
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 991 to 1005 of 1063
Zwaantje - SOLD Friesian Zwaantje - Sold Sold to NY

She is even more incredible in real life! What a beautiful horse! She is magnificent and more than I ever hoped for. Thanks so much!!!! She is the hit of Shelter Island! Don't be surprised if you get somebusiness from here as she has already made an impression on a local lady that was looking for a friesian horse. Of course I had only good words to say about you! Thank you sooooo much for hooking us up with such a loving, gorgeous horse!!! She brings tears to my eyes (and Swedes do not cry easily) .

Update May 10, 2005
Zwaantje had a girl, her name is Seneca and she is just the cat's meow! The birth went just fine and took only 7 minutes. This picture was taken on Seneca's first day of life and it made the front page of the local paper here. As you can see, Z. is a super mom!
All the best to you and your family,
Lotta in NY


Sylvia - SOLD Friesian Sylvia - Sold Congrats to Belinda in NC!
(We purchased the FHANA STER mare, Silvia, from you two years ago)
Update Dec 7, 2006
Sylvia recently received the "Model" status from the Friesian Horse Society, FPZV Assoc!! She was site Champion and Champion Mare for North America in 2005. What a great horse, fantastic personaility! We have shown her in both dressage & driving. Great foxhunting mount!
Dave in N.C.

**Sylvia was purchased by George in Canada***

I absolutely love my horse!!! When i get used to driving i will be looking for a match to drive as a pair.
George in Canada


Ransom - SOLD Friesian Ransom - Sold Congrats to Ali in Colorado!
Congrats to Ali in Colorado!
Dear Janna,
This is from Ali Sellers who purchased a gelding from you back in September of 2004 with the barn name of "Ransom." He has been the most fun, kind, honest, playful, and steady horse I have ever had. But even better, he is a very willing and quick learner. As a result, he is one of the very few friesians I have yet to see that actually moves correctly, and uses himself very well.
So, on to the exciting news. My trainer, Heather has shown him in two shows now and has done extremely well. I was able to join them for the second show where I watched them have a nearly flawless ride. She ended up beating all of the upper level horses by her high scores, and walked away with the coveted high point award for the whole show. But since I had to spend the whole month of February in Dallas for some family stuff, the question became, would I be able to have a good performance on him with out riding for so long. Let's just say, we crammed a lot of ride time into what he could physically handle for my show this weekend. My goal was seriously not to fall out of the arena and be eliminated. But the champ wasn't going to settle for that. We won all four of our classes, and I received the highest marks I have ever received on any horse before! But this was just a little warm up for what is to come. He leaves for CA on the 10th of this month for 2 shows in Del Mar. I will be riding him in the first show, the Del Mar Affaire and 2 weeks later Heather will be riding him at the next level higher at the Del Mar National. At the second show, there might be some Olympic riders showing! Thanks again,
Ali in Colorado
Beinte (Ransom) is doing great!! We got Reserve Champion in the United States Dressage Federation All Breeds Award for the Friesians, at 1st level, in the AA division. What is most exciting, though, is what he has accomplished in the past three months. In November we had a well known dressage trainer come to our barn for the month from Holland. He is starting to do flying changes, he did some incredible half-passes, perfectly balanced and straight shoulder-ins, and his canter and counter canter is to die for. She was getting some clean changes of lead with such expression, that we both agreed, if those were any indication of how he was always going to do them, he would score for sure 8's if not 9's on them. Today, she called to tell me she is now getting changes of lead, not only from true lead back around to the change of the next true lead, but is changing from true lead to counter lead. This has all happened in the matter of a week and a half! Beinte is such a quick learner, he just needed the time to get moving correctly, get evenly balanced, and strengthened. Now suddenly, a whole new world has opened up, and the talent I always new was there, is exploding out of him. The two of us are wonderful together. I have never had the connection that I have with him in any other horse. Everyone else says the same thing. I am planning on having Colleen ride him at the Friesian Championships in Springfield, OH in Oct. (if I can't). I believe Beinte has the potential to blow the competition away. But, then again, who knows. All I know, is that in the dressage world, up against everything, including warmbloods bred for dressage, Beinte has done really well.
Take care,
Ali in CO


Martje - SOLD Friesian Martje - Sold Congrats to Julia in Ariz.!
3 years later................................................

Dear Janna,
Martje she was bit by a large rattlesnake last November right between the nostrils. The fang marks were around 1 to 1¼ inches apart and so you can tell this was a large snake that did it. The swelling was absolutely terrible and I thought I was going to loose her. But she survived it and thankfully the wound didn’t rot away the flesh.
Other then this she is doing well.
She is under saddle now and I am riding. The trainer is impressed with her as she is very smart.
She is absolutely beautiful. Everyone who sees her and especially when she moves out are impressed with her movement and how she carries herself. She is still growing and so I don’t know how tall she will be but she is close to or over 16 hands already.
She seems to bring her hind legs well under herself and naturally collects herself on her own. .... she seems to be talented enough that I am planning on doing dressage with her. She has been my first baby horse and so it has been very interesting to see what is involved in raising and training a young horse and all of the work that is involved too. I love my girl and so I hope things go well between her and I as we journey together and hopefully progress to doing some showing and eventually I would like to breed her in the future.
Ciao, Julia in Ariz


