
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 931 to 945 of 1063
Marijke Van De Dollen - SOLD Friesian Marijke Van De Dollen - Sold Congrats to Kim in Canada!!!

Hi Janna,
Oliver and I LOVE Marijke! I can't tell you how much I appreciate everything you've done for us. Oliver and I are both enjoying teaching her new things and are happy with how quickly she picks everything up. We stopped many many times on the way back home, spent lots of time with her, brushing her, talking to her and walking her around the rest areas we stopped at. She encountered many scary things while in the parking lot at one rest stop we were at in Oregon, semi trucks driving past her and using their air brakes, a gang of noisy motorcycles zooming past her and various strangers vying for her affection but none of it fazed her a bit, she just rested her head up against my chest and watched everything quietly out of the corner of her eyes. I fell in love with her instantly the first time we stopped and I got to spend some time with her. I'm so glad that she's taken to us and that she seems to be happy. If I ever decide to get another Friesian I will definitely come to you for it, your service, patience and knowledge of the Friesian breed is impeccable and I owe so much to you for such a fantastic horse.
I'm very glad you like the portrait I did of Sterling. Thanks again, I will definitely keep in touch and send you some pictures of the three of us in Canada very soon =)
Kim in Canada

I want to thank YOU for bringing me such a lovely gift when you and Oliver came to pick up Marijke, to take her to Canada. I LOVE the portrait of Sterling--you are quite an artist!!! It will be displayed proudly in my new office, which is just being finished, in the loft of our barn.
Thank you, again, for such a lovely and thoughtful gift.

1 year later...........................

Hi Janna,
it's been a while since Marijke came to live with us and we last spoke so I thought I'd drop you a line and give you an update. She's doing wonderfully, her name has been changed to Brie (like the cheese) and she always answers with a whinny when I call her name no matter how far away I am (although she only does this for me). Brie is very affectionate, she loves it when I kiss her right between her nostrils and she wiggles her upper lip like she's kissing me back, it's very cute =). She's also the most vocal horse I've ever come in contact with, she whinnies when I get home from grocery shopping or if I go out of sight and she thinks I'm leaving the property and she nickers whenever I approach her. People who have witnessed how attached to me she is are always enamoured that a horse could be so attached to a person but I just love it. She's grown quite a bit since you last saw her, she's about 15.1 hh and turned two years old this month. Oliver brought home a new halter and matching lead for her as a birthday gift and we spent the whole day taking her for walks in the woods and brushing her and then at bedtime she got a bucket full of apple pieces, baby carrots and her favourite treat, honey oat bread drizzled with molasses, talk about a happy birthday girl =)! She's very spoiled but is very deserving, I love her so much. She's also very popular in our neighbourhood and has even managed to outshine the very lovely Andalusians down the street from us who are not nearly as sweet and affectionate as Brie is. Besides Oliver and myself Brie's other favourite friends are my three Chihuahuas. At first I was worried about them getting too close as Brie has gotten quite big and they are so small but they still insist on sneaking a visit with her whenever they're outside and I'm not paying attention, and she just LOVES them! A while back a rail on the fence broke sometime in the night setting Brie free. Much to my amazement the next morning we awoke to her standing at our front door =), she didn't even attempt to leave the property. Oliver went outside to catch her but she ran around the yard like a crazy horse refusing to be caught until I poked my head out the door to see what was going on. As soon as she saw my face she let out the biggest happiest whinny and came galloping back to the front door and stood perfectly still for me to put her halter on she then proceeded to nuzzle me and make cute soft sounds as I rubbed her neck. Man do I ever LOVE this horse! Her training is coming along very well, I decided to do all of the groundwork myself ( rather than hiring a trainer ) which I'm really enjoying! She's highly intelligent and learns everything quickly. She's a blast and I'm so glad I got her at this age. While I am inexperienced in training such a young horse I'm actually happy that I get to go through everything with her the first time rather than having an already experienced horse. She's made me so confident and I know everything the two of us are going through right now will be so helpful when she's old enough to breed and I'm having to train more youngsters.
Janna, I cannot thank you enough. My Friesian baby has brought so much joy to my life and even to my non-horsey husband's life and we will be eternally grateful. This breed is truly special and my only hope is that more people may come to know the love of a Friesian as we have.
With all our thanks and best wishes,
Kim in Canada


