
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 886 to 900 of 1063
Odette - SOLD Friesian Odette - Sold Congrats to Sheila and Terri in BC, Canada!!

Hi Janna:
Odette arrived today. She stepped off the trailer, and OH MY!!! What a REGAL horse!!! ODETTE IS GORGEOUS!!!! SWEET!!!! KIND!!!!! WHAT A LOVELY GIRL SHE IS!!!
Who would have thought, I would buy a horse sight unseen from someone I did not know at the time?  I received GREAT service before, during and after purchase. Everyone, along the way, really liked Odette, especially Jeannie, at the CEM Quarantine, who took great care of Odette. Dalton, at Horseco Horse Transport, did a wonderful job hauling her to Canada and was pleased she was such a joy to load and haul. THANKS JANNA
Thank you so much for everything!!!! Odette is settling in really well and is getting used to her new environment and family. The vet and farrier REALLY like her. Everyone in the family loves to watch her trot. Odette is very people oriented as opposed to horse oriented. If I am around, she will always be close to where I am. I love watching the baby move in her tummy.
I thought you might like to have this picture of ‘us’. Odette is such a sweet girl! She loves our daily time together and her big, kind, soft brown eyes would melt anyone’s heart. She is sooooo pretty! She is very much loved and seems to be very content. THANKS AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR HELP, Janna.
1 year later...
Verdi [Odette's foal] has grown so much, I can't believe how big he is, and what a little angel! Odey is a gorgeous and good mom.
....we have gone from total skeptism.... to where our trainer is literally EXCITED about what the Friesians can do. She also LOVES the attention they get and the fact that even her peers comment positively now, which apparently they don’t generally do. There have been a lot of very good comments from the judges on the test results, and this too has helped.
The other thing is that all our Friesians are more ‘sporthorse’ in build, and dressed for dressage, they are EXTREMELY elegant, not to mention that THANKS to you, they are Friesians of quality, and this literally shines through.
Sheila in Canada


Petra BSF - SOLD Friesian Petra BSF - Sold Congrats to Allie in Reno on her 2nd Friesian from BSF!

Congrats to Allie in Reno on her 2nd Friesian from BSF!

Hey Janna,
When she walked out of the trailer I couldn't believe how beautiful she was. She really may be the prettiest friesian I have ever seen. She almost looks like a stallion. I let her run around the arena to blow off some energy, she can move and with beautiful form. I just hope I can ride her, and she is as sweet as Harmen. I'll let you know how everything goes the next couple of weeks. Thanks again....You were right, she is soooooo gorgeous.

Dear Janna,
Oh my goodness....Petra is wonderful under saddle. Her trot is like an easy glider, and her canter comes right off the leg like a warmblood. I am so excited to have such a fantastic horse, and you know how nervous I was about buying a horse without riding her first but you did an excellent job once again. I can not thank you enough for getting not one, but two outstanding Friesians for our family. Even my husband is excited about Petra, and you know how horses are really not his thing. Thank you Thank you Thank you.....
I will be sending photos soon ..
Allie in Reno

Dear Janna,
I can not believe what a fantastic FIRST SHOW I had on Petra!!!!!!!!!! Not only was it my first ever dressage show, but it was mine and Petra's first show together, and oh my goodness can this horse bring it home. I scored a 66.818 on my first test, and a 64.512 the second test. We managed to take home not one, but two blue ribbons..... I still can not thank you enough for this beautiful, talented mare that I had never ever seen prior to purchasing . You were the only one who got to see her in Holland, and promised me she would be perfect,and she was and is..... If any of your perspective clients that are concerned about purchasing a horse from you without seeing or riding them first,just show them Petra's dressage scores and let them know from me you are the best when it comes to picking out talented Friesians.
Thank you Thank you Thank you for Petra...


