
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 871 to 885 of 1063
Mirage - SOLD Friesian Mirage - Sold Former National Saddleseat Champion, Diane Caldemeyer, Chose Mirage to Join Her Family in Montana


I have to tell you that after I got off of Grand Time for the last time I never thought that another horse would pull at the heartstrings quite so hard.

Not only is Mirage amazing to ride, but he is a master teaching my seven year old how to ride. They have clicked amazingly and it is wonderful to watch her progress each time she rides.
As you predicted, the folks at the barn have welcomed him with open arms. He is a great keeper and has the eternal "cute" look that earns him lots of carrots! All in all, I can honestly say that he was the perfect choice for our family. My three year old sons begs to go to the barn to play with Mirage and ride him while we cool him out after my daughter's lessons.

Thank you for helping us find him!

Update...  Well, we are finally settled in Montana with the entire brood. The horses are in heaven in the cold weather! Mirage and Della are doing fantastic. Mirage and Alexis (our 10 yr old) are having a blast. We still have Warlock, Della's first colt out of Monte. He is going on two at the end of March. He is going to be something pretty special so he is still intact. I never had the heart to sell him although we had many inquiries. It is fun to watch him grow and mature. I can not thank you enough for introducing us to Mirage. I said it before, but I never thought that I could love a horse as much as Grand Time. The bonus is that my kids could never have enjoyed GT as much as they have Mirage!   Hard to believe that we will have 7 Friesians after the babies are born! Not to mention that Alexis wants to start showing soon!  Look what you started! THANK YOU!

Diane Caldemeyer-Reid in Montana


Fendi - SOLD Friesian Fendi - Sold Congrats to Tracy and Landy

Thank you, thank you, thank you for making this so easy for me!
Fendi got here late Friday night. He was quite sweet and allowed me to brush him out and get the tangles out of his beautiful mane. I braided it up for him so he could fit in with the other kids. Later he got a bath as he was a mess from the rain (We got so many compliments! Everyone just loves him!) He got a visit from the vet and we did a full check up and x-ray along with blood tests and started all his vaccinations. So far everything looks great. He is doing great. He was a real gentleman for the vet and I just love spending time with him in the mornings. Tracy goes in the late afternoon and hangs with him as well. We are in love with Fendi. Tracy and I feel Fendi is a life long commitment and are happy to make sure he has a long healthy and happy life with us. I will email you pictures soon .
5 months later..................

We have been washing and conditioning his hair weekly and keeping it in mane bags and it is amazing to see how much his hair has grown! He is definitely pampered! He had his 1st horse show experience this Sunday thru the ETI convection at LAEC. Placed 5th out of 12 his first time around . He is a pleasure and very affectionate and I do count my blessing that he is as sweet as he is! His personality has been wonderful. We will be showing Fendi at the Cool August Nights show at LAEC. Let me know about Pomona as I think the more experience for him the better. I adore Fendi and feel that he has brought a sense of peace in my life that was not there before. I enjoy grooming him as I do riding him. He is always a pleasure and is always so eager to please. I am sure he will only get better with age and am so happy that our trainer Lauren has been there from day 1 to guide us. Not only has the trainer commented how happy she is with Fendi's personality and behavior, the groomsmen as well states what a gentleman he is and how he is never an ounce of trouble. Again, Fendi is wonderful and I am overjoyed with him.
1 1/2 years later...
Fendi is doing FANTASTIC!  Fendi has become my ultimate dream horse . Anytime (my friends) need a break from their own horses it is Fendi to the rescue! I completely love him and could not feel luckier. Fendi has such a loving disposition and I always feel so safe with him. He does wonderful on the trails as well.