YTZEN - SOLD Friesian YTZEN - Sold What A GREAT Present for Elaine in Fla, from her incredible husband!
Ytzen arrived this morning...gorgeous, gorgeous gorgeous!!!! His beauty is also inside because his temperment is to die for!! I can't wait to ride but for the next couple days he will get pampered. Thank-you Janna for sending me my best friend.
Elaine in Florida
Two years later....
Hello Janna,
Yetzen is doing fabulous, with a wonderful girl in North Carolina, I started having some physical problems so he went to a great dressage home. When I had him he did score a 79 on one of his first rated show and we were very excited.
Hope you are doing fantastic! Take care
Elaine in FLA


ERIK - SOLD Friesian ERIK - Sold Congrats to Theresa

Hi Janna,

I purchased a friesian gelding from you in June of 2005 named Erik van de Westfriezenhof. Eric is a wonderful horse, I have enjoyed him greatly since buying him from Black Sterling Freisians. He is kind, smart and needless to say beautiful. Every time we go on a trail ride people will stop to ask me about him. There are other freisians in our area but none as beautiful and sweet as Eric! Hopefully I can start to show him in dressage this year, he is so talented. Thanks for selling me such a wonderful horse, he is very loved and appreciated!!!!

He makes me smile each time I'm on his back. My husband Mitchell goes on the trails with him and really enjoys him.

Thank You, Theresa


EVERT - SOLD Friesian EVERT - Sold Congrats to Marco in Ariz on his 2nd Friesian From BSF's!!

Hi Janna,
I can't really tell you how happy I am with Evert. He is just a gentleman and everyone at the barn loves him. He is a fast learner and he has been so good at adapting himself to the Arizona summer. I just want to thank you, for being so patient with me on the process of choosing him. I share with you this pic that reflects how happy we both are, smiling, eating apples and learning dressage in the "Sonoran desert".
Thanks again and take care.....
Marco in Arizona


Willy F.R. - SOLD Friesian Willy F.R. - Sold Congrats to Rachel and Pamela in Minn!!!

Hi Janna,
Willy is absolutely wonderful!!! I just love her. She is so sweet and so beautiful – a dream come true! We are already looking at stallions for her next year’s baby while we are anxiously awaiting her July baby. I will have to send you some pictures when I get them! In getting to know Willy we discovered that she loves apples! She gets a rather serene look on her face while she is eating one and makes a big slushy mess in my hand. Thank you so much – Willy is perfect! I will keep you updated on her baby! Thank you!!


Willy and her baby, Syntsje are doing well! Here is a picture finally!!! Syntsje is a silly filly (I call her Willy’s silly filly). She has wandered the farm not minding that she wasn’t following Willy. Willy didn’t mind either that her baby was not with her. Syntsje wanted to check out the indoor arena and then she followed a thoroughbred mare and her colt into their stall! I will be taking Syntsje with Willy to the keuring in St. Paul on Oct. 3. I will keep you posted on how she does. Willy is bred again for next year to the stallion Anne. We are so excited! I can’t wait to ride Willy. For now she just gets babied – groomed, fed, and fussed over! I watch your web site regularly to see the horses that you have – all so gorgeous!

I just wanted to send you a quick email to let you know that Syntsje (Willy’s baby) earned a 2e at the keuring on Oct. 3 in St. Paul, MN!! I was very pleased. The judges comments were, “Good conformation, nice movement.” Thanks,
Rachel in Minn


Alexa - SOLD Friesian Alexa - Sold Congrats to Heather in Montana!

Just wanted you to know that "Anke" is doing great. We are getting to know each other and the weather is finally co-operating. Thanks for helping me find my dream mare.
She is a gorgeous mare. After only 6 rides, she scored a 62.5 in USDF Intro test A and 63.3 in USDF Intro test B, her first schooling show at Creekside Ranch!

2 years later.............................................

Hi Janna,

I am getting in lots of riding and training time, it is wonderful!  I showed in six shows this year locally, and got 6 blues. Very happy.

