
Testimonials from our happy friesian owners!

When we sell a friesian horse, we produce a happy customer. All of our customers have been excited and more than satisfied with their new companions.

Read on to see what these horse owners have to say about their new friesians and their buying experience with Black Sterling Friesians.

Records 106 to 120 of 1063
Nikolaj STER SPORT - SOLD Friesian Nikolaj STER SPORT - Sold


TSASA Octoberfest show in West Springfield MA: He won Novice English Pleasure horse out of 22 horses!


In Maine at Skowhegan he won the  pleasure class out of 25.


We're going to Nationals in NC in September too, hoping to add a world championship to Nik and my boy:)





ROY - SOLD Friesian ROY - Sold Headed to NC for Michele, and my friend, Medieval Times former head trainer, David Donnelly, on a super talented young horse!

Hi Janna. I’ve been meaning to text you everyday for months but now I’m doing it. I want to thank you for helping us find Roy. I just adore him on every level! He has a super engaging personality and this last month has really started to go the way I like horses to go. Every week he just gets better. He runs to the gate every he sees me. Very very sweet guy. Thank so so much for doing biz so professionally and straight forward.

Have a great new year!

Dave Donnelly

Trainer, in Landrum, SC


MARLEY - SOLD Friesian MARLEY - Sold Grats to Amanda in Ariz on her 2nd Friesian from BSF!

Not the best photo, but I’ve ridden both mares, they are AMAZING!!!!!!


This one is Marike/Marley! Ignore the jeans and cowboy boots, had just jumped off a quarter horse!

-Amanda in Arizona


FIJI - SOLD Friesian FIJI - Sold Congrats to Katelynn in N.C. on this SPECIAL Stallion!!


You are just wonderful. Thank you so much for all your help. 

 Love love love the videos and photos. Thank you so much and keep me posted on progress.




Katelynn in N.C.


EMORY STER - SOLD Friesian EMORY STER - Sold Grats to Una in Ohio!!!

Emory arrived safe and sound. 

He is absolutely perfect. I am totally smitten with him already.

I am beyond excited to have him in my life.  He will be pampered and loved his entire life with me

Thank you!!!!!

He is AMAZING!!!!  I am so happy he is a part of my life.
Thank you,

-Una in Ohio


Nuttert SPORT - SOLD Friesian Nuttert SPORT - Sold Going DOWN UNDER For Josephine! Nutty is flying to Australia Soon:)
I received a call from the vet, Johnny, who was the attending vet on the air flight from Europe to Australia and is now attending to the horses at Melbourne's Quarantine. Johnny said my boy has a great temperament. He put up with swaps going up his nose, extracting blood, etc. He said in the five years he's been in charge of international horses, some of them Friesians, my boy was one of the nicest, in looks and temperament. He said he's a big snob when it comes to horses appearance, so for him to say my horse is good looking with lots of presence, he means it. He's into horses, Friesians being his favourite.   .....My horse has a great temperament!   -Josephine in Australia


ALDO STER - SOLD Friesian ALDO STER  - Sold Grats to Monica in Salinas, CA!

Thank you Janna!

What a beautiful gift from my husband to celebrate my 40th birthday. I think he'll arrive right in time! I am so excited to meet him and start our new journey together!

-Monica in Salinas

Happy 40th Birthday Monica. You deserve this and more. Love u. Thanks for all your help Janna!

-Carlos in Salinas


AMBROSE - SOLD Friesian AMBROSE - Sold Grats to Mari in Calif!!

Hi Janna,
Thank you so much!!!! He is really a beautiful boy! I’ve been really impressed with the quality of your horses. Enjoying Nicki and Amber ride the great horses they have purchased from you has been really fun. Purchasing my own is the best! Thank you for everything Janna. I couldn’t be more thrilled! He’s so lovely. I will enjoy photo journaling his adventures here in CA to send to you and his loved ones in holland. I can tell he has been well cared for and loved. I know they will miss him. I will always be grateful. I’ll cherish him always.Thank you for everything Janna. I couldn’t be more thrilled! Wow, he is magnificent! Please give my gratitude to everyone involved. I’ll cherish him always.Thank you so much Janna! 


Hi Janna,
Everything is going great with Armas. We are all in love with him here!!!! Hope all is well with you.
Mari in So Cal

Update from His Trainer at the LA Equestrian Center:
Hey Janna! I wanted to let you know that it is going very well with Armas so far. Mari was able to come take a lesson with me on him this past weekend and was very excited in regards to her ride on him!! Enclosed is a pic of Mari on Armas. -Nicole


Thymen SPORT - SOLD Friesian Thymen SPORT - Sold Congrats to Lee in Calif!
He is a giant gorgeous puppy dog and we are all in love with him! Couldn’t be happier! Truly he is just as lovely a horse as I’ve ever met. Even my mare seems to like him and she is not always welcoming.  Both he and Piter (another BSF horse sold into our barn) are incredibly sweet and social. And of course stunning! Can’t thank you enough! THANK YOU!!!!       My trainer has worked with Janna and BSF for many years and had good things to say, so we were off to a good start. I was looking for a safe, experienced horse and Janna recommended Thymen. And she was exactly right. He is beautiful (of course!), gentle, incredibly sweet, well trained and safe. I feel completely at ease riding him. We could not have picked a better horse for me and I am completely in love with him. Thank you Janna!   -Lee and Thymen in Calif


NASH STER - SOLD Friesian NASH STER - Sold Grats to Bryan, Debbie & Khali!

Hi Janna,   

Just wanted to say, Nash is Beautiful!!!

Within 20 hours it was amazing how well he has settled in!!!    He truly is an Amazing boy!!!  Extremely Loving!!!  And very well put together !!!  

 Conformationally he is exceptional, and the way he moves speaks for itself!!!   He’s one that turns heads for sure !!

We’re letting him settle in, and really just grooming him and fitting him for all his new Duds and he’s been extremely well behaved !!!

Can’t thank you enough !!  For this Amazing boy !!!   He will be very well cared for and I think he has some great things in his future if the Girls decide to show and compete with him!! Thank You!
-Bryan in NY

Update from Debbie 1 year later:

Thought you would like some pictures of Nash and an update.  And I have to say I love love love this mare from you, Yfke!!
Both are absolute love bugs. Our daughter Khali (beginner rider) has mostly been riding Nash. They had their first ever dressage show together (schooling show and this was Khali’s first ever show ever). They scored a 68 and 70 on their tests. She also just had her prom and of course we had to have prom pictures done with Nash-y-poo (that’s what me and my husband call him?).


Records 106 to 120 of 1063

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Black Sterling® is a registered trademark of Janna Weir. ©2020 Black Sterling Friesians for sale. all rights reserved.