Gabriel - SOLD Friesian Gabriel - Sold 2nd Stallion from BSF Going to Andi and Karen

Gabriel is doing wonderfully. Karen has ridden him multiple times now doing some arena exercises and on trail (weather permitting) and he is just spectacular!! All try and so steady, what more could we ask for! He's such a sweet boy, you'd never know (other than his amazingly handsome good looks and abundance of presence) he's a stallion. *Gerben wanted to tell you he likes him too!* The two stallions (AKA Traffic Stoppers) ride side by side on trail like old buddies, Gerben giving his new young friend all the confidence in the world. They definitly DO NOT exhibite the agressive and sometimes violent behavior of other breeds of stallions... Janna, you sure have a knack at picking the the best temperaments in the equine world, not to mention some handsome, ridable horses to boot! "THANKS"
again and again!
PS, We owe you a bottle of wine or TWO as a THANK YOU!! :)

Hey Janna,
We drove Gabriel yesterday around the vineyard and practiced a few things in our covered arena, he's a FANTASTIC horse. We took 2 clinic lessons a few weeks ago with Marsoe LaRose and he commented on the beautiful conformation & movement of both horses. Gabriel especially has talent for combined driving, beautiful dressage movement with the athletic ability that is required for the sport. He's is like driving a Porche, very driver friendly with lots of POWER and stamina!
Gerben is doing great as well. I do LOVE that silly horse!! He has felt quite handsome since being awarded Ster last fall @ 12 years old!! Pretty BIG accomplishment! We couldn't have asked for two nicer horses/ STER stallions!! Thanks!


Saar - SOLD Friesian Saar - Sold Rebecca in New Mexico will SOON be Enjoying This Dressage Mare!
Saar has finally arrived!! She was a couple of days late getting here as there was so much snow in Colorado Springs at the CEM quarantine. She's lovely and quite elegant and regal. Our geldings are out of their minds with joy at the sight of her. She arrived just as it was getting dark, so there wasn't much time for anything other than a little nose touching--but the geldings are running around like fools and she's nonplused, acting as if that's how it should be. Everyone who has handled her has commented on how nice she is--as well as how beautiful she is! And she is. We're very excited to get to know her and to start riding her. Thanks for your help.
Rebecca in NM

Hi Janna,
Saar is settling in. You can now start see the level of her training and is she fun to ride!! It's sort of like being on a fabulous cruiser--her gaits are sooo smooth. My dressage instructor flipped over her canter. She says it's the best she has ever ridden. And we were very happy about how forward she is--that was a nice surprise. I can see I'm going to have a blast with her. A picture is forth coming.
Thanks again,

1 year later....
Hi Janna,
She is a very forward horse--which is great-- she has a great canter for a Friesian (she comes under herself) and she really does know how to come up to the bit. I'm really having fun with her and we have made huge progress. She was really trained to the seat, and it has taught me a lot. She goes so much better when I do very little with my hands. It has helped me with my warmblood too, because my hands are much more quiet. ...she is beautiful, and she is very loving. And we're having fun. She's also good on the trail.
Rebecca in NM


Geartsje fan de Koaten - SOLD Friesian Geartsje fan de Koaten - Sold Congrats to Corey and Denise

Gearstje [re-named Avanti ]is a great, sweet horse!
Denise and Corey

Geartsje [Avanti] foaled.... We LOVE him. He's got a great personality, as does Avanti - very sweet (even the trainer and vets agree that he'll be a great horse, and that Avanti is also wonderful). She's a good mom, but lets us be around. And, Avanti was very patient with a group of 14 girl scouts who visited last week to get their "horse fan" badge. She's not crazy about having her face petted, but let each of those girls do it while we took pictures.

Avanti {Geartsje}, the now 5 year old mare who we got from you almost a year ago this month, is a sweet, smart and healthy big girl who gave birth to "Splash," a healthy colt with a great temperament ("Splash", who is about as tall as a small barn!). Splash LOVES people, like Avanti, and we are crazy about both of them.


Estee' - SOLD Friesian Estee' - Sold On Her Way to CANADA for Amanda!!!!!!!!!!
Thought you might like to know that Estee is home. She's doing great. I think she's settling in quite nicely.
Amanda in Canada


Foppe fan Ramonahiem - SOLD Friesian Foppe fan Ramonahiem - Sold Melanie is NJ is Foppe's Lucky New Owner!!!

