
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 946 to 960 of 1063
Mariska - SOLD Friesian Mariska - Sold Congrats to Debra in Tenn.!!!

I can only thank you, which seems to fall short of how much I appreciate your honesty and helpfullness in making it possible to have this beautiful Mariska at our farm. She is not only a gorgeous Oege mare, but also affectionate, and a wonderful mother. After all she had been through with the flight, 2 week stay in Kentucky, giving birth 2 days after she arrived, she is still calm, considerate and loving. The colt is strong, fearless, animated...and early!! This was our first experience with an import, but as painless as you helped to make it, I hope to do business with you again next year. Thanks!!!

2 years later....
We bought Mariska, out of Oege, from you 2 years ago and just love her! Her foal this year out of Goffert received a 1st Premie, and was RESERVE GRAND CHAMPION at the keuring!
Thanks! Debra in Tenn
Foot Hill Friesians


Meindert - SOLD Friesian Meindert - Sold Grats to David Deal in MD

Congrats to Meindert, 3rd in the country for USDF Year End All Breed Awards:

 2007 First Level Dressage

...With a 63% average!!!!!


Tjibbe - SOLD Friesian Tjibbe - Sold Congrats to Kathleen in Michigan!

Hi Janna!
Tjibbe is home safe and sound! He arrived around 9am I have just been watching him the last few hours trying to convince myself he is really mine! He is SO sweet and seems to know he is home! When people say the pictures do not do them justice, they are right he is absolutely STUNNING and yes he KNOWS IT! I am really happy and how well he made all the travel everyone really kept in contact with me from NY to let me know he doing great (and also sent pictures!) the whole process went really smooth! I can not THANK YOU enough for this wonderful horse! Thanks again, Janna for all the time you spent in making this happen for me, he is truly beautiful and we LOVE him!
Janna really thank you SO SO much for listening to me and being there and quick to answer my e-mails and offer advise! Thanks a million,
Kathleen in Michigan


Diederik - SOLD Friesian Diederik - Sold Congrats to Jacqueline in Co!
Hey! Just wanted to drop a note and update you on Diederik. He is doing great. I've been riding him about 3 times a week and my trainer has also been riding him. He is such a gentle giant. Always willing to please. My trainer commends you on picking such a great match for me.
Jackie and George in Colorado


Annabel - SOLD Friesian Annabel - Sold Congrats to Alice in Utah!

Annabel is doing great. She is feeling relaxed in her new surroundings. I've had her in the arena twice, and she is quickly growing comfortable with all of the mirrors. She thinks that Friesian in there is cute!

Dear Janna, As you can see from this photo, Annabel and I make a beautiful team. She is just wonderful!! She ALWAYS comes directly to the gate when she sees me approach. She is curious, kind, friendly, and calm. We are going on a trail ride in the snow this afternoon. Big storm here in Utah, probably the last of the winter season. I think she'll enjoy getting out with another horse and rider.
Thanks for everything,
Alice in Utah


Arend - SOLD Friesian Arend - Sold Congrats to saddlebred enthusiast, Laurel Nelson in Washington! Watch for Alex N. and Arend showing saddleseat on the West Coast Circuit



LAUREL NELSON , American Saddlebred Exhibitor in KY

congrats to arend on his national championship victory at the 2008 IFSHA  grand nationals in st louis!



Wout - SOLD Friesian Wout - Sold Congrats to Debbie in Texas!!!

Hi Janna,
Wout arrived Friday, February 4th. He is so beautiful. We released him into a pen and he ran, bucked, and kicked for a while, then layed down & rolled. He was happy! It has been so nice to head out the back door & walk to the stables & pastures to play & spend time with Wout. He comes when I call him, easy to catch in the big pasture. He has been so much fun. He even bowed for me last week. I didn't know he had been trained to bow too. Everyone at the barn has fallen in love with him. He a big hit. He is such a good boy!
He is so good he has been named the "gentle giant."

Debbie in Texas


Mieke Fan E - SOLD Friesian Mieke Fan E - Sold Congrats to Andrew in Atlanta!!

Mieke is doing wonderfully. 

 I can't even begin to describe to you how far she has come along and how amazing she is to me as far as training and disposition. We managed to survive the summer pretty well.  It got brutal here as far as the heat.  I had to change their schedules to be in during the day and out at night.  Mieke enjoyed standing at the gate while I sprayed her with the hose. Hope all is well with you and yours.

Andy in Atlanta


WEIT - SOLD Friesian WEIT - Sold Congrats to Leah in Maryland!!!

