
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 901 to 915 of 1063
Goldi - SOLD Friesian Goldi - Sold Janna,
I am so much enjoying my lovely Friesian girl. She is boarded at a very nice establishment and we have a really good trainer. I will send you a photo as soon as I can get a good one. The other owners at the stable call her "The Diva" as she so loves attention and knows she is beautiful.
Thank you for being the go-between through all the problems, etc., and for being the one who enabled me to finally have the horse of my dreams!


Jouke - SOLD Friesian Jouke - Sold

Hi Janna,
Jouke arrived safely and is the talk of the stable. When I returned in the afternoon to bring him a toy, there were a group of people gathered outside his stall. Everyone thinks he is magnificent! I've always thought that right from the start. Thanks so much for everything.
He is truly a dream come true.

I thought you might like this picture of Jouke at his new home. He is a delight. Jouke had a fun day at his new home. Jenny rode him with a bareback saddle and he was great. We are all taking it slowly. We love him more each day. He is so affectionate and well behaved and a real pleasure to see each day. My older daughter Jenny had a lesson on Jouke. He was perfect and Jenny had a wonderful time. He is such a hard worker and really wants to please. Today Ashley has a grooming lesson. He is settling in beautifully and seems to really love us as much as we love him. It is extraordinary to have such an affectionate horse. He is truly very special.
Thanks for everything.

1 year later......................................................................

Jouke is doing well and is progressing beautifully. Jouke is the kindest, well mannered horse I've ever known. He is such a lovey - and actually rest his head over your shoulder when you stand next to him.


Radisson - SOLD Friesian Radisson - Sold Congrats to Karen in Seattle!

Janna, First of all, I'm SO EXCITED! Radisson is my dream horse!

Thank you so much for being so nice to work with--you made it so easy for this first-time horse buyer!
Karen in Seattle

Hi Jana!
Reinout (Radisson) is doing very well here in the soggy Pacific Northwest. Today is only our 3rd day of sunshine since he arrived in December. --He's taken it better than I have! In any case, he is a joy to have--I feel very fortunate! I do want to show him in some IFSHA shows this summer. Who knows, perhaps we'll be ready for a USDF show or two! many thanks!! Karen

Hi Janna--when I saw you last November at Friesian nationals, I told you about Reinout and my hope that we would be showing this season. Well, Sunday at our USDF GMO's first big show of the season, Reinout won both his classes (Training Level Test Four and First Level Test 4) and was show high point winner with a 73.6% in First Four!! Very exciting--!!

I LOVE my boy!!


karen in Washington


Cole - SOLD Friesian Cole - Sold Valerie Will Soon be Enjoying Cole!

HI Janna,
We purchased Cole from you about two months ago and just adore him. Hope all is well, and looking forward to seeing you perform this year.

1 year later.................................
HI, Janna,
Cole is doing great, he has been under professional training with Susie Peacock for almost a year now.  He placed well against other dressage horses, not just Friesians at the Del Mar show.  She has him out on trails and starting Level 2.  His temperament has gotten so calm that they use him for lessons as well in the barn when people need a confidence builder. 

Cole has been a joy, and thank you for selling him to us.
All the best,



Franco - SOLD Friesian Franco - Sold Congrats to Greg and Terrie in West Virginia!

Hi Janna,

we're happy to let you know that our boy finally arrived at 4 a.m. today! He had Greg at the first whinny! Thought you might enjoy a couple pics of him & Greg and him finally getting to kick up his heels after his long journey. He's gorgeous! Thank you again for bringing him into our lives! Blessings to you & yours.

Greg & Terrie in West Virginia


Friso - SOLD Friesian Friso - Sold Congrats To Glenda in Maryland on her 2nd Friesian From BSF!!!

My guys  (Amalfi and Friso, both purchased from BSF) are wonderful, I love them both so much.

 Warm regards Glenda, in Maryland


Twister - SOLD Friesian Twister - Sold Congrats to Dara on her 2nd friesian from BSF!

Hello Janna,
A quick update on our two boys...in a word they are absolutely fabulous. Both have settled in just fine at a wonderful dressage facility in the Napa Valley. Durk is in full training with your trainer Caroline Frierman and in her words he is stupendous and should be shown in early spring. Twister is breath-taking to ride and completely content to be at his new forever home. Everyone at the barn has made very positive comments on how nice it is to have Friesians around and how beautiful they are.

Thanks again for two outstanding lovely boys!



Maarten - SOLD Friesian Maarten - Sold Congrats to Fellow Saddlebred Enthusiast, Kathe, in New Mexico, on this SPECTACULAR Horse!

