilco from you a couple of years ago.Wilco is moving along nicely.  I love him dearly!
Update 3 years later...It is me again, Wilco's owner... he is doing great.  Love him more than ever!  He is the sweetest big boy! I truly love him!!! He will be with me until I die or he dies!
4 years later...
He is the love of  my life.  I love him more than anyone could ever love an animal.  I have been through 2 years of hell and he has gotten me through it all.  If it had not been for the companionship and love for this beautiful gorgeous horse, I don't think I would have gotten through the past 2 years.   He has been fabulous.  I am going to continue riding him just as I always have and loving him even more because he is so special, kind and loving!
Pam and of course Wil in  Maryland


Tiffany - SOLD Friesian Tiffany - Sold Congrats to Tassie in NY on This Special, & Pregnant, Ster Mare!!
Tiffany arrived in great condition on Thursday morning. She looks great and is eating and drinking well. I am very pleased with her. She is quite a bit bigger (all around) than April was, which is great as I was looking for a larger mare. It is sometimes difficult to judge sizing through video and pictures. Overall, I am very pleased with her and with my purchasing experience with you. I will definitely be in touch with you again, Janna, for another purchase in the future. Enjoy-
Tassie in NY


Tirza - SOLD Friesian Tirza - Sold Congrats to Jean in Florida!
Janna -
Tirza arrived safe and sound. Everyone is amazed at how gorgeous she is and what a beautiful mover she is. She is such a loveable horse. She runs right over to me in the paddock and just loves all the attention she can get. My trainer keeps telling me how smart she is. Thank you for everything. You made the whole processs so easy. Every one in the barn says she is definetly the "coolest" horse and they are braiding their horses tails hoping when they take the braids out they will look like a friesian! Thanks again for this magnificient horse. I look forward to my next BSF friesian beauty.
Jean in FLA
Update May 30
Janna -
The day after these shots were taken Skyler wore her riding clothes and trotted Tirza all around, even over a crossrail. Tirza seemed to know she had a kid on her back and was a dream. Skyler also cantered her, but since it was her first time and I am a neurotic mother, I would only let her canter her on a lunge line. Thank you again for promoting this splendid breed of gorgeous fairytale horses in the USA. You're the best!
Jean in FLA


Waling M. - SOLD Friesian Waling M. - Sold Congrats to Linda in IN!

Waling (Wally) is the most wonderful guy I have ever met. He is like a gigantic puppy dog. He is settling in very well. He already knows his own stall and, of course, when it is feeding time. Today he was measured for his bridle and the saddle fitter is coming in the next few days. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I own a Friesian and I sure am happy that I picked Wally. I think he and I are going to be an unbeatable pair! Thanks so much.

1 month later..............
Wally is just as sweet as can be. He is doing well adjusting and today I discovered that he loves Kettle Popcorn. Now I'll have to hide it from him, ha-ha. I am looking forward to a lot of wonderful years with him.
Thank you!!!!

Linda in Fla


Stella - SOLD Friesian Stella - Sold Congrats to Joe in Virginia on this Special and PREGNANT Friesian Mare!


Stella got here 11pm last night...very sweet.

I got to see her in the daylight today, she's beautiful.

Thanks so much. My kids love her already.

Joe in Virg


Records 856 to 870 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.