Heather in Montana


Felicity - SOLD Friesian Felicity - Sold Congrats to Lori in NC, on her 4th friesian from BSF's!!!
I feel the time has come to give you a written update on my mares. As you know Felicity arrived here safely yerterday. I find it amazing that they seem to get more beautiful as they arrive. I feel like I should have named my business BSF's East Coast Foaling Facilty instead of Absolutely Exquisite Friesians, Inc.
I am so glad I found you and hope to have a long relationship with you both personal and business. I don't know how to thank you for all the time you have spent with me and your continued support. Everyone who comes here is mesmerized by this spectacular breed. Whether they are horse people or not, they just stand in silence as they watch the 3 of these Black Beauties as they seem to float on air as they trot in unison across my fields. I have owned a lot of different breeds in my life and yet the Friesians have stolen my heart and soul. When they can finally speak the most frequent question is "How do you tell them apart?" Well, let's start with Tessa my 8th generation Stam Line 50 sensation. She is big and has the most upright neck. Feathers to die for. She is definetly the dominant mare. She mothers everyone and tries to always keep the peace. She keeps everyone in line but never raises a hoof. She is sweet and gentle, spooks at nothing, calm cool and collected at all times, and loves everyone.
Now Brechtsje, my 7th generation (mother line full of preferents), Tsjerk mare. HOT!!! HOT!!! HOT!!! After some long research I found out that is what most of his off spring inherit. They make Ster because they come flying in the ring snorting with their tails flagged and usually on their hind feet! It is getting them to walk that is a problem but the judges seem to love it. They mature late mentally and spook at everyting and nothing. She is stubborn and wants everything her way or no way. She looks like a magnificent Stallion. Thick cresty neck with a mane down past her shoulders and a forelock that almost reaches the end of her nose. She tries to put on an act of not liking anyone, but when we're alone she puts her head under my arm and moans while I rub her ears. If anything (human or animal) appears she jumps away from me with an indignant look as if to say "How dare you touch me, you know I hate when people touch me!" I've blown her cover now.
Felicity my VERY pregnant Star mare. She has the face of an angel and the personality to match. Her big brown eyes have the look of a little innocent puppy. She melts your heart. She is loving, trusting, quiet, and very well mannered. Felicity is only 4 so I can only imagine how much more breathtaking she will get as she matures. That leaves Beitske, my beautiful Jasper Star mare. Only time will tell since she will be coming soon. I look at her pictures constantly, she is exquisite and exotic to look at. I can't wait to touch her.
A simple thank you just can't explain how happy you have made me and how much gratitude I hold in my heart. You are a well rounded honest horse woman and we both know how rare that is!
With Much Gratitude,
-Lori in N.C.


Ynte - SOLD Friesian Ynte - Sold Congrats to Sheryl

ynte is settling in well. he is a very sweet boy and great with andrea. he is very calm and patient.... he really is a doll.
thanks much!

two year later...
After working Ynte, he blossomed into an amazing little boy. I ended up selling him to an 11yr old girl. The first time she rode him I and everyone else knew they were meant for each other. In their first year of showing together – they won champion young rider and training level jr. Their average score was 70%. They continue to show this season and have advanced to 1st level. Placing in all of their classes. Ynte is the love of her life and lets her do anything with him. I’ve attached a picture of the pair so you can see for yourself how awesome they are together.


Gerben - SOLD Friesian Gerben - Sold Congrats to Victoria

Hi Jana,
Hope your show went well. It's taken me a little time to write to you because we had a show at Brookside last week as well.
I wanted to let you know that Gerben is settling in well, and we all LOVE him! He is going to be perfect for Victoria , and, darn!, I get paid to ride him! He was so cute the first day I rode him here - I don't think he has ever seen a white horse before?! He grew to 18 Hands, and started calling, but then he went right back to work. We plan to take things slowly with him, but already he remembered Tuesday's lessons on Wednesday. I have forty acres here, and took him for a ride around the property, and he thought it was cool!
It was good to meet you, and thanks for Gerben!
Lesley [Gerben's trainer]
Update May 1, 2005
Hi Jana,
Gerben is truly wonderful. He has discovered that people will give him treats and he has become quite the beggar, but always a gentleman. Leslie is right, he will be perfect for me. He is extremely intelligent, forgiving and kind when ridden and has a great work ethic. Leslie keeps asking me “Do you know how lucky you are?” every time Gerben proves himself to be trustworthy and sane even when other horses are cantering around and knocking down jumps in the arena. For such a young horse he is amazingly sensible. Thanks again for your courtesy in allowing Leslie and I to spend the day at your stable, and also for the wonderful gift of Gerben.
Victoria (Gerben's owner)


Zenobia - SOLD Friesian Zenobia - Sold Congrats to Greg and Brenda in Oregon!!!
Hi Janna,
I bought A mare from you earlier this year (Zenobia) and her foal went to the inspection and won champion!!!!!!!!!!! I thought you would like a couple pics. I'm very proud.
Greg in Oregon


