
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 1021 to 1035 of 1063
Teunis B - SOLD Friesian Teunis B - Sold

I must brag and show off my new horse. Now that he is settled in and comfortable with his new home and mom, his personality is blossoming; he's quite the character and very smart. He also loves EVERYBODY and it's nice to know that he and my non-riding husband can hang out together and be safe. We still have lotsof work to do, but hope to be in shape by late spring in time for the show season. We'll keep you posted. What a great way to start the New Year! THANK YOU!


Lolkje - SOLD Friesian Lolkje - Sold Congratulations to Allyson

I LOVE HER! Lolkje is so friendly and comes right up to anyone standing in or outside her stall. Sunday, I brushed her all over for at least an hour. She loved it and didn't want me to stop. I'm so happy and excited to have her and can't wait to play with her more. I can see her from my kitchen window and slider door and have a hard time getting much else accomplished besides watching her.

Well Janna, we couldn't be happier. And I absolutely love her!! Thank you so much!!!

4 Years Later......

Lolkje is doing great. She's a big girl and very sweet. We just returned from the Pomona Keuring.  Unfortunately  I thought she did great!  She is just 4 1/2 years now and I will be concentrating on riding her and exposing her to as much as I can.  She is such a sweetheart! 
I'm so glad she is a part of my life.  I know we will have many fun and happy years together.  Allyson


Vera - SOLD Friesian Vera - Sold Sold to Tenn

6 years later...

My dream of owning a Friesian came true on Valentine's Day of 2004 when my husband bought my first mare, Vera, 9 months in foal. Mercedes was born 2 months later.

You probably don't remember, but you are the one who got me my first Friesian, Vera. She has had 3 fillies and 2 colts since I bought her in 2004 and the first filly she had, Mercedes has had 2 colts so far.

June in Tenn


Siep - SOLD Friesian Siep - Sold Congrats to Cheryl and Jim in Ohio!

Hello Janna, Thank you so very much for these beautiful horses,Siep and The Majestic!!!! I could not have found horses that are more beautiful and well mannered as these. I still feel as if I am dreaming. I appreciate all the time you spent with Jim on the phone setting up my surprise, not to mention, answering all of our questions. Thank you Janna!!!! Sincerely,
Cheryl in Ohio


Wieteke H - SOLD Friesian Wieteke H - Sold Congrats to Catherine in NH!

Just wanted to say Wieteke arrived safely in NH this morning. She is incredibly beautiful and has the kindest, sweetest nature. I am very, very pleased with her and want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your professionalism and precise information.

Catherine in New Hampshire


Robin - SOLD Friesian Robin - Sold Congrats to Maria in FLA!
Thanks again for all of your assistance .. and if all works out as planned you will be hearing from us again for another one!! I will consult you on things regarding this breed as you are so knowledgeable.You REALLY do make Friesian dreams come true! Thank you for EVERYTHING!
Maria in Florida


Reeltsje - SOLD Friesian Reeltsje - Sold Congrats to Phil in FLA!
""Hi Janna, just wanted to drop you and line and thank you for all you done. You've been so helpful from start to finish in the purchase of the horse of our dreams. From the first moment I saw Reelstje, I knew she was the horse for me. You answered all of my questions, and made the whole process so enjoyable. It's easy to see you know your horses. Once we saw the horses you have we knew that if we wanted the best Friesians available, it would be one of yours. if everything works out as we planned we will be back to purchase another mare. It's really been a pleasure and I have enjoyed working with you.
Phil in Florida


Mystery - SOLD Friesian Mystery - Sold Congrats to Rebecca of Texas!!
"" Oh my lord. She is lovely. I have been all grins !!!!!!!:)
Rebecca in Texas


Woute - SOLD Friesian Woute - Sold Congrats to Laurie in WASH.!

I LOVE Woute. He is so much fun! So different from the Arabs I have been riding. The reason I bought a new horse was I had an accident with my dressage mare and had enough of her unpredictable behavior. Woute is very predictable and thinks before just reacting, and I love that. He is very forward too, but sensible about it. And, my husband is green with envy, as is everyone else that has seen him. He is quite the attention getter! Thanks for everything.
Laurie in Washington


Sake - SOLD Friesian Sake - Sold Congrats to Marilyn of Danville!

We are so pleased with and proud of our new Sake. Everyone at our barn admires his wonderful disposition and adorable personality. He is a pleasure to ride and work with on the ground, we can't get enough of him! Thank you for all your help and the time you took with us. He is a dream come true for me! We LOVE him!
Yours Truly,
Marilyn and Wayne

4 years later
Hi Janna!
Just an update on Guinness [Sake] : He is being shown at third level dressage this year. Just won his group with a score of 65%. He is being trained and shown by my son's (Zack's) girlfriend, Crystal Willis, who is a trainer at my barn, La Jolla Equestrian Center in Pleasanton, CA. He is now confirmed in his changes (and he looks gorgeous). Everyone LOVES him, and I have been told that I got "the bargain of the century". Nancy, is very happy with her new Friesian she found at Black Sterling. It is fun to have another Friesian there. Wayne and I have moved to Grass Valley, CA. I will be moving Guinness up here with me when the show season is over. He will be my trail horse and best buddy. I think he will miss his dressage work, as he now thinks he is "the bomb" and loves the attention his dressage brings him. I hope all is going well with you.