Reeba - SOLD Friesian Reeba - Sold Congrats to Michelle in Illinois!
Hi Janna
Beautiful (Reeba) Magic is so big and beautiful and moves like a glider Everyone that sees magic thinks she is so beautiful. Maybe she should be in a show. We love her so much. Thank you Janna for a beautiful beautiful baby.
For buying over the internet you truly are an honest person. And you do know what you are doing.
Thank You
Sharon and Michelle and beautiful Magic in Illinois


Manolo - SOLD Friesian Manolo - Sold Congrats to Susan in Boca, Florida!!!!!!!!!!
Hello Jenna,
This is Susan from Boca Raton Florida. I love Tsjalke [Manolo] and so does everybody at the barn. He is everything you said he was. I will send you a picture. I tell everyone to look at your web, you are very honest!
Thank You,


Dehlila - SOLD Friesian Dehlila - Sold This Darling is Soon to Be in Tulsa, OK, for Suzette!
Hi Jana,
I just wanted to let you know Dehlila arrived via Bob Hubbard transportation early Sunday morning in great shape. Those drivers made great time, so my filly wasn't in transit all that long. I'd recommend them to anyone.
Dehlila is with my 2 year old filly and my 6 year old mare, finding out she really isn't the boss of the world!
Suzette in OK


Sieke - SOLD Friesian Sieke - Sold

Seike will not be my only Friesian......I am in for a very long journey into this world & can't wait to see where it takes me (I'm already trying to crunch the numbers to see where I need to be to buy another one). For fear of crossing the line, let me just say that some people are professionals through & through (YOU) & some never quite make it to that level. Competition can bring out the best and the worst of people...
Thank YOU again,

6 month later...
Just wanted to let you know that Seike is doing great! She has such a playful personality & is the sweetest thing. She has grown sooo much. She is such a beautiful creature - we spend hours watching her play!  I can't wait until I can buy another!
I know you and your entourage did well at the show!! Your horses are quality performance horses! I take Seike to our shows when I have room in my trailer & always pur her out at liberty in the arena after the show. She draws quite a bit of attention & as a result I have had inquiries about where I purchased her. Seike is such a great filly. She is comes when I call & follows me around like a puppy. She tolerates everything I do to her.
I can't wait to buy another:) Thank you,


Van Gogh - SOLD Friesian Van Gogh - Sold Van Gogh is on his Way to Christianna:)

I want to write a letter thanking you for our experience at your farm. I didn't want to leave. It was picture perfect. I was especially impressed with your trainer Karlein. She was a huge factor in me purchasing Van Gogh. Not only was she extremely knowledgable about the horses, but also very willing to take time with me and help me in areas I lacked ... which was a lot. She has a huge heart and really made an impact on my family and me. I made an amazing friend while I was there. It was truly an amazing experience, and brought me so much joy. I'm so relieved and happy that I was able to take van gogh home with me. I feel it is such a priveledge to have him.
I hope we can do it all again sometime. I will send you some photos of van gogh and me when he gets here and write you a testimonial. Although, with 140, I doubt you need mine, but I would like people to know what a great experience it was and what a truly amazing horse I came home with.
Thanks again Janna!!!
love christianna


TAURUS - SOLD Friesian TAURUS - Sold Congrats to Kelly, and especially her husband, in Nevada:)

Just a little note to let you know that Taurus is doing wonderful. What a sweetheart. Thanks so much for the help. I will be in touch with you,
P.S. Our whole horse community just loves Taurus. I can't wait to get him to some shows. Thanks again,......He is my husband's pride and joy, His show Golden Palomino Morgan Stallion has now taken backseat to Taurus!
Boy has he grown, and what a beautiful stallion he is. I will send you some pictures of him....you'd be so pleased.
What a kind and wonderful disposition he has. I have had a lot of people inquire as to where I picked Taurus up from....I love to show them your website and tell them about the beautiful horses that you import.
Thanks again for the help, and hopefully we will get to meet in person...maybe when I purchase a mare.
Thank you Janna for being so gracious. You have been a world of help to me. I will recommend you to all that are interested with the breed because of your honesty and the quality of horses that you import. Thanks again for everything.

1 year later...........................................................
I just love our boy. I measured him last week and he is already at 16 hands! He is so smart. We have done all of his groundwork and I have been on his back lightly working him..... WOW! I have referred you to several of my friends. I hope that I can do business with you again.....possibly a mare in foal.
Thanks again for your friendship and staying in touch. Keep up the good work!

Kelly in Nevada


Metro - SOLD Friesian Metro - Sold Congrats to Susan in Oklahoma!!!

Metro - the newest addition to my herd - thank you Jana from Black Sterling Friesians for making a dream come true!
Susan in OK


Dorette - SOLD Friesian Dorette - Sold Congrats to Micaela in Mass, on her 3rd Friesian from BSF!!