Eelke - SOLD Friesian Eelke - Sold sold to montana

Hello Janna,
I called your trainer. She was so good to me. Talked of Eelke also. I liked her instantly. I also asked her if she would ride him. She said she would. I still cannot believe that I am doing this. Spending alot of money for a horse I have only seen on a computer. But between you and Eve I feel so good about deciding to finally do this. I am getting very excited that it really is happening. Thank you so much. Thank you for your offer of help and access phone number to reach you in person.
Lisa in Montana
Update May 2
Hello Janna,
What a horse this Eelke is. He is EXACTLY what his pictures and video are. I could have come to the farm and picked him out in a line up. I still don't have the words for him. When I look at him I'm still speechless. The transport men were very impressed with your horses as I am. They said there is not an ugly one at your place. And my gosh I was so impressed with the other friesians on their trailer: Felicity and Gucci. She is the perfect princess mare. What a face. What an eye. She was kind. (If she ever needs another home I want to be called about it) Gucci is Mr. Social show off. He was pure social; the only word. And a ham. And in love with a beautiful little Welsh mare in the other stall. We are all very lucky owners. Thank you Janna; for this horse, for making it possible for me.
Lisa in Montana


Erwin - SOLD Friesian Erwin - Sold Congrats to Victoria in

Hi Janna,
Erwin got here about midnight on Saturday. I had to walk Erwin up a rather dark road with dogs running out and barking and he just walked along like he had done it a million times. He is adjusting to his new life here very well. He is getting along famously with the other horses and is very enamored with the mares. I know the two of us will grow old together because my horses stay with me for the duration. Erwin is not only stunning but a real joy to be around. I really like how enthusiatic he is about everything. He watches me from a distance and when he sees me getting his halter he is right there ready to go do whatever. He is quite the handsome boy. We had a celebration here at the house this past Saturday for my retirement and he was the hit of the party. Everyone remarked about how beautiful he is and what a nice sweet disposition he has. I started riding him a little yesterday and today. I have been hand walking him around the neighborhood and he doesn't seem to be bothered by much of anything. He is always eager to go and do things and seems to enjoy looking at new things. He is very smart and catches on to things very quickly. I can tell he is going to be a real special guy and I am sure we will have many years of great times together. Take care


Derk-STER - SOLD Friesian Derk-STER - Sold Congrats to A.J.

Hi Janna,
Well Derk has been here a little over a month and you forgot to tell us what a ham he is! Bring out a camera and he strikes the pose! He is so smart and loving. He soaks up everything like a sponge. Even though he is a big boy, he is so careful around the kids and you never mentioned his fondness for kitties! No matter what you are doing, if one of the barn cats comes up, he must stop everything to give his full attention to that cat! It is really hysterical.
But truthfully once you are in the saddle he is ready to work. We have been taking him out on the trails and though he is so observant/ curious he is all business. If something spooks him a little, he gets around it beautifully. One afternoon I was grooming him and a tractor came right up behind him to pick up the garbage cans….as long as he could see it he carefully watched it. When the tractor returned with the empty cans, he ignored it completely. The same happened when he was on this small trail that intertwines the pastures. A crane flew up in front of him from about 10 feet away. He stopped and watched it fly off and resumed walking along as if nothing happened. Everything about his temperament and ground manners you showed and told me are reaffirmed daily. He is is wonderful guy. I have fallen in love with him (in fact so has all the gals at the barn) and the breed!
Thanks again,
Krys (Derk's trainer)


Alexander - SOLD Friesian Alexander - Sold Congrats to Sarah in Belgium!!!

Hello Janna!
He made it safe and sound. Alexander is absolutely an oversized "puppy" and has more presence than ANY of the photos portrayed. Thank you for everything and we're thoroughly enjoying our newest family member. Have a great day and good luck on the circuit this year!

1 year later.................................

Hello Janna, Alexander has settled into his new family and routine. Hannah and Thomas are very comfortable around our "gentle giant". He is a wonderful boy with many hidden talents that we're discovering daily (the Dutch Cavalry has requested his presence this September). We will keep in touch and let you know when we're heading "stateside".

Sarah in Belgium
P.S. Once again, the best of luck on the circuit this year!

By the way, Sarah is getting along brilliantly with Alexander (the 10 year old gelding she got through you). She is finding out he knows WAY more than she does but will probably be ready to show him next spring. This is encouraging since it proves YOU DO KNOW QUALITY. He is a healthy, beautiful boy who is very well taken care of. He truly is a wonderful family horse.
Teresa, also in Belgium


Petra - SOLD Friesian Petra - Sold Congrats to Susan in Montana!!!

Hi Janna,
Well the big day finally arrived and Petra is safely home in Montana. She is an absolutely beautiful girl. We are so thrilled to finally have her. I can't wait to start riding her. I am so impressed with how quickly she is adjusting. She has a great mind. We are thrilled with her so far. She acts like she has lived here forever already. She is a talker - it's great!
Carrie in Montana


Records 931 to 945 of 1063

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  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.