Sinbad - SOLD Friesian Sinbad - Sold Congrats to Mary in MA!

It will be one year October 13th since Victor arrived. Yesterday, we went to a dressage show entered in two Training level classes. There were 13 riders in the first class with Slick being last to compete. He won his first blue ribbon with a score of 66.818 Then in our second test there were 14 riders he took second place ribbon with a score 68.846. He was the only Friesian competing and everyone loved him. A few people asked were I purchased him and was proud to say Black Sterling Friesians in California. The bond Slick and I have together is hard to explain. But the day I purchased him from you is one of the happiest days of my life. And just think you and I did it together over the phone. You’re the best and thanks for giving me this special horse.
Your friend in Massachusetts,

Just wanted to drop you a note to let you know Victor (Sinbad) is doing great. I have been riding him and he is quite the gentlemen.. I truly do love him. We are doing a clinic on Saturday together that will be quite fun. Everyone at the barn loves him to, we had show last week and people were taking pictures of him. All day long you could here people saying did you see the Friesian here. He truly is a black pearl!!! Thanks so much for a dream come true. I couldn’t of done it without you and your husband.
Mary and Victor


Wybe - SOLD Friesian Wybe - Sold

I hope you remember us Dr. Michael and Gigi Downs. We would like to tell you how much we love Wybe our gelding we bought from you. Wybe has been in full training for almost two years now and he is wonderful. His form is stunning his trot and canter are smooth and fluid !
Gigi in So. CA!!

Hi Janna, My name is Marti and I am the happy new owner of "Wybe". I hope you remember him. He was imported about 4-5 years ago through you for a woman named Gigi, (well actually for her husband Mike). I have since then purchased him and first of all just wanted you to know how amazing he is and how happy I am to have him!! Yes, he is looking wonderful and LOVING his new job and we would love to start showing him!! He is extremely kind and bright and seems to really take to the technical work of dressage, as long as he gets to strech out for a nice gallop up in the hills every now and then...!
With Sincere Thanks,

Just wanted to tell you again how EXTRAORDINARY this horse is. My 11 year old daughter will also be showing him!! He's the most gentle and sweet horse and so willing to work and please! A true gem!! We are so happy you found him and brought him here!

Wybe aka Saxon , is with the love of his life Alisa. I can't tell you what a connection they have and how he has blossomed! You would be so proud. He is being trained and shown dressage and is winning EVERYTHING!
I am kind of ashamed to say but I cry watching him go in alone and perform for the judges , like he is my own born child! Can anyone say Menopause?lol so handsome and muscular he is like a stud horse . He is really everything you said in desire for pleasing his rider and his extreme kindness. What a guy and Alisa is thrilled to finally have bought him after being his exerciser for so long. Love ,Gigi


Raven - SOLD Friesian Raven - Sold Congrats to Jerianne

I am so excited I can't stand it!! Thank You for helping a dream become a reality!!
Jerrianne, Bob and Grace in Calif


Wilko - SOLD Friesian Wilko - Sold Sold to minn

My wife and I started riding dressage about three years ago, but had never owned a horse. After seeing Friesians at the local Horse Expo, we knew that this was the breed we wanted to own. We wanted to buy a Friesian locally that was already trained, but this proved to be impossible. So, I started to do some research on the internet and came upon Janna's website. I was immediately impressed by the beautiful Freisians she had for sale. The fact that the horses were already trained was a huge plus for us. Naturally, never having owned a horse before, and then buying one over the internet was a bit scary for us at first. I booked a flight out to San Francisco to meet Janna, Ron, and Wilko. Janna and Ron could not have been nicer to me. And, of course, Wilko was everything they promised. He is not only a stunning looking horse, but he is also extremely gentle - especially for a four-year old. My wife and I have two small children, so it was very important for us to have a horse with a gentle temperament. He is absolutely wonderful with our kids. We are looking forward to many happy years together!
happy customer in Minnesota


Warner d - SOLD Friesian Warner d - Sold Sold to Texas

I can't tell you how much I love Warner D.!! He is exactly as you said through our emailing letters and as you had listed on your web site. He was no problem in transporting from California to Texas.Everyday I just can't believe how incredible he is, both with his personality and his elastic movement. I'm sure that we'll be tough act to follow at the Dressage shows!! My trainer loves him too. She loves his willingness, gentleness and she especially loves his mind. I can't thank you enough for listening to what I was looking for and for pointing me toward Warner D. Not all sellers are as honest as you are and I just want to thank you soooo much for finding this fabulous horse for me. I have already recommended you to my friends!
Sally in Plano, Texas

Hi Janna,
I am so excited to hear today that Jennifer is buying Gauke! Warner will be happy too when I tell him tomorrow . I refer so many people to your site after they comment on how wonderful Warner is. He’s the favorite in the barn and he opened the way for Jennifer and others to see how fabulous Friesians are. I’ve mentioned before that your website is really perfect in the way you explain about each horse and have plenty of pictures to show. This really makes a difference compared to other websites selling horses. So, I just wanted to say Hi and I can’t wait to see Gauke come to our barn! Take care,
Sally in Texas


Records 1021 to 1035 of 1063

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  • Fhana Logo
  • CCFC Logo
  • California Dressage Logo
  • USEF Logo
  • USDF Logo
  • Friesian Show Horse Logo
Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.