Janna –

Just wanted to touch base and let you know that Maarten is snug in his stall and triple layers of blankets. He had removed his halter during the ride, and when we opened the door he backed up very politely to be re-haltered. I managed to find a really outstanding dressage-oriented trainer who has a sense of humor and asked me to teach her driving. I think I will take it slowly with the dressage and just have some fun, as you suggested – but feel better having a great team to coach me and to work him when I can’t.
He is spectacular – I swear I cried as I was driving away from the barn, feeling like I was taking my child to school for the first time. Even after all the wonderful horses I’ve been lucky enough to work with or own, he is a stand-out. He just feels truly significant. Thanks for your patience and also for recommending Steve to haul him. I’ll keep in touch and let you know how he’s doing….and still hope to meet you in person one of these days. I have a new job managing the Computational Biology Group at Sandia National Lab, so I’ll probably be traveling to that part of the world at least once a month and should be able to arrange a side trip to see you.

Take care,
Kathe in New Mexico


Luutson - SOLD Friesian Luutson - Sold Sold to NJ

Hello Janna,

Luutzen arrived safely in New Jersey on Saturday night.  We let him rest and played with him all day Sunday.

 Myself and my 11 year old neice rode him out in the snow yesterday he was wonderful and very careful. 

 Thanks again for all your help.

Kelly in New Jersey


FRANGELICA - SOLD Friesian FRANGELICA - Sold Congrats to Micaela in Mass, on her 1st Friesian!! A Gelding for Your Family is NEXT:)
Update Aug 30, 2006
I am riding Frangelica at an indoor with another trainer and she is absolutely great - still not in great shape after the baby but otherwise a super horse...and talking about bombproof - she is totally reliable!! Janna, you have helped soo much - I cannot thank you enough!!
Micaela in Mass


Reese - SOLD Friesian Reese - Sold Sold to Montana

He is gorgeous and we love him. I wanted to tell you how much I love him and he is doing great. Thanks again or all your help!!!

1 year layer...............................
...all is well up here in Montana and Reese (now Equis Maximus) is the delight of our lives. We have been so busy with loving our new boy! He is so sweet natured. Everyone who looks at him is in awe - he is just different. We have lovely Arabians but this boy has such presence and magnificence at the ripe old age of 10 months! Thank you a million times over - one day we will be talking a filly I am sure! Thanks!!!! Hope everything is wonderful for you!

"Maximus" is doing great and I love him so much. He is getting big and I love watching him grow. Everyone is so awed by him. I feel so great about my choice and I am glad you recommended him out of the three that were available because he is a good match for me. You should see his feathering - gorgeous.  Thanks again for all your help and your super quick responses - you are great!  - one day we will get another. You do such a great job and I am so appreciative. Several people have asked where I got him and of course, I tell them about you!

He is so spectacular and I just have to pinch myself that he is actually ours. My husband adores him too. We had a trainer working with one of our other horses and she took one look at Maximus and it was love! She looked him over very well and watched his movement etc. She said she could not find one thing about him that was not PERFECT. She said he is the first horse in her career that she could say that about - what a compliment. We were blown away! Thanks again!

It has been 2 1/2 years since we purchased our beloved Maximus.  He was only 7 months old when we purchased him and we were understandably cautious as this was going to be my "forever" horse.  You were fabulous throughout the ENTIRE process and so patient.  Maximus arrived in Montana in November of 2005 and I was in love the second he got off the trailer.  Truth be told, I was in love the second I saw the video on your website, but you don't dare hope the real thing is as good as what I saw... He was better!!!!  This glorious boy has stolen more hearts in Montana than you will ever know.  He takes people's breath away!  Recently, we were taking some updated photos and a gentleman came along with the photographer.  He actually dropped to his knees and put his head down - he was that impacted by what he saw!  He kept saying he could not believe that such horses existed.   Janna, I cannot tell you the feeling of finally having my fairytale dream horse!  Both my husband George and I are in awe of Maximus and my husband keeps a picture of Maximus on his desk at work!  My parents who are in their mid-70's adore this horse and my father sneaks out to the barn to just look at Maximus.  This was a purchase I am so thrilled we had the courage to make.  He is worth the world to us and has touched the lives of everyone who has seen him.  Friesians do that to people...I was bitten at a county fair where they had a Friesian there and I would not have ever dreamed 18 years ago that I would actually have one of these magical horses myself.  Thank you a million times over and I will be contacting you soon to purchase the saddle and bridle package!  The picture says a thousand words about how close we are - but don't let it fool you - I am 6 feet tall and this boy is already over 16 hands! I am forever Grateful!


Hi Janna - it has been about 5 years since we purchased our dear "Maximus" from you and I have to tell you - he is the delight of our lives. He has been doing dressage (rider is Olivia Chapeski) and has qualified for regionals! He has received scores up to 77.20%.  He was evaluated by Kari McClain of Miari Stables when he first was sent to Chapeksi Dressage and she stated she looked forward to seeing him in the higher levels of dressage. We were shocked at her comments as we just thought we would be going to open shows and parades (fun also) but never dreamed we would be going to dressage shows and doing so well!

Finding you was a life changing experience for us! This magical horse touches the lives of people. We get so many folks at shows who want to see Maximus and say he is "their" favorite horse! He has indeed grown into everything we could have ever hoped for.