Thank you so much for Foppe, he is a dream come true. When they first brought him around the corner at quarantine I was speechless. He is beautiful and his movement is simply charming.

Foppe is friendly, kind and moves with great power and grace. Randy is 6' and Foppe gently placed his head over his shoulder. It's hard to believe how quickly he has taken my heart. Thank you again.

Melanie in NJ


Diemer - SOLD Friesian Diemer - Sold Going to Lisa i

Just a quick note to let you know how much we are enjoying Diemer. He is such a doll. He is becoming everyone’s favorite horse to ride due to his excellent attitude and ability to learn so quickly.
Thanks again


Sjimmy - SOLD Friesian Sjimmy - Sold Congrats to Jan on her 2nd friesian from BSF:)

Aremus ( aka SJimmy), is such a pleasure. We ride him almost every day. He is so responsive and loves to please anyone that gets on him. My trainer feels he is the perfect “family horse” and agrees that you did a perfect job choosing him for us. He is an exceptionally beautiful boy. Jouke is a big teddy bear. He is progressing beautifully and is almost ready to go to his first Level 1 dressage show. I rode him for the first time last week and he has an incredible floating trot that is a pleasure to ride. In the morning he will actually stay lying down and let me sit next to him and rub his neck. The other riders in the stable can’t believe how trusting and affectionate he is. I hope the next time it happens, someone is around to take a picture – you will not believe your eyes. He and Aremus are now turned out together since they seem to really enjoy each others company. They act like “old friends”.
Hope all is well. I can’t wait to send you pictures from our first show ! Take care,
Update May 1st, 2006
Sjimmy has turned into the perfect horse for us. He is so affectionate and willing to please. He seems to really love his new life and is looking more beautiful every day. We could not be happier. Jouke is also an exceptional horse. He has been in full training for the past 5 months and is looking fantastic. He is the love of the barn and a number of trainers have indicated he has "the full package". When he an Sjimmy are in the ring together, you can see he has extraordinary movement and flash.
Take care,


Romke - SOLD Friesian Romke - Sold Congrats to Georgia in Reno on her 2nd friesian from BSF
Hi Janna,
I really wanted to thank you so much for Azul and Romke. I cant wait to see you at a show, it will be so much fun.
Georgia in Reno

1 year later.......................

Hi Janna,
How are you and all the wonderful horses doing? We have been very busy... we have 7 foals on the ground this year and everyone is healthy and happy. We have 2 fillys from Azul. Azul is doing great. I started riding him and am so excited!!!! He is SOOO much fun to ride especially his canter. I have never had a horse that I could ride that was as talented as him. We hopefully will start showing together in the early spring next year.
We are going to St Louis for Nationals in Oct and I plan on taking 3 horses this year. Azul, Romke and my Friesian X Saddlebred Cross Mare that I have. I am really excited to take them :) We are going to be at the Hot August Nights Show in LA the end of this month.
Until then take care and hope to see you at nationals.
Georgia in Reno


Azul - SOLD Friesian Azul - Sold Georgia in NV will be taking this Oege-Pref son for Approval!!
Hi Janna,
Hope you, your family and all your fabulous horses are having a great spring weekend? Azul is doing great, he fits in perfectly! I haven't had a single problem with him and my trainer Amanda is so excited about him, she really gives him the royal treatment which he loves. He did really well the first show which was Rancho Murieta. He will be at the new starr Vaughn facility in Rancho Murieta for the next dressage show which will be mothers day weekend. I am so excited. I can't wait to show him off again, I love how much attention he brings to my barn.
Azul is a dream, I love him so much, his personality is so great and his ability/presence impress everyone who meets him. All of my clients love him and some are even thinking about buying Friesian dressage horses instead of their warmbloods! That really says a lot, especially coming from a show barn full of riders who prefer warmbloods over everything else. Thanks Again for Azul and I look forward to possibly buying a mare from you in the future.