I have two new cd's with images of Wietske G. and Dorette - they are all doing sooo well - we love them to death! I am not riding Dorette as she is too close to foaling, but Tombo-Ster, Frangelica, and Wietske G. are still able to be ridden and driven - however, if you know New England, you certainly know how frustrating these three winter months are in the Northeast - mud - snow- sleet - lost shoes - ice - freezing rain etc etc..., so we just take good care of the horses and wait for better weather! We do, however, turn them out all day daily, with blankets et al!
Some are together but for the time being, Frangelica is in her own paddock by her self, as Tombo bothers her too much - Wietske and Dorette are still together, while the Quarter Horses are in a different area. I have some images of Alejandro riding Tombo - what a classy, regal guy he is (Tombo) - we all love him like he is a King!! I just purchased his carriage - and my trainer wants us to go four-in-hand next year...help..!!!
I will send images ASAP! All are doing sooo well - please do not worry about them - they are really happy here, and sooo well fed, and loved, and pampered like royalties!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful Friesians with us!!
Micaela and Marco (our son) and Alejandro in Massachusetts


Wietske G. - SOLD Friesian Wietske G. - Sold Congrats to Micaela in Mass, on her 4th Friesian from BSF!!

Hello Janna!
She has become very sweet with me and I kiss her constantly and braid her and groom her - she is just as sweet as the others, although Frangelica beats everybody on the sweet side! Tombo is also a clutsy, gigantic sweetheart - I am in love with alll of them! I have now sold 4 AQHA horses to make space for the Friesians, which both, Alejandro and I, are very in tune with: they just fit within our family and our personalities so well!

1 year later...

We just came back from the Keuring ~ I am so excited to tell you that
out of 18-20 mares, Wietske G. placed third and is now a STER
Alejandro and I are very happy!

Micaela in Mass



Wiebe - SOLD Friesian Wiebe - Sold Congrats to Vicki in New Jersey on this Baroque Boy!

Hi Janna
Just to let you know I love Wiebe! Now renamed SIMON. He is quite the character. We are letting him settle in. . .but already he has won all our hearts! He can best be described as a big baby!


I will be purchasing another Friesian from you. I have what they call 'Friesian fever'. I love Weibe so much He is so innocent, forgiving and affectionate. And unbelievably a good ride. Thanks and I will be monitoring the site daily!
PS there sure seem to be a good number of New Jersians who are getting Friesians from you! maybe you can circulate a NJ based email to all of us here who have purchased horses from you. . .we could all talk Friesian and swap stories!!!

I LOVE my horse!!! He is like a  loyal doggie - so innocent and trusting. . .unimaginable! I have never experienced this level sympatico with a horse. . .I am awestruck!

Vicki in NJ


Venitia - SOLD Friesian Venitia - Sold Congrats to Another Janna, in Kansas!!

Venitia is wonderful. I rode her for the first time yesterday. What a joy. We are very pleased with her.
Thank You,
Royal Knight Friesians
Friesian Crossbreeding in Co.

2 years later.....

She is GREAT----we have had 2 beautiful babies from her and we are very happy with her.
Here is a pic of her with our youngest son Dylan, age 4. Thanks,
Janna in Kansas


Edward - SOLD Friesian Edward - Sold Chosen by World Champion Saddleseat Equitation Rider, Heidi, in Florida!

Dear Janna and Karlein,
Thanks for your care, kindness, and expertise! I have waited a looooong time for this and absolutely could not have trusted a more worthy gang than you!

Update... He is an absolute joy to ride, so much power and really sweet at the same time. He drew a true "crowd" when I was working him..there were 11 people watching him and he is such a show off!! A true show horse..he is a saddlebred in a gorgeous manly Friesian body!! My husband has started acting like a horse at home because Edward has gotten so much attention lately, he is trying to gain back his place!! We are all having a blast with him...the barn help loves him, too!!  XXXOOO

Update... 5 years later...
What a gem of a breed. He learned to jump, sit, kneel, bow and was the smartest horse I have ever had. Easy to break and a joy to ride...now in Conn. on the dressage circuit doing fabulously! ( photo of 8 yr old Lily riding).
Heidi in Fla


Armani - SOLD Friesian Armani - Sold

Hi Janna,

We had such a wonderful time at your farm. The quality of the horses, you and your staff exceeded our expectations. I would recommend your farm to anyone who is in the market for a Friesian. Take care and thanks again.

 We will send some pictures soon.

Barbara in Virginia


Records 886 to 900 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.