Wietse H - SOLD Friesian Wietse H - Sold Thanks you very much for the stallion, Wietse, he is wonderful. He is just a big tall boy, loves to mess around and play with other horses. He is very sweet, I never imagined I would own a horse like this!Thank you very much Janna, I will be in touch when i decide to get another one, WHICH WILL BE SOON!!!!!
Have a very nice day.
Sonia in Mexico


Othello - SOLD Friesian Othello - Sold

"Othello was definitely the right choice for me. He is so gentle and well mannered on the ground, yet he gives me a challenge when I'm on his back. His gaits are all so smooth that he is just a dream to ride. His majestic look stops people in their tracks and they just stare at him--and, of course, since he is such a ham, he loves the attention!!! When friends come to see him and they are afraid of his size, he puts his head down into their arms as if to say "Hey, I won't hurt you--just pet me". They just can't believe he can be so big and yet so gentle and loving. Thanks so much for enriching my life with Othello. My husband is even talking about taking riding lessons so he can ride Othello. Who knows, maybe we will be in the market for another Freisian in the future. If so, you know we'll be contacting you. "


Amor - SOLD Friesian Amor - Sold


He is fabulous! Thanks again for this magnificent boy!

-Charlie in Reno


Xanadu - STER - SOLD Friesian Xanadu - STER - Sold

UPDATE Oct 2004
Just wanted to give you an update… Xanadu is the most incredible horse I have ever owned or seen. He is so gentle and kind and not lazy at all. EVERYONE stops and is in awe when they see Xanadu, they stop whatever they are doing to just watch him prance around the ring. He is in full time training and is an exceptional student. He is perfect and more than I could have ever asked for. 100% satisfied would highly recommend your services.

Man O Man what an incredible horse. He is completely settled in now and appears to be content. Hope all is well.


CORRIE ut de Ripen - SOLD Friesian CORRIE ut de Ripen - Sold Sold Montana


I am envious, I would love to be in Holland looking at horses.  At this time I have my hands full of Friesians. In addition to Wanita and Corrie (we got from you),  I also ended up buying Harm which came from you (BSF) via Danielle in AZ.  She had sent him up here to train with my trainer and he boarded here and we fell in love with him!  My trainer said that he has an exceptional canter!

Good luck on your trip!  I check out your website at least a couple times a week!

Patti in Montana


Harmen - SOLD Friesian Harmen - Sold Congrats to Allie in Reno!
I can not thank you enough for Harmen. The entire family just adores this beautiful, gentle soul. As I told you, I broke five ribs riding a horse just over a year ago and I really never felt I would gain my confidence back. Well, Harmen has instilled my trust in horses once again. He makes me feel so safe in the arena and on trail. I can not wait to learn to drive this handsome horse as well. We are looking forward to buying our second Friesian in the not to distant future. Once again, I can not thank you enough for taking such time and care in the friesians you import for your clients. Your facility and staff is truly five stars.
Allie in Reno


Wanita - SOLD Friesian Wanita - Sold Sold to Montana


I don't know if you remember me but I bought Wanita R and Corrie from you back in 2004.  Winnie has been a star in the dressage shows, ridden by my instructor, (7 shows 3 1st, 2 2nds, 1 3rd, 4 4th).  Corrie is the best trail horse for my husband!

Patti in


Apollo - SOLD Friesian Apollo - Sold Congrats to Cynthia!

Thank you! Thank you! I am living my dream!
In fact, I have to go out to the barn all the time just to love on Apollo and remind myself that it IS real! That I really have a beautiful, magnificent, sweet Friesian in MY barn! Apollo is amazing! He is gentle, lovable, incredibly, awe-inspiringly beautiful, AND he wants to be with me all the time, following me around like a puppy. He likes hugs and puts up with my "beauty treatments" with such patience. Are you sure he's only 4!?! I just love being around him, and that is exactly what I had always hoped and wished for. You knew that and you helped me find the horse to fit that desire.I want you to know how much I appreciate you putting up with me asking hundreds of questions and for allowing me to hang out at your barn for hours.
This was such a scary thing for me to do, and you helped me feel comfortable and confident in my decision. Thank you! Thank you!


Nero - SOLD Friesian Nero - Sold Happy Mother's Day to Joanna in Maryland!
Thanks, Janna! This is definitely the best Mother's Day of my life! The kids sat on his back and I led them around. He has a very soulful, sweet and intelligent look in his eye. Thanks again for having this amazing horse available for me to purchase. I'm certain that he will have countless successes....maybe some day we'll hit the show ring in serious fashion. I'll write more glowing words after we've gone driving through the neighborhood. Take care and Happy Mother's Day!
-Joanna in Maryland


Aisha - SOLD Friesian Aisha - Sold Congrats to Bernadette in PA!

Hi Janna,

 She is so sweet! She is the calmest four year old horse I've ever met. She likes Jim and I better than the other horses. And man, is she BIG and BEAUTIFUL. I'm sure her foal will be gorgeous. Thank you for such a beautiful animal.

Bernadette from Penn.


Tamke - SOLD Friesian Tamke - Sold

Tamke is doing wonderful... rode her Saturday... I didn't know she came with air conditioning and power steering. What a bargain. She is wonderful.. My 10 year old rode her too. Tamke loves it here...also found out she has super hearing.. She can hear the refrigerator door open where we keep the carrots!! Thanks again..

Hi Janna,
Congrats on Las Vegas...
Remember me? I purchased Tamke in 2004.. She has had 2 successful foals and I am pleased. One was a colt out of OTTE 375 before he died. Sincerely,


Records 991 to 1005 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.