Just wanted you to know you have made a huge difference in our lives and we are so appreciative for the way you brought him to us and your support. We love our Friesian horse! Thank you Janna!
Catherine in Montana  



Sophia - SOLD Friesian Sophia - Sold Congrats to Mari in Thailand!!

Hi Janna,
Sophia is doing great. She and my gelding are fast friends. In the midst of my purchasing Sophie we were transferred to Thailand and I made the decision to bring both horses over here. Both arrived safe and sound and have made the adjustment really well. After the plane ordeal I think they must feel they have died and gone to heaven. Another mare here is due right after Sophie so the babies will have company. We have built a great mare and foal paddock. I have tons of time to spend with them. It has been great so far. I will send pictures as soon as I can. Mari in Thailand

2 years later

Hi Janna,
I am still in Thailand with my horses. Unfortunately, it is always quite warm over here and we don't get the long summer days, as we are too close to the equator. The horses are doing well. Sophia is progressing well in her training and showing a true apptitude for dressage and I hope to be competing with her by the end of this year. I have put her in the cart and she has done well with that also. She had a beautiful stud colt a year ago April. He is a big handsome boy, already 14.3 hands tall at one year old. I am not sure yet if I will keep him or sell him either here or in the US when I get home.
Some time ago I saw Ploy's young colt. I think she purchased him from you as a weanling . He was just 2 years old when I saw him and a nice looking guy.
Mari in Thailand


Hendrik - SOLD Friesian Hendrik - Sold

I just want to thank you for your help and understanding.
This horse is one of a kind (In my book anyway) and I am just SO elated to be bringing him home. His stall is all ready for him to move in and I've already bought gallons of hair conditioner!! =) (Grin

Hendrik is the love of my life already... he is SO special and I'm SO lucky to have him. He settled in straight away as if he's lived with us his whole life. He's loving and friendly...and makes ME feel special as well. I know he and I will be the best of friends for many years to come. I feel like it was all karma and that all this was meant to me, so forgive my "mushyness" when it comes to him... I just cannot believe that he's mine!!
Thanks again!!!

2 years later...
.... and last month we went to a show..up a level to Training Test 1&2 (slow progress, but worth it) and took 2 Second place ribbons out of about 8. Got 7's and 8's on our walk and Canter! He's coming along very well. We are working on 1st level now, but I'm not quite ready to show him at that level yet.. Maybe USDF in the fall.. He 's 17 hands now with mane past his chest..Baby Huey! and is the star of the barn. I just love him so much!
Frits (another BSF friesian) and Meegan are doing great too! Our working student Christine just rode him in a clinic with Melissa Sims and got rave reviews. We're sure becoming a Baroque Barn with all our Friesians and Andalusians! I wish I'd win the lotto.. I'd buy them all! ;')

We're sure learning a ton, but the right way, a little at a time. All reflected in our test scores..haven't received less than a 65 so far (even with a mess up)..with the best being 76%! Judges love his walk and canter. Always scoring 8's and 9's. He already does a wonderful leg yield, shoulder-in and a canter start from the walk. Not bad for a 4 year old. It's so tempting to push him harder and faster as he's SO smart and willing, but slow is good and engrains the basics more thoroughly.
He is truly my dream horse.

... we've had a tough year or so. I lost both my parents, my two older dogs, my cat, my old 26 year old thoroughbred and recently one of my best friends. Hasn't been easy, but if it weren't for Hendrik I'd be lost. He IS my best friend and the reason I keep going!
Life is too short! So buy a Friesian!!! (Yeah, that's it!)


Issabella-STER - SOLD Friesian Issabella-STER - Sold Congrats to Todd, Jacque and Cody in Nevada!

Hi Janna,
We have now had Isabella home for 2 weeks and she is doing just great! She is so sweet and easy-going. Everyone feels comfortable handling and riding her. I haven't found anything yet that bothers her. And..... WOW, she is so beautiful! We just love watching her play in the pasture. She looks like she is straight out of a fairytale! We can hardly wait to see her baby!

Thank you so much for helping us purchase such a wonderful horse.

Very Sincerely,
Todd, Jacque and Cody in Nevada


VICTOR - SOLD Friesian VICTOR - Sold Congrats to Victoria in Florida!

I have ridden Victor and I feel so safe on him. He is very gentle and easy. I am really surprised how much suspension he has. I wasn’t expecting such a big horse to feel so light. He is very sweet to ride and very smart. I’m excited about learning dressage on him and feel he will be patient with me. Thank you for suggesting him, I feel like we are a good match and look forward to many years. Everyone compliments me on him.

 If anyone I know asks about buying a Friesian, I will send them your way. Thank you again for working with me thru the process and having the owner from Holland contact me right away when I called.
Victoria in Florida


Records 901 to 915 of 1063

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  • USEF Logo
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  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.