Hi Janna
It was great seeing you guys at the IFSHA Nationals, we really enjoyed our first Friesian show!
Azul's placings:
Champion Dressage Hack
3rd place -Third level dressage
Top five Hunter Pleasure
Top Five English Hack
And of course who could forget BOB (in the costume class)! I have shown a lot of stallions, but I never thought I would have one who's wonderful temperament would allow us to dress him up as a Rastafarian! No matter what we ask of Azul he is always ready to please!

Amanda in NV and everyone at Life's High Design Sporthorses

Hi Janna,
Just thought you would like to see Azuls First Foal.... She was born on the 8th of May. Isn't she SOOOO CUTE, Thanks again for my Azul, I cant tell you how happy I am!


Rens - SOLD Friesian Rens - Sold Congrats to Jennifer in Arizona, New Owner of Rens!

Wow, what a beautiful horse!

He is extremely well mannered and has a great temperment.


I have been helping Jen work with him and I love him!


Martin in Ariz


Melia' - SOLD Friesian Melia' - Sold Congrats to Rob in NJ on his 3rd Friesian from BSF!

My new mare is here, safe, sound and drop dead gorgeous!!!!!!!! They should all look, behave and perform like this mare. I can not say enough good things about her.... She is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT!!!! Wheeew, I can hardly wait to do some serious work with her and from her pedigree and the stud she is bred to's pedigree, i think this foal may just be a "keeper"....Ill send you some pics as soon as this crap weather here in NJ warms up. Thanks again for my 3rd (and probably going to be my favorite) Friesian from you guys @ BSF...
... and thanks  for some of the most awesome animals I have ever had the pleasure of owning!

Update 2 years later...
just saying Hi. and letting you know how glad i am that i got in contact with you years ago.  every single day i'm out working with my horses (from you) i think of you at least once....Good Job Janna!

Rob Burke, DVM in NJ


Cleo van het Binnenveld - SOLD Friesian Cleo van het Binnenveld - Sold Congrats to Linda and Zoe in Indiana!!!

Cleo has arrived safe and sound and is doing great. I am amazed at how well she is adjusting. She is so calm and has such a sweet disposition. She loves Zoe and is very curious about such a small person. She is due in about a week and we can't wait to see her beautiful Ludse foal. I can tell she will be a great companion and we are looking forward to the day when we can ride those trails in the Lowcountry of South Carolina. Thanks for such a beautiful mare.

Just wanted to let you know that Cleo had a baby boy on March 27! He's a cutie and very sweet. Cleo is a very protective Mom although she was great with me, Zoe and George in the stall. So I feel honored.

1 year later..........................

Hi Janna,
Cleo had a lovely filly by Winand in June. I bred here back to Teade and she caught first shipment just like last year.

Just wanted to let you know that we went to the inspection in Clemson, SC yesterday and Cleo got her Ster designation!!! She would have made 1st premie if we would have been able to get her in better shape.  Little Ysis also got 2nd premie and we were happy. They were both so calm and well behaved everyone was commenting on them. We had them out most of the morning before they were judged and they were very patient. Linda, George and Zoe in S.C.



Geeske - SOLD Friesian Geeske - Sold

Geeske arrived safe and sound!! The pictures did not do her justice, she is stunning!! Everything you said and much more! A perfect lady when she unloaded off the trailer. She settled in very well and Olympia was very interested in her. I feel they will soon be good friends :) My lucky trainer even saw the baby kicking!! Active little thing. Everyone was just standing there saying "wow". I will send you some pics when I get them downloaded.
Thank you again!! She is wonderful!!!!

Geeske had a beautiful filly early Monday morning. Mamma and baby are doing great. We couldn’t be happier!!

Geeske is doing wonderfully!! What a love. My daughter named the filly Venus. She is going to be one big girl, very strong and beautiful.

Geeske and Venus are doing wonderfully! Venus is turning out to be a really fantastic little girl. I hope things are going well for you. I tried to make it down for the horse show at Del Mar last month to see you compete but we had to be out of town.

 I am attaching a picture of Geeske...the mare I bought from you last year...and Venus (now 18 months old).  They are both doing wonderfully.


Records 871 to 885 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.