Janna & Ronald -
Thank You very much for helping us find and purchase this very long awaited and beautiful horse. Leah, Romi, and I (and her mother) are all very excited about the arrival of Weit. I appreciate all of your time and patience. We are sorry that we will not be able to meet you in person, however, I'm sure that in time our paths will cross and we'll get out to see your incredible farm and your magnificent horses. Who knows, in the next year or two we'll probably be bothering you again for a second Friesian.
Again, thanks for everything.
Jonathan, Leah, & Romi in Maryland

2 years later............................................

Hi Janna,
Just a quick picture of Weit and his girls. He is so sweet and beautiful. Looking forward to sending you pictures of Weit with his smallest and best friend on top. Thank you for making our "Fairytale Dream" come true.
The Hodors in MD


Helena -STER - SOLD Friesian Helena -STER - Sold Congrats to Patti and Art in N.Y.!!!!!!!!!

Dear Janna, 

 She is more beautiful in person. Her pictures do not do her justice. She has been fed, watered, brushed, out for a walk in the center paddock getting acquainted with everyone new. She is very vocal and darling. Thank you for her again and again.
She is just so wonderful. Thank you is never enough for all your help. I hope you are doing well and give Ron a hello from me too. Everyone knows you are ethical and great to deal with.

Patti in N.Y.


Dotse - SOLD Friesian Dotse - Sold Congrats to Susan in Hawaii!!!!

Aloha, Janna! Just a quick note to let you know that Dotse's long journey to Hawaii ended happily early yesterday afternoon. He did very well on his road trip to LA, the layover, on the flight over, and the trip from quarantine to the stables. After a quick check by the vet, some brushing, and a walk around the indoor arena (where he kept wondering who the friesian was in the mirrors), he chowed down on dinner. This morning he had a chance to kick up his heels in the arena (and check out that friesian again...boy! He sure looks familiar... and good looking, too!), have a bath, chat with the other horses, and taste the local grass. What a doll Dotse is! I'm thrilled he's finally here so we can begin, what I know will be, an enduring friendship. Mahalo nui loa!
Update... Aloha, Janna! It was great to talk to you at the Reno show and watch you win!! My sisters and I were cheering for you and Ron high up in the stands. I can't believe it's approaching 5 years since Dotse arrived in Hawaii, and almost that long since I've written with an update. Horse ownership has added new meaning to the word "busy." With a lot of patience from our trainer, Anna, I finally mustered the courage to show in Intro level this year. Pretty daunting task for a (still) very novice 58 year old. I was the nervous one - Dotse took it all in stride. Eight tests with eight blue ribbons. We were the last ride of the last show of the season and received a 77% - high score of the day. What a way to finish! I'm ready to hang up my too tight white breeches because I can't imagine we'll top that. I have to add that Intro takes place at the end of the day. When folks found out there was a Friesian showing they waited around just to see him. It was like being with a rock star. I promise not to wait another 5 years before getting in touch again. Susan and Dotse in Hawaii


Casper - SOLD Friesian Casper - Sold Congrats to London

Hi Janna,
I can't thank you enough for steering me towards Casper. He is everything you said he would be and more! He is truly amazing under-saddle, and we fit together like a hand in a glove. On the ground, he is the most well-behaved stallion anyone could hope for! My farrier told me he is the easiest horse he had EVER done work on. My trainer loves him, he is so eager to work! All my friends tell me he is the most beautiful horse they have ever seen in their lives...and of course I would have to agree with them! Casper is very happy with us, and I know that he and I were meant for eachother! Thanks again for bringing my dream to reality! I am sending a pic of us from our first ride together in his new home...See you at the shows!


Otto - SOLD Friesian Otto - Sold Congrats to Shawna in Canada!!

Hello Janna,

Our horse is Otto PH and we bought him from you on Feb 12, 2005. 

  Otto is amazing!  We love him to pieces!!
Shannon in Canada


Ruerd - SOLD Friesian Ruerd - Sold Congrats to Karen in Michigan!!!

Dear Janna,
My beautiful boy was delivered this morning. He is FABULOUS!!!! He made the trip from NYC just fine. He seems to be settling in and is being introduced to the other horses one at time. I can't wait to ride him but want to give him some time to get some normal routine back in his life. You made the entire process very easy. Your agent called me Saturday to let me know he was on the way, then called me back late that night to let me know he made it in ok and was going over to quarantine and everything was fine. They even emailed me pictures of him and arranged the van for delivery too, for me. They made me feel very comfortable that he would be well taken care of until I had him home. Thank you for finding this glorious horse for me.

Best regards,
Karen in Michigan


Frans - SOLD Friesian Frans - Sold Sold to Tenn

2 years later.................................

He is adorable and has the cutest personality. He has done quite well @ 1st level this year and we are planning on showing him 2nd in the fall.
He is earning his keep for his "Mascot" qualities. Everyone that comes here falls in love with the Beautiful Black horse with the inquisitive personality.
We call him Starbucks.
Elizabeth in Tenn


Records 